HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1934-09-27, Page 5kvr . . a Yuma ityy Sent' t' ` • fro, 9 BUSINESS CARDS UUDLEY E. HOLMES MISTER, SOLICITOR, l' OT• A"RY 1PUBLIC, ETC. 9 'ICE --Hamilton Street, haat off Ilse psquare, GODERICa:!, Ontario. Special Attention to Counsel and Court `Work. &Ir. Holmes may be consulted at Gadericla by Phone, and Thome charges reversed. Dr. I1. H. COWEN L. D. S. D. D S. DENTAL SURGEON Lt DEITZ BLOCK—ZURICH :3Eyeey Thursday, Friday,. Saturday At HABTLEIWS BLOCK, DASILW OOD Jyery Monday, Tuesday- and Wednesday LicensCd Auctioneer For Huron and Middlesex AM IN A POSITION TO CON - duct any Auction Sale, regardless am to size or article to sell. I solicit lour business, and if not satisfied eel::: make no charges for Services Pen- ARTHUR WEBER --Dashwood Mime 13-57. _ urichs Popular MEAT MARKET 1you with the Let Us supply FOR SALE very Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages,' Etc., always.. on hand... Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest C.z.;Ak Prices fox Wool, Hides and Skins era =us Wants, For Sale, Lost, Fi4111.1 oT ce Etc. Ads !JPI) 9ltro ';i FOR Q7 UI C K SALE 100 laying White .Leghorn Pullets, Royal Fisher strain, for quick sale. Apply to, 0'I3rein Bros., Zurich. FOR SALE Butcher kettle., and a good rebuilt lawn mower for quick saIe. L. A. Prang and Son. NOTICE Now is the best time to have your :laying hens culled and Iooked over. We are in a position to do,this work very successfully,' and for those not passing inspection We will pay 9c, 7c and Ge according to quality. W. O'Brein & Son, Produce, Zurich. LOST A lady's white gold wrist watch, some time in July. Finder please return to Zurich Post Office and re- ceive reward. NOTICE We are ready to do your Disc plowing. at $2.00 per acre. C, Schrag,, Zurich. f , Yungi)iut & Son SERV ICE Why We have the Better Class of Customers L. gip, CLASS GOODS, U. 'r I sRIE9.GOOD EAR TIRES BILE OIL, MAR - t 91t$,LvsB OIL* AND TUBES,, GEI gonkrE IGNITION Parts, Hohaiat~ and' Mechanical Work Bogie to Micrometer Settings, No ,;,Riess work. Watch the cars that STOP at WE1N'S, They are all HIGH CLASS CLIENTELE. 1, 'dm ' DASHWOOD -- ONTARIO Western Fariners9 Mutual Weather Insurance Co OF WOODSTOCK THE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- UAL CO;.IPANY DOING BUSINESS {)F TIIIS KIND IN ONTARIO. aAmount'of Insurance at Risk on Dec. 31st, 1932, $17,880,729. 'Total Cash in Bank. and Bonds $221,978.99. sates— 4.50 per $1„0QQ for 3 years tt. F. Kropp--ZuCh ,Agtnt, Also Dealer hi Litlikeind Hods end all kinds of Fire Insurance LIVE POU LT R WANThD 'Taken every Day till 3 o'clock p.m. ate not feed Fowl same morning when, brought in. Highest Cash Prices —CASH FOR: CREAM AND EGGS W. O'Brien Phone 101, Res. 94, Zurich TI{E HERALD'S JOS I)EPAR"LENT 1Ii "va, ready to serve the pub St with Commercial and f'int Printing. Chet our prices be - leaving, your owl&e- W A Combined Player Piano and 1?fano delivered to your door for $200.00. Cost $750.00, complete with 30 rolls and bench. The finest piano in this country. F. W.. Hess, Uensall, Ont. WANTED PRODUCE WANTED We are now in a position to take cream and eggs at my home at Zur- ich, for which we will pay highest market prices. We will grade your eggs as we receive them, and pay ac- cording to grading. give us a trial. First house south of Dominion Hotel T. H. Meyers, Phone 116, Zurich. LOCAL Tt1RICF1: HERA,k.LD Mr, Oliver Manson, of Goderieh, spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Thomas Johnson. • Mr. and Mrs. L, W. Ho furan and Marjorie, and Mrs. W. H. Hoffman were Sunday visitors with friends in Stratford. Miss Beatrice Gascho has left•for Kitchener where she has taken a position Mr. and Mrs, Henry Gruehn. of Pigeon, Mich., were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Gascho. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wendt and fam- ily of Pembroke called at the home of Mrs. Lydia Geiger one day this week. Misses Martha Heideman and Gert- rude Weber, and Messrs. Chas. Bart- lett and Russell Sparks enjoyed a motor trip to Niagara Falls, over the week -end. The anniversary services conduct- ed by Rev. E. Burn in Sebringville Evangelical church, last Sunday, we- re very- largely attended and succc: sful. Mr.WallaceiRoss, and mother, Mrs Wm, Ross, of lirucefield, were Sun- day visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith. ?Ir. Ilenzie, civet engineer, who has been in town for several weeks left last week for parts unknown. Deaconess Margaret Rout]edge of the Phiilippine Islands and Miss Idaa Routledge of Hyde Park, spent a few days with Mrs. J. Routledge of town. Miss Mark Kockems, Town Line, west of Dashwoo•I, was on Thursday last rushed to ]JL. Joseph's Hospital, • London, where she underwent a serious operation for appendicitis,we hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. George Harnick of Ashley, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. Warner Harnick and Mrs. Wm. Brewer of St. Louis, Mich., visited with Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. Weseloh send other re- i latives for a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Smith and three daughters and Mrs. J.•Vanatter of Crosswell, Mich; Mr. and Mrs. J. Oesch,Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Brenner - man and family of MilvWon, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 0.'Brein, also Mr. and Mrs. L. Stelck of Dauphin, Man. REDUCED SELLING HOURS Acknowledgment of the Goderich Town Council's request for earlier Mr. John Messner of Kitchener, closing hours of beverage rooms has and Mr. Gordon Austin of Toronto been made by the Liquor Control were in town Wednesday looking op board, which at the request of coun- some prospects to invest in a gold cit, incorporated in a motiue e.topt- ed a week ago, has fixed selling hours at 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Monday to Friday inclusive, and 10 a.m. to I> p.m. on f"•sturday. The hotels were 'served ' a copy of the L.0 mol the new hours went into effect Saturday. BARN EUr"-c During an electrical storm on Sun- day a large barn belonging to Ira Dice, of the 2nd concession of Mc - Mr. and Mrs. F. Cook, Mrs. Ben- Gillivray Tp., was struck by Iightn- der, Mrs. Wahl and daughter and ing and burned to the ground. The Mr. Edward Brenner, all of Ditch- contents of the barn included a ener, called at the home of Mr. and number of faun implements and har- Mrs- John Brenner over tae week- end. mess but na crops. The building was partly covered by insurance. Unusual warm weather is greeting us here at present, almost like mid- BOOKS TO BE AUDITED summer heat, and when we pick up From a list of applications, R. W. the papers and notice that in the Johnston, C. A., of St. Thomas, was Canadian West they are having cold , ne:aged by Goderich Town Council with rain and snow, we cannot help to conduct a special audit into the but think the weaiiaerman is as un- municipality's books. The selection et fts was made in committee of the whole. mine in northern Manitoba. Mrs. Wm. Schad° and son Clarence of the Blue Water Highway and Miss Melvina Schade of London, spent a few days at severer points in the State of Michigan. Miss Mary Kockems returned home on Sunday from London Hospital and we hope she soon will be able to be up and around and resume her duties on the farm. YC Mrs. Walter Hulse of. Detroit,' is visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. P. Rau, Mrs. M. Allen. of Exeter is spend- ing a few weeks with her .sister, Mrs 3. Routledge. STANLEY TOWNSHIP Garbed only in a barn sack, which he secured from a barn a fewmin-' rites previous, Victor Palmer pi:.esent- ed himself on the farm home or Mr. Thomas Snowden, seeking food and shelter. The Snowdenlrome is located on the Blue Water Highway about 2 miles north of Drysdale. Palmer, is announced by physicians to be of un- sound mind and known as a former inmate of an institution. He said he spent three days and three nights on Lake Huron in a rowboat, in a nude condition. He threw his clothes, and the oars away away after putting out in the rowboat near Pt. Edwards but there is no way of knowing hpw he made the 50 miles up thelak e.He showed few effects of his ordeal when he appeared before Mag. Makins in.• police court, Goderich, last Tuesday;• charged 'With vagrancy'. When Palm- er presented himself on the Snowden farm he was taken in clothed and fed, and the police sent far, County Constable Gundry responding. At the county jail he told them he left a note in a cottage saying he intended to do away with himself by drown- ing. A'.'.. r putting out into the lake he disrobed, threw his clothes and oars overboard and waited for some- thing to happen, expecting the boat to upset, but it failed t.q .:o so. A northerlybreeze kept the boat close to the shore as it drifted and failing to •meet his expected fate he crawl- ed under the hood covering of the bow which afforded partial covering. Cut Your Fuel Bill HALF! Buy Storm Windows and Dok:T5 LET US QUOTE YOU! REPLACE THOSE WINDOW PANES NOW. WE CARRY A LARGE ASSORTED STOCK OF GLASS ON HAND AT ALL TIMES.. AND WILL DO YOUR GLAZING WORK WHILE YOU WAIT. FL • C. _ L sl,,`' IS } Pte.ONE 69 - ZURICH T td.. „,..-r-F••i••r•F••ii..,°.D..k,i.+,.D.•1...d..'r.i.:....D..;..y.s,...,{...,....++± 4.+4.+.:...,.4.,.:...1.3... *•••a•••••••a►e•a••06mat+••n C3:300ft@• it e' i e +1 r„MOSSO • 0 m ertain as in tunes gone by. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Stelck and son Lawrence and daughter Florence. (twins) of Dauphin, !an., are spend - ,ng a flew weeks visiting friends and relatives here. Making- the trip down by motor ear. It is about 28 year° 3i.nce Mr. and Mrs. Stelck moved up to Dauphin, and they advise us that With the exception of Iight crop of oats, their crops were good this year, and about two weeks earlier than usual. At present they have very dry weather up there« l l Jfiltt t, tiliaslt INSTALL AN CDB T} rb N yy OU may have done without a bathroom solely because you thought the cost was more than you could afford. If so, that reason no longer holds. Prices of Emco Bathroom fixtures are extremely low, owing to reduced manufacturing costs, and because every part is entirely made in Canada. - • Let us show you different designs in Emco Bath - .."7 •,, ro...., —, . a:L.. .. i�N room equipment. �.5ar. .n, +,.�1' L r.:: :( 1rG'Y:4MLf4n<f.�•. ... 'The three pieces shown in the 'illustration, with all fittings. ready for installation, $90 00 only cost - - - �7 ■ pail�' I )10 THE FRESH FLOW Can be used where fresh,` ivater direct from the well is required. Capacity, ,,e50 gal. per howl% Small 8 gal. Galvanized Tank. THP: 110 Volt Motos'—.. 60 cycle or dv r9 nil :'fa cycle . . rP d Palm for 0 gal. (7alvan•: iced Tank . . $12.00 Duro PressureWater Systems, all Canadian - made, will supply running water throughout your home. Easy time payments available pn all Emco equipment. FOR SALE BY STADE and WEIDO Johnston and Kalhfleisch ZURICH ONT. • EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO., LIMITED London Toronto Winnipeg Vancouver • a'. EXETER HAS GOOD FAIR 13 With fine weather prevailing a • large crowd was atti ^to.7 t t) thr. -' • ..,r Fair ]as+ 'i',tesraav .1f on. • There were splendid exhibits in pra ctically all classes and lets of 1 enter - 3 tainment besides. The midway was the largest ever seen on the fairgro- unds and included the worrd's small- 0 est woman, Princess Cohetta, who is 30 inches tall and weighs 40 pounds. • ; The little lady was born in Hunts-! _ "ille. Tv.o' lanai youths won $10.001 • '-v staving ten minutes in a wrest- s ling match in. a sideshow challenge from the promoters. , I 0 • S Exeter Resident Passes There died at his residence, Exet- er North, on Thursday, Josiah 3. Mc- 'naldl in his 89th yaer. He was :vies; "rrried, his first wife prede- eased him. 48 years. Of their 12 ehil 'ren seven survive; his second wife as a niece of his first wife and she •predeceased him five years and they 'lave four children living. He is al - =o survived by two brothers. A priv- -de funeral was held Saturday. SEAFORTFI HAS BIG FAIR 'rhe Seaforth Fall Fair which c10 - 'ed on Friday of last weer:, wa, a iecided success, the fine weather at- tracted a crowd of over 2,000 people. A parade of the school children pre- -eded by the Seaforth Highlanders, marched to the exhibition. grounds. Mayor A. D. Sutherland presided at the opening ceremony and introduc- ed Hor. Duncan Marshall, provincial minister of agriculture, whe expres- >ed pleasure at being present and said the exhibition ranks well with any of the fairs. This he said is es- oecially the home of the breeding nd beef cattle which are the back- bone of agriculture. • He remarked that he was especially interested in the young farmers, for on their sho- ;:lders rests the future of agricult- ure and his endeavor will be to make ;:onditions better for them. LOST On Fair Night. between Zurich and Fair Grounds 3 blue checked '+lankets with bolder named Jack Gratton. Finder kindly notify Mr. Garnet Datars, Hensall, p.o. 1934 Fall Fair Dates The following is a list of Agricul- tural Societies Fairs and Exhibitions for 1934: Bayfield Brussels Lucknow Parkhill Tiverton Kirkton Teeswater Dungannon St. Marys Wingham Other dates are: International Plowing Match, Wexford, P.O. (York County Oct. 9-12 Ottawa Winter Fair . , . Nor 18-1 (i 11. W. F. 'Toronto , .. Nov. ,2129 Guelph Winter Fair Dec.. 4-6 Sept. 26-27 Sept. 27-28 Sept. 27-28 Sept. 28 .... Oct. 1 Oct. 2-3 Oct 2-3 'Oct 4-5 Oct. 9-10 Oct. 9-10 FE 11.A7 17,4 Now is the time to order your Fer- tilizer for sowing fall wheat. Be sure and see as before placing your order ImplenLieiit Eepairs McCormich-Deering. Also handle Cultivator points and plow points to fit any make of machine. Chicken Feeds • I • • • • • • 3 1 A Master Chick Starter and Pioneer Chick Starter L. Se 11 I ffifiNMN1�"WAiAMIAM 4Vk 1 1 Zurich Drug Store Soh l .u*lles We have a full Line of all the requirements of School Supplies PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC, ALL AUTHORIZED TEXT BOOKS KEPT IN STOCK. •••••••••••••®•••••••••••• See Our Supply of Toilet t Prep -ration s Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Per!',r - :lifers, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Pastes, and Brushes. os•issist iesso0somibkRdTs89 7r 410641 '.INE STATIONERY AND FOUNTAIN PENS. We also have, Saphine Anti'Moth Discs. Dir. .s JN MacKinnon, Zurich movvimmyMMV `t ' ire" ° WVKW' M', ?��.