HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1934-09-27, Page 2Way to Ease Headaches,
Pain -Lost Instantly
Remember the pictures below when
you want fast relief from pain.
Demand and get the method doc-
tors prescribe—Aspirin.
Millions have found that Aspirin
eases even a bad headache neuritis
or rheumatic pain often in a few
In the stomach as in the glass
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solve, or disintegrate, almost the
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gins "taking hold" of your pain
practically as soon as you swallow
Equally important, Aspirin is
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Remember these two points:
Aspirin Speed and Aspirin ,.S'afetir.
And, see that you get ASPIRIN. It
is made in Canada, and all druggists
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Aspirin tablet.
Get tin of 12 tablets or economical
bottle of 24 or 100 at any druggist's.
Why Aspirin Works So Fast
Drop an Aspirin
tablet in a glass of
water. Note that BE-
FORE it touches the
bottom, it is disinte-
IN 2 SECONDS BY STOP WATCH What happens in these glasses
happens in yourstoimach^ASPIRIN
An Aspirin tablet starts to disinte- a few minutest "taking
taking, of pain
grate and go to work.
When in Pain Remember These Pictures
M.* O .. 4 -0 -
By the Author of "Pencarrow"
Synopsis of Precetiug chapters
The principal character in the story
is Kelly Pencarrow.
Kelly is the son of Sir Miles Pen-
carrow, a lawyer whose father and
mother emigrated to New Zealand and
brought up a family who are now the
parents of the young people with whom
the story is concerned.
Sir Miles Pencarrow wished Kelly to
become a lawyer and to enter his
father's practice. Ksl. y insists on be-
coming a farmer. life loins an uncle,
Michael Pencarrow, who owns Duf-
field farm.
His uncle has a daughter, Ella, who
falls in love with an Englishman nam-
ed Gentry. Ella's father offers Gentry a
half-share In the Duffield Farm.
This , infuriates Kelly Pencarrow.
He...gtit:rrels with Gentry, assaults him
and leaves (Duffield to work elsewhere.
Kelly received a summons to the ben
side of his dying grandmother, the
mother of Sir Miles Pencarrow.
Arrived at the bedside, he is asked If
he will apologise to Gentry and thus
sive; her the assurance that the family
a hope of reconciliation.
BY the Will, welly inherits two
thousand pounds, and purchases some
bush land at Tapuwai.
In his second season he invites his
sister Genevieve, his sailor -brother Pat,
and his cousins Robin Eerrick and
Jessie Macdonald to come to Tapuwai.
While they are with him,-i(e11y starts
a bush The fire, a dedart obyf lwinds getsoutof
Now read on
"I'll take the baby now," said Kelly.
"You can't, with those hands," and
Genevieve gave the child bits of
bread soaked in the stream. He spat
them out, protesting lustily against
his personal discomfort, and the ef-
fort to calm him diverted them from
their own misery.
When the housemaid knocked on
the door of Michael Pencarrow's bed-
room in the Club Hotel at Menamatu,
her eyes were bolting out of her head
with fright. Her hand trembled as she
gave him the early cup of tea.
"What's up?" he asked. -
"We don't know. Cook says it's the
end of the world, the sun's gone dark,
and the sky's gone funny, and it
chokes you to breathe outside, it's so
After she had gone, Michael went
to the window and flung it wide open.
The girl was right; the sky had gone
funny. It was dark, too. Occasionally
the sun glowed evilly like blood, and
the lights that appeared in house
windows appeared green. People go-
ing to work gathered in groups, as
ghastly fate of some settlers who j
had been cut off by the rapid spread,'
of the fire,
Further still, and they began to
meet pathetic little groups, suffering
from burns, smoke -blind, in intense
pain, trying to soothe their terrified
children. Those who lived through the
Tapuwai fire were not likely to forget
its horror.
The wind had dropped a little, but
the fire swept on. Michael and Mor-
gall could go no further, so they help-
ed in the transportation of the injur.
ed to the nearest hospital, as fast as
they were being rescued.
The evening papers were full of the.
tragedy. Little reliable information
had reached them, but by tapping
every possible source they had woven
the few fragments into a thrilling epic
of the bush,
Sir Miles was nearly demented.
Three of them, Kelly, Genevieve and
Pat, were there, not to mention Robin
and Jessie Macdonald.
Kitty came in from the Hutt, and
together they awaited news,
though for mutual protection. It was
uncanny, especially as there was no
known cause for the phenomena,
"I bet Ngarauhoe is in eruption
again," said Morgan, who had called
early to take Michael out to see his
shorthorn herd. Morgan of Manawatu
was a noted breeder of prize stock.
Suddenly the pall darkened, and a
strange luminous glow appeared first
in the west, then in the north. Cyc-
lists lighted their lamps, which look-
ed like green. eyes flitting through
the murky heat. he few motorists
also moved with headlamps like dra'
gens' eyes.
The post office was bombarded with
enquiries, They knew nothing, No re-
ply could be got from the north, as
the telegraph wires were down, or
out of order, Parents who had sons
and daughters living inland waited
outside the post office and the news-
paper office, impatient for news.
Michael Pencarrow and Morgan did
not bother about shorthorns that mor-
ning. They hung about town, waiting
for news.
By noon an authoritative message
was posted up. A bush fire at Tapu-
"I was always against it, always,"
said Miles in self-justification. "It
is like a judgment of God on my diso-
bedient children."
"Don't dear, donrt, Perhaps it is a
judgment of God on us. God often author invites YOU to send yours for
punishes parents through their chit- a character delineation. See the end
drew; it is the way they suffer most." of thls article for offer.)
No=ah's tear -stained face reproved
Miles was ashamed of the words
the moment he had said them. He
did not really mean it, but the habit
had grown, and in this pathetic unser.
tainty he found relief in words—words
that absolved him from blame.
Kitty sat dry-eyed, her hands press-
ed hard together, all the power of
her love centred on Robin in a word-
less, heart -breaking prayer, God could
not take Robin; not Robin. Once when
Elizabeth, his baby sister, died, Robin
had nearly gone. He had been spared
then; he must be safe now, The long -
drawn agony of waiting dragged far
into the night. Michael had sent a
telegram to say that he was doing his
best to get news of them but so far
only settlers from the fringe of Tapu-
wai who had escaped had arrived in
hospital. They knew nothing of even
their nearest neighbors. Few held out
hope of any escaping from the Tapu-
wai Valley, which was completely
swept by fire.
Doggedly Michael worked on, his
heart sick of the sight of so much
suffering. The poor smoke -blind, ban-
daged figures knew only that they
were ruined.
Already funds had been,started to
relieve the settlers. Clothing and
household•goodse were being sent up
to a relief depot, Money was freely
given, and the Government was plan-
ning the rebuilding of homes, the re-
placement of stock and equipment,
Fresh from
the Gardens
What Does Your Handwriting Reveal?
All Rights Reserved.
(Editor's Note: Letters of commen-
dation are coming in each day from
readers who have obtained a person-
al reading of their handwriting. .The
A girl from a small rural town in
Ontario writes me as follows: "Will
you please tell me if my handwriting
shows whether there is anything the
matter with my personality? I am a
fairly good-looking girl, but i do not
seem able to keep my boy friends.
Perhaps my writing will tell you just
what is wrong, and then you can help
me to enjoy a better existence. As
it is, I am lonely, aand I cannot see
why I should be so."
Looking at this girl's writing, it is
very evident that she is inclined to
be reserved. She is capable of feel-
ing intensely, but is very backward
in expressing her emotions. She holds
herself back, and the result is that
she does not reveal her real self to
her friends,
She seems cool and distant when,
in reality, she is anything but that,
Yet her native reserve and restraint
make her seem so, And there are a
lot of people who do not like this.
They do not understand her, and so
jump at the conclusion that she is not
affectionate, or is too haughty. The
result is that they seek the company
of others who are more open is the
expression of their feelings.
There are many people situated
similarly to my correspondent. In
most cases, true, likeable people if
one gets to know them and under-
stand them, to the majority of people
they do, not appeal,
1 am not going to suggest to my
and the supply of grass seed to lay•
down pasture, friend that she undertake to change
All night the fire raged, Thousands
of people crowded the churches pray-
ing for rain, for that alone could check
the fire, and, soaking the desolated
country, make the work of rescue pos- to change the entire basic structure
sible, of one's temperament. To ask this
In the blackened valley of Tapuwai,
herself, This would be impossible.
Whilst it is possible for us to remedy
faults and defects in our character,
and to strengthen good characteris-
tics, it is quite out of the question
girl to change her nature to that of
an extremely buoyant and spontane-
ous one, would be like expecting the
leopard to change its spots or the sun
to change its manner of rotation.
But it is possible for this girl to
be a little more expressive. One great
drawback that this type of nature has
is a tendency to be ultra -sensitive.
Very frequently, they imagine
slights where none is intended. And
this makes them more aloof and in-
accessible. To paraphrase a well-
known expression: They are of the
earth, but not earthy,
I suggest to my correspondent that
she "come down to earth," We all
have to accept a certain amount of
"give and take," unless we intend to
live alone, caring nothing for anyone
Endeavor to cure yourself of this
sensitiveness. It will not be easy, of
course. You won't do it in a day or
a week, But you will eventually go
a long way to overcoming it, and it
will save you a lot of worry and un..
happiness in the future. Endeavor to
show yourself a little more intimate-
ly to your real friends or to those
you want to interest.
You may not be able to transform
yourself into the overwhelmingly
popular success that some girls are;
but you will be far more likely to
please those, in whom you are main-
ly interested. And that is, after all,
mainly what you are seeking,
Would YOU like to find out what
YOUR character really shows? Have
you any friends whose real natures
you would much like to know? The
author of these articles will send you
a personal reading, and it may be
worth a great deal to you, Send spe-
cimens of the writing you want an-
alyzed, and state the birthdate in each
case, Enclose 10c ecoin for each
specimen, and enclose with a 3c
stamped, addressed envelope, to:
Geoffrey St, Claire, Grapho-Analyst,
Room 421, 73 Adelaide Street West,
Toronto, Ont. Letters .are confiden-
tial, of course,
besidethe stone culvert which had
saved them, the horror of the night long it would take, as they were un -
was visible in every face, certain how much country had been
Everything had been wiped out, burnt, No one knew whether Hughes
They had little food, and most of them and his family, whose house was on
were partially smoke -blind or suffer- the other side of the Valley, had es-
ing from burns. caped.
Fabian was delirious, and they could Dawn on the second moruing re-
vealed the blackened ashes sodden
and cold, but smoke still rose in per.
sistent wisps from tree trunks where
the deep-seated lire had defied even
that deluge, As the morning advanc-
ed the sky cleared and the sun came
Under the bright summer sunshine
it was a lamentable scene of desola-
tion. Save for themselves, not a liv-
ing thing remained. Horses, cattle,
sheep, poor terrified creatures, mad-
dened by the fire, they had dashed
to destruction in their terror.
By evening hope faded. It was
useless to attempt finding their way
across the blackened country from.
which all landmarks had been swept,
Barker and Kelly offered to go, but
the girls pleaded not to be left, They
might so easily go astray, and they
were weak from lack of food and in
"Better stick together," said Pat, "If
it's possible to get here, someone will
surely come."
Just when they were giving up hope
a faint "Coo-ee" caught their ear,
Barker mustered his strength to reply.
Someone, knowing the lie of the land,
was leading a rescue party into the
Tapuwai Valley,
Food, oil, bandages, stimulants,
Jessie broke into hysterical weep-
ing now that the danger was passed.
(To Be Continued,)
wai, caught by a sudden and unpre- not give his injuries proper treat-
cedented hurricane, was sweeping the I ment. His dead mother still lay on the
country, spreading over the ranges,
licking up houses and barns, fences
and stock.
The word Tapuwai was enough,
Kelly! Poor Kelly!
"Morgan, you've got a motor car,
I've a young nephew at Tapuwai, down
in the Valley, and four cousins are
staying with him. Would you. ?"
"Some of Sir Miles's youngsters?"
asked. Morgan.
"Yes, Will you take a chance with
me? I don't know how far we can
get, but I feel we might be able to
do something, Oh God! If they've
been caught in it!" and his voice
dropped in an agony of apprehension,
They bought a couple of axes in
case fallen trees barred the road, toss-
ed in bread and cheese, a German
sausage, and a bottle of brandy,
"A coil of rope, too; it's always
handy," said Morgan.
As they went north, news began to
filter through. Stories of narrow es-
capes, of horrible injuries, of the
Ways MISS M. MCFARLANE, Dietitian of St, Michael's Hospital, Toronto
.. , . c. a , : H rtikeF�`l' 3+ "rn °aitim «wn--y. � 3" .
IMAGIC Baking Powder costs so little—and can
always be depended on to give you uniformly
good results. It actually takes less than 10'iworth
of Magic to make a big three -layer cake. So why
• take chances with inferior brands? Always bake
with Mottle and be surto
ear✓ '
vdigiik nilsNlj11Lu1Ni.• okhlt)
statement on every tin is your
guarantee that Magic finking
Powder is tree from MUM or
any harmful ingredtent. w
bank under Barker's coat.
Jessie gave the fretful, hungry baby
some bread soaked in water, and now
he ate it gladly.
Genevieve had looked in vain for
sticks to boil the kettle, and make
tea, but everything was burnt, so they
drank the smoky water.
The sun shone behind the curtain
of smoke, and it was terribly hot,
There had been little sleep, and most
of their clothes were wet from shel-
tering in the stream under the cul-
The day dragged ou, and they drank
at intervals from the stream and wait-
ed—waited for the coming of night,
another night. How long before help
could reach them? How many would
Fabian died about sunset, and they
laid him beside his mother,
"Poor little orphan," said Genev-
ieve, as she took her tura at nursing
the baby. "If we get out, we will see
you through between us;" she pledged.
"You bet," agreed Potty Barker,
Kelly felt the terrible burden of re-
sponsibility. He sat with his head in
his hands, but looked 1p at Genev-
ieve's promise to the baby. Ile did not
say anything. His mind was past the
framing of coherent phrases, but he
recognized the implications in Bark-
er's. "You bet," At that moment
Leslie Fabian's sphere of life was for
ever changed,
It was after midnight when the
rain began, at first lightly and then
In a deluge. They had no shelter ex..
cept the culvert, But with the rain
their hopes of rescue began to revive,
Potty 13arker speculated on how
ere tin si; )6 a aeon Dr.'%Vernet's
Powder is the world's largest seller and
prescribed by leading dentists:j 'bo1dg
teeth so firmly—they fit so comfortably
-that all day long you forget you ever
had false plates. Leaves no colored,
"People want to fix the world,
when the fact of the matter is that
the world is fixing them."—Henry
-gummy paste --keeps mouth sanitary, ' Seat You
breath pleasant --the best powder you
can buy yet cost is small -any druggiitr
�,yy r 6v4,9.4
nn,ttieby loo
Men Bathers More
Modest Than Women
Men are more modest than women
on the bathing beaches, That is the
discovery of the Governor_of Alicante
Province, of Spain after a tour of the
seaside resorts..
He has just issued an order pro-
hibiting nude bathing ou the public
beaches and immodest bathing dres-
The Governor expressed his regret
that the order also affected meu bath-
ers "who are more careful afid modest
than the women,"
To prove that he did not mean to
be puritanical, however, he has set
aside certain sections of the beach
where sun bathing will be allowed.
Your Job
One of the benefits resulting from
hard times is the discovery that a job
is not a nuisance. In times past many
young people who made the change
from the comparatively carefree life
of the school room to the complexity
of the business world went with the
attitude of the martyr. A period of
depression soon puts another com-
plexion on the =natter, however, and
the young fellow who secures a job
as soon as he graduates, looks on
himself as an object of congratula-
That is something worth remem-
bering in good times and bad. Your
job is not a disagreeable necessity,
not a burden you must carry, but one
of the things that make life worth
Mrs. Edward James' baby had
two tenth when loss than three
months old. She writes: "Ho has
38 now and I can truthfully say
that giving him Baby's Own Tab-
lets while cutting his teeth kept
him fit and well' . Teething is a
restless feverish time for babies
bat the little Ono can always be
soothed and the fever reduced by
giving sweet, safe Baby's Own
Tablets. Very easy to take, no
after effects, Price 250 everywhere.
Safety Device
Tried on Son
Bus Driver Allows Own Boy
To Be Hit By Automobile
So confident is a London bus driv-
er in the safety device he has invent-
ed that he allowed his son to be
knocked down by a car fitted with
the apparatus. The boy was picked
up unharmed,
The inventor is W. H. Lloyd, of Tot-
tenham. Fourteen years ago Lloyd
saw a young girl knocked down by a
lorry and terribly injured by the
wheels which passed over her. He
decided to invent a device which
would prevent anyone being run over
after being knocked down.
Lloyd now believes he has perfect-
ed his apparatus. After the demon-
stration on his son, a friend has vol-
unteered to be the next "victim," .A.
film is to be taken of the "accident,"
which, Lloyd tripes, will be shorn to
Ministry of Transport officials,
This all happened on(;e, at an inn
in Malvern, England, writes the New
Yorker. The only two occupants of
the place at the time were an Ameri-
can gentleman, who was there for his
health, and a British colonel, who
seemed to'beiong there like the del-
phiniums. It was one of those hos-
teries in which the presence of any-
body at all gives the rooms an event-
ful air.
Each morning the American gent-
leman and the British officer would
meet in the writing room after break-
fast, and one morning the American
dared speak.
"Good morning," he suggeste.
The colonel glared with a stony
Four days later, no word having ,
passed between them, the American
was sitting in the writing room when.
the other man entered. In the midst
of crossing the room the colonel
stopped suddenly, turned on the
American, and blurted nut, "What's
the date of Shakespeare's birth?"
"Born 1564, died 1616," replied
the American.
The Britisher scawled and left the
room. The two saw each other many
times again, but their garrulous inter-
lude was never referred to.
The first wedding in history aboard
ship in Simon's Harbor, Simou's
Town, S. Afrecia, took place when Jas.
Purvis, a sailor on the Royal Research
ship Discovery, was married to Dor-
othy Thompson of Cape Town by spe-
cial license,
Don't Read This
Unless you are interested in a
medicine which has helped
over 700,000 women and
girls. Take it before and after
childbirth, at the Change or
whenever you are nervous and
rundown. 98 out of 100 say,
"It helps mei"
Ideas Wanted
Artists and Authors , Amat-
eur or Professional are invit-
ed to send us saleable Sket-
ches, Illustrations; Designs,
Short Stories and Articles.
We offer you practical in-
struction and criticism on
Paintings, Landscapes and
Flowers in Water Colours:
Send a three cent stamped
envelope for full inform-
Ideas UnFF,'iited
Thirty -Nine Lee Avenue,
issue No. 38----'34