HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1934-09-06, Page 1Vol, X-XXV Re 11 o. 1 ZURICH. THURSDAY MOHNENGSEPTRMERR 6, 1934, Chester L. Smith,, P'oWACO 11.20 a year, U.S. *L5 4:11 ad z 1.50INARREAR$,$2KAY 8>OCHA/1111 1$ ember the Dates of Zurich Fall Fair; September 24th and 25th Capital Theatre Goderich . Phone 47 Now Playing.—From the ozonic opera '"Fra DiavoIo" comes. "The: Devil's Brother" with golden! voiced Dennis King and Laurel! and Wordy_ Monday, Tuesday, and Weiesday !Rudy Vallee, 'Jimmy iE7h,arante„ Alice • Faye, Cliff Edwards., A.virienan.Ames( and George 'ite One of Broadway's get giri- whirling mucisals with a, top notch rim caste George; White's Scandals Thursday, Friday and Saturday He never knew when'& the voice .from headquarters wouId send biara'tofame and glory—or his. doerm- THI Mc,GOY POLICE CAR 17 with Evalyn Knapppe thrE'liicg ad- venture. withthe Radio Patrol! -Coming Edna Ferber's "Glamour". Matinees, Wed_ and Sale. ost 3 p.m. '?Properly Fittea GI es, C. E. ZURBRLGG, R '0. Will he at Hess<fi Jewelerp Stam, EVERY TUESDAY EVENING :To fit You;,wi tl tel ries }PRICES >IIQD1 ST. PETER'S -Evangelical Lutheran Churchl "A Changeless Cfarfoe : henege hag World" Friday, 8h=Luther Leelgue. Saturday—Choir :I'raeJ: ke. SUNDAY SERTCEE: 10 a. m.—German Ser ze: :11.15 a.rn_—Sundays» L 7.30 p.m.—Englisv service - Everybody Welcoron — orf '"secxsd OUR CORNER ZURICH LOSES VALUED. CITIZEN In the passing of Dr. T. Routledge, V. S., at his home in Zurich, on Saturday, the community loses a highly esteemed and valued citizen. Tleis known far and near as an out- standing Veterinarian, his chosen', proffession, always a feeling for the suffering Land distressed animals un- der his care, and thereby was the means •of 'seeing many a life of the live ,stock :of farmers far and wide. For 22 years at Dashwood and the past 16 years at Zurich he gave his services liberally, never a storm too severe, or a night too cold to go out when called. A. very pleasant man to meet in every day life, truly we could not find a more likeable man ina day's travelling. Having enjoy- ed health till a few days previous to his departure, we all hoped he would rally again, but the Master saw it otherwiise, and this fine character, well worthy of comment should be an example to all of us. lend such is life, the . departed has only gone on to eternal bliss a little while be- fore the most of us. A "COSTLY" MISTAKE In a recent article about a trip to Chicago and the World's Fair, . we notice a "costly" typographical error ,when we stated that the journey con- sisted of 869% miles with a gasoline account of $812. this of course sho- uld have been $3.12, which looks more reasonable and would suit the pocketbook Of your publisher much more readily. Some of our readers Have drawn our attention to the r•„s- tahe, and we notice.' one of our co- upty town :editors took •4t- to heart; hind stated that if he goes to Chic- ago to the big Fair he will, take the train instead of running up:a. gas Mill of $8.12., well, we don't blame him, for that, but he continues that this mista°ie will likely be corrected but the damage has been done. Thanks for ,-Riding our colinnus, Mr. W. 11. It! 'i'-" • THE DANGEROUS HIGHWAY Again over the week -end we not- rce.a'large nu tber of auto accidents on our highways, and we :cannot help but wondeii'wlad e o11 where will it end. We are told that in pract- ically all cases it is the ort story of 'tete much speed. Our Department of Highways is doing all in their. power to prevent accidents by plac- ing conspicious signs at ela-agerens Throes and intercestians, etc., and has made the speed limit in the oIo- en ••country at 35 miles per hiur, •ancl A special meeting of the Council 'thi;ertrgh town and cities at twenty of the Township of Stephen was held m.p.h., and we often wonder just in the Clerk's •office, Crediton, on What this would mean" to life 'and Saturday, the 25th of August 1934 linib 'ff it were observed. We are ;at 8 p.m. Al] members pare present. safe ;in predicting that accidents The Reeve explained that he had wodll be at a raitiinlnim The auto- been asked to call the special meet- ing to discuss the gassing of a reso- lution allowing the issue of licenses to sell beer and wiire in the standard hotels of the Township of Stephen. miles an hour, and some rattIeheed. ed people will try and drive them at that speed, almost three times the speed limit of our fair Province. We' must always bear- in mind that with: this excessive speed and careless driving, that behind it lurke the cold and paralyzing hand of death and injury to limb and body, not to the, driver alone, but also to other neoel.e` who happen along the way of the, speed demon. Just try it and take ten- of fifteen minutes more time, in running to the city and see how much better you as well as your pas= sengers will enjoy the trip. DID YOU GET ONE? The Hepburn Government at Tor- onto was- in the used car business last week and 87 cars formerly dri- ven by Ministers or officials of the previous Government were auction • rice of about ed off at an average p $380. In this way some $33,000 was returned to the Provincial Trea- sury, instead of an enormous ex- penditure each year to keep these costly means of transportation in running order. Strange to say, the, family of Harrison were Sunday vis - most of these cars went a good figure itors with relatives here. in 'many 'Cases more than the -y would Messrs Ed. and Nick. Deichert of Mr. Jack Deichert was a visitor to Kitchener last week. Mrs. C. Eilber is spending the week at Toronto attending the Ex. Labor Day was very quiet in town on Monday, as there was no special attraction. . Mr. Cowen of with his son Dr. Cowen of town. Mr. and. Mrs. C. sons attended the Fergus isvisiting and Mrs. H. H. 0. Smith and two Toronto Ex. last week. Miss Eunice Swartz of Detroit, visited with her grandma, Mrs. J. Fuss. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Gascho and be worth on the auto mart, and there was a host of keen bidders who .soon bid, up the various machinesoffer ed, and in mony , cases several men would go to the clerk and claim the same car, probably the honor of own- ing a car wherein sat country leader ship, made the buying so keen, and we are told that in the future Cab Detroit, visited their friends here ov- er the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. George Fee and fam- ily of Hensall spent a few days at the home of Mrs. H. Lipphardt. Rev, and Mrs. Lloyd Schiefle of Blissfield, Mich were week -end visit - Met Ministers and Government of -ors with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ficials • will have to prove their own John Gillman. transportation. This act of selling " Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Finlayson of off autos used by cabinet ministers Toronto were visitors at the home of seems to be quite popular .at present ' r. and Mrs. Norman Gascho last w`e; remember only a few years ai0O*Ice when the present federal governm-1 ent at Ottawa when they took office An auction sale of the dwelling shad a similar sale of these expens- property" of the late Mrs. E. True- ive machines, and we think that the mner of town will be held on Satur- cabinet ministers at Ottawa since day afternoon. have not done sufficient walking to School re -opened on Tuesday mor - raise the price of sole leather, at ping with the former teaching staff any rate we have not heard of any in the public school, while. Mr. Percy who have resigned' for the reason of too much :walking. • .+_• ghe latest compilation of the wealth f Canada places it at $30,840,000,- 0;b0, .and agricultural -values acdount Por about $8,000;000,000,000 of this Other countries have about $6,000,- 000,000 invested here, while Canad- ians have foreign investments total- ling about $1,781,000,000. STEPHEN COUNCIL moliilt'marnrfactnrers advertise their IE. IT.UERKHEIM, -new 'products at speeds up to ninety P'asese. ill 11 1111 11111111-17.1 i;{1;;htll.1f'l ' '111414111111 111 t 11111111 1HI111HILI 1 1111111 c1 111111i 1111 Grocery t re Sugar CriSp, =urn Bikes,. lis » . .__ ..... _».._:Gi'c 5 bars pahnolivicartait 'hoxiprinass, Imes_._ 25c Chips°, lardy ...... lc Reed Rose: T°a,," , .. 28c A ltnh - r' Bs. Iblit121 ilia _ __ ._ t11Oc Brock'st {y"� yy 19C 3 Aeroxon fry cosi-s„ :K ovate labs er -peg .1 5c Fig Bay.c " Caustic 3 &I Lin U k and Cans Fresh Fri, a '..- . aes Always an Hat Ids* s* Three, T'• , E.tic. Mem o Oesch EGGS WARM& Pine 3I i 111 After some discuseion the matter esas elisposed of as faliows : WHEREAS the Act allowing the sale of beer and wine in standard hotels in the Province of Ontario passed by the Leesl'nture early in the year 1934 was promulgated by the present legislature in July 1934; And whereas the electors of the Township of Stephen did not carry the Local Option By-law voted on January 3rd, 1910, the vote being 5D1 for the By-law and 442 against the By-law and a second vote on the Lercal Option Byelbsw was taken in the said Township on January 6th, 19113, the vote ,being 470,'foY ,the Bylaw and 337-ral aiifst the' Vy law.' Arai Whereas the 'vete required to, early ;the By-law"' had to "be; thets.. fifths and therefier ` the By-laws we* i< refeated in both votes taken; ..And whereas. the Coriitiissioner of the Liquor Control Beard' of the' said Province of Ontario has requested 'that all Municipalities which did not carry the Local Option By law to pass resolutions allowing the issuance of. licenses to sell beer and wine in such Municipalities in standard hot- els. It is therefore moved by Edward ?'.import and seconded by Roy Rate ,That the Connell of the Township of S*^•nhen tike tio action; In the !natter Curried.. The Council then adjourned to meet 'again at thee next regular me - eying to be held In the Town Hall„ 0ll September 4ht, 1934, et :t p.m: 7ierbert 1 , I:ilber, Clerk, Rowe has - charge of the ,Coritinuat- ion school in place of..Mr. Coles the past year. A,geodly-.number "of•villagers at- tehded the big picnic at the French Settlement R. C. Church ori Monday. A good crowd was present at this annual event, and a suitable program was arranged for the, day. The grounds were also very nicely decor- ated. The prize lists of the Zurich fall fair have been delivered to' the Secy.. &Lr. E. F. Klopp, who is mailing them out and has a sufficient supply on hand for •anyone desiring one. The 19:34. prize list contains a larger a- mount than usual of special. prizes, which are always a big attraction. OBITUARY Late Dr. Joseph Routledge.• ,Ieseph.e Routledge, son of the. late Thomas and Jane Routledge!, was barn, an. the 2nd day of Septeinber,. 1859. on the sixth concession. of London. Township, and died att, his, late residence, Zurich, on Saturday, Sepiiemhe.r let, 1934, on the eye of his. seventy-fifth -birthday. He, was a life-long, member of the Anglican. ch,urch,, but while he lived. in; this. community b.e: was an adherent..of the Evangelical church. He was an. hon atand, graduate of the Ontario. Vet- erinary College, and for fiorty-two years practiced• Veterinary Medicine and. Snrgesy, thirty-eight e1. which,! were,• spent in this community. On. February, 2nd, 1886, he was.. married; tdr MIar't ale Wilisen,;;of the. lj4th .Con-. ;nessn.a":of London Towneliip: S.evem. chnlrlrei were born to them, the two !eldest: dl Lug rlin infancy, ..Ii:b is; moo - 'widow?, five children, Are chie .of Regina; Mrs. korner k'ylibez .of Detroitb•John of Waterford; Len- ,orale—ah (raffle, and Mrx -Leonard:Piet of Guelph; 6 grandchildren, three sisters, Miss Ida of Hyde Park, Mm. Jori-. Smith of Los Angeles, Oalt Deaconess Margaret of Fhtlippino Islands; 2 brothers, Isaac or Lawson, Sask, and Arthur of Hyde Park. The funeral service was held from his tato residence, Zurich, on Tuesday„ September 4th at two o'cloelc,. Rev. W, Y. Dreier, of Milverton., a former pastor', officiating. Interment was male at St. John's Anglican cernet- 1 cry, Area, with Viev, Durnford of Hyde Park c011(10ctiligthe service, i. 'We join the many friends in extend-, ing; sympathy to the bereaved family in those $td hem of mourning.. For Cradu- atiozi Buy THEM A FINE WRIST WATCH. See the Elco Line of Watches Moderately Priced Gents with Bracelets , , $10.00 Ladies, with Bracelets $12.75 Initials Engraved FREE EE Ness, The Jeweller Phone 74 Zurich Phone 10 BLUE COAL Egg, Stove, Nut and Pear Genuine Sennet Solvay Coke: and MILLERS CREFK POCAHONTAS BRIQUETS, A l'eTWO DOMESTIC FUEL for every purpane;' Intense heat, very littIO Ssn ke ane Ash. `" • W. R. DAVIDSON CASH paid for Eggs on a Graded' Basis. • • #0 • • ••, • • • • • • e 0 • • 0 • • s • • .•••••••••••••m•••••••••• a•,etow•••••.o•••es••••••aaea 0 0' 0' 0- 0 0 0 0' • -gyp 0' 0 0 0' • • 0' 0 0' 0. 01- • 0' fs 0' • 0` •` 0• 0' s • 0 • • • • • d • • • • Iw .77. TWO PANT SUIT SALE When Mr. Park, Special', Representative of :L "CLOTHES OF ;QUALITYP.- ' Visits Us on TUESDAY, SEPTEHBER 18th Arrangements nave been made with the makers of "CLOTHES OF QUALITY" for a special price on all TWO PANT SUITS sold during this represem.- tative's visit. .... REMEMBER THE DATE "CLOTHES OF QUALITY" are Guaranteed! for Fit, Quality and Workmanship Sold Exclusively By • • • • EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS • ?••wA•®••0'kl►_*.4441 45•O@••••••••••••••••••u••#1,0.0-.. *sQ,r?-+s•s e ,�•�, r.. ,, itx tri w.. -. Let Us Show You Our New Curtains. and Curtain Goods; ..New Prince as Broadcloths; New House Dresses. Men's and Boys' ' Fancy Shirts; also Work Shirts and Overalls... . Men's and Boys' Rubber. Boots and; Work Shoes; Women's, Misses and: Childrene ,Shy,, Sandals and Oxfords. Many linesin Hardware such as Paints and Varnishes, Graniteware, Tinware, Etc., Ewe, HARNESS REPAIRS A. SI''ECU.ALTY This Season's Vegetable and Flower Seeds 5c and Inc. a Package. e FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS, ON HAM) RDOUGLAS' GENERAL MEROHANT PHONE 11 97 • E1LA l