HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1934-08-30, Page 7Special Reports on These Three Patricia District Leaders McKenzie Red Lake Hudson -Patricia Central Patricia We will gladly forward (on request) our recently -prepared SPECIAL REPORTS, that embrace the latest developments in the companies' affairs, also an opinion pertaining to the prospects for capital appreciation from a market standpoint. STUDY The "PATRICIA DISTRICT", Ontario!! It's Canada's greatest coming gold -producing area— It Will Pay You IT. g. MCWHIRTER COMPANY, ' rederal 1311i/ding, Toronto, Ontario Date 1934 Without coat or obligation to me, pease furnish your SPECIAL. REPORTS on— INDICATE REPORT REQUIE,ED. I noKenrie Red Dake 'ciudson - Patricia Central Patricia [FAME Address (Please print name) 4 • 11010.11011, FINANCIAL Will Rem.onetization of Silver Help Business Recovery? Since President Roosevelt an- nounced the issue of currency backed by Silver some few weeks ago, many discussions have appeared on the subject of Silver Remonetization and his latest move in nationalizing the WHITE METAL, has added fuel to the fire for these discussions. Delving into past history, the writer finds some items on the subect which would appear to be of interest . in the present situation. In a recent mining publication put out by a well- known Tor o n t o Investment House, there appears the follow- ing quotation from a speech made by United States Senator Joseph G. Blaine, before the Senate in 1878 ; "I believe that the struggle now going on in this country and in other coun- tries for a single gold standard, will, if successful , produce wide- spread disaster in the end through o u t the commercial world." This statement, no doubt, was prompted by the fact that a few years previously a number of the European nations, including Germany, France, Sweden and others, as well as the United States, demonetized Sil- ver, and, as a result, tie price of silver dropped from sixty pence per ounce to twenty-nine pence between 1870 and 1900. When it is consider- ed that about one-half the world's population, living in Asia, depend on Silver as their internal standard of value and medium of exchange, it can be readily seen where the drop in Great West Saddlery Company Showa Improvement The animal report of this company for the year ending June 3th, 1934, shows substantial improvement in net operating profit, with $84,408.00 being shown, as against $42,673.00 for tbe previous year. After charges and ap- propriations to reserve a net profit of $10,981.00 is shown, and this is the first time in five years that the com- pany has been able to show a bal- ance on the right side, During the year, company redeem- ed $53,500.00 of the outstanding 6% first mortgage bonds, leaving balance now outstanding at $555,000.00, TJie company also redeemed in the period under review a substantial amount of the first and second preferred stock issues, Yellowknife Gold Mines Limited First report of assays and develop- ment from the property of Yellow- knife Gold Mines Limited at Great Slave Lake, in the North West Ter- ritories, are so favorable that a new rush of prospectors and miners has started to the district, according to advices received from Edmonton. Major Burwash of the Yellowknife Company, in his report, states that a channel assay over a width of six feet, gave $49.75 to the ton at present gold prices. Another assay over 36,4 feet gave values at $10.50 per tors. It is understood that these assays have been fully and carefully checked. The showings are considered to be among the most important which have been encountered in the North West Ter- ritories, price affected their producing power in no uncertain way. If Silver were remonetizect and a definite value es- tablished with a set ratio to go on, would it not appear logical that these huge Oriental markets would again open their doors and absorb a tre- mendous amount of manufactured products The fact that at the World Eco- nomic Conference in 1933, some sixty nations agreed to purchase and with- draw from circlilation an average of thirty-five million ounces per year for a four-year period would appear to indicate that these nations were in ac- cord that some move in Silver was essential before the trend of World Trade could expect to be toward nor- malacy. That a similar opinion is also held by some of those in authority at Ot- tawa, is evidenced by the fact that the Honourable H. H. Stevens, Min- ister of Trade and Commerce, recent- ly told a delegation of mining men, that he would like to see more silver put in the country's currency, at the same time assuring his audience that he would lend his entire support to the remonetizing of silver. He stat- ed that he had given the problem much consideration and had discussed it with business leaders of many countries before reaching the conclu- sion that more silver should be placed in circulation. The recent increase in the price of silver should prove of substantial be- nefit to a number of Canadian Mining Companies and indications are, in the writer's opinion, that higher prices will be seen for the WHITE METAL before long and Canada, of course, stands to benefit substantially from any such increase. Preliminary Announcement • PUBLIC OFFERING 300,000 SHARES OF THE TREASURY STOCK of GLENORA GOLD MINES LIMITED • :.KIRKLAND',LAKE Located on the main "break" and immediately adjoining the seven producing mines of Kirkland Lake. Will Shortly be Offered for Public Subscription by C. A. GENTLES & CO. Members The Toronto Stock Exchange TOOLE PEET CO., LTD. Members Calgary Stock Exchange BINGHAM.MsKAY, LTD. Members Winnipeg Stock Exchange GRANT JOHN ►TON & CO. Members Montreal Stock Exchange CARLILE & McCARTHY, LTD. Members Calgary Stock Exchange A. E. JUKES & CO., LTD. Members Vancouver Stock Exchange Long Lac Adair Mines Limited Developments at this company's holdings in the Strathy Township, Temagami, continue to give decidedly encouraging results and most recent information is to the effect that as- say made from Number Five vein ran 1.84 ounces of gold per ton. While officials of the company were reluc- tant to confirm actualfigures, they admitted important assays had been obtained from samples. The Number Five vein on the property has been traced for a length of 1,100 feet. Long La3 Adair also holds some 440 acres in the Big Long Lac Area, on which diamond drillipg has been under way for several weeks, with results said to be very promising. Nickel Shows 62 Cents Per Share I_ale-yearly statement Issued yes- terday by International Nickel Com- pany shows net profit of $10,012,642.00 for the first six months in 1934, which compares with $1,862,888.00 for the same period in 1933. After payment of dividends on the preferred stock, net was equal to about 62 cents' per share on the outstanding common stock, President R. C. Stanley ,in a letter accompanying the report, ad- vises shareholders that the company has now taken second place in the world as a producer of platinum and first place as a producer of palla- dium. Stadacona Cuts Ore Stadacona Rouyn Mines bas cut 20 feet of mineralized quartz and schist at a depth of 450 feet on its main IXIE PLUG SMOKING TOBACCO For real economy and enjoyment, smoke plug tobacco. The tobacco stays fresher, because you cut each pipeful as you need It .. . coarse or flaky, to suit yourself. And, It lasts longer in your pipe property at Pelletier Lake, Quebec. This is the official word of latest diamond drilling, which is being car- ried out from the 350 -foot level, This level has extended development and now has about 500 feet length of ore. Future plans call for continuing the shaft to a depth of 450 feet at which point a cross -cut will be driven to develop favorable formation revealed by the drilling. New N.B. Stamp Out Ottawa. — To commemorate the 150th anniversary of the founding of the province of New Brunswick, the post office department has issued a special double -size pictorial postage stamp, in the denomination of two cents. This stamp was issued on Aug, 16. The new stamp was old -rose in color. The inscription included the dates 1784-1894. it was also inscrib- ed with the name of the province. The vignette depicts the original seal of the province of New Bruns- wick which was prepared under the direction and authority of Queen Victoria. The seal bears the motto "Spem Reduxit," and also the provin- cial designation "Nov Bruns Sigill Provinciae." The stamp is issued to coincide with celebrations which are to take place in New Brunswick in commem- oration of the anniversary. May Can Giant Tuna The giant tuna of Maine and Nova Scotia shores, which sometimes 'weighs half a ton, may soon be taken to supply a canning industry at Glou- cester, Mass, Canada has already es- tablished such an industry, while in New England an investigation- has been ordered before canneries are allowed to netermine if the giant tuna is good food. Sportsmen who pursue the tuna with rod and line 'object to the large- scale capturt' of the fish which com- mercial operation requires. They point - ,, Our Statistical Department has pre- pared Review and Map of the LITTLE LONG LAC — BIG LONG LAC GOLD AREA which is available without cost or obligation, to those interested. Simply detach this form and mail with name and address attached, to CORDINGLEY, PIKE & COMPANY 80 King St., West, TORONTO 'VP out that the wholesale capture of tuna for canning in Japan has so harassed tbe fish that none has been taken in Japanese waters with rod and line for five years. The same condition, they say, prevails along the California coast. During July, August and Septem- ber, the giant tuna abounds offthe western coast of Maine. — Border Cities Star. Aid British False Teeth Duty on Imported Molars Is Raised in New Campaign London, Eng.—British teeth to fit British faces is the patriotic end aim- ed at by a new move in the govern- ment's "Buy British" campaign In future, Britons who equip them- selves with new sets of "store" teeth will have to pay considerably more for' them unless they are made in this country. This is the result of a government order substantially in- creasing the already existing 20 per cent. duty on artificial molars. A committee was appointed recent- ly by the government to look into the whole question of the false teeth worn by some millions of the king's subjects. This inquiry revealed that; while the government has taken steps to insure that more of the roast beef of Old England than in the past is really of Britishorigin, artificial molars imported from abroad are be- ing set to work on the Sunday joint in the homes of Great Britain. It has come to something of a sur- prise to many Britons to learn from the committee's findings that there is a real prejudice in favor of some better -quality foreign teeth imported at prices giving a large margin of profit to the importer. BLIND DOG SMART. Estlin, Sask.—Although blind as a result of an accident, Duke, a police dog, has developed bis sense of smell to such an extent he scarcely misses the loss of his eyes. Duke herd the horses and cattle, directs searchers to hidden eggs in the hen house and makes himself useful in many other ways. An aching heart will drag a man, down quicker than neuralgia, Classified Advertising RADIO NVESTIGATE our courses in radio, 1 television, sound, broadcasting, oper- ating, etc., before seeking training elsewhere. Radio College of Canada, Limited, Dept. "w.L.s" 863 Bay St, To- ronto. .000000.00000000 Off Colour? How Is Your Liver? Wake up your Liver Bile —Without Calomel Your liver's a very small organ, btlt it certainly can put your digestive and eliminative organs out of kilter, by r4 - fusing to pour out its daily two pounds of liquid bile into your bowels. You won't completely correct such a condition by taking salts, oil, mineral water, laxative candy or chewing gum, or roughage. When they've moved you bowels they're through—and you need a liver stimulant. Carter's Little Liver Pills will soon bring back the sunshine into your life. They're purely vegetable. Safe. Sure. Ask for them by name. Refuse sub- stitutes, 260 at all druggists. 48 ITCHING TORTURE Stopped Instantly D. D. D. Prescription Speeds Relief Even the most stubborn itching of eczema, pimples, mosquito or other insect bites, rashes and many other skin auric -- tions quickly yields to Dr. Dennis' pure, cooling, liquid, antiseptic D. D. D. Pre- scription. Forty years world-wide success. Penetrates the skin, soothing and heal- ing the inflamed tissues. No fuss—no muss. Clear, greaseless and stainless. It dries up almost immediately. Try D. D. D. Prescription now. Stops the most intense itching instantly. A 35c trial bot- tle, at any drug store, is guaranteed to is mrade by tove he owner rs ofck. D. ITALIAp BALM. TO E N D PIN rub in Minard's. Checks colds, taken in- ternally. Ends skin blemishes. At druggists in regular and new large economy sizes, sa Issue No. 34—'34 t The peoples of near lands and fat' lands foregather in friendly rivalry ... in commerce and in sport, in the arts, the sciences, music and industryi at the Canadian National Ex- hibition. , Merchants are attracted from the' bazaars and market places of distant Calcutta ... from the potteries of Stoke,on-Trent ... from the planta- tions of Ceylon and Sierra Leone. In; an atmosphere of carnival gaiety and, romance the enterprising strangers from abroad transact business and join their. Canadian brethren in; wholehearted appreciation of the ' .world's largest annual Exhibition. From over the seven seas, from, the Antipodes and the United States come athletes who strive mightily with Canada's best for world champ. ionships on land and water. East meets west on common ground at the "Show Window of the Nations" where Toronto once again becomes "a place of meeting". This is the big year at your Exhibition. COLONEL P. H. DEACON! ELWOOD A. MGM P,esdent General Mower GANADIA NATIONAL