HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1934-09-20, Page 1Vol. XXXV leo, 11 ZURICH. THURSDAY MORNING SEPTEMERB 20, (934. Chester L. Smith, Ptzbaskrallift X1.25 a year, U.S. $1.5K s Adv *1.50 IN ARREARS, $2 MAY BM OSAEOSHIt "- Remember the Dates of Zurich Fall Fair; September 24th and 25th. Capital Theatre Goderich - Phone 47 - Now Playing—StricU''y5 72geanitn, with Lupe Velez,. Jannis' Durante and The Mills; Brothers - Mon., Tires.,, Wed - .ROBERT LROBERT MONTG xY:a ed .1E EVANS 'Combine action - warm romance to .produce a really entertaining picture "Fugitive eters! with Ted Healy grid Nat Pendleton - Thursday, Friday axed. Saturday ZAZU PIiTTS andk PERT ETON .A new comedy team breezes -onto the screen with a pot poutri of fns and melody - - ."Sing and Like It" .Coming—Gaynor '! Earrellt in "Change of Erear€..-„ . Matinees, Wed,, and Sat_ at 3 p.m. :Do You Need Glasses? OUR CORNER Though marketed conditions were unfavorable last year, the catch of whitefish from the Dominion's fresh water fisheries was nearly 15,800, pounds..A large part of Canada's an- nual whitefish landingsis exported to :the United :States. THE FALL FAIRS The fall fairs that have been held so far this year have been a big encouragements to the societies. We notice the Western Fair at London had 14,000 moreattendance a d that locthisal year that last y - r fairs around. home show a big incre- ase this year. Two eery important fairs in the community are being held next week, namely the Zurich Fair on Tuesday and the Bayfield Fair on Thursday. Both of these fairs will prove interesting andit is the duty of everyone who can to attend and help to keep the touch of rural life interested. Come out, and if you cannot bring any exhibits, buy your ticket and see what others have tie show and in this way help the fair along. ::Stop and Tek how iinpurlbseit it is that you wear correct ger- rectly prescribed for year vision.. 'Correctly styled. to your forte. Your this hav prevailed previous to the health may largely' depend Seen much 'talked about Labatt case some -vision. weeks ;age, and; the police are hot on See C. E ZIII€BtRTGCs, R the trail of these culprits, who did At HESS JE''iiirELERY STORE not as yet collect the ransom money •--• AND WHO NEXT?' Last Tuesday the headlines of the daily papers reported that plans had been bid, but were uncovered to kidnap Premier R. B. Bennet, and one of our exchange puts it that he would be a good big hefty fellow , to carry along, probably both physic- ally and financially, as we under- stand that he is very wealthy, and could . if he would, pay over a fat ransom stake. But we are indeed glad that it did not mature, as Mr. Bennett is away to Europe, and his place of abode at Ottawa wns'empty,. It looks to us as a lot of nerve to try and kidnap the leaders of a country Tike Canada, where little of ZURICH - (NT. . _:Pill. Day 'Tuesciayt'a Sept:. 25th. 1034. ST.PETER'S Evangelical. man 'SCh ZURICH -- ONT. "A Changeless Christ for -a ing lArorlir 1'Friday, 8h—Luther Lead. Saturday—Choir c t= SUNDAY SERVICES: =10 a. m.—German Service - '11.15 '11.15 a,n7_—Sunday Scheidt - 7.30 p.ni. Engiah. semime. =Everybody Welcome re ell Servisies1 E. TUERKHEIMt, Pester_ :Chang ''anis we 'truist "never will; Canada has always 'been. 'considered a safe and sane place to live in and we trust Plat ;this >typae,or outlaws will not invade our fair country to any great exteiit.t NOTICE All accounts owing to the es- tate of the late Dr. Jos. Rout- ledge V.S., Zurich, Ont. are due and payable at his late residence on or before Oct. I,, 1934 • Mrs. Leonard Birk, John L. Routledge, Executors: SOME GOOD HIGHWAY NEWS And -now comes the good news to the counties that the new Ontario Premier announces that the Province will assume the netire cost of Pro- vincial'highway ceestraetien and that action will be taken at the first sit- ting of the Legislature to bring the decision'irito e'ffec't. This •change will relieve the county of the usual. 20% of the cost, and after this is in ef- 'feet' it -looks :as if there will be many requests for Provincial Highways, as'who ,would not want graved roads built'When they cast yon nn'tning dir- ectly. In making out The 'program fornew roads we trust that the De- partment will not overlook the Zur- `'llilltiillil it illilllll,l,!„lfti`ll' ' t�"r,�;; tlr l ` 111ii111111111llll11111iii11fI!lihI(111111111111l 11 lIl ilif11411111t11i1 llllll rs AGrocery NEW IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of a dear hus- band and father, Thomas Johnson,; who passed away one year ago to- day, September 20th, 1933. 'Shoe .2 i ;f-aeik _- 1 1c P`ol'l€% �,x fix'' 1 ., .l':3c Hand leaner"„ tin .a- - -� -..I l 1 c CaTaY �Vr ;,.'; '-4x7,---•-�; e. ,- x t tt >� .-- 3 c CreaM YLcM7'. `!,1 s r ..^'a"i"l,""." : r.�1?`,x'�'V'�i GJG Ci Mcg -- t ��:...:.` :' _ _.� -----' ,__ 23c MPrunes, a u at „ 'l ac'Iipe im , : �', .4.1 Oc aj ps : gy�p@@- 3 • , t -' � . (y , Orange '�' '4 Etl •: ti i, Vc Orange Aylmerporky ?� the, ,..,...,...,..._......._..»,.�. C� i 'Caustic i� iBuilk and Cans F F � "`S Ways,, on Liana. Peke rins, Etc. Benno Oes ems " ,,w .-- 191111 iltUlt gimti,url4itrr !IIre 2tare cal ti i pt, e atI Phone 165 Mr. D. A. Cantelon, of Hensall called in town on Monday. Don't forget Zurich Fall Fair on Tuesday of next week, when we an- ticipate a big crown of people. Mr. Newell Geiger left on Monday for London where he will attend Normal School. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Steinbach of Holly, Mich., are visiting relatives here at present. Mrs. C. Rader of Dashwood, spent the past two weeks with her daught- As we loved him, so we miss him, er, Mrs. C. Decker and family. In our memory he is dear; Mass M&xthaeieleman who spent Loved, remembered, thought of al 5 feweeks in Michigan; has return- ed home.w Mr. and Mrs. Louis Weber and Sadly missed by Wife and Daughters son Roy of Hensall, were visitors at Detroit for a few clays last week. Miss Anna Overholt of London, is ich Road from Hensall to St. Josehn. spending the week with her mother, which wouldact as a link from the Mrs. W. Miller. Blue Water Highway and No. 4, and' Mr and Mrs. Albert Heideman of Jackson Mich., are visiting at 'the 'home of Mr. and Mrs. Egbert Heide- man. ways, .Often wishing he was here. of which a petition is already in. Under the new regulations it looks to us as if the Province can easily get too much roads on their hands, which will have to be paid in some way, or perhaps the intentions are to do away with all county roads, and have either municipal or federal high- ways, and thereby avoid a lot of executive machinery.. STEPHEN COUNCIL Rev. J. P. Hauch of Stratford, 'conducted preparatory services in the Evangelical church here last Thurs- day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Siebert of Detroit were week -end visitors at the home of the '•4id Mrs. W. L. Mr. and Mrs. Seaforth, were the The Council of the Township of Stephen met in the Town Hall, Cred- iton, on Tuesday, September 4th, at 1 p.m. All members were present The minutes of the previous regular meeting: -. and the special neetinga held on 11th and 25th. of Aug were read and adopted. Motion that a'grant of $25.00 be made to the Exeter Agricultural Society. Motion, That by-law No. 487 to levy the Tax rates upon the rateable property of the Township of Stephen for the year 1934 having been read three Reeve. ee times., be passed and signed by 1 and Clerk and the Seal of the Cor- poration attached thereto; That the penalties for the non-payment of tax es shall be 3% if not paid on Dec.16 1934„ 4% if not paid on January 1, 1935 and 5% on I+'ebruary 1, 1935. The Clerk read a letter he had re- ceived i ror•1 H. Brown of Parkhill, with his account amounting to $7.75 for having his automobile damaged while driving on the 19th Concession Ordered filed. The following contracts were let to haul gravel on: First Side Road—Block 4, Sim i re land $2.00 a cord; Block 5, Nelson Schenk 2.90 a cord; Block 6, Henry Clarke, 1.70 a cord; Block 7, Gord- on McKeever 1.50 cord; Block 8, Stephen Morrison 2.50 cord; Bloch 0. Sim Ireland 2.85 cord. Exeter „Side Road, Flock 5, Sian Ireland 1.85 Block 7, S. Ireland 3.60 cord. Motion, that the following pay sheet and orders be passed: P. Daring rde 2 $13.50; A.:i;'ahncr rd 6 2.00; B. McCann rd 12, 193.30; 1 Mellin rd 17 11.77; A. Latta rd 18, 11.75; R. Holt rd 20, 11.45;' J. 1. Morrissey rd 22, 3.40; Either Salary for August 34.50; McKeever rd 11 14.85; S. White rd 3 1.13; L. Ziler gravel, 16.83; 3-;. Ziler gravel 50.44; I. Tetreau rd. 1.1 368.44; M. Sweitzer rel 15.4.37. Or- ders—Hydro Electric acct 6.79; Can tralia Farmers Co-operative cement for Tile Yard 38.25; Can. Bank of Connnerce, commision on cheques 2:25; Trees Co. of Huron, acct. Ind- igent Patent McGregor 27.10; Exet- er Agric. Society grant 25.00; G. A McCubben, survey, plans and report 'e Walker Drain outlet 40.00; C. Ma- whinney asst -survey re Walker drain 3.00;, B. K. Eilbcr ditto 6,00; 1•h K. Filher.' printing by-law and serving; �•-1.1, , W ,fr;er clatin outlet 2:1.00; H. K. Eitbc r Clerk's fees re vv aiicee cltu. ^rin or, ouance ve yr a '1.39; ;\e'ley 1l.aVrrie .1110 ',`.a,+-, r ria 125.0e. The Council adjourned to moot Monday, 1in.theTownthelHall, t dayofecOetober, 13l Cr11 slay , 1934,, at 1 part former's parents, Mr Siebert. Thos. Coleman of week -end visitors at home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hor- ner. Inspector Beacom of Goderich for the publis school, and Inspector Mills of Toronto for the Continuation school called on Zurick school on Thursday • last week. • Rev. H. H. Leibold, of Sebring- ville will. preach in the Evangelical church here next Sunday morning and evening, and Rev. Burn will con- duct anniversary services in Sebring - vine. Rev. Nelson Littweiller and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Gingerfch and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ainos Ginger- ich and little Jean; Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kuepfer and family and Mrs. .term Kuepfer, were visitors with Mr; and Mrs. David Gingerich and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gingerich and lam For Gradu atiom Buy THEM A FINE WRIST WATCH. See the Elco Line of Watches VVIoderately Priced Gents with Bracelets ... - , $10.00 Ladies, with Bracelets OBITUARY Late William Miller The: cold reaper of death again. made- a visit to our village and re -- moved: one of its citizens in the per- son of Mi. William Miller, who pas- sed away at St. Joseph's Hospital, London, en Saturday, September 15, aged 70, years, 5 months and 23 days. Mr. Miller, who has reached the three score and ten mark in life, seemingly had been enjoying his us- ual health until last Tuesday he be- came ill and was taken to the hos- pital where he was treated for kid- ney trouble, but of no avail and he passed away on Saturday. 1 -laving known Mr:. Miller for some thirty years, always of a quiet and peace- able nature, and always nerdy to give a helping hand when possible. Re was born in Hay Township, and was in earlier years engaged in brick and tile manufacturing, and was always, a very hard working man, afterwards he took up farming and was very successful in his • undertakings,. til about eight years ago he retired' and moved to Zurich to enjoy a well earned rest, and with his mil'd dis- position he had many warm friends Sown, Besides his sorrowing wid- r r+ Tp. $12.75 Initials Engraved FREE Hess, The Jeweller Phone 74 Zurich BLUE COAL. Egg, Stove, Nut and Pea Genuine Semet Solvay Calms and MILLERS CREEK POCAHONTAS BRIQUETS, A NEW' DOMESTIC FUEL for every puxpu Intense heat, very little Smoke or Ash. W. R. DAVIDSON CASH . paid for Eggs on a Grade& Basis. Phone 10 HENS -ALL •••••••••••••N•••••••••&it.** •••ooa•o�...loAia•-<Ps dscA•0 • 40 •• r• • ming an.a. 0 a. SUIT SALE • • • • • • •• • • • • • ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •b • • • t• • • in ow, he is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Joseph Ziler of Stephen, and, Mrs. Alex. Voisin of Parkhill; four sons, Walter Miller of the Toth con-, cession, Hay; Clarence or B gmond- ville ; Daniel of London; and Gordon of Parkhill; Two sisters, Mrs. Jacob Gackstetter and Mrs. Mark .Wilds l=oth of Ilay Township, and one bro- ther, Mr, Chris. Miller of Onoway, Mich. The funcra I was held on Tuesday morning to the R. C. min- i.. for interment with Rev. Father PHONE 1197 L. Power, officiating, and the tune%-. al was largely attended. — - When Mr. Park, Special Representative of "CLOTHES . OF QUALITY" 1 J Visits s on • TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18th Arrangements have been made with the makers, of "CLOTHES OF QUALITY" for a.:special price on all TWO PANT SUITS sold during this represen- tative's visit. REMEMBER THE DATE -CLOTHES OF QUALITY"" are Guaranteed for Fit, Quality and Workmanship Sold Exclusively. By W. 11. Homan & S EMBALMERS :AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS +••.••• ne••• ••di•4611.2, ,4,64.•c4+a4.•••®®•e.a•a�.•ra4+ scF,a.osr•saa�.¢.r. a. , ml!n3`11r ShowYouOur Let TJS New Curtains and Curtain Goods; ..New Prints and Broadcloths; New House Dresses. Boys' Fancy She° and Men's and Boys' Rubber Boots and. Wark Women's, Misses• aiC" Ghildreans' Shit Sandals 'and oxfords.' ' - Men's and Overalls:.. Shoes; Shirts; also Work any lines'in'Hardware such, as Paints and -V ish•-s Granitewarer Tinware, Etc.,' Etce. HARNESS REPAIRS A SPECIALTY This Season's Vegetable and Flower Seeds 5c and 10c a Oea Package.. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND' R. N. DOUGLAS GENERAL MERCHANT' E3LAK