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Zurich Herald, 1934-09-27, Page 1
vol. XXXV Toa 12 ZURICH,, THURSDAY MOHNIING, SEP f E MEPE 27, 1934. Chester L. Smith, 1°'ctb! 1125 a year, U.S. $1.5 i Aii 11.50 INA.RREARS. *2 bdAY Effi CHA7tEMS• bet the Ads. in the -Herald guido you itt your FBuying Capital Theatre Goderich --. ' Phone 47 .1Niow Playing -Am all. sitar eran cast in the melodious. "Sung; and. Like ft" Mon.,, Tues:,; Wed.. "Change of Heart" JANET GAYNOR and CITA.R.T VSs FAL-METZ Lovers again in a picture; that main 'tains a high satnclardl seta by this' most popular teami. Thursday, Friday and. Saturday Richard Dix. .An old favorite returns: in a ing adventure story GODERICH FALL RACE MEETING Monday, October 8th, 1934 Thanksgiving Day 2.28 Trot or Pace. Purse ....$150. 2.22 Trot or Pace. Purse ... $150 2.16 Trot or Pace. Purse ... $150 Every heat a race. Race ends' with the third heat. 5 to enter and 4 to start. 5 per cent of purse to enter, thrill- and nothing retained from winners. Trotters allowed 5 seconds. Money divided 50, 25, 15 and 10 per cent. Betting Privileges Allowed. Hprses Eigible Day of Rale. Remember the date. Admission at Gate 35c. "STINGAREE" Coming -Charles Ruggles: Treads a pip cast in "Six of a. Kind" - Matinees, Matinees, Wed. and at. at 3 p.m :Do You Need Masses? Stop and Think Ixoar ilaraextant it is that you wear correct glasses---cor- redly prescribed for your vision. Correctly styled: to pear raga. Your health may Iargelyfi depend on: keen vision. See C E. ZURBRIG'C%, R..1 . At HESS JEWELERY STO37E _URICH - Q ST. PETERS Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH --- WE. "A Changeless Christ for ,a 'Chang- ing Wor1k1"' Friday, 8h -Luther League. Saturday -Choir Practice :SUNDAY SERVICES: 10 a. m. -German. Service. 11.15 a.m.-Sunday Scheo1. 7.30 p.m. -English. scrErice Everybody Welcome to aa1i Sere*ica,i E. TFJERICHEfMT,,, Pastor. Grandstand 25c. Dr. .T. B. Whitley, President. E. R. Wigle, Treas. Dr. F. Clark, V.S.,r,,Secretary. Zurich Fall Fair Zurich Fall Fair has agate made history on Tuesday afternoon when the public were invited to attend and see the exhibits and the afternoon's program. The day, was one of the finest in the history of the society. as the weather was like summer and as a consequence there was a very large attendance, about three hund- red more people visited the groundr• than last year. The exhibits, as the prize list will show, were weni rep- resented, and the midway was also well filled with plenty of patronage, do depression was shown in the pat- ronage of the various things olrered Especially the refreshment booths did. a good business, and most were near- ly sold out by evening. The horserac es were also well attended and it seems too bad there is no grand stand where people could get n bet- ter view of the races. The concert put on by the Junior Farmers in the 'evening, was well attended and as it was local talent, it was of a humorous nature. By all appear- ance the Society had a good day fin- ancially and the treasury should be in good standing after the various expenses are paid. Following is the list of prize winenrs Horse General Purpose --Brood mare ac- companied by -foal H. Bender, S.. 'Schroeder;: Foal, W. Decker, H. Ben- der; Year old. H. Bender and 2nde 2 yr. old, J. TKreis, E. Merrier; 3 yr. oTd, W. Mack, E. Resterneyer ; Span mares, -W. 'Decker; Sweepstake, W. Decker. AgiicaItura1--Brood mare, N. Keys '9 1 NMI NUIIUNUI all 1(11 MUiRfait Mi UU1fUiUf1I1`ft"U ail I fllil(Illl11111.(U 11111111111 s MU 11 Itl' t 1111111 {l1IlliUI1111 UIIiIl'' Ew cery Sto. Shoe F'olisti... , per .tin. ilack .._ ..,._.. Hand Cleaner, tlie snap,per tin -_.........._..._,._......._..13c Calay Soap,. 2, cakes ....... >__-...w._.,.„,......,....., Cream Cheese,. per .....> .__.. .. 23c McCormick's S "zn"<_.,__.._._.. 25c Prunes;, .2'Tha.. ,._,__, , .:._.:._.. 23c Majeau 'Water far'Eleaa`hing, per !bottle ilk Orange' Mar esde, 4fitooz. lar Aylmer park and .Bn large Caustic Soda in Tilk ,mains Fresh 'Vitas s I ince u~ es . raft's ' ort. Maid. rd. Also Threads, is Lams, Etc.. € io Oesch EGGS WAN., 111,1112111.1.1I111..the1. rich Phone 165 & Son, H. Bender; Foal, N. Keys, Gesell; 1 yr. old, N. Keys, Web Bros; 2 yr. old, J. Gelinas, W. Stephenson; 3 yr. old, 3. Gelinas, 2nd; Span, Webster Bros., 11. T inner; Sweepstake, N. Keys. Heavy Draught --Brood mare, Keys, G. Jacobe; Foal, R. Tinney, Meyers; 1 yr, old, N. Keys, Zi T ney; 2 yr. old, Webster Bros; S Webster Bros; W. R. Stephens Sweepstake, Webster Bros. Roadster -Brood mare, N. IC R.'Geiger; Foal, T. McAdams, G. ars; Span, W. McGuire; Single ro ster, Dr. Campbell, H. Truem. Lady driver, J. Smillie, • Dr. C bell, Lee ster d rR. ne- N. F an, on; eys, Dat ad- ner; Ca Foal, H. Bender, -N.K 1 yr. old, R. Geiger, 0. Fuss; 2 old, J. Kreis, O. Fuss; 3' yr. Manson Bros; Single horse in bug E. Restemeyer; M. Oesch Spec W. Decker; Geo. Hess special, W ster Bros., Milt. Oesch special, Keys & Son; R. Simpson Spec Webster Bros. W. S. Steadm Judge. Cattle Reg. Durhams, Cows, W. Oeste cker, R. Peck; Yearling heifer, Peck, W. Oestreicker; 2 yr. old Oestreicker, R. Peck; BuIi calf, Oestricker, R.Peck; Heifer calf, Peck, W. Oestreicker; Year old b calf, Wm. Oestreicker and 2nd; Beef Type Grades, Milch cow, Pfaff B. Klopp; Heifer 2 yrs., Pfaff and 2nd; Heifer 1 yr. old, Klopp, A. Pfaff; Heifer calf, 0. 13 tier, A. Etherington; Steer 2 yr. o F. Haberer, and 2nd; Steer lyr., Ellerington, F. Haberer; Steer c under 1 yr. A. W. Etherington, Battler; Fat cow, F. Haberer, Klopp. Holstein, Milk cow, W. .Sparks, an 2nd; Heifer 2 yrs. old, W. Sparks,. Clausius; Heifer 1 yr. old, W. Spa H. Claivsius; Heifer calf, W. Spar and 2nd; Jersey, G. Timmons took all prizes. " Herd of. cattle, grade, Pfaff; Herd Reg. Durhams, Wm Oesteicker, R. Peck. Yungblut spe ial, A. Etherington; Bank of Mon real special. W. Sparks, R. M. Peck Eaton Special, G. Temins, Johnsto eys, yr. oid, al, eb- N. lel, an, ei- R. W. W. R. ull A. A. B. at - id, A. ea 0. B: d H Spar ks Mr. and Mrs. John Preeter of Kit- chener spent a few days with friends here this week. Mr. Newell Geiger of Lonc:on Nor- mal School spent the week -end at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McConnell of Varna were visitors with Mr. William Lamont and Jane, this week. Messrs Daniel Koehler of Kitchen- er and Ezra of Baden were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Well. Johnston. Mrs, Clarence Hoffman and little Bobbie, of Galt, who spent the past week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs W. L. Siebert, has returned to her home. The Zurich Branch of the Wom- ens' Institute will hold their next regular meeting on Monday evening, October 1st, in the Council Chamb- ers. All 'ladies as usual invited. There will be holy communion ser- vices in the Evangelical church on Sunday morning, commencing at 9.45 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. John Oesch and fam- ily, of Pigeon, Mich., were visitors with relatives and friends here the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Graber and, daughter of Indianapolis and Mr. and Mrs. Seth Amans of Zurich, vis- ited at the home of Mr. and Mrs, ,.e Rudy Swartzentruber on Friday. A'' Messrs. Milford Schilbe, Lee 0'- Brein, Wm. O'Brein and L. W. Hoff c man were in Detroit last week tak- t.� 'ing in a few games of American Lea- n gue baseball. & Kalbfleisch special, G. Timmins. Sheep Lincoln, aged ram, J. Linden, G Penhale; Shearling ram, G. Penhale J. Linden; Shearling ewe, G. Penhal T. Linden; Ram lamb, J. Linden an 2nd; Ewe lamb, J. Linden G. Pen hale; Ewe, having raised lamb, J Linden, and 2nd. Oxford Downs, Aged ram, J. P Henry and 2nd; Shearling ram, She ailing ewe, ram lamb, J. Henry, Is and 2nd; Ewe lamb, J. Henry; Deck Bros.; Ewe having raised lamb, J Henry and 2nd; Shropshire Downs, Aged ram, W 1VIcGowen and 2nd; Shearling ram 'W. McGowen, J. Gelinas; Shearling ewe, W. McGowen, J. Gelinas; Ram Iamb, W. McGowen and `2nd: ewe iamb, W. McGowen and 2nd; Ewe, having raised lamb, W. McGowen, J Gelinas. Leichester, Aged ram, Dr. Graham Shearling ewe, ram lamb, ewe iamb, Ewe having raised lamb, Dr. Graham took all these prizes. Hogs Yorkshire, Aged sow, A. Warner and 2nd; Aged boar, A. Warner, OE Erb; Spring boar, A. Warner and 2nd; Spring sow, A. Etherington, A. Warner. Tamworth, Aged sow, J. Geiinas, Manson Bros., Aged boar; T. 'Snowden, Manson Bros; Spring home J. Gelinne, Manson Bros: Spr- ing sow, J. Gelinas, Mansoni Bros. Geo. Deichert Special, A. Ethering- ton Judme, H. J. Hunter. Poultry 131k. Hambures, Cock, hen. Cocker - , -41, -pullet, 0. Battler and 2ntr; S: Homburgs, Cock, Lee O'Brein and 2d; hen. L. O'Brein, Dr. .MacKinnon; hen and _ cockerel, Dr. Mackinnon; pellet Dr. Mackinnoa, S. Schroeder; Utility Barred Rocks, Cock, Leather land and Bentley and 2nd; lien, 0. Battler, R. Brock; Cockerel, R. Meek H. Truemner, Pull.ett. H. Tru miner, R. Brock; Utility W. Rocks, Cock, Mrs. Coursley and 2nd; hen Letherland & Bentley, T. Snowdon: cockerel. Lee O'nrelat and `end; pul- lott, FI. Truemner, Mrs. Coursley; Brahams, cock. Mrs. Corsley, ',ether - land and Bentley; hen, .Letherland & nn Bentley, J. Kockes; cockerel, Loth erlancl & Bentley, 3. Kockems: pul- let, 'Letherland and Bentley; Black \Tinarcas, cock and hen, H. Truem- e d a t ner; Mrs, Coursey; cockerel, J. Koo- ken*, Mm. Conrsey; pullett, I1. Tru° 'truer and 2nd; White Minorcas, ceekerel, hen and pullet, Mrs. B. Coursey, Letherland and Bentley: r.,'touehins, Cock, 3. Kockt'ms, I`.,etber- land & Bentley, hen Ia'therTnd & Bentley; Brown Leghorn ,s cock, Mrs. Coursey, Letherland & Bentley, hen Letherland & Bentley. Mrs. Coursey, cocl-ere1 end r dirt. Mee P. Coney Letherland & Bentley; Barr L,'ghorna d:7o'l� anti lir.i. Lloyd ()'Mein; eft.'lc etol and . 'pullet Letherland & I3en lev; S C. W. Lcgborns, cock ard Y be'n, iUJ+y, T;, Court'•;, Letht il•i•id & 'l. v �i•.11oett F. Thiel,. en rr�H'1'r rzwmY , (Continued on page 4) Rev. and Mrs. A. Pletch of Cred- iton; Rev and Mrs. L. H. Pletch of Golden Lake, were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith last Wednesday afternoon. A very appropriately arranged birthday party in behalf of Miss Lil- lyan Rader was heldat London when the following were present: Misses Lillyan Rader, Anna Overholt Gert- rude Weber, Mr. and Mrs. IL G. Hess, Messrs. Charles Bartlett and Clarence Dears. Needless to say a most pleasant time was spent Mr. Will Siebert spent the past week in Detroit, and while there he took in a few games of baseball. Bill tells us the hall fever is at its height in that city, as the Detroit Tigers have nrow won the League pennant, and the big World's series will be played off next ween and it is. not sure if the opposing- team will be the New York or St. Louis team of the National League. Wednesday .afternoon of- this week is the Iast of the half holiday mason for 1934, and by the feel of the swealtering heat it looks as if the time should have been extended on for a while yet. The latter part of August when frosts were prevalent we thought there might be sleighing for the fall fair, but the weatherman crossed our predictions and' we had one of the warmest days for the fair that We can remember. Judge T, M. Costello of Goderich, presided at the local Tenth •Division Court on Monday morning: This was the first time that the newly ap- pointed, Clerk, Mi.': A. C. Kalbfleisch and the new Bailiff, M1•. Norman Goethe, were officiating; and alike('the people to bear with the new ©offi- cials for a few weeks tilt they be- come better acquainted' to the work. A number of cases were tried and argued before the judge: HYMENIAL ' A very happy matrimonial event was celebrated a the Evangelical parsonage, Zurich on Wednesday morning, September 26th, when the pastor, Rev. E. Buret united in holy weddlock two popular young people of the community, in the. persons or Miss Edna Q ngerich, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Giugerich of the Bronson :bine, Stanley , and Mr. Harold Johnston, of Zerich and son of Mr. and Mrs, Rosa. Johu; con, o1 Blake. The bridal couple were at - ended by Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Weida f Zurich, Immediately after the eeremony, the happy bridal coupio eft tie motor on a honeymoon trip, i :;-.oir-V-e'r return .thy will result= yr? Zerich and will take up roomy in the Date block, and the groom will co,l- inx his barber business in the Haist t 0 1 building. The Herald _loins their many friends in extending eongratu- . ti'ons.• For Cradue atioa' Buy THEM A FINE WRIST WATCH. See the Elco Line of Watches Moderately Priced Gents with Bracelets .. $10.00 Ladies, with Bracelets ..... $12.75 Initials Engraved FREE Hess, The Jeweller Phone 74 • • • • • • •':. • ••• • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • •• •• 4r • • Zurich BLUE COAL Egg, Stove, Nut and Pea Genuine Sen'zet Solvay Coke. and MILLERS CREEK POCAHONTAS BRIQUETS, A NEW DOMESTIC FUEL for every pui'passe; Intense heat, eery little Smoke en Ash. W. R. DAVIDSON.' CASH paid for Eggs on a Grade& Basis. Phone 10 •••04#0••••••••••••••••••3+10••••••4o*540•00•56•0••0r„4P0, CdM WO PANT, SUIT S When Mr. Park, Special Representative of "CLOTHES OF QUALITY" Visits Us on TUESDAY; SEPTEUEE.R 18th Arrangements have been made with the makers of "CLOTHES OF QUALITY" for a special price on all TWO PANT SUITS sold during this represen- tative's visit. o .... REMEMBER THE DATE • "CLOTHES OF QUALITY" are Guaranteed fox • • • • Fit, Quality and Workmanship • e Sold Exclusively By 0 .1,, 97r. a man •• • • rs�nm±*.: - 04-s&cnrrr�.:.r.e;,s,,, • EMBALMERS 'AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS Letlls Sh 8 +s� fit+ G 4 4 •` (0. dik 411,410 • 4 8 4 41, • 4 4 4 8' 0. New Curtains and Curtain Goods; ..New Prints Broadcloths; New House Dresses. Men's and Boys' Fancy Shirts; also Work Shirts an Overalls.... Men's and Boys' Rubber Boots and Wrr Shoes; Women's, Misses and 'Childrenns' Shoe,, Sandals and Oxfords. Mang, Tines in Hardware such as Paints and Varnish Graniteware, Tinware, Etc., Etee. HARNESS REPAIRS A SPECIALTY This Season's Vegetable and Flower Seeds 5c and Iii.. a Package. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND REi) . GS' Wen .IVIERONAIArr PHONEll 97 VageVaiRsetaseiteareelliMeatte =mow Lma