HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1934-09-06, Page 7Alter Hair Style' To Suit<::Clothes
Women, According to Hairdresser, Are Far Too Conservative
About Their Coiffures — Change Appearance of
Head as You Would Your Make-up
I had bean wrestling, with a new
hat, write', e bright, young thing In
the shop 1 had imagined it would
suit' me, but when 1 got home, as is
the way with hats, it turned against
After an hour of misery (it was an
expensive model) 1 decided that it
was my hair which was wrong, and
betook me to a genius among hair-
dressers, one with the bands of a ma-
gician ani the eye of an artist,
"What" i asked him, "can you do
about this?"
Carefully he looked at me, first from
this angle and then from that. Then
very deftly he started to work, cut-
ting a little here and a little there.
As be worked he talked,
"Women," he told me, "are far too
conservative about their hair. They
get a style which they think suits
them, and persist in it, year in and
year out, regardless of the fact that
time works changes.
"Faces alter, They become plump or
thin and the style of hairdressing
should alter with them,
"Fashions change too, and it is
not reasonable to expect a style
which suited the hat with a large brim
to be equally becoming to a small one.
How, is it possible?" Fre shrugged ex.
The intelligent woman has learned
to change her make-up to suit her
She must now learn to do the same
thing with her hair. It must be dress-
ed to suit her hat and the general
trend of fashion.
Not so long ago practically every
smart woman was wearing a short,
soignee shingle, but with,the advent
of long flowing locks hair bas been
leaning more and more towards Vic-
torianism, and become soft and de-
lightfully feminine.
On leaving the 'hands of my hair-
dresser, marvellously transformed, I
then visited other salons to see the
latest and most up to date hairdress-
ing styles.
Curls, 1 found are by far the most
popular style at the moment,
No matter bow short the hair may
be, it must be coaxed. into curls,
Curls combed to the front and round
the ears,, ;furls massed, and curls
bunched, Curls brushed with an up-
ward gesture, to give the backward -
movement which is now almost a ne-
The general feeling must be UP, as
though the wind were sweeping,
through the hair and pushing it back
into a speed -nymph effect, •
In most cases the hair is being per
suaded up from the neck-line, but
sometimes the top is smooth, and then
the curls are allowed to nestle in the
nape of the neek 'Phis Is a particu-
larly good arrangement for the wo-
man whose neck is long. In her case
the hair muss nni be raised too high,
as this only accentuates the length
of the neck.
A long face may be made to look
wider if the curls are arranged in
bunches at the sides, while a full face
will get extra length and height if
the bair• is curled across the top,
'rhe hair must become the hat and
the bat the hair. Curls are built up
to suit the type of hat, and very often
one side of the head is more elab-
orate than the other.
Young buds and debutantes are
looking more than usually flower-like
with their hair piled high, and sup
ported by little Alice -in -Wonderland
coronets made of real flowers,
When there are waves they must
be wide and sweeping, finishing at
the end in loose curls,
The woman with a good profile can
afford to adopt the new fashion of
having the bait swept across to one
side, leaving the other side smooth
and clean-cut,
Partings ao longer take the
straight and narrow path. More of-
ten they stray slantways across the
head. Sometimes they even wend
their way round the ears. Either
style is definitely becoming to a cer-
tain type of face and shape of head.
Woman's Action After
Now She's 49 Lbs.
If you are one who hears remarks
from frieuds about "getting fat," you
will naturally be interested to .bear
this woman's story, Fortunately, it
had a happy ending. Here is her
"I had put on weight gradually —
not noticing it myself — until my
friends kept saying to me, 'Ob, you
are getting fat.' I had myself weighed
and nearly had a fit, I was 178 lbs,,
and 1 am only 5 ft. 3% inches in
height. Then I saw an advertisement
for Kruschen, and I thought 1 would
try it. 1 did so and today 1 weigh
129 lbs. and feel better. 1 continue to
take Kruschen, as I find it is still
reducing me, and I wish to lose a
little more weight. I am recommend-
ing Kruschen to all my friends." —
(Mrs.) T. W.
Kruschen is an ideally balanced
blend of six separate mineral salts.
The formula represents the ingredi-
ent salts of the mineral waters of
Carlsbad, Ems, Klssengen and other
well-known European spas, which
have been resorted to for generations
by the overstout. Only in Kruschen
can you get this precise combination
of salts. The exact correctness of the
Friends Remarks
formula of every batch of Kruschen
is checked by a staff of qualified
chemists, before it is passed for bot-
Kruschen combats the cause of fat
by assisting the internal organs to
throw off each day those waste pro-
ducts and poisons which, if allowed to
accumulate will be converted by the
body's chemistry into fatty tissue.
Thus Kruschen acts upon surplus tat
only; If you have no excess fat to
lose, you cannot lose weight with
Kruschen Salts is obtainable at all
Drug Stores at 45c and 75c per bottle.
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We Recommend "CLIANTECLER" or "VOGUE" Cigarette Papers
Mining Industry Leads the Way
Canada's place in the ranks of the
world's mineral producers has prob-
ably been the biggest single factor
in the Dominion's recovery towards
normal business conditions, Ranking
first in the world in the production
of Nickel and Asbestos, second in
Gold, Platinum, Radium and Cobalt,
third in Copper and fourth in Lead
and Silver, the grand total of over
$220,000,000.00 worth of minerals was
produced in 1933, If some forty years
ago, someone had told yon that the
mineral output would reach this stu-
pendous figure about 1933%you would
probably have thought that the pro-
phet had lost his senses, and one
could not blame him as, only a mat-
ter of four decades ago, mineral pro-
duction in Canada was a very small
item in the business of the country,
The growth during the past decade
has proportionately been much great-
er than previously and appears to
be gaining momentum as time goes
on, Undoubtedly, the increase in the
price of gold to about $35.00 per
ounce, has provided the stimulus
which has led to the tremendous ac-
tivity in old and new gold camps
from coast to coast, and where there
were some 216 active operations in
the auriferous quartz section of the
gold mining industry in 1933, it is
probable that at the present time,
the number is close to 300, In 1923,
there were only 65 active operators
in this field, at which time they
employed $77,574.00 capital, hired 5,-
524 men and paid about $9,000,000.00
in salaries and wages, while the cost
of fuel and electricity used was $1,-
497,000.00, In 1933 these figures had
increased to $158,599,000,00 capital
employed and 12,823 employees, draw -
larger and some smaller than Howey,
it does not take a great deal of im-
agination to realize the tremendous
.amount of new wealth which has been
put in circulation in practically all
classes of business through the pro-
duction of gold alone. If producers of
nickel, copper and other mineral pro-
ducts are added to the list, it can
again be readily seen the fabulous
sums which are being spent by min-
ing companies and their employees
and families.
From the above, it can thus be
readily seen just what a tremendous
asset Canada has in its mining in-
On top of this, however, it must
be kept in mind that outside capital
is being brougbt into Canaua through
the industry, and that the general
public in the United States are rap-
idly becoming "Canadian alining con-
scious," is indicated by the fact that
only recently a group of people from
Washington, D.C., sent a special rep-
resentative to Toronto for the purpose
of looking into the posribilities from
the viewpoint of the small investor.
This representative happened to con-
tact the writer, and, as a result of
what was a very pleasant interview,
it is likely that a group will come
from Washington,,in the near future
to visit one or more of the producing
camps in Ontario. This is only one of
many instances of American interest,
which has been indicated during the
past year or two.
Canada has reason to be proud of
the advancement made by the Min-
ing industry during the past decade
ing a total of over $20,536,000.00 in
wages and salaries, while fuel and
electricity costs were $3,330,000.00.
1934 will undoubtedly see a further
substantial increase in these figures,
as in addition to new operations,
many of the older companies have
expanded their activities.
Not so many years ago, mining was
looked on by the average business
man as a vehicle for a few promot-
ers to make a living out of the un-
wary. Today, the leading business and
financial men in Canada, United
States and Great Britain have had
forced on them the realization of the
tremendous value of the industry to
the Dominion.
11 is doubtful if the average person,
including those who purchase mining
stocks from time to time, realize how
much money is spent through the de-
velopment of one mine to the produc-
ing class, The Northern Miner in its
recent annual issue, gives an example
of this in Howey Gold Mines.
Around this company's mine has
been built a community of some 600
persons and in a carefully calculated
estimate it is stated that some $850,-
000.00 was spent by the Howey Mines,
its employees and dependents in 1933.
Of this amount, some $120,000.00 was
expended on local items, such as pow-
er, coal, wood, water freighting, etc.
In other words, some $730,000.00 was
spent by these people at outside
points, either by mail or otherwise.
It naturally follows that the largest
part of this money found its way to
manufacturing points, to the railways,
to farming communities, to depart-
mental stores, etc. When it is estim-
ated that there are nearly eighty pro-
ducing gold mines in Canada, some
Aeses pioneersofOntiatiohh adba..., barely
heir fi.r{.ss<.xtv gainap. among
thke stumps
f t�the Niagara
peninsula when h avec he yfar what has gown the 'NationalCanadian
$%hbials Uownthrough succeeding decades agriculturists
grof Canada Canadian heir
intlietock, blooded horses, poultry, pigeons and pet stock, with products f hefiels
prize list of approximately
pptolv $100, 000 attracts the vett best that modern agticultita can produce from
Ontario and other provinces. Canada's greatest'gorse Show and Speed teatntin
acid orchardto Compete fat valuable prizes.
the Standard Society's $6}00 rututies, are two the
events at 'your pi
.1,,.1Dg.CO4, at E
See also today's trend in faun equipment and tiaclunety. leadings is the big year.
President General Manager
Numbers One and Two veins of this
company's property are continuing
and development efforts are meeting
with decided encouragement, Pan-
ning of these veins indicates good
values and a wire from. Mr. A. R. Far.
rell, who is in charge of operations,
states that shooting in Number Two
vein has resulted in opening up pro.
mising-looking ore body, showing
width of 10 feet with coarse, free gold
showing on the north side, near the
porphyry contact, It is understood
that samples from both veins are be-
ing prepared for shipment to the com-
pany's head office ip Toronto, and
results of assays should be available
MacFarlane Long Lac Gold Mines
Limited holds a group of nine claims
lying south and east of Long Lac
Adair Mines, in the Little Long Lac
area. Company has an authorized ca-
pital of 3,000,000 shares, of which ap-
proximately 1,565,000 shares have
been issued.
Equipment Companies Antiai=
pate Business
It is understood that plans are un-
der way for active resumption of
manufacturing railway equipment in
the near future, Some of the com-
panies engaged in this business have
kept open at a loss for several years,
but unless orders appear shortly, it
world seem likely that closing down
of plants would be necessary, It is
understood that before long, orders
will be placed from Ottawa for new
C.N.R. cars, along with other equip-
ment. Companies that stand to bene-
fit from the placing or such orders
include Canadian Car & Foundry, Na-
tional Steel Car and Canauian Bronze,
while such companies as Dominion
Steel and Coal and Algoma Steel,
along with several other industries,
would benefit through ,all, for raw
Poundmaker Makes Progress
This company, holding about .700
acres located immediately north and
west of San Antonio Mines in the Rice.
Lake Area of Central Manitoba, is re-
ported as making good progress with
it work. In earlier operations, a two-
compartment shaft was sunk to a
depth of 325 feet with a wiuze to the
525 -foot level. Independent. engineers
estimate that there is $450,000.00 in
ore blocked out about the 325 -foot
level and that there is $1,000,000.00
in ore indicated to a depth of 525
feet, in addition to which there is a
substantial tonnage of commercial
ore on the surface dumps. R. is re-
ported that there are some ninety tons
of concentrates ready for immediate
Dominion Motors Special
A special general meeting of the
shareholders of Dominion Motors
Limited has been called for Septem-
ber fifth, at leaside, for the purpose
of considering the granting of author-
ity to directors to sell the business
in whole or in part on terms to be
approved by the board. In the Notice
to Shareholders, president J. A. Brand
states 'that the company cannot re-
engage in the production of automo-
biles without being allied to a strong
United States company, as rapid
change in design and model of cars
makes costs prohibitive for an inde-
pendent Canadian company,
It is proposed to liquidate the busi-
ness and realize something, if pos-
sible, on the investment of share-
MacFarlane Long Lac Gold
Stripping and trenching on the
Issue No. 35—'35
31.4:40,:+1 0:: + 2''10744 .40;: i7,41 0:41+1*,tr 4 4 P s 0' 0 4 a4:0,0:4. 4.4:0 •)• •Xt'14;:+. CEA
Blue Jay
Anne Altha Singleton
Perhaps you are immoral—
A cannibal of birds—
Yet your blue is worthy
A eulogy of words.
A very scrap of Heaven
Caught upon a tree:
Cerulean robe and crown
Make you wonderful to seal
"There never was a good war or a
bad peace."—Benjamin Franklin.
Classified Advertising
NVESTIGATIS our courses in o deo_
L television. sound, broadcasting, oper-
ating, etc., before seeking training.
elsewhere. Radio College of Canada,
Limited, Dept.-W•L.." 263 Say St., To-
Fall Wheat Fertilizer
— Order Now --
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i0nglish Fish Manure, $3 per ton.
Terms, net cash. )freight paid on
orders of 600 lbs. and up, to
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The Earle M. Grose Fertilizers
West 'Toronto, Ontario
Write for. prices ut,
Atiacide Weed slier
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