Zurich Herald, 1934-09-13, Page 8PAGE EPA t' ti 1 , 11 1 Our La s`Wesr Company of Toronto will again have T `r° L«ei !� 4 u� ..i Sl.oTi4.a:+p `+a.'C oaCY9, Dresses. Foy M n?...y Only TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18th. See large posters for full ..T p 7,y ,»•v $ o. $ L i t.:.. i:::;, 1r13. laSti g krorra ,IOth. to 15th. rc Mon , 1Vdoona,.°i ni.. _�;` Co. Free ,f`°. .> el r g',' .: Y L::•2,A l.''°ie.i 1 it and rule. Monarch D. e lez, Mon- rch Tweed 25.r,. iVonarch Dos, ,.t 2 :,,", 14,--1.1..9-ch Rain- bow 25c a ball. GROCERIES! Oxydol large 19c. Baking Bran, 2 lbs. far IVIacroni, 4 lbs. for 25c. Japan green tea, ib. Rice per lb. 5c. Pork and Beans, 2 for Princess Soap Flakes, 2 for 29c. PRODUCE \"1AN T E PHOIsvE 59 I 1 1,] 7r9URAliati AGENCY sem. you should have Public Liability and Property i' 7ot. .c': your own car with Collis_ us+rance... Policies are good in Canada and the United States. Enjoy your trip more by knowing that you have protection. Rates are lower this year. FULL INFORMATION GLADLY GIVEN. For nates Apply to: LI '� !TOW . Z c MY MOTTO—SERVICE AND SAFETY 7.. ter;, °��C: 7.g. ADE YOUR WILL? ,n «-y �� �, ._-. n•c a '. .c x7 -xnxcn acs -•^,ft - ....Y.• :'r7r..;."..'!,•43,C.;.;.T? �Ta1 Rr !y HARDWARE -- SEEDS and FURNITURE +>M v5 etP LEAVE YOUR. ORDER WITH US NOW FOR P YOUR SUPPLY OF COAL AND COKE WHILE PRICES ARE LOWEST PAINTS! • PAINTS! We carry a full liar of the Well Known and Tried ark; .. owed Sher ;>s in-Williaans Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax Frost Tight Lock Wire Fencing and Gates and Fencing Supplies and Posts. Goodyear Balloon and Cord Tires and Tubes in all sizes WHITE ROSE GASOLENE, ENARCO OILS, F,,,, ;+, vri ..... Q: ._. and Beds. Felt Marshall 'tall Mattresses Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith- F Inc; our Specialty. Full line .of heavy and shelf Hard- 3 xr� Y � , .,..... we era W RIC - T. ZU QUALITY PRICE w, SERVICE woro always in stock. .,,.n.s;c,.,v.�i>rc.... auv,;..:. . �A•` � . �. `,^� '.: a4,w+a+4:it.WVai.,�.+"•@dhu 44a�•C�fei%�a';d��t�..�'�v�.�';eir ZURICH HERALD Nti?,'"t)a elaternbei" j:3ti, 11 q!, vt , (. d'.. Iii M1h Om k/ dy u a it w it' i THIS SEASON CALLS FOR G i r, 'terr t .F FENCES ON THE FARM. �r FARM. LET US SUPPLY YOU WITfr-I THE BEST O ? 1, %r ri it 7r�,�,7�+ 'i', " `w�•: U �...r �1�111i�61Z'i, +1i'3 ALSO HAVE BARB WIRE. SEE US ABOU"li 4 NEW ROOFING, PLUM;) G . At°I? 1E`§�E.a. TROUGHING RA 44 4 SPECIALS! SPECIALS / 0, s: Special Gasoline for Stoves, at per gallon .............. 13c � :t Special Stove Oil, at per gallon . We also have some very Attractive P"r ces.33c Furniture. See Our New Beds, Springs and Mattresses. y�. (We sell the Best for Less) Items for September 13, Rinso, large pkg. ............................................19c Robin Hood or Quaqer oats, large pkg. Z l c Jelly Powder, (red brand). per pkg. l::ae: soil malted cheese, 2 pkgs Hillcrest sl.,.....,,- 2 pkgs. • Royol York tea, Half 1b. pkg. butter 26 -oz. Loose ready cut macroni, 2 lbs. Mother's biscuit mix per pkg. Pearl Naptha soap, 5 bars Golden Hallowi Dates, 2 lbs. - 5c- L5c 21c 30c 25c 13c 25c 19c 19c Swansdown cake flour, per pkg. ..... . ....... 32c Royal York coffee, .:1-1b. tin 39c Iodized salt 2 pkgs Molasses snap per lb. 10c 18c I- ighest Prices for Eggs. h. Phone 1`4O �� u LOCAL iNTEREST LOCAL MARKETS Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Hess mot- (Corrected every Wednesday) ored to Goderich on Sunday. . Eggs Butter lb. creamery Butter ib. dairy 23 Wheat bush. 90 Barley, bush 50 Buckwheat, bussh. 50 Shorts ton 25.00 Bran, ton 25.0.0 Flour, cwt. 2.00-2.90 Live Hogs cwt 8.25 Mr. Harry Hoffman or Dashwood called in town on business on Wed- nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Gascho and Mr. Milton Oesch motored to Desboro the past week for a few holidays. The find new dwelling house that has been erected by Mr. and Mrs. Milne Rader of the 14th concession, is now completer and window and other interrior decorations are being rylt+ ”nil will mon on be occu- pied by the genial and happy owners. This is indeed a fine addition to this fine farm nroperty. The house is modernly equipped and we -are wish- ing the owners many hears of health and happiness in their new home. Mr. and Mrs. J. 3. Swartz of De- troit were holiday visitors at the home of Mrs. J. Fuss. Their daugh ter Eunice, who has been spending a few weeks with her grandma, Mrs. 1y1's , returning with the parents .to Detroit. During the past week, Mr. and Mrs. Swartz and Eunice and Mrs Fuss had a most enjoyable trip to Markham and Toronto, visiting fri- ends and also taking in the big exhi- hition at Toronto. SEND US THE NEWS We are always very anxious for news that is news, and invite all our waders to phone or send in any items thee may have or know of. Occas- ionally an item is sent hi with the senders name or somebody's name at- tached underneath telling of a young gentleman calling on his lady friend in the neighborhood on a Sunday evening. This we do not consider the kind of news that a local newspaper desires to publish. So please do not send in such items. MUST PAY MORE The local Hydro Board has receiv- ed nn'ire from the Ontario Hydro Electric Commission of an Increase in the rate per horsepower for the local supply from VP, to l65, dat- ing back to January 1, 1934. The rates to domestic and commercial con sttm'r5 remain the same. m . We'were entertaining good hopes that the rates would be lowered in the near future hut apparently instead they are tacking a few more dollars per h. p. on vs. No one has told us yet just why this rare is in. effect, but prob- al•l» the water rates have went up at Niagara and as a consequence the power rates muet ai: o go up. HYMENIAL Bossenbe •T.3.wtow - .A wedding of int:,rest to Exeter's younger set took place 1. • the rectory of Trivitt Mcrlori 1 ch rch, when Helen Lucille, eldest dau- '.pier of Mr. and Mrs. Beverly Bar- tow, of Exeter, was mai:ried to Harry :?.abort Bossenberry, of Detroit, el- dest son of Mr. and Mrs. muse I oc- nberry, of Grand Bcntl. The cer e„„ was performed by the rector ' Y O. A. Bunt, Mi:.s Velma ',. Bar - .;ow attended her sister while Bohn Itaiser of Detroit, was best man. The young couple left for Detroit where They will reside. Mr. Bartow is man- ager of the Exeter branch of the Can au;an L3LL)ii<:xs. 22-19-14 25 GQDERIC}I FAIR NEXT WEEK Goderich Fall Fair on. Tuesday and Wednesday, September 18th and 19th offers the big holiday outing 'oi the season. Full program, Wednesday afternoon —harness and running races and jumpers. Other special at- tractions. Remember the date. Dublin Man on Top Winners in the annual bacon litter competition conducted by the Dom- inion. and. Provincial Departments of A,grdcuitm a have . been announced. Robert L. Bolton of Dublin took lst place in the district comprising Perth Huron, and Grey counties, with 173 points out of a possible 200, Second prize was won by John Armstrong of near Zurich with 167.24E points, and third by Percy Switzer with 161. 33 points. There were 26 Iitters en- tering in this district out of 81 lit- ters itters in the whole Province. The . Pro- vincial championship went to Thom- as A. 13arich of St. Thomas with 196.21 points. Naturally he also won first prize in his district, No. 3 which includes Elgin and Middlesex count- ies. Zurich Junior Institute The monthly meeting of the Zur- it11 Junior Institute was held in the (Hensall Town Hall on Wednesday evening, September 5th. The meet- ing was in. charge of the President, Miss Irene ,IVlousseau which was op: ened by singing the Institute Ode fol- lowed byr the Lord's Prayer. The min- ates of the last monthly meeting Were read and approved: The roll call was responded to by "My Fav- orite Dessert". The business and correspondence was then dealt with 'First on the program was a reading by Miss Mary Coleman entitled "My Sister's Wedding." Next was a solo by Miss Kathryn Drysdale. Miss Grace Gelinas then favored us with a mon- ologue and last was an instrumental by Miss Pearl Elder. The meeting closed by singing the Maple Leaf and the boys then joined the girls' for the :oint meeting. We were pleased to have with us for the evening the Parkhill JJunior Institute and Junior Farmers. The joint meeting was in charge of Mr. Delbert Geiger which was openedby a number of music se;leelions from the Ganes orchestra rev. Mr. Young was t',1^n railed up on who gave an address, to the yo- ung o ung people on "OLller le,colits". The meeting then closed and the rest of e the evening was spent in dancing; * 'rho next meeting of the Junior In', a itute and Junior Farmers -will be held on October 3rd, 1934 J1" r• r. ii 4. 4. 4. USED FURNITURE ++ Two Goad Used Chesterfield Suites on Hand; Good Used Dressers from $4.50 up; Kitchen Chairs, Etc. All Big Bargains fort quickng Sale. BE SURE AND SEE THEM! khnstonf alb a?. w9 : dwar eisch ate 68 aF . a �>•s !n>4+1++ +;P�; .a+t+•E++e++6+,++a++t • + •41.4. s++aaarr ++n+a•+a•+F+.1,1 +>r.q.. , R+ IIIMIIIIIBII@IZM!!I!!Ir ll!lull!IhililgiIIIf!IIIIIIIIIIIII111111111UIIllllllllllllilllllllll111u1111111111111!L[!1!i!i!"i'EGi44ifQlld!iIJII'ilillillli11111Bi111111111111111111811111111111111101111111111111111111111111111111111111II1u• THESE PRICES subject to change without Notice Painting Wagon Painting Buggy Recovering Buggy Top Rerimming Buggy Wheels Set Buggy Shaft Cross Bar Buggy Reach Buggy Spokes each $7.00 and 10.00 6.00 and 10.00 16.00 and 18.00 12000 3.00 1.00 ..... L25 25c 'ISM, the pair Man 11111111I0811f011411011081011fii1iiilii `i0 liiilin€Ilit!B illYIKI 01INti1101111iiIE 01811iillii0110ii11!01i11118110011i y y'1 Bf�il,lal!{ILUlilhllll.,Ih110!I!I!I!!ll0l81111111111110lIIIIIIllli11118lllllllliltr; Y4 P,a++,A •A++•f.•++.4 'Y`4.+++-6il+ly0+. .V.44+ •R"T4' 4,0..1.v4+ ..Ei.,..,+. .41e a4...+0,49X p 574154 rail raw : TUNE . STP YOUR 04R! Don't be discouraged and throw agave- your Cage if it is not functioning as you think a should. Just run it in our Garage and have our Mechanics go over it and You will,be surprised of the results. 1: C.s.asoline and Kerosine c1ivt=Gy e iciat onhand in large and small quantities. Let us fill your barrels or 42. .E, Containers. Expert Wor: unship on Repair Work, and lOverhht I,4,1 x all Makes of Cara ;crab charges Very ,ona,lhe. qui qvpi qv 4. 4, eMoussetaii Zurich .., 1.,2, ,, ,i,e' W ,r ..k..iew' 0 ,, T+&i,,i4t,4, Q14 444. +tc.44$+ +&++ A •,,*t..1.444.Pti'tP+ TF'Sr1.41P.11.ii *44,aeoka"t+ ��fi������'�������� ,t• y�y 4, 4, 4, 4' o You Know? That I arrn the Master Salesman! I am the herald of Success for all men, Merchants, Manufacturers, Etc. I go forth to tell the World the message of service and Sound Merchandising! And the World listens when I speak! For those who have used me as their Servant I have gathered untold millions into their coffers. 11 command the legcons of fashion, mould the styles and lead the World whithorsoever I go I sow fields for you to ,-cap a Golden Harvest! ! a: i. Lf0)',1..r .�.i�c1 : n. ]F.3.7 Name s: ADVERTISE!. eve etb 4 . +n1. *Ek �.r,P•pQ'.�M,�> +,i+ � ,�1 ,. W'1: lN+,! "M'yi.'�V.i•'4!' ./'1'u"'Y"i.i .r�t+�'iy`ti'�1.'� `"fi r � 4'444