HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1934-09-13, Page 4s4rattitt
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LET US QUOTE you! ,J1•:. 5
BLy Stoirm Windows and Doors
Two M. -H.. chill shares will outwear 3 ordinary shares.
Order your bean harvester knives repairs at once and
save exprss charges.
1,,et us overhaul yeur binder for heavy buckwheat crop
ad ivthed disappointnlent. How aho a plow Deal?
Used riding plow cheap
I Super Lastic Distril-utors:
25,000 mile tires for 5.45
30,000 mile tires for 7.05
T..1' you like to save iory let us re-ti:e you car.
We have a few uFed Tires chap.
Tet3hop 149 O. KIM 81: SONS
Auctioneerirag? —
Res. 67 C'
+344 -the.
Care of the Finigz
LL automobile ilnishes Ignorer,
-11-tiall and faded annei tinny are
Exposed to tho. weather for a few
sinona. The ultra-vielet rays of
the sun gradually disintegrate the
fornaing ingredients in the
„Vats' eausjeg, the neseetearg of tiny
.',pr1cle d pigreent. Cemmonly
;called eludking oe ehailleenee, tins
Ilt.smits in the reaglieribig 4.114;
.nriginally smooth and glossy Anish.
These tiny partielee of pigment,
together -with an 71.C.tan:adjtit',1.1
dust and dirt gather on the surface
ot7. the car, forming a thin hard
minding which we call "traffic film."
It is a misinike t) believe, hew -
ever, that eel:en tin., him hes fennel
over the finish causing it to appear
dull and faded, that the only thine;
that will 'bring tt back is re -finish-
ing. Of caurse, if the weathering has
Leen pie:netd to eine here, until it
Las police-ITS:el t.hro14:;11 to the un-
).fienening le neceesan;,
juet slungas theze is a layer
of the original finish on the car, it
can he restored by polishing. Most
seas ;net need •the removal of the
traffic film, and the application of
a correctly formulated polish, to
renew the lustre of the finish.
Next: "Selecting Th,e Right Polish"
Mr. and Mrs. Reinh Stephenson
and :kir. and Mrs. W. Turner left
iust week by motor to visit friends
;at Pilot Mound, Man.
Ituseell Erratt and Elmer
•S.tie:pleenson are taking in the World's
fair at Chicaago this week.
Men. jean McKinley is visiting,
her sister Miss Campbell of Seaforth
Xer a few days.
:Mr. and Mrs. Mose Erb, accomp-
easiied by Mr. and Mrs. Jon Leis of
:11Te1ieeiity left last Tuesday on an
nettended trip to Michigan, Iowa,
Nebraska and other Western States, •
Mr. and Mrs. Canoes Gingerich of
Elmira, spent a few days with re -
an the Bronson eoi•th. HILLSGREEN
Mr. and Mrs. Amos Gingerich, Mr
eartii. Mrs. Roy Gingerich, Mr. and Mrs
Tinter! Smith aeal famil • S n
Mr. and Mrs. Jasob Gingerich and
family of the Goshen Line spent Sun-
day with 2ti e. aod Mrs. Ed, Oesch.
niesers. Leonard Jeffrey and Lorne
Denommo sinnt an evening with Mr
and Mrs. Ed. Oesch.
Mrs. E. E. Clarke and son..Gus,
called on Mr. ancl Mrs. Leon Jeff-
rey and day. •
Mr. aid Mrs. Richard Denoinme
spent the holiday with his parents,
and Mrs. Maxime Denomme.
Mr. and Mrs. Art. Weber of Dash-
wood called on Mr. and Mrs. Jake
Swarteentruber one day last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gascho of
Zurich called on Mr. and Mrs. Rudy
Oesch Sunday. afternoon. -
Mr, and Mrs. Rudy Swartzentrub-
er were Sunday visitors wise. Mr. and
Mrs. John Steckle.
'Mr, and Mrs. Valli e Gerber and
family loft on Tuesday morning for
their home in Iowa,
y sentu -
lay with Mr. and Mrs. C. Swartzen-
Mr. and Mrs. Valentine Gerber
eat; family left for their home in
le,wa. tin Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonerd Erb, bride]
;couple, nave netuenen .font thel17
-honeymoon trip to Toronto and other
'fift,,Iti.'rn points.
Miss Gwen Clarke of Goderich,
senent, the vver.1c-ort1 with her mother,
nare. E. In Clarke.
:et; 1 91 14(11' emelt Sunday
Iran ene parental reef.
and MTS. ire.; G;re, '-h en,l'
I8'h elle and M es. 'in-. t;ingeriv !
Mit' 41 “usiday vien.r Mr. veld!
Inds. Seen rl sitenber.
r. „en ellen •-, v •
-- • Q dtere • 1•1
jZrand Mrs. Pick Brown of Zur-
Mr. Wm. Jarrott and daughter
Annie visited with relatives in Tor-
onto last week and spent a day at the
Mir4r4 Jessie Johnston of Clifford is
vieitisg with her cousin Miss Edna
Wee Edith Forreet of Hamill ii
tine• an% Mr. and MN. W. Love,
so7n we given in the liillsgreen
church on Sundey by Miss HaicYcn.
Chandler whieh war very much en-
eneniverear Services will be held
in the Inillsgrven church on Sunday
Sf941.,,Mber Pith at 11 aan and 7130
pan, Rev. D. W. Coseeeef Clinton;
win ne neee: prCor the
ney. fee- pleb are
hoth sc.rvie
ved e: re. W. Tuella:. arel itir
1.StfIlh011:4M last We
to V: in tlu., vvest,
)1 -;Pa'',..; are 1!:!, 01'414..1' 'Of
lne (ley ;eel ; nein nes.
are takieg a daa sit Louden) :teie week
(Intended for last week)
Mises Mnrgniet and ilettha For-
ve•A of Soa.00 4.•
Mrs. James Love and daughter
Agnes and ,:on Jim, visited With Mr.,
and Mrs. W. iluxtable of Centralia.
•Mr. and Mrs, JJ. Cochrane and
daughter Edna and Mrs. Eller visited
relatives at Centralia.
Dr. John A. Hagan left for his•
home in Chicago after spending a
few weeks here.
Miss Dolly Hagan is spending a
few days in Chicago with her brother
andt•his wife, Dr. and Mrs. Hagan.
Mr. Orville Smith spent a few days
in Toronto with friends, also attend-
ing the C.N.E.
Mr, and Mrs. Ros Dick and son
Douglas of Toronto, spent the hell -
day with the latter's parents.
Mrs. J. Cochrane is spending a few
days in Torontowith her daughter.
Mt and Mrs. W.. Weido and sons.
visited Mr. and Mrs. Roy Merrier on
the 1.4th,
Mr. Robert Stephan has not been
feeling so well the past week. His
many friends wish him a speedy re-
The scholars and teachers retinae -
ed to their school.; on Tueeday mor-
ning. )Ir. V. Divie Alarmed his
work again hi S. S. No. 7 Stanley,.
Miss Cates of Exeter in No. 3 Hay.
Miss Love in No. 10 'Hay.
Mrs. L. Eiler and children return-
ed to Falconbridge after spending a
short time with her parents.
Mrs, T. Burdock is ;vending a few
weeks visiting in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Dick of Toron-
to were recent visitors in Hensall
and Itillsereen.
The authority for sine 01 beer
and wine in the New Curneshecial Ho-
tel here arrived on Friday ILIA and
the hotel beer parlor opened for bus-
iness Saturday ana dal e brisk bus-
iness. The Council at a special rneet-
ite a week preen OTIS, approved
hoiioay visitor his parcias, Mr.
and Mrs. Jno. Passmore.
Air. and Mtn, Jemee Patterson
Mrs. Basil Edwards and Miss Blanche
Mustard were in Toronto.
Mrs. Alex. McMurtrie is spending
a few days visiting her sister, Mrs.
Randell at Plattsville.
Mrs, Fred McDonell, of Detroit is
visiting with Mr. and Mrs, C. A.Me-
Donell end family.
Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Smith of Brants'
ford wer vietters with Mr. and Mr.
Hy. Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Tabus ofDe-
Veit yinited here with Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. 'Embus,
David MeNaughton of Bayfield,
was a visitor in town recently.
Owen Geiger & Son are haviu.
their large crop of fla-x drawn in and
stored in the mill and barns.
Dorothy Kyle of London, visited
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos.
Mrs. Emily Boyle and daughter of
Toronto are spending a week visit-
ing in Hensall.
Mattie Ellis spent a few days re-
cently visiting in Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle and
children were week -end visitors with
the former's parents at Rhigetown.
Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Caldwell of
London spent a few days visiting fri-
ends in town.
Mrs. Fred Simmons and her els' ee
Mrs. Harold Callas of Santa Bailee -
Calwho are visiting here, spent -nee
past week at Toronto.
Doreen Farquhar is spending a
few days in Chicago attending the
World's Fair.
Ileen McMullen of Otterville, is
visiting with her sister, Mrs. Lyle
Walter Spencer spent a Sew days
last week in Chicago attending the'
World's Fair. •
The continuation and public scho-
ols re -opened last Tuesday with two
changes in the teaching . staff, Mr.
Moore as principal of ;the Continu-
ation school in Miss Filshie's place,,
and Miss Beryl Pfaff in the public:
school in Miss Consitt's place. Mr. C.
Blowes is principal of the public
school again.
Hensall Council Minutes
The regular Septembed meeting
«1' the VUh Cohaell was held on
the evenieg o rlent. ath with ell
members; mosent, Minutes of the last
Meeting were read and aaopted.
W. O"twein eppetee'd re Trans-
ient Teadere' hy-lay living, applied to
his tenant. Mot;on, that a Trans -
!ant Trader who pays the license of
'7100.00 be allowed interest., at the
...ate of 5% per annum if sante be
enthin the law. Motion, that the
19 -law remain in force.
F.' C. Bra repeotol 85 F.erol:fig,
Coiaty Tr, .;,..,111,••
„a ,
‘". w„ eones t7t.e emelt
'V:T• olir,:; to t7,1 ptr'e
P Rol;;Ineon neported in the
nork On the
Coinmunit aions read from the
Geo. V7. e1i'180 re MothKallrl to he tiled end
nounty Engineer filed, also several
pricee11 vele:nen], of used typewrit-
ers. Motion that the Clink order a
esne the inemeam Typ
esvrin v • ,
K!(j. 1 oth, tint the itee rate be
sot at 30 mills and that the several
rates bo in:•.•.prteti in the by-law and
that the by-law no. 8-1934 be given
Motion, that In-law No. 8, be giv-
im ;Temad and third reading; and pas-
sed: Motion that Bl -law No, 7 be giv-
en first, second and third reading and
• Bills and Accounts read as follows
Alfred Taylor work on streets 2.40
Huron Expositor, printing 4.90; Win
Smile tarring street 4.00; Jas. Priest
do 4,00; D. Hoggarth cleaning street
.80 A, Hildebrandt do .80; Hensall
Hydro, 4.33; Doninion 'Typewriter
Co. 30.00; J. A. Paterson premium
on band 8.00,.z
J. A. Paterson, Clerk
+IOW ••-•-•-.•••
Edgar McBride of Kippen has re-
turnNi to his borne from Seaforth
hospital and is improving nicely af-
ter his severe accident when he lost.
hie 11- ft laeel in a tit yenning machine.
nal in.eys and daughter
Dorothy, after spending the summer
in- Bayfield and Varna district, re-
turned to their home in Nashville,
Graduation exercises in connection
Clinton hospital took place on
Thuesday evening of last week in
Wesley -Willis United church. .The
graduates wer. Misses Pearl Williams
and Bessie Weymouth of Blyth.
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Fassold, of
Deneeneel. n»' ......0 the ene•agement
ofthvh,'n ti youngest slaughter,
Nelda Elizabeth to Clarence Thomas
Routledg-youngdet son of Mr. and
Mrs. Pugh Routledge, Thateesford,
Ont.. tie-, marriage to take place
quietly on Sept. 22nd.
En gagem en t
r.nni Airs. Morten Elliott of
Varna announce the engagement of
their f,nlestdaughter, Ruth Irene, to
to • entse part Gl
Father Nagle Arrives
Rev. Pettier C. F. Nagie, for the
past 22 years parish priest of St.
Marie church in Simcoe, Ont., ar-
rived in Goderich last Wednesday
to take over his duties following his
appointment some weeks ago as pri-
est of the parish of St Peter's in
Goderich and vicinity.
Beer at Seaforth
Beverage rooms were opened and -
'u? G•ovornment authority in the Com-
merCial hotel, the Dick House and
the Queen's Hotel Seaforth, recently
with good patronage, .Mr, W. Anent
nas vacated his office in the Cummer
cial and. it now forms part of the
beverage room.
t-Iair. Feeine nen:mesa
The Haiet • family hen] their- Sth,
annual reunion at Crediton on Lebo]
Day. .Two hundred. and twentypeo-
ple signed the register during the
day. Relatives from Detroit, novo.
land,. Bad Axe, Pigeon, Kitchener
and Pelham, gathered to make this
reunion, unnee the leadership of .70-
hua. Brown of Bad Axe a great suc-
cess. After ninner all gathered n-
thebiteement of the Evangolica'
churc hwhere a short program was
given. •
Hotelkeeper Fines
The •charge against Lorne Turvey.
Brussels. hotelkeeper, of unlawfully
keeping liquor for sale in Lucknow
on the night of July 12th, was re-
duced to having liquor illegally, to
which he pleaded guilty before Mag-
istrate Walker, and was fined $150
and costs $8.00, or in default of
immediate payments, three months
in jail. Turvey's car was under seiz-
ure, was ordered released.
• Some Tomatoes!
We were shown last week a tom-
ato grown by 3. A. Stewart in his
garden at Exeter, that measured .1 7x
121,2 inches. It was a beautiful color
and well firmed. Another real • to-
matowas brought -into the office lest
week by Mrs. Chag. Eggert, of
ICillop. This one measured 1414: x 11
inches, was well formed, clean skin-
ned and fine color. Mrs. Eggert had
previously taken some larger speci-
mens from her garden.—Huron Ex-
Bird's Nest of Money
The. old thought of =ay growing
on trees has recently become a real-
ity when Walter Dale of the Huron
Road west of Soaforth, found a dol-
lar bill in- a starling's .nest while
plowing th the Broadfoot term in
Tuckersmith, Mr. Dale had his attetn
tiort drawn to a nest in a tree near
the barn and on investigating found
a.doliar bill of 1038 vintage, very
ragged, but with the printing 'still
legible, The questionnow is, who
lost the dollar.
• • Wins Sweesptake
• R. E. Pooley of Winchelsea Is to be
congratulated on Whining the -sweep:-
sinkee at the Can. N!.ztional Ex., -for
producers eggs. I wets win mealier
for the commetei'd gli•ale A
Lomei 0 1010i1 grcole d, large
one dozen lots. Mr, Pooay for sev-
eral ,('are has W011 11/14,jOr awa;rds at
C. N. E. with eggs.
Snafo7th Mal3Die•
Lart.MorAiy morning the tier th or
David Falb front heart ecizetem. He
lifrursefer, "September 13tit, 1984
utuamurivaaunomm_muarsTatuuntm FA
71,3 rra /Ago
11 q1.0)
onday and Tuesday
Sept.' 24th25a, 1934
Judging of Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Swine, 'Poultry
A 2.18 Trot or Pace. A 2.28 Trot or Pace
($100.00 Purse)
Don't Miss the Concert in the Town. Hall, get
your Reserved Seat Tickets early.
A Good Orchestra will furnish Music for the Dance
After the Concert
iritrAvrominfreanntrom Isnalammiranigyro
ikaiN‘ '111i
o =7•••:-
rim 0.0.....rmawri...orima*'"111.0001 1101111
•}' 0110'
411141$14?' ;
ire you satisRed
Jc wiLout BahNVOillt CO7a veniences?
And without tip -to -date 'kitchen facilities or other modem
requirements that running water in your home will instantly.
make available to you?
• Prices have never been lower for Canadian -made Ramo
quality bathroom equipment and Duro Automatic Pumping,
Three pieces — Bath, Shower, Lavatory and 144 00
Tolle+, as illustrated, with all Sttings - -
Other complete Bathroom equipment as
Io $ nn
kwas ..10..1•• .1. .1. L7'
The Duro-Special Pumping System, Al -Canadian-made, having a
capacity of 250 gals. per hour, complete with 30 gal. Galvanized Tank,
25 or 60 cycle, 110 volt motor, costs only.TEGO.
Write for free illustrated booklets on
Bathroom Equipment or Plumbing Supplies.
Easy time payments both on Pumps:
and Bathroom Fixtures may be arranged..
.Johnston and Kalbfleisch
Lonflon 'Toronto 'Winnipeg Vancouver'
was 77 years of age, had taken ill
while on the way to church Sunday
evening and returned home and lay
on the conch on his verandah. He felt
better shortly after but the next
morning he became ill and collapsed
in the kitchen. The deceased had
dived in Seaforth for 44 years, pre-
vious having lived in Clinton? Aub-
ura and Londesboro and by trade
;was a carriage painter arta trimmer.
To Organize Band
.A well repreeented and enthus-
iastic meeting was held in the Town
Hall Exeter to dimness the reorganiz-
atien of a band in Exeter. The me-
t:time was called by a committee re-
presenting by the move and Mr. Sere,
for who is an old bandsman presided.
It ie 15 years since Exetetr has had
a band and the old instruments we-
re scattered. A committee was ap-
pointed to gather up theinstrument;
and. =attain as th,their..tonilitienz.,
!Some of these may have to be trad-
ed in for new instruments. 54 have
already signified their desire to join,
thn new organisation.
Ethel Barn Struck by Lightning
On Thursday last a severe electric
storm passed over the Ethel sectioTh
'when lightning struck a barn” the.
property of Joss. Ames, in the village,
instantly killing a valuable horse irk
the basement, and immediately fir-
ing the upper part, which became a
seething mass of ilflarnes in a few
seconde. Mr. Ames Wits 111 the build-
ing when the accident occulted but
did net receive the slight -et injury,
but eueeeeded only in saving a buggy
Iran the upper apartment, and the
harness from the stable paet.
v Mrs. William Neal, an old resi-
dent of Wa.lton, died in l'ei' 87th yr.
trer'linsband predecnieeel her and
Abe is survived by one ;o..r. Frank.
Kul of Pactboraut.vh..