HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1934-09-20, Page 5Thursday; geptetriber 19'Mt BUSINESS CARDS DVDLET E.HOLMES *AMSTER, SOLICITOR, NOT • ARY PUBLIC, ETC. ItIPTICE—Hamilten Street, Just of the Square, GODERICH, Ontario. pedal Attention to Councel and Court Wes*. Holmes may be consulted at Oaderieh by Phone, and Phene charges ravened. Dr. H. H. COWEN L. D. S. D. D S. DENTAL SURGEON Att DEITZ BLOCK—ZURICH Ern Thursday, Friday, Saturday At RABTLEIB'S BLOCK, DAMIWOOD Every llionde.y„. Tuesday and ;Wednesday Licensed Auctioneer 'For Huron and Middlesex AM IN. A POSITION TO CON - duct any Auction Sale, regardless to Idle or article to sell. I solicit sour business, and if not satisfied Make no charges for Services II m- aenad. ARTHUR WEBER --Dashwood ifIctone 18-67. Zurichs' Popular MEAT MARKET Let Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Etc., always.. on hand... Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Price s for 3 W001, ilideS and Sdn5 Yungblut &Son onns Taw !Wants, For Sale, Loot, Found, Notice, Etc. Ads KIM DOWNS • FOR QUICK SALE 100 laying White Leghord Pullets Royal Fisher strain, for quick sale Apply to, O'Brein Bros, Zurich. FOR SALE • Butcher kettle, and a good rebuilt dawia mower for quick sate. L. A. Prang and Son. NOTICE Now is the best time to have your 'laying hens culled and looked over. We are in a position to do this work very successfully, and for those not passing Inspection we will pay 9c, 7e and 6c according to quality. W. O'Brein & Son, Produce, Zurich. LOST A lady's white gold wrist watch, some time in July. Finder please return to Zurich Post Office and re- ceive reward. NOTICE We are ready to do your Disc plowing at $2.00 per acre. C. Schrag, Zurich. • NOTICE Mr, Wm. Lamont made a basiness trip to Crediton on Tuesdaar- 1V1r, Edward Axt is spending the week in Detroit with his children, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. J. Thiel and family were Sunday visitors at Lon- don. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Scotchmer of Bayfield were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. Albrecht. Farmers are busy these nue days harvesting in the bean crop. Silo filling is also on the program. Mr. Richard Jeffrey of Detroit, is spending a few weeks with his mo- ther, Mrs. C. Ayotte. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jeffrey of De- troit, were visitors with the former's mother, Mrs. Chris. Ayotte in town, last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Siebert who visited a week at Detroit, returned home over the week -end and were accompanied by Misses Nora and Helen Siebert of that city. Rev. E. Burn returned from New York City last week, where he visit- ed his son and daughter on Staten Island. He also saw the burning ship Morro Castle at Asbury Park, N.Y. The dwelling property occupied by Dr. H. H. Cowen and owned by Mr. Ev. Haist, is receiving improvements by a fresh coat of paint. Mr. H. Eickmeier being the artist. The fine gardens that are seen a- round town is a credit to the villag- ers, and just at present of one is a vegetarian to have a meal requires very little more that a trip to, the garden and a good helping. Mr. J. E. Gascho has made impro- vements to his house by puuing on nicely shaded asphalt shingles. This will eliminate a big painting expense and will help to make the home cosy in the cold winter months. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Edighoffer who spent the summer at Grand Bend, are moving into their fine residence they recently purchased from Mr. J. Gall- LOST—Between Hensall and man. Mr. and Mrs. Gellman are Hmoving with their daughter and son- nalnrbkw'sa yPlva,c eb,iaPdicrieriyelltobnerBcruleubWjtegT Rev. and Mrs. Sehiefle, of SOMC3 Va11.1130:4. kindly return to Ba-vid Cantelon, Hensall. Reward-. FOR SALE SERV ICL ) Coltdetried Player Piano and t. . W1IY We Have the Better 'Class of Customers s L. ,1111G111 CLASS GOODS, U. S. ,IIATTERIES, MOBILE OIL, MAR- iSTELUBE OIL, GOODYEAR TIRES, AND- TUBES, GENUINE IGNITION Parte; Hohning and MechanicaIWork 'Sone to Micrometer Settings,, No swam work. Watch the cars that STOP at WE1N'S, They are all HIGH CLASS CLIENTELE. • itikOliveton Western. Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co OF WOODSTOCK !THE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- .ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- .13AL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO. ...iniount of Insurance at Risk on Dec. • 31st, 1932, $17,880,729,. Total Cash in Bank and Bonds 422.1,A7&.99. ltates---$4.50 per 1141100 for 3 years E. FKlopp—Zurich Agent, Also Dealer in Lightning Rods 'Sind "all kinds (Afire Insurance • 'L I VE heOULTRY WANTED. Piano delivered to your door for $200.00. Cost $750.00, complete with 30 rolls and bench. The finest piano in this country. Hess, aaken every Day till 3 o'clock p.m. lifo not feed Fowl same morning when brought in. Highest Casklikes FOR— • CREAM AND EGGS W. O'Brien Phone 101,, Ites,, 94, Zurich TifE HERALD'S 1.1013 DEPARTMENT ito over ready to serve the pub, lie with Commercial and fine F. w. Hensall, WANTED Ont. PRODUCE WANTED We are now in a position to take cream and eggs at my home at Zur- ich, for which we will pay highest market prices. We will grade your eggs as we receive them, and pay ac- cording to. grading. give us a trial. First house south of Dominion Hotel T. H. Meyers, Phone 116, Zurich. Mr. Win. Sieiiert. Jr.. i3 spendin, the week in Detroit. Bill is taking in the baseball games between•.; the Detroit Tigers and New York 'Yank - fes, at that place. Thesc two teams are fighting it out for first. plaee in the American League. Mrs. Mabel Snider has purchased Thanksgiving Day, Oct. 8th An order -in -council has been pass- ed setting the date for Thanksgiv- ing Day for this year as Monday, October. 8th. This is the second Monday in the month. 320 Fairs to be Held Of the Agricultural Societies in Ontario, some 320 plan to hold fairs this year, according to J. A. Carroll, superintendent, Agricultural Societ- ies Branch. "In certain quarters," said Mr. Carroll, "there was a feeling thalt government a.nd municipal cuts in grants would tend to disrupt the plans of many of these organizations However, from the impression gain- ed at • the District Fair Association meetings I have attended throughout the province, I feel that the direct- ors are determined by increased en- ergy and enterprise to rodintain the standards a die organizatiolis, many of which have been in existence for almost a century. • The Local News HERAtiror Mr. Lawrence Rau of Detreitp visiting with his parents here, visiF4Wv. i0"7 -77.7-00r."7„'" 0.0.411110.0.0.4"0000060**00000 040000000000***1000000•000100 FERTILIZER Mr. Archie W. Routledge who At," I here, has left for his home in Regina A hot fowl supper will be given by • tended the funeral of his late father the United Church, Varna, on Thurs- day evening, October nth, to which • the public is invited. A special pro- gram will be arranged for the oc- casion. • Mr. Archie MacKinnon, son or Dr. A. J. and Mrs. Mackinnon, is to be congratulated on by winningprizes in the poultry class at the Western Fair, London, last week, when he exhibited some of his choice Ham- burg chicks, winning 1st, for Cock- erel and 2nd for millet.Mr. John Kockems of town also exhibited at the Western and won prizes in Dor- kings, and Spanish EarlyTopping of Turnips Three years of investigation of the practice of cutting turnip tops for green feed some weeks before the roots are pulled, conducted by th Division of Chemistry, have proved that the pracice is not profitable. A storage of nutrients takes place in the turnips during the autumn we- eks and this storage is checked by early topping. BODY FOUND The lifeless body of Andrew Doig ;aged about 60 years, was found in a bush one half mile from his home at Egmonthille near Seaforth, by Rov McGill, one of a search party on Sunday, indications are that the man had been dead since Friday. There are no marks on the body, but pao-1 vincial constable McCoy, who is in- vestigating was not prepared to as- sign the cause of death or how it came about. Deceased was a single man. Expenditures for roads The good roads committee of the Huron county council at its August meeting passed more than $22,000 of expenditures made in July chiefly for labor. The question of hospital and doctor bills incurred by Traffic Officer Norman Lever, still in Clinton hospital recovering from injuries re - re" --ed in an accident on duty, was I•1 e•-, 3' to 'rho irg. - -1, however. The traffic officer did not carry insurance. It will be many we- eks before he is able to resume his duties, In Poli(•.e Court e# • • • 1 • Now is the time to order your Fer- tilizer for sure and see us before placing your order sowing fall wheat., Be I 'Implement Repairs McCormich-Deering. Also handle Cultivator points and plow points to fit any make of machine. Chicken Feeds Master Chick Starter and Pioneer Chick Starter L. Schilbe sosoogroosOosioosoos000ssooe awassessfaseoces 0000Ott-t100 0 raimimivaae,vmmw,vadvAk,, 7. 3 ill Magistrate J. A. Makins dealt with , seven cases on the docket in court the dwelling property auctioned off `• tio last Thursday morning at Goderich. on Saturday last, the property is lo- Deb Three remands from the past week cated in the northwesterly part of lb' town and is known as the estate were again set aside, fines were im- the late Mrs. E. Truemner. . Mrs. Or posed in two cases, one was dismissed and one was adjourned for one Snider gets immediate possession. ' month. In an intoxication case. the ac Bayfield Fall Fair will be held on Thursday of next week, when—in the cused was fined $10 and costs, or in afternoon a special attraction will be default twenty days in jail. Jos. Quigley, of Hallett township, plead - the musical Swiss Bell Ringers, who ed guilty to having liquor unlawfully will also put on a concert in the hall it not in the evening. The public is heart- He paidbeing acquired on a permit. $100 and costs of $2.50. ily invited. Sentence was suspended on Henry Kerr, W. Wawanosh farmer, who was charged by Thos. McNail with obtain ing $70 by false pretenses. Kerr is to make restitution and pay court costs, amounting to $22.60. In de- faulthe will:spend two months in jail Rellison Bone, charged with the theft of diamond rings valued at $600 and kitchen utensils and food, also with breaking and entering into seyeral summer residents north of Goderich, was remanded a week for senten^e He pleaded guilty to the charges. In the absence of Rev. Father Low- ry, now of Sarnia, whose residence Earl Mero was charged with enter- ing and taking therefrom $30 in sil- ver, the youth was remanded for a week. Father Lowry was unable to attend court.. The court room was the scene of a family squabble dur- ing the hearing of evidence in the case of Sturgeon v Sturgeon, in which Mrs. Wm. Sturgeon, of Hay- field, charged her husband with non- support of herself and three children all girls, the Sturgeons have been separated since April 19,1933. His Worship advised that they agree on a weekly allowance to be paid Mrs. Sturgeon and adjornedthe case. WOMAN HIT BY BULLET A Belgian woman, Estella Varian- deghan, 35, while working in an onion field near Hensall, was accid- entally shot when a bullet fired from a .22 rifle in the hands of a small boy, Keith. Buchanan, aged 13, of Hensall, entered her right thigh. The injured woman, married and mother of two, was taken to Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, where the partic- les of the splinter bullet were re- moved today. She is in no danger. 1935 AUTO MARKERS READY .. Guelph, Sept. 12—Inmates at the Ontario Reformatory, after several months work, have completed the province's supply of auto markers for 1935. Over half a million pairs of licenses for passenger cars were turned out, along with those for trucks, trailors and other vehicles, ran the total manufactured to near- ly. 1,100,000 markers. The colors of the new licenses are black fig-ures on an orange ground. ANNUAL. CLINIC The mainain a of the weekly news. :paper as the risme implies, is to give news of its own district. It may have other aims, such as to, give the mer- chants a chance to tell of their goods lin its columns or. to try to influence !public, opinion through its editor- iais; but first of all it must give the Inews. Some of this news is not easily obtained and no teditor can cover it all without assistance. Especially is chis true when you have visitors Many of the ladies think that per- • sonals are the most interesting read - :Mg in the whole paper. Your visitors are usually glad to have their marries • appear, so send them in. Sometimes ,rople come in and give the impres- sion that they are asking a favor when they want us to insert tris • names of their friends who have beer 'spending a few days with them, INC Pasting. Get our prices be- person need feel that way about giv. ae leaving you order elseg item, far we are indeed to got. them. all, 't'.",r • 4, 3m".154"" - The Lions Clubs of Seaforth and Goderich are arranging for the an- nual Clinics to be held on Wednes- day September 26th, at Alexandra Marine Hospital, Goderich. Parents and others who know of children who normally would otherwise not recei- ve attention and to whom the Clinic would be of benefit are urged to co- operate with the Clubs to insure at- tendance. This is not a mental Clinic, but will be in charge of Dr. G. A. Ramsay, assisted by others. . AnY in- formation will be gladly given py Mr H. S. Griff, Goderich. NEW APPOINTMENTS The Provincial Attorney -General has announced the appointment of 'E. C. Chamberlain as Clerk of the second division court at Seaforth, he • will open his office in the Dominion Bank building, succeeds Mr. J. C. Greig, who has held the position for number of years. Other appointnients announced in the daily papers include ;justices of the peace as fol- lows: B. W. F. Beavers, Exeter; F. Weir, Goderich; A. Y. 1VicLean, Sea- 'orth; G. A. McLennan, Clinton; \Ilan Lamont, Brussels; W. C. Adams Wingham. We understand these ap- , intment3 carry a. salary or $100 P. W F TorontoNov,• - • year. Guelph Whiter Fair Dec- 4-6 ww Zurich Drug Store School S lies We have a full Line of all the requirements of School SuppliPg PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. ALL AUTHORIZED TEXT- BOOKS KEPT IN STOCK. It00.0000stc.astoO•6000•000060 See Our Supply of Toiletn Preparations Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Perfumizers, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Pastes, and Brushes. ••009111008000101100000S050 .4„ Cie FINE STATIONERY AND FOUNTAIN PENS.„ We also have, Saphine Anti -Moth Discs. Dr. A. J. MacKinnon, Zurich 4Amtwoimmom PM* PARMIM IWMP MW • • • : Kitchener Daily Record $5.10 ,I. ' Toronto Daily Globe $6.00 b , • Toronto Daily Mail and Empire $6.00 % 1934 Fall Fair Dates : Toronto Daily Star $7.00 Toronto Weekly Star $6.00 0 London Free Press ' $6.00 t t London Advertiser. $6.00 Sept 20-21 e t London, Farmer's Advocate $2.25 4 . . • . . . ...... : Farm and Dairy $2.75 ..... ,•,•.— Sept. 21-22 Ot' o Farmers' Sun $2.50 Sept. 20-21 Sept 21-22 Sept. 24-25 It Family Herald and Weekly Star $2.25 : • Sept. 2526 Family Herald for 3 years Sept 25-26 • Canadian Countryrn $$23. 0205 .^.,, .. • Weekly Witness ... -.. .., 1. 1 5 • Farmers' Magazine .$2.50 Huron Expositor, Seaforth $2.75 watt • great many more that we cannot enumerate here. We have the Agency for every. reputable Magazine .in Canada and the United States, and can save you money on the most of them, Renew all your Papers and Magazines at our : Office and save Trouble and Money, a , 4, HERALD OFFICE - Zurich 4, 4 • 4•••••• 644400 t. 6 *664 4.0 0 04 646644 0 .tk 4.4. 0. 646044. • • 41• 6 1 4 0 ZURICH HERALD'S Clubbing List ZURICH HERALD and the following Pape for one Year: The following is a list of Agricul- tural Societies Fairs and Exhibitions for 1934: Ailsa Craig Kincardine Seaforth Atwood Zurich Blyth Thedford Mitchell ........ Sept 25-26 Bayfield Sept. 26-27 Brussels Lucknow Parkhill Tiverton Eirkton Teeswater Dungannon St. Marys Sept. 27-28 Sept. 27-28 Sept. 28 • Oct. 1 • Oct: 2-3 Oct 2-3 • Oct 4-5 Oct. 9-10 Oct. 9-10 Wingham41 Other dates are: International Plowing Match, Wexford, P.O. (York County . Oct. 9-12 Ottawa Winter Fair . Nov. 1.3-16 01 1 411 t.44-4-.40••••••04Oeltstreit•e••••PV ••••••400.40000440.044••••-• •