HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1934-09-27, Page 8NUM ETUB. t+ THE STORE WITH THE STOCK Winter hes Of Dry Goods are arriving at Dar Store Daily COME AND SEE OUR STOCK OF SWEATERS, UNDERWEAR, W O L L E N GOODS, AND BE PREPARED FOR COLD- ER WEATHER. GROCERY For The Oxydol, pkg. Rice a lb. Sodas, 2 lbs. for Oranges, per dazen Beans, per 29 -oz tin, at Red Rose Tea, Half lb. Palmolive Soap, 3 for Noodles, per pkg. Grape fruits, 3 for Cookies, 2 lbs. for Celery a bunch Bananas, 3 lbs. for SPECIALS Week -End 19c 5c 25c 28c lOc 28c 14c 1 Oc 20c 25c 25c 25c jr. PRODUCE WANTED O & SON PHONE 59 HESS IITSURANCE AGENCY GOING ON A TRIP? Is -se, you should have Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance... Protect your own car with Collis- ; ion Insurance... Policies are good in Canada and the United States. Enjoy your trip more by knowing that you have protection. Rates are lower this year. FULL INFORMATION GLADLY GIVEN. For Rates Apply to: Andrew F. • less, - Zurich MY MOTTO—SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? oesamp"dcomowafoiiasmo RdC.m! traLev1�'k& .Z2T+ces atmftefeeamemeeS a HARDWARE -- SEEDS and FURNITURE 101 AL a d COKE 1 LEAVE YOUR ORDER WITH US NOW FOR YOUR SUPPLY OF COAL AND COKE WHILE PRICES ARE LOWEST PAINTS! PAINTS! We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax Frost Tight LockFencing Wire and Gates and Fencing Supplies and Posts. Goodyear Balloon and Cord Tires and Tubes in all sizes WHITE ROSE GASOLENE, ENARCO OILS, Furniture, Springs and Beds. Felt and Marshall Mattresses Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hard- ware ar-ware • always in stock. • 0 • • 3 • • 0 0 0 0 0 s 0 0 sa • 0 a ZURICH -- ONT. QUALITY PRICE SERVICE iiiemnessettaaessitest ZURICH -. HERALD. AsvogsomfieW Great Harvest Food Sale. Superior Store 3 Big Days of Superior -Grocery Bargains: Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, Sep. 27, 28, 29. Take advantage of these Savings. We cannot Mention all Bargains here. See Large Bills. Crown Corn Syrup 2 -lbs. 15c, . 33e Oxydol large size, per pkg. 17c .21c 21c 30c Durham corn Starch, 2 pkgs. 19c Royal York Coffe, 1 -ib. tin 39c P. & G. Galvanized bucket deal, 1 Iarge chipso, 6 P & G. soap, 3 Calay, 2 Kirks Castile, 1 Special No. 14 Galvanized pail worth $1.25 Special at 87 Ccents. Tomatoes large tin 21/2 size .10c New Canadian Cheese per Ib. 15c Loose ready tut Macroni, 3 -lbs. .......... 15c Many eother Bargains. See Posters, or better still, come to the Store. We are also having a special showing of Ladies' Coats, Suits and Dresses, by leading Toronto Manufacturer. All prices and styles Royal York Matches, 3 boxes Ilin Crest Shortening, 2 lbs. Royal. York ea, 42 -ib. 51bs. J. W. ME NER Highest Prices for Eggs. Phone 140 ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST LOCAL MARKETS Mr. Jack Mousseau of Grand Bend (Corrected every Wednesday) called in the village, Monday. Eggs 24-21-14 Butter 1b. creamery 25 Butter ib. dairy 23 Wheat bush. : 90 Barley, bush 50 Buckwheat, bussh. 50 Shorts ton • 25.00 Bran, ton 25.00 Flour, cwt. 2.00-2.90 Live Hogs cwt 8.25 Mr. Philip Bedard of Tilbury cal- led on friends here"the beginning'o the week. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dehl and son Carl, and daughter Fanny, of Varna, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and. Mrs. Jul. Block. At the congregational meeting of the Evangelical church last Thurs day evening, it was decided not to hold a fowl supper this fall. Mr. Randall Cole, former teacher of Zurich Continuation School, vis- ited with friends a few days recent- ly. HILL$GREEN Mrs? D. B. Sounders and son Nor- man and grandson Junior Brown and Miss Alma Kell of London, visited Rev. Leibold of Sebringville, a 3' former boy of this community, was friends in this vicinity. the preacher in the Evangelical ch- Mr and. Mrs. Wilfred Huxtable of arch on Sunday, and spoke to large Centralia visited the latter's mother and attentive audiences. Mrs. Jas. Love. Mr. Otto Stephan of Hensall, vis - FELL IN WATER ited his mother, Mrs. Stephan.. At Goderich harbor on Saturday,• Mr. and Mrs. Levi Steick of Dau - Henry ,Snider, a middle aged man,11311in, 'Man., called in this vicinity on fell. into 24 feet of water. The plun- ge revived him and he grasped a ledge of the pier, hanging on for dear life, and shouting as best he could for help. Three employees of the elevator succeeded in rescueing "hien Snider was in the water for a half hour, and when he was brought up hecollapased from exposure. BLUE WATER HIGHWAY ASSOCIATION MEET 'Tourist traffic over the BIue Water Highway this summer showed an in- crease of 24 per cent. over the sum- mer of 1933, the Blue Water High- way Ass'n was informed at its an- nualmeeting in Goderich on Friday. The Secy., Mr. Fergusson, said ideal weather, better roads and improved financial conditions were the chief factors for the tourist traffic incre- ase, in his report he predicted a greater increase in the future, and eventually an all -paved highway from Chatham on the south to Tobermory on the north. Admittance of the St. Clair River Road into the Blue Wat- er Highway organization was fore- cast. HENS ALL Dr. and Mrs. Smith and children of St. Marys visited her parents here. M. W. Ortwein of London, visited his parents here. Mabel Workman left to attend school at Normal. Mr. and Mrs. E. IC, Ffutton have moved to Guelph. Mr. Hutton has be- en assistant C.N.R. agent for the past mei'. and has made many friends. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Cassidy were visitors with friends at Otterville. Mrs. Kellerman a# Elkton, Mich., is visiting with Mrs. Pope. Residents her:.,+^re shocked Inst Monday morning to of the death,His Worship, as he sentenced Herb of lobt. Ernest Buchan-- '' Tisk- f McAdams to seven days in jail for ersmith Tp., just south of i 9wi;+ On l.:1r41nkr tai l.. g, Chas. Weston, of Bay Friday he was takensuddenly ill and, field, i.e' wed the same penalty for on :Saturday morning was taken to r, }imili ofi•enc , Christian nder- Seaforth Hospitol, where he was op- sen was charged wit,li 5recr:ress driv crated on for appendicitis and des- ing which resultedin an accident pite the best of medical skill he pas- near Dashwood on Sept. 13, when ht .sed away early Monday. He was 33 drove his truck into the back of years of age and the youngest son buggy driven by aeo. Link, He wa; of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Buchanan :found guiltyand fined $10, with of Hc'nsall, About six years ago he costs amounting to $23.85. The ac- married to Mery Clark dauetrter n'f cident occurred just outside of Dash Louis Clarke, Tuekersmith, who sur- wood about R.,o'eloek p.m. Anrlflrson• vives him also two small children be- testified that he did not see tite bug - sides his pe'nnts, also two brothers gy until he was too :close to avoid n and two eistem 4( ' collision. friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. C Seimon and son Leaton, of Zurich, •visited' Mr. and Mrs. S. Baker and family. In Police Court'" In Police Court, last Thursday morning, at Goderich, the following cases were up before Magistrate .1. A. Makins: Fred Hopkins, aged 66 of Holmesville was found guilty of unlawgully attempting to wound Gordon Fisher, 18 year old hired man of L. Jervis, Holmesville. Hopkins broke down and wept freely when the Mag. suspended sentence after an admonition to give up drink, ob- viously the cause of the trouble. Court costs of $16 were paid by Hop kins. Rellison Bone, who pleaded guilty to three charges of breaking and entering and one theft, was fre- ed on suspended sentence after a stern and fatherly " lecture by the Magistrate, who endeavored to im- press upon the youth the seriousness of the offence. Earl Mero, sus- pect in a robbery in March at the ,tome of Rev. Father Lowry, late of Goderich, now of Sarnia, was brought to taskand fundo guilty on evidence given byan unintentional confederate and one-time cell mate, R. Bone. Mero was charged with the theft of more than $30 in silver, chiefly 25 cent pieces from a church collection from the study of St. Peter's rect- ory. . Bileeved to be one of .an org- anized ring of bicycle thieves with headquarters at the Muncey Indian reserve near St.., Thomas, Kelvin Nichalas, fullblooded Indian, who pleaded guilty to the theft of a bicy- cle, the property of Kenneth Mac- Donald, Brusefield, was remanded a week. For driving while intoxicated, "This offence is getting common. If it keeps on I will have to increase the penalty in the near future" sand Thursday, September 27th, 1934 ****001094444+.4.44 4 +4+444.4.43.+04.44064.4.0 4.+£.04 4, I4 0 • ''d r n a .1 PI+ LTHLS SEASON CALLS FOR GOOD NEW ++4+4+44 4 9 anlIV FENCES ON THE FARM. LET _ US SUPPLY YOU WITH .THE BEST OF W+ VEN WIRE, • ALSO HAVE BARB WIRE. SEE US ABOUT NEW ROOFING, PLUMBING, AND EVE- TROUGHING SPECIALS! , SPECIALS/ Special Gasoline for Stoves, at per gallon 28c Special Stove Oil, at per gallon 13c + 3 We also have some very Attractive Prices in Furniture. . See Our New Beds, Springs and Mattresses. + + + F USED FURNITURE Two 'Good Used Chesterfield Suites on Hand; Good Used Dressers from $4.50 up; Dining Tables; Kitchen Chairs, Etc. All Big Bargains for quick Sale. • BE SURE AND SEE THEM!at- 4. Ob�ncso�.Kaibfiejjj1. IHardware c: Furniture. Phone,63 t + +++++.#44-144.+44++++++44++++++++++++++++++++++++,+++4 +` Ate 1 UJ(liilli 41G!!JLNI!IINI111111fJJJ llf1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111111IIIIVIIIIIIIIIIII111I R1glINfl11I1111111111H1JiJllIkIM1i11MINIIIIIIIIJUAMIIIIIUIUIIIll101111lllllllllilliJJ?uillINIIIIllllllll11NINIlUIIIIf THESE PRICES subject to change without Notice Painting Wagon $7.00 and 10.00 Painting Buggy 6.00 and 10.00 - Recovering Buggy Top Rerimmin B 16.00 and 18.00 g Buggy Wheels Set 12o00 Buggy Shaft Cross . Bar • Buggy Reach • Buggy Spokes each 3.00 1.00 1.25 25c ESS, the Repair Man, UII11111MMI111111MII1111NIII111111111114 1N LVINMI 111»11lMi 11111111N111111111111111111111111111 NM!MIMIIIIIIIIIIIM MIRE/ NMN IIIIi111NIINIIIIIlIMI1 IIIIII Y11111111111111101111111MM1111IIIIIIMIM a 4. ZtTPICiI --E f. +E • t • Don't be discouraged and throw agaw your Car if it • is not functioning as you think it should. Just run it TUNE UP YOUR OAR! 14 • } in. our Garage and have our Mechanics go over it and • You will be surprised of the results. 3 Gasoline and Kerosine always kept on hand in large + and small +;quantities. Let us fill your barrels or • Containers. • Expert Workmanship on Repair Work, and Overhaul V • • Joon all Makes of Cars with Charges Very Reasonalbe. t i. 11. Mousseau Zurich .L.. + i. + $+ ▪ 4 ir4 44+444 4+ 44 + i4+ + 41,444 44 44444-1,4++++I4+4++44.0+44f Z ▪ • room *****44*++++++++++++++++1,f rt.'i +Q^ vz-I+ {r++F++F+"b• i4+.6+fti+$`++f $ 4,44t4 MASSEY-HARRIS NEWS Two M. -H. chill shares will outwear 3 Ordinary shares. Order your bean harvester, knives repairs at once axic4 . 49. d; ' "' wave exprss charges. •" Let us overhaul Your binder for heavy buckwheat crop • and avoied disappointment. How about a plow Deal? Used riding plow cheap Super Lastac Distributors: �, ..w �,� 25,000 mile ...,...,,....,................ 5.4.E c tires for ., �'vr,,. 30,000 mile tires for 7.5 I. If you like to save money Det us re -tire your car. We have a few used Tires cheap.„ f Tel. Shop 149 m KLOPP & SONS Rea. Auctioneering? BET! 44 *iiirti r *+Ir+tl*4+11+M+i+i+A+l**** "## 4