HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1934-09-27, Page 9Supplement Page of ZURICH HERALD Thursday, September 27th, 1.934
. ....
. Children's Wear
ZUR ICH FALL FAIR Emery, J. Grieve. House dress, cotton, !Bonnet, Mrs.. E. Darling, Miss Lie-
(Continuedefrom page 4) 3. W. Merner, Mrs. B. Pfile •& Son. ingston. jacket and bootee, J. W.
Neel). Blue cabbage, H. E. Neel). Man's sleeping 'garment, machine, j. Merner. Mrs. E. Etarling. Child's bib,
Mack Spanish radish., R. Geiger, E. W. Merrier, Mrs. II. Pfile & Son. Mrs. H. Fuss. Crib cover, Mrs. E.
Heywood. White radish, 3. Battler, J. Child's made over dress. H. A. Fuss, Darling, Mrs. T. Emery. Carriage see„
Grieve. 'Cauliflower, 1-1 H, Neel), E. Mrs. T. Emery. Bed sheet, hand- cover and pAlow, Mrs. II. Fuss.
Heywood. made, Mrs. E. Darling, Mrs. H. Fuss. Child's fancy dress, handinale, j. •
Pumpkin, yello'w, M. lDesjardine, H. Kitchen apron, J. W. Muller, Mrs. W. Merner, Mrs. T. Emery.
Truenufer. M-ammoth pumpkin, H. T. Emery. Ladies' smock, Mrs. H. play dress and bloomers, J. W. Mem-
Heywood, H. ClausiusCelery, J. • 'Fuss( Miss Livingston. Ladies' (lust en H. \, Fuss. Child's co'stume. kni.
Grieve. T. Battler. Citron, R. (!;eiger, Ca). .Miss Livingston', H. A. Fuss, or crochet, H. H. Neeb, Mrs, H. Fuss.
A. 'Warner. Hubbard squash, H. Sweater, knit or crochet. E. Hey- Living Room Furnishings
Truemner, Grieve. Mammoth squash, wood, H. A. Fuss. Wool socks, :hand- Centre piece, colored, Mrs. E. Darl-
R. Geiger, H. Truemner. tenit coarse, Mrs. B. ?file & Son, Mrs. ing, Miss Livingston. Table runner.
1316d beets. •W. R. Dougall, J. E. .Fuss. Mitts, handknit. fine, Miss Miss Livingston, Mrs. E. ' Darling.
Grieve. Root beets, j. Battler, E Liveneestan, j. Grieve. Darning worn Sofa pillow, embroidered, C. :Decker,
Heaswood. sock or stocking, J. Grieve. H. H. Mrs. T. Emery. Stofa pillow. other
IVatermelons, W. Muss,ean, H. Neel). Mending \yorn table linen, H. handwork, E. Merrier. IL Krieger.
Desjardine. Muskmelons, W. !ar.„... A. Fuss. Floor mat. braided. Mrs. 13. :Lamp shade, hand made. Miss Living-
ean, H. H. Neel). Red Tomitoes, E, !Pfile & Son. R. Geiger. Floor mat ston, A. F. Hess.
Heywood, J. Battler. Yellow tomatoes ,hooked rags, W.–Decker, R. Geiger. Miscellaneous
—.M. Smith. Collection of garden! veg... Floor mat, hooked wool, J.
Grieve, Single piece needlework, Miss Liv-
etables, J. .Battler. T. Snowden, ;at. :`.1 r'.' 1 Plfile & Son. Horne laundry ingston, Mrs. E. Darling. C011. 6 dif-
EertiliZer s-pecialL(R. Geiger. white shirt (14- shirt waist, A. Johnston ferent styles needlework, Miss 1.
Judge—?. Haberer. LADIES' WORK, FANCY Emery. Mrs. E. Darling. Dr. P. J.
DAIRY AND OTHER PRODUCTS Lace, Irish crochet, .Miss Living- O'Dwyer special, Mrs. B. Pfile .& San.
Butter, crock—iRoy li.rock, J. Bat. st on, Mrs. E. Darling,. Lace, filet ero- Art Work.
tier. Butter, prints—M. Smith, Oes- it cotton, H. IL Neeh, Miss 'Lie- Oil paintinie liindscaae, Miss Liv--
tricher. Cheese, homemade-4E. Habe ingston, Lace, knitte.d, Mrs. E. Dari- ingston, A. E. Oestricher. Oil paint-
el er H. H. 'Neeb. in at, C. Dee ker. Tatting, display, 11 i mi. marine view, Miss Livin .(;'((ton,
Honey in comb—Haberer Bros., E. H. Neel). Mks Livingston. Enibroid- A. E. Oestrieher. Water colors, scene,
Haberer. Honey, extracted, Haberer -re, French. 'Miss Livingston Mrs. E. E. Meitner, Miss Livingston. Water
Bros„ 'E. Haberer. Honey display—E, •`•111-1•Ilg. Ernoroldery. :eyelet. Mi colors, flowers, \1i Livingston, .Mrs.
Haberer, Haberer Bros. Maple syrup Livingston, J. W. .Merner. Embroid- H. •Enss. Water col. aniMals Miss Liv-
-W. R. Dougall, M. Rader. ery, Roman 'cut, .Miss Livingston, E. ingstn, J. Grieve, Pastel Miss :Living-
Hens' eggs. T. Battler. Pr. chickens, Meitner, Embroi.!ery, Italian relief, H. ston. Mrs. Ens. C7rayon or eltarcoal
dressed (not cooked), M. Smith, R. .A. Fuss. .Embroidery. Bulgarian, Mrs. -.1e e - it, • Miss •Liviniest vri, Mrs. H.
'Geige'r. Homemade hand soap. J. Bat- F-. '1'arling, Miss Livingston. Em- Fuss. Pencil drawing Mis's Living
tier, PI. -Desjardine. Laird Bros. spec. broidery. French knot. II. A. Fuss. eton, .\. 13 Oestricher. Conventional
ial---E. Haberen Laird Bros, Special-- Mrs. T. Enters. Embroidery, cross design, Miss Livingston, J. Grieve.
E. Gaiser. Fritz special—R. G-ei,ger, stitch. Mrs. E. Darling, A. E. Oe s- Basketry. H. A. Fnes. Wood care-
Judge—Peter -Haberer. tricher. Itelian hemstitching. Mrs. B. ing. Mrs. I-1. Fuss Miss Livingston.
DOMESTIC SCIENCE, BAKING Pfile ee. Son. R. Geiger. Modern head- -Amatenr photo, H..\. Fus. Art work
White bread: M. Smith. R. Geiger. Ina, Mrti. H. Fuss. Mrs, T. Finery. not listed, Miss Livingston, Mrs. H.
Nut bread .(quick), R. Geiger. Mrs. 13. Hand hemstitc.h, single, H. A. Fuss. Fn Drawing. maple leaf, A. E. Oes-
trieher. A. ess. o
Piffle & Son. Raised buns or rolls, M. Dining Room Furnishings. F. HCllection moths
Smith, T. .MciAdam. Tea 'biscuit. T. i..tinch set, Mrs. E. Darling. MTS. T. ne-1 buttertlies„i1.. F. Hess, Dr. Mc-
McAdam, H. Flaxthard. Rolled sugar Emery. Set table doyleys, Mn. E. 'Kinnon. Sepia. Miss Livingston. J.
cookies, T. McAd.am, C. Decker. Roll- Darling. Mrs. T. Emery. Set table :Grieve.
ed ginger cookie. E, Gaieler, Isi, ria'- mats. Mrs. 13. ?file & Son, Mrs. E. FLORAL
bard. Fried cakes, H. Flaxbard, T. Darling. Table cloth and 6 napkin. Cut Flowerss.
Meyers. Loaf cke, 'E. Haiberer, ,T. emb. initials, Miss I-ivingston, H. A. Asters, White, P. Haberer, E. Hey-
,Meyers. Williams •§.p.ecial, biscuits, 14. Ftls•;. Tra3. cloth, Miss Livingston, wool. Asters. col. 5 of each color, P.
Geiger. Mrs. E. Darling. Service tray, Miss IITaberen Dahlias, cacti. P. Haberer.
Dark layer cake—E. Gaiser, M. I-i-Vin'Atenl, Mrs. B. Nit & Son. Mrs. T. Emery. Dahlias, decorative,
Smith, Light layer cake, E. 'Haberer, Centre piece, white, embroidered, A. .P. Hitberer, Mrs. T. Emery. Gla.:lioli,
E. Gaiser. Cherry pie, Dr. McKinnon. E. Oestricher, Mrs, E. Darling. Buffet named, P. Haberer. 13. Heywood.
E. Restemeyer. Coffee cake, Tm
. c.. sct. Mrs. E. Darling, Mrs. T. Emery. !Gladioli, 6 blooms different varieties.
E. Heywood, P. Haberer. Roses, hest
Adams, E. Haberer. Meat loaf, P. Bed Room Furnishings
,Iips, _embroidered, Mr,, E. collection, P. Haberen Zinnias. A. F.
.11aberen Canned rhubarb, A. John- Pillow Hess, s
stop, A. Warner. canned raspberries. Darling% E. Niemen Pillow slips, ot-h-
E. Heywood, Annual, P. Hall-
,W. :Decker. IP. IHalberen Canned cerer. Perennials. P. Haberer. Bouqu-
her- er handwork, Mrs. E. Darling, Miss
ries,A. Johnston. canned pears, Mrs. Livingston. Fancy sheets and pilio„. et. table, mixed bloom, P. Haborer,
B. Piffle & Son. Reith's special—E. slips to match, Mrs. E. Darling, Mrs. 'E. Heywood.
IHaberenB. Nile & Son. Towels, embroidered. - Potted Plants
!Preserved 'citron, Dr. MdKinnon, A. Mrs. E. Darling, Miss Livingston. 'Begnia, flowering, A. Johnston. P.
'Johnston. .1?reserved plums, Mrs. B. Guest towels, Mrs. E. Darling, Miss 'Tfahinter. Coleus. R. Geiger, P. ITab-
Pfile & Son. Currant jam, Mrs. Pfile, Livingston, Bath towels and wash erer. Fern, Dr. McKinnon; Geraninm,
T. Meyers. Berry jam, .P. Haberer, A. cloth, Mrs, I. Emery, IEL H. Neel), s,inerle, P. Haberer, A. Johnston. Ger-
Iohnston. Grape jelly, T. MeVers, Dr. ;Dresser runner, washable. Mrs. 13. iiteon double, P. Haberer, Fuschin,
..\.1c.Kinnon. Currant jdfly, W. Decker, Pfiie & Son, Mrs. T. Emery. Curtains, single and double P. Haberer, Frtsthi:t
T. Meyers. -hand trimmed, Mrs. Ptile. Mrs, Em- double. P. Haberer. House plants, P.
'Ntixed vinegar pickles. A. .Tohnston. ere. Vanity set, Mrs. Emery, Mks Haberer. A. Johnson.
Dr. MelKinnein, Mustard pickles, Dr. Livingston, Bedroom set, E. Meitner,
McKinnon, A. Johnston. Catsup, Mrs, Mrs, E. Darling. Boudoir cushion, Collection mounDted weed. W.
13, 'Piffle & Son, A. Johnston. Pickled -Sirs. T. Emery, A. Hoperaft. Laundry 'Decker, A. E. Gestricher. Colleetion
zed- teabbage„ H. H. Neeb. hug, Mrs. E, Darling, Mrs. T. Emery. weed seeds. A. E. Oestrieher. A. F.
Canned tomato-es, red, W. Decker, Night robe, ladies' wear, Mrs. E. 'Hess. Dressed doll, H. Flaxbard.
M. Smith. Calved corn, A. Johnston, ;Darling, C. Decker. Step-ins, Mrs. E. gird house, 3. Grieve, A. F. Hess.
'W. Decker. Collection canned fruits, Darling, H. A. :Fuss. Collar and cuff McKinnon special—A. F. Hess. Hoff-
A.. Johnston. . set. Mrs. H. Fuss( J. W. Yemen man special. A. F. Hesi.
judge—Mns. D. A. Fowler, Dun- ;Handkerchiefs, 3 styles, handwork, Writing, under 10 years, T. Meyer,
gannon. Miss Livingston, PT, A. Fuss. Wrist W. Decker. Writing, over 10 years, T.
LADIES' WORK hag, fancy, Mrs, H. FUSA, Mrs. T. Meyers. H. !Flaxtbard. Art, under 10
Quillt, pieced cotton, P. Haberer, J. Emery. ,Negligee jacket, Mrs. E. Dar- years,•T, Meyers. Art, over 10 years.
Grieve. Quilt, fancy quilting. cotton, ling Miss Livingston. Ladies' slip. A. E. Oestrieher, j. Grieve. Sch:ilhe
iRe Geiger, W. Decker. Comforter, !handmade, 'Mrs, H. Fuss, Mrs. E. bread special, T. McAdam. Williams
homemade, 'W. Decker. Bedspread, Darling. Ladies' scarf, fancy, H. A. special. M. Smith,
knit or crochet, Miss (Livingston, j. Fus, Miss Livingston. Ladies' dress- Jude—'Mrs. D. A. 'Fowler, Dun-
Grieve. :Bedspread, fancy, Mrs. T. ing gown, fancy, Mrs. ,E, Darling. gannon,