HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1934-09-20, Page 8`?AGEFItH't' THE STORE WITH TI -IE STOCK New Winter Lines Of Dry Goods are arriving at Our Store Daily COME AND SEE OUR STOCK OF SWEATERS, UNDERWEAR, W O L L E W GOODS, AND BE PREPARED FOR COLD- ER WEATHER. GROCERY For The SPECIALS Week -End Oxydol, pkg. Rice a lb. Sodas, 2 lbs. for Oranges, per dazen Beans, per 29 -oz tin, at Red Rose Tea, Half Ib. Palmolive Soap, 3 for Noodles, per pkg Grape fruits, 3 for Cookies, 2 lbs. for Celery a bunch Bananas, 3 lbs. for 19c 5c 25c 28c IOc 28c 14c 10c 20c . 25c 25c 25c SCHO SON PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 AMIIMISMaissmencsvar cesoikumaimeiewaissitimalasiamoser HESS INSURANCE AGENCY GOING ON A TRIP? ZURICH HERALD (We sell the I3est for Less) lterns 'fat Slepteitiber 20;:21, 22nd. Maple leaf -Salmon %-Ib. tin Kellogg's Corn Flakes, 2 pkgs. Shaker salt, plain or iodized, 2 pkgs. Peas, No. 4 Sieve, per tin Sultana Raisins (new) 2 lbs. Oxydol large pkg., per pkg. Palm olive soap, 3 cakes 15c Carnation Milk, tall tin, 2 for ,..Z5c Aylmer pork and beans 16 -oz,, 4 tins 25c Ginger snaps, nice and fresh and crisp, lb 1 Oc P and G. Soap, 7 cakes for 25c Colgates big bath toilet soap, -per cake 5c Elephant, brand, laundry soap, 3 cakes Lemons, , per.. dozen 17c 14c 17c 1 1 c Z5c 21c J. W. ME Highest Prices for Eggs. 9c 25c ER Phone 140 ITEMS OF. LOCAL:INTEREST A goodly number attended the Ex- eter Fair, oil Ttinesdaj* jj Mr. and Mrs.' Peter G sgerich: ai d rami. •'•of •the"$irbitson,' were visions, with ;Friends ant El71iira; e • Mrs. tennis Callfas 4nd family of Kitchener, Were recent visitors with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Meliek, Mrs. Clarence Koffman and son Bobbie of Galt are visiting with .the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.L. Siebert. Mr. and Mrs: Hilton Trnemner at- tended the 11;Iilyerjon„$air last week, and won several prizes with their exhibits. • . Rev. and Mrs.- L. Gross and two children of Aldsfeldt were visitors at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ko- ehler and Mrs. B. Pfile on Monday, • Legislation making it compulsory for thresliers"•to•: install sprinklers on atl threshiriga''maelliiles' will be petiti-' oned to the : Ontario' gddernrnent by the Farmers 1Vlutual Underwriters Association of Ontario. REV'S inFICERSN`T eAPPOIEb 'r Mr. J. W. Beattie of Seaforth, has been apointed revising officer for the preparation of a basic voters' list for the Huron -Perth riding under the new Federal Election ladw, Mr. Alec Porterfield, of Belgrave, has been ap- pointed for Nprth Buron. If so, you should have Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance. .. Protect your own car with Collis- ion Insurance... Policies are good in Canada and the United States. Enjoy your trip more by knowing that i you have protection. Rates are lower this year. FULL INFORMATION GLADLY GIVEN. For Rates Apply to: Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO—SERVICE .AND SAFETY Piave You MADE YOUR WILL? REFUSE TO ENDORSE BEER eima fetk+e ncsameateeloas ar be,vaalsaaaa PERMIT REQUESTS a At the Exeter Council Meeting on. HARDWARE -- SEEDS and FURNITURE Monday evening a request was recei- ved from Homer Bagshaw, propriet- or of the Central Hotel for the ap- plication for a license to sell beer t14 a n . COKE and wine. The council did not take any action. Exeter, has voted over- • whelmingly dry whenever the matter was put to a vote.—Times-Advocate. • a LEAVE YOUR ORDER WITH US NOW FOR YOUR SUPPLY OF COAL AND COKE WHILE 1 a PRICES ARE LOWEST 4 PAINTS! PAINTS! a We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried i • and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax $ Frost Tight Lock Wire Fencing and Gates and Fencing i Supplies and Posts. a, Goodyear Balloon and Cord Tires and Tubes in all sizes WHITE ROSE GASOLENE, ENARCO OILS, a Furniture, Springs and Beds. Felt and Marshall 1 Mattresses Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughin . and , ant, our Specialty. g T;<nsfCaxtl�- p y Full line sf heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock, WEIit ZURICH — ONT., QUALITY .,- PRICE — SERVICE uc.Tiw•.rt4,w"f an- V 0.74w.� ;ur�3t� SbwBt' stcwww, b THIEVING STOPPED The small thefts which have been annoying so many citizens over the past few .weeks and which were a source of so much worry to the Pol- ice have been, cleared up with the discovery of the culprits. Two small. children, one aged seven and one ag- ed five, were finally discovered to 'o have been the offenders. They are proving a difficult problem as the el- der of the two is a precocious child with ideas far in advance of bis j years. Child authorities have the mat ter in hand and hope to be able to p turn the little fellow's thoughts into t different channels and so produce, eventually, a very ,bright and,. fine citizen,—Goderich Star. Auto Accident's Two young Goderich men, Phil.. Carter and Clarence Bridle, were passengers in the motor car which - a ehasshed into ; stalled T`j ;' Trans -1S port truck aC lirucetiield eni tnesdacr night and, injured Harvey Eobbiiotn br so seriously that he died the follow- ing morning. Chas. Brown, a fourth rider, suffered a fractured hip and other injuries, while Phil Carter and Clarence Bridle' were badly shaken up and received some cuts and ab- rasions. One of the Epps trucks was stalled on the highway just north of. l3rncefield and another bad been cal •:;; LOCAL MARKETS • (Corrected every Wednesday), Ems' , ! •, 24-21-14 Bunte: lb..;creamery...:,..-,:e•.!;... ; 24 Butter .ib. dairy, • .. .. . ; 23 Wheat, bush. _ . ; , . , r ,. . 90 Barley, , bu'sh . ..... . 50 Buckwheat, . bussb.� . 50 Shorts :ton • 25.00 Bran,, ton. ; 25.00 Flour, pwt. . 2.00-2.90 Live Hogs, Cwt , 8.25 WILL TAKE CARE OF SWEEP- STAKES - The t.,gouernmen!- in future will take over any sweepstakes prizes won in, over ;N'o doubt the idea of the government is to discourage the habit of• spending money on sweep-- iSake,ticiceis, as those who win are l!ut ffew„in number to those • who thus • waste.. their money. If it, is known ,.that • the government will promptly confiscate any winning:. made ;'people may think twice about spending their money on suer risks. CIiutoxt News -Record; ; r. Bee Lands Just in Time A good story is going the rounds, in Exeter concerning a physician of that -vicinity and, a "traffic cop". It appears that the medical man may have been hurrying or perhaps the minion of the law may have just wished to be sociable—at any rate, he drew up beside the doctor's cat. and drew off his gauntlet. Just then a bee alighted on the bared arm and got busy. Whereupon the disciple of ,Aesculapiuss responded to the prin- ciples .of his profession and. rendered first aid, and as far as can. be Learn- ed, that is the end of thestory - • DOESN'T SEEM FAIR Kincardine business men have sent a petition to the Government regard- ing .the taxing of .mail order houses which do business in all the towns of the 'country. The point is that a local businessman has to pair a bus- iness tax for the pleasure of doing business in a town or city, while the iizaal order house merely rents a uflding in Toronto or Mantreal and does business. with people In every, municipality while only paying a small .tax to the big city. His Me- esty's mail service, which is main- tained by public funds, makes it ossible for this kind of eompecion.1 fi o thtiiie. E,r. if Phuinclaat, 2;~p tnber 20$fti, lJ '4 4* 'i., f4$+ +++444 ++*+.. + 44+-1r4.4.4r .r + : 4 YOUR , Hardware and Furnfuret, STOR. THIS S •• °j CALL, FOR GOOD NEW ' FENCES11, ON . YOU � E FARM. , : LET US SUPPLY ' r ALSO HAVE BARB WIRE, OFST WOVEN WIRE, 444i NEW ROOD PLUMBING, SEE US ABOUT 4 ?ROUGHINGC`' AND EVE. 4. SPECIALS! • Special Gasoline for Staves SPECIALS! ,r �; Special Stove Oil,, at per gallon ».,...»,......2$c anit �,at per gallon ........ ........ ............. ,13c 14 T We also have some very AttractivE Priv+ Furniture. See Our New Biedl S r" I i P wga sad I Mattresses. Two USED FURNITURE odd Used Chesterfield Suites on H 'r^ It Good Used Dressers from $4.50 up;and; Kitchen Chairs, Etc. All Bi Dining Tables; Big Bargains for quick Sale. . 13E4. SURE AND SEE THEM! • Johjjston & Kalbfiejsch • WI I ��' I t igmillaillIIIIIII(I(Idlfll(lllitlWNf<1i11R11{IllIUIIWNIll1# tlltlte t�llNt N 1111111HIMIIH111111III111UIIIfIfI110111111f1ICIMIIIIIIIIIr' THESE PRICES subject to ce without Notice Recovering Buggy T;op .........., ' 6.00 and 10.00 Rerimmin Buggy16.00 and 18.00 Buggy Shaft Wheels Set ............. 12°00 Cross Bar .»,...` ...............3.00 Buggy Reach .. »,-. »».......... ..... 1.25 .CESS, the Repajr 1Viar� Painting Wagon ..... = Painting Buggy ........................ $7.00 and 10.00 !Illdill,!illlllINDIIr111Inn4il BIllJtGllilf1111111CI11F11ll11111 t111111L 111111 111 + ,110f1!I(U!�1pi4INII tfklNtBNII1IIrrtlNl ligllUJLglliiatillillil l IVIIHIIlIIIIIIINTE 1+E4�l.44.4.44+++ F•i!+�F�k.E++++++ +i1i 4.4.+4.4.114+444.4.44F4k444.44494. Z 1 TIIPOICE °' G.4.11AGE 1 i TUNE P YOUR CAIS► +� Don't be disco a discouraged and throw agaw your Car if it is not functioning as you think it should, * in our GarageJust run it • and have our Mechanics go over it and +s. Yost will be surprised of the results. :• Gasoline and Kerosine always kept on hand in large and small quantities. ' Let us fill your barrels or 0 Workmanship rlctnanship on Repair Work, and Overhaul • Jobs on all Makes of .Cars with Charges Vim;. ,d Reasonalbe, 4.IL Mous eau Zutroc 1�44.,R1k44.44 n44+h 4 +0+$ +4,01 44**++SF r++++3��F t3�4t .g 4:t4.4.640441.44 �G0ta•�+nt�•4e��*+�+9��+'>[�:lr ---•-.-rte 14*,**111114111*.44011,4941 4ii ta 4 Xr Surrogate Court Fred C. Marney, Goderich, was a- warded the sum of $275 and costs in las action against the estate of the late.Virtu `.i'.'-Atuiney, chairman of ! the Pinblie Utilities Commission. The' v T + + 4 1 ction was held in Surogate Court on ept. l.Oth, .fore Judge T. M. Cos- ello, The 'tat Was Fred J. Murrey, aatiier of the , deceased W. D. Mur- ney, filed a claim against the estate for $SOLI wages alleged due ,hint for work done at the stock farm. of his late brother on the Bayfield Road' The • two exetors and sole beneficial' fes. Judge Costello made it Clean that the award was based 'on the statutory $5.00 per week payabl is ed to its assistance. The young men . the absence of a written: sgreernent, monied the Tirst truck, swerved outl f its -way "but did not see the tithe t until too /atst. 1 +Covering n; period of ono year, tel;- gether with an acknowledged one y ogethar with his acknowl .df ed del:'. of 30, xaalf a,4. which had been paid. UERALD OFFICE Do .You' Know?Kk That f aaxt.the ter Saleslnaaan ,t„a I faun the t ` d o>f .Success for' all meta,: ” Mercha/its Maimfactu exs, Etc.. I go foals `to tef the • World the amt ... . essa,ge of service And the World listens when I speak! and Sound Merchandisingi • For thase,who have used me as their Servant Y ahave -thered �', , untold millions lions into their coffers. I command the legeons of fashion, mould the styles and lead the World whithersoever. I got I sow fields for you to reap a Golders Harvest! • 1 -am Master Salestn nn et Your Sets -vice, and nay ADVERTISE! 11!'+ *'01 4'° g a'►°;°'r° 11>5y�'Vita 444 1 irvivi'4t4,4' t'it.404:14$0'r r,4, . 4 4,44414 Name is: