HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1934-09-13, Page 5"Thursday,. September t3tfiy 1.934 ii a • , . I.. aminati ''"" ZURICH HERALD BUSYNESS CAR S 1011.ISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT. ARY PUBLIC, ETC. OFFICE—Hamilton Street, Jut c Mae Square, GODERICH, Ontario. fipocial Attention to Councel and Court Work. 'Ir. Holmes may be consulted at Crrederich by Phone, and Phone charges reversed. Dr. IL IL COWEN L. D. S. D. D S. DENTAL SURGEON • At DEITZ BLOCK --ZURICH l 'iyory Thursday, Friday, Saturday At HARTLEIB'S BLOCK, DASHWOOD Every Monoay, Tuesday and ;Wednesday �°i:ger ASi��R'.t�W"iy B ���Yz�i. ,L,rL�raB py V •i. For Huron and Midd1eae' I AM IN A POSITION TO CON - et any. Auction Sale, regardless ;moi to size or article to sell. 1 solicit Tatar rsre makebn.o;echarges for ees, ad if osatisfiedt Services Ben - :Eared, en: erred, .A1iTk1UI WEBER—Da.shtvooc, sees 13-57. Z i .-> F' P o ud a r EE A T MARKET Let Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cm - MI Coro Ms, For Lost m claima� FOR QUICK SALE 100 laying White Leghore2 Pullets, Royal Fisher strain, . for quick sale. Apply to, O'Brein Bros., Zurich. FOR SALE Butcher 'kettle, and a good rebuilt lawnmower for quick sale. L. A. Prang and Son. NOTICE, Now is the best time to have your laying hens culled and looked over. We are in a position to do this work very successfully, and for those not pas:•ing inspection we will pay 10c 9c and 8c. ib. according to quality. W. O'Brein & Son, Produce, Zurich. FOR SALE A number of young pigs for sale, 5 weeks old, ready to wean. apply to Henry Clausius. LOST A lady's white gold wrest watch, some time in July. Finder please return to Zurich Post Office and re- ceive reward. NOTICE We are ready to do you ed Meats, l ologna.s, Sausages, yourplovrinc at $2.00 per acre. C...Schragi Zurich. Etc.,� always.. on hand... Kept wool, k ii$;ies 1.15.1a ::ins i,u6 icugl)FUti T Son. SERVICE 4 by We have the Better Klass of Customersluizvi �. CLASS GOODS, L. 'REATT•ERIES, MOBILE Oil, 3vL R- tJ LUBE OIL, GOODYEAR TIRES -.AND TUBES, GENUINE IGNITION 3`t -wets, Hohnaing and Mechanical ti'lor a :.tone to Micrometer Settings, £' o ass work. Watch the carts that ?+i P et WE1N'S, They aro all iiiIGIi CLASS CLIENTELE. El to , in• � 1 H na urEAXAVV 006ONTARIO • Disc Mr, and Mrs. A. F. Fess and sons were Sunday vi,;itors' at..Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Overholt of Detroit were visitors with releti.v- es and friends the past week, Mr. and Mrs. C L. Smith and Mae spent the week -end `with friends at New Hamburg, Kitchener and Ham- ilton. IVIrs. Jeff Dickerson, of Detroit, who spent a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Foster, has retuned to her home in the city. The fine crop of beans that 'have grown in this section this ' sununer, are now rapidly being harvested, and width good prices the farmers will put a.. smile on their faces. Mr, and Mrs. W. F. Braun. and family • of • For. est spent Thursday night in town. Mr n• had been to Toronto Exhibition while Mrs. Braun remained with ,relatives in Zurich. LOST—Between Hensel].and Hankie Place, Pinery, on raae Water. Highway a black leather Club Bag, Containing some valuables. Finder kindly return to David Ca:ntelon, wr"atm Farms' Mut a eager Insurance Co OF • WOODST OC A THE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ,ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- UAL Col,: PANY DOING BUSINESS AF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO. Amount of Insurance at ,Risk on Dec. 31st, 1932, $17,85.0,723. 'Total Cash in 1; Bank and Bonds Hensall. Reward. FOR SAI. E The big Western Fair -al -London, is on this week, and a goodly, n at -':- er of the community are attondi e To -day, Wednesday, (half holicley;) a large number from town motos'e'i down. The splendid crop of onions grown in these parts have practically all be- en harvested and prove a good crop this year, and if the prices now pre=.•e - good it will mean much to the lu:,'- The Laelie„' Aid and W.M.S. of the els of the people of the community Evangelical church will give a ter Mr. Wesley Callus, of Kitchener, key supper on Wednesday evening, spent the past week with friends in. October 31st in the church shed. Rev. and airs. teens-- ._ ....'1 a town. Wes spent the summer sailing funeral at Roseville last Friday. the great lakes, 'working ons a large auto transport steamer, and of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cords and babe tours, the auto buying season. is reev of Jordan visited a few days with pretty well over so he is paid of". Mr. and Mrs. E. Guenther`. The fine showers the past week icr. and Mrs. Jacob England of '.:rt T heclford were Sunday visica,rs with have helped things along. Fall v:l is corning up nicely, some already, firs. Faust and Miss May England a few inches high, and the gra is i iiho i', in very poor health at present. doing worderfulIy with the moi Nie Chas. S e.iihagen :.pent a Peau 1'e da , in Parkhill last week. a few light frosts were exper a ,nd recently, which nipped some o1 the firs. Hiller and daughter Jean of Sarnia are spending a few days with tender vines, while right here in the village little damage was done. (her parents, Iter anal Mrs. Hei7xih 1 , . esel , ;1, c ., 1 l„ r,. p Miss Alice Wolter is spending holt-, day:; at rot.':. SO** seeseee Miss Anna Overholt, who spent a tio week at her home here has resumed ,s, ids !en.rei. to Mr, and Mrs.. Elmore Klopp and Miss Ethel Hess visited .at Elmira ov- er the week -end. • Mr. Percy Rowe has recently rent- �. ed the dwe1!ang property at Ilio .south 0 3 d i3 • ,g (md. of the' eillag,' from fhe '9.'rucinn er estate and will likely move there- in iet a few weeks. GOVERNMENT AXE STILL I5 ACTIVE The New Provincial Government in its reorganization policy of • cease omy e le now rear der•the miliae ase p>intments, and thie tuna it, is the t)ivision Court officials, einong the voweeppointrnents we notice at Go:l- erieh Mr, Agar Sumnier;,all was ap- pointed as bailiff in place of Mr- Os- wald Ginn who has hell the position for five years. In the Tenth Divis- 'o a Court at Zurich, Me. Fred Thiel has been bailiff for a few years, and recently has beim acting es bot bailiff and Division'Court Clerk, and the new men appointed are, Clerk, Mr. Albert Kalbfieisch and Bailiff, Mr. Norman Gesel:o. :Roth should bre very capable men for these positions and the most of us .,re only too plea- sed if we can possibly stay out of "Court." DASHWOOD Junior No. 6,;•Seed wheat, Bald White Wheat,' free from loose head, smut and weeds, good yielder; 30 to 35 bushels to the acre this year. Hilton Truest -trier, R. R. 2, Zurich Phone 85 r 11. FOR SALE A Combined Player Piano and -Piano delivered to your door • for $200.00. Cost $750.00, complete with 30 rolls and bench. The finest piano in this country. F. W. Hess, Hensall, Ont. nates—$4,50 per $1,000 for 3 years F. Ki';M:gip---Zwick% AgEtt, Also Dealer in Lidlainind Rods ard all hinds of Fire Insurance L I VE U L A R V WANTED (Taken every Day till 3 &clock pare Do not feed Fowl same morning when brought in. Highest Cash Prises __CASH FOR --- CREAM AND D EGGS Phone 101, Res, 94, Zurich WANTED 0 MAW 4Prif TO ar',w w„ pxey,*ar gxe0t 101$ 4i7 Now is the time to order your Fer- tilizer for bowing fun wheat. Be sure and see us before placing your order Implement .i •cpairs McCormich-Deering. Also handle Cuhivator points and plow points to fit any make of machine. Chicken Feeds Master Chick Starter and Pioneer Chick Starter Y1 p 49rit121; 2;i4vo1?•:'asma:uE 0V001 Emek4c`J.• 0 yaGatniS56366e— Zurich Drug S requested to bear in mind the iii ov: .^ Cr, 4 ,..i is •.” ,.s4i :.:airy lit .a -.'t. „•. Rev. J. 1'. e 2 -Stmt oicl will of the Zurich Fall Fair, Septet her be the seer! e7 in the Evangelical 24th and 25th, leCs l.an a sea l chinch on Sunday c: i error, away, and how rapidly time of ` Henrich will occupy the pe 1pit in' Die .leav: lit.'s hes la:en 'art- ; 1 Crediton. dad and some, items added, a Mrs. Adella Fisher who spent the as the oaxtcarle attraction e; _:ret' 1''r"' sumer at Ippexv.aeh Beach, has re - the speed contests' which should be tunierdhome. very interesting and wellat e. ,tled ; A number of friends of Miss Nerds $100 prize money being offered The Fassold popular bride elect of next prize list this year shows the Sliest .week met at the home: of Miss Selma lot of special prizes that we haveev- Rader and presented her with a' er soon, and we are looking io zrcl shof. kitchenware. The gifts:, forr keen .competition for eveery`• one wereower arranged in a pretty decorated of these. The day will close with a basket and with each gift was en - big concert and dance in the lo+ i closed a favorite recipe of the donor. town hall in the event' ;. This year The evening rwasico spent in pice,r co:io f. the program for the insert will 1: euchre after which lunch was served put on by the Junior rmer �n:l by. the hostess. • these young people a special effort to mak. this a big sue- Deaf i of Mrs. Andrew Si this cess. • Let's all mee& t Zurich -on Tuesday, Sept. 25th. Mrs. Andrew Bierling, formerly Auto Accident' PRODUCE WANTED We are now in a position to take cream and eggsat my home at Zur- ich, for which we will pay highest market. prices. We will grade your. eggs as we receive therm, and pay ac- cording to grading. give us a trial. First house south of Dominion Hotel T. 13. Meyers, Phone 116, Zurich, School Fair Dates • There will be seven • Huron Coun- ty School Fairs held again this year and the date s for same nave been announced as follows;, Grand Bend Hartsell Gorrie Belgrave .. St. Helens Currie's Corners Carlow Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. As his }motor car crashed into the rear of the London -Exeter passeng- in failing health for some time. She 1 ar bus which had just 1. t off a pas- was born in Waterloo Township and ,enger about four miles south of is survived by her husband, two sis- Exeter, George Armstrong, 47, R.R. ters, Mrs. David Schroeder, Dash - 3, Exeter, a well known ,i °aler • in .;.00d and Nee Wm. Wolper Exeter hogs, was fatally inje?re' the i'r" .rorth: a brother Henry M. Willert, telescoped the back of the bus, he also four sons: Chris. at home, Wil - died about 15 }ninute, 'i'.""• the at- liani of the ]3lue Water Highway; cident. Two young ' "1 krthur at Crediton; Harry of Exeter Brooks 15, and D. Severns 14, re-' ceived rapid reward for a-emu,y ace as they ]eft the rear seat of the bus tea. Freidericka. Willert died on • Sunday evening at her home on the 16th Ss concession of Hay Township. She -3110 was in her 76th year and ,sad been 10th 11th 13th 14th 17th 1.8th 20th • t 1 '7 ecI t :> i;+?,. t"1,'''1."1V 7naS- North, and two daughters, Mrs. Jac- ob Walper of Dashwood, and Mrs. FredWhite of Lockport, N. Y.There are also 30 grandchildren and two as it s op senger carry out his parcels cels and a great grandchildren. Funeral services basket of grapes. BerkeLevy could was held on Wednesday at 2 o'clock return to their former ea-. crushed in the rear of the bus and wt ;would have probably brought ins - ant death to both 'hadthey been seated where they formerly were,The car driven by Armstrong VMS follow ing the bus northward on the g high- way. Just as the bus was pulling way from the stop, Armstrong's car crashed into it. The car iva.i wrecked back as far as the diver's eta tile. the driver crushed within tee wreck- age. The force of the impact drove the bus ahead 71 feet and the rear of the bus where the two boys had been sitting was caved in. OBITUARY the car at her late residence and at the Luth eran church with Rev. T. Luft ofl - elating. Interment took place in Ex- eter cemetery. CORN PACK STARTS Exeter—Work on the corn pack at the local branch factory of the Can- adian Canners began last week and is now in full awing. There is ample local help and the crop is expected. to run from 50 to 75 per tent. of the normal. BORN Rose—At Hay township, on .August 27th, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rose a daughter. Ducharine—At Hay Township, on August 24th, to Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Ducharme, a son. TSF l Die •At Zurich, on August 3rd, to JOB PEPARTMENT Mr. and Mrs. Milton Dietz a dau- b ever ready to serge the paxfr• f ghter. • with Coin rnerciai and fine` Witmer• -•--At Zurich, on ,eptember 10th to ?iv and Pars. Orville Wit- mer Ce. r,i1r Itis"CC 1 ., mer a daughter,: ka' IOWAN. YOUR' kidtbrif elate ("hater --At Stratford, to Mr. .. r .l Mrs. Thomas. Chute. r, a son- Jestk,.. The death of the late Jacob Wag- ner, proprietor of the hotel at Shak- espeare, occurred on Friday, August 31st, he had not been well for a we- ek, but his end was not expected. Mr. Wagner had been proprietor of the hotel for 30 years and previous to that followed the profession of veterinary surgeon with heddquart- ers in Tavistock, having graduated -from the Toronto Veterinary College Ile was in his 61st year, and 80 years ago he married Miss Clara Klopp of Zurich, who survives him besides one son Lloyd at home and Helen at Kitchener. He was a devout Lutheran a member of the Sebastopol church, The funeral was held from his late home on Sunday, September 2nd to the Sebastopol ehureh, cond- ucted by his pastor, Rev. Stockman, Floral tributes were mand and bea- utiful. The pallbearers were six bro- thers-in-law of the deceased, namely Hi'hert F. Klapp, Leonard Klopp, an.' Oscar Klopp, Horace, Klopp, ' illia=n 11.lopp, atter Elmore 'Copp. 1934, Fall Fah. Dates The following is a list of Agricul- tural Societies Fairs and Exhibitions for 11934: London (Western Fair) Milverton New Hamburg . • • Exeter Stratford Goderich Listowel Ailsa Craig Kincardine Seaforth rth , Atwood Zurich Blyth Sept 10-15 Sept. 13-14 Sept. 14-15 Sept. 17-18 Sept. 17-19 Sept. 18-19 Sept. 19-20 Sept. 20-21 Sept. 21-22 Sept. 20-21 Sept 21.-22. Sept. 2425 Sept. 25-.26 Thedford Sept. 25-26 Mitchell Sept. 25-26 Bayfield........Sept. 26-27 Sep Brussels Sept` 27-28 Lucknow ..•.•, . Sept. 27-28 Sept. 28 Oct. 1 Oct. 2-3 Oct 2-3 Oct 4-5 Oct. 9-10 Sebool C vzsi We have a full Line of all the r.o� ems filet fn: PENS, PENCILS, INKS, E" ALL AUTHORIZED TEXT BOOK: IN STOCK. See Olir Supply of Preparations Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Toilet Soaps, *age no KEPT Toilets 7 Peiris,:mizel' , Tooth Pastes, and vrushaa. eS9t9Q3"JIW"'Q?eoeaC°t`3 G ee'ee�r'B+ e FINE STATIONERY AND FOUNTAHNT PENS. We also have, Saphine Anti -Moth Dascs. :Dr. A. J. MacKinnon, Zurich :491VMWRMW P,M1Rc, P P M Parkhill Tiverton Kirkton Teeswater Dungannon • St. Marys Oct. 9-10 Wingham ........... Other dates are: international Plowing Match, Wexford, P.O. (York County . Oct. 9-1.2 Ottawa Winter Fair , Nov. 13-10 R. W. F. Toronto Nov, 21-29 Guelph Winter Fair ...... Dee.. 4-6 04.a>*•000•00•:•,0.0.'1'v 00 4-.00 t m 4 4 s a 4. It* • • • • w • • a i • 444 4. ZURICH HERALJJS Cluhbing List ZURICH HERALD and the following Pape.. for one Year: Kitchener Daily Record $5,10 Toronto Daily Globe 16.00 Toronto Daily Mail and Empire $6.00 Toronto Daily Star $7.00 Toronto Weekly Star $6.00 London Free Press $6.00 London Advertiser $6.00 London, Farmer's Advocate $2.25 Farm and Dairy $2.75 Farmers' Sun $2,50 Family Herald and Weekly Star $2.23 Family Herald for 3 years . ..... $3 00 Canadian Cuu.....c $2.25 Weekly 'Witness ........••p,••, 1.15 Farmers' Magazine2.5 0 Huron Expositor, Seaforth $2.75 And a great many more that we cannot enumerate here. We have the Agency for every. reputable Magazine .in Canada and tho United States, and can save you money on the most of thorn. Renew all your Papers and Magazines at our Office and save Trouble and Money HERALD OFFICE Zurich •••N•••••s•oa*tas, tr s • 4 • • • • • 0 • • • • •• ra • • • • 4, . 2. a •• 4 • • 1' e 4. o -- ••44.0.000 4,,A**,4.4