HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1934-08-30, Page 5Ise 7'e v... A. epeeist 30 .9, /9343 �, BUSINESS CARDS ' TTOfie Y Flo El Stlaitt.RISTER, SOLICITOR; k;IOT. A.RY 1c''U :.LIC, ETC.. ere°ICS—Hamilton Street, ,;foot off true ]square, GODER1Cfl, Ontario. Special Attention to Councel and Cour York. Mr. Holmes may he consulted act ,'fZ+drkirich by Phone, and Phorxo changes; reamed. Dr. IL Ho CO W E N L.D.S. D.D S. . DENTAL SURGEON At DMZ BI OOI —.' UBICH Ayery Thursday, Friday, • Saturday At IIARTLEIB'S BLOCIL DASH -WOOD Every Monday, TUE43aEly Ana ; Wednesday licensed Auctioneer For Huron and Middlesex AM IN A POSITION TO CON - set any Auction Sale, regardless I vise or article to sell. I solicit soar business, and if not satisfied r. .,make no charges for Services Ban - .dared. ARTHUR WEBER—D wood Monte 18-167. uriehs9 Popular 'MEAT •MAIC]KFT Let Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur - cd Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Etc.; lways.. on band... Kept fresh in Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins 11. Yungblut Son SERVICE Why We have the Better ;;Class of Customerslaw y CiI�AS4 GQQDSt, } p..*xr iUK$. 1VIOBIII OIL,MAg-1 We carry a good line of fuel inowsx. pit, GOODYEAK TIRES' at only 14 cents a= gallon.. VENOM'S 'IGNITlOR L. Prang and Son. IMO TUDSS. WTI 07 Ara rit ar F A' O' uif`idy ,i «, ti Lost, EU. A d s IX l COLtdhUt NOTICE We are ready to do your De plowing at $2.00 per acre. C. Schrag, Zurich. AUCTION SAI Of, DWELLING POPEBTY At Zurich, on Saturday, Sept. 8th, 1934, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Consisting of one-fifth of an acre, known as Lot number 86, k.s., Zurich On premises is a 11/a storey 8 -room- ed brick house .,with kitchen, .,frame stable and =eke hoarse. TERMS -10% ...on day o fsale; bal ance in 30 (lays- 0. Klopp„ Auction.eer.: A. F. Hess, Administrator, inner Estate. FOR. SALE E.. True= A quantity of Russian Rye seed grain. Apply to: Oscar- Greb, Babylon line. .z FOR SALE Junior NO. .6 Seed wheat, Bald White Wheat, free from loose head, smut and weeds, good yielder; 30 to 35 bushels to the acre this year. Hilton Truemner, R R. 2, Zurich Phone 85 r 11. TENDERS WANTED Sealed Tenders will be received to September 1st on four new toilets. Specifications may be seen at Fred Watson, Secretary Treasurer. Low- est or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. Apply to Fred Watson, R. R. 3, Bayfteld. g' k-AYED From Lot 12, con. 7, Hay Town- ship, about Aug. 15th, 15 head of two-year-old cattle. Anyone know- ing anything about these cattle kind- ly notify: Ii. Shapton, R. R. 1, Exeter. Phone 17r31 Crediton central. NOTICE KUR I -I .Ra • UL! t Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Wagner of Guelph, are visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Wagner. Mr. and Mrs.L. W. Hoffman, and Miss Jane Lamont, were ;;Sunday vis- itors at Forest. Mrs. Alex. Ehnes of Bright spent a few days with her brothers and sis- ter at the Williams home. Dr. W. 0. Schelogg of Detroit, but at present camping at Grand Bend, called in town here on Friday. Mr. John Hoffman and daughter of London, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Sol Martin. The exceptionally cool weather.. for August makes one think that fallis just around the corner. . Mr. and Mrs. John Brenner, Mrs. Lloyd Hendrick and Doreen spent the' week-extd et Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. John Truemner and lylrs. Ayres of Detroit, were visitors in town last week. Miss Dorothy Block, who had 'been very effectively the ; :,pater mind visiting with her friend Rena Erb, e.nd is eagerly resorted to by firms in returned to her home in Kitchener. away towns and cities. �, donation, The auction Sale of the effects of sa;, an article: from the store, is giv- Everything is now ready for the annual p.'dt, Lao]. fain, 3rd, at St. Fetch. church, Dry 'lull°, will the hope that the weather will ht, favorable for the occasion• This year it will be only an .afternoon affair there will be seined only but ons meal, beginning early in the after noon, _ The dancing will be reserve. espcci'ally for the evening on an opera: pavillion at the strains of local talent and callers. There will be amusements a of all kinds; the novelty of the pic- nic will be "Crazy Eddie," Every tea o cents spent on the grouneis will en- title each person to vote, and in the evening, the person having the most votes, will receive absolutely, free, a beautiful framed pinta of the pastor The picnics at Ihyscdale have always been popular, and this' year will .be equally s o,1t is a time to meet relatives and friends, So come and have a good time. This year, the pastor wishes to give the business conceals a popular way of - advertising themselves in a ,;ommun- ity. Such an advertisement fig e 5H m Mr. John Gellman, Sr., will be hell en, and on this article marked the �► 000100,00 5 to d S t it name of the donor or firm who gave it; the; names are also r•'thliehed in Mr. W. H. Hoffman .acid Sees Clay- the local papers; the people see this ton motored to Chicago last week d and saw some of the Big Fair f h Mr. and Mrs: Paul Jeffrey of De- dined to patronize those places than 1• troit, are spending• the week with by merely rending a weekly advertise 11. his another, Mrs. C..Ayotte of town. , ment in a n ,espaper. `Qt .course. ge- .Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Birk and ing around to solicite is no easy tesk Miss Verna Birk of Guelph, were • and the person doing so is entitled to Sunday visitors at :the home of Dr. much ereclit ;tis it +e roa courage r d and Mrs. Jos Routledge. a dose of opti. m to t' r ^'_. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. O'Brein and However, the pastor appointed one daughter Miss Olive are spending thel of our most popular girls to do so, week in Toronto, where Mrs. O'Brein and who is not acquainted with Miss has a sister. They will also take in resist Bette charms;Mouthe None could the Nation Exhibition, resist her the men on seeing her were simply stunned on behold- ing her smile and her lately marcel- lud hair. Her success was complete. Many gave money in order brat some article might be purchased by which they might be advertised. The follow in, therefore are the names and plac- es of the donors: Windsor—Peter Laplante, barber, reening shoes. St. Joachim—Lonis 1lousseau, general store, a lantern. Tilbury—Philip Bedard, ladies slip- pers ;...Ios.1iles e, funeral director, a card table. H;11sgreen—W. J.trrolt, store, 25 -lbs.. flour; Grana Bend— Brenner House. : 1.00; Bossc'nbe r;r House $2.00; P. Ravelle, tobacco, barber. London—Dr Tillman, two. Brucefield, were Sunday 'visitors at writing desks. Stratford—J. Bedard the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Hilton store, a shirt; Goderi ch—R. J. How- Truenmer and Mr. and Mrs. C. L... ard, store, coffe perculator; Godericc:' Smith, Salt Co. 12 bags salt; G. Plante, Im- oil]Tfre many friends of Dr. Joseph perial Manager, $5.00 oil and grease; Routledge, of Zurich, will regret to `n ; Westernrnfield, store, 2 pr.usilk stock - learn that he is quite ill atlhis home artgs; Can. Flour NIin, lbs, flour. Dashwood—H. Wein, gar - here in 'town. He "%vas enjoying his age, Auto Beauty Set; Dr. Taylor, usual health, and has enjoyed going; woolen dog; J. C. Reid & Co., store, about his profession recently, till on are impressed by the generosity o t e donors and will be more in - _ ., -5.40k osooseasr4 to aeaseee essesimaca0, 00001D4eoe r 11:9 Trot$ ...a, 44 Now is the time to order your ler. tilizea' for sowing fall wheat. Be sure and see lis before placing 2 your order Implement E 1)ai1's McCormich-Deering. Also handle Cultivator points and plow points to fit any make of machine. Chicken Feeds Master Chick Starter and Pioneer Chick Starter lee ,r aaeoffi+ttee 'F *CMOS *comes Toronto National Exhibition is on beginning last Thursday, and London Fair will be during the week of Sep- tember 10 to 15th. Mr.. and Mrs. Chrs. Swartzentru- ber and family of the Bronson spent Wednesday last with friends near St. Agatha. Mr. and Mrs. Con. Bolender , and Mrs. Strauss of Kitchener, were we- ek -end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. Smith. . • Mr. and Mrs. Isreal Wilhelm and daughters Helen and Marjorie of Milverton and Mr. Wallace Ross of Parts, Hobning and Mechanical Work Settings, No ;,metas® to Micrometer Sa✓ � aanaasa work. Watch the cars that iEiOP at WE1N'S, They are sill HIGH CLASS CLIENTELE. S. Wein r ?DASHWOOD -- ONTARIO aositos Western farmers' ! utual Weather Insurance Co OF WOODSTOCK SHE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- • :+iCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- 1J L COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO. saniount of Insurance at Risk on Dec. 31st, 1932,. $17,880,729. ';total Cash in Bank and Bonds $221,.978.99. tReatoe—$4.50 per $1,000 for 3 years ;.:. F. Klopp—Zurich lead, Also Dealer in Lidittait+i road •urad all kinds of Fire Insurance r. LIVE Li LTRY WANTED Taken every Day till 3 o'clock pan. We; not feed Fowl same morning when brought in. Highest Cask. Prices. —CASH FOR— CREAM AND EGGS W. O'Brien 'hone 101, Res. 94, Zurich THE HEItAi'S 'JOB DEPARTMENT ;its aver ready to serve the pub- '11C with Commercial and dine ",;intimg. Get our price's bi- ; lrre leaving yew. : i~: else - i FOR SALE .A few well bred young Yorkshire brood sows, for quick sale, apply to • .Hilton, Truemner, 14th con: LOST On July 30, Gentleman's white gold wrist. watch, 17 jewel, Hamilton make, black leather strap, silver buc- kle, white gold luminous dial. Lost between 'Crediton and Grand Bend or Crediton and Zurich. Reward— Kindly notify Wrn. Oestreicher, Cre- diton (prone 19-4) or John Brown Zurich phone 84r8,. FARM FOR SALE Consisting. of 60 acre farm, 2 mil- es north-west of Zurich. Land is in first class state of' cultivation, good buildings, abundance of running water at house and barn. For fur- ther particulars apply to proprietor, A. A. Weber, Zurich. pt5 FOR SALE A Combined Prayer Piano and Piano delivered to your door. for $200.00. Cost $750.00, complete with 30 rolls and bench. The'finest Lxiano in this country. F. W. Hess, Ilensall, Ont. WANTED PRODUCE WANTED We .are now in a position to take. cream and eggs at my home. at Zur- ich, for which we will pay, highest market prices. We will grade your eggs as we receive. them, and pay ac- cording to grading. give vasa trial. First house south of Dominion Hotel T. 11. Meyer,,sPhone 116, Zurich. School Fair Dates There will be seven Huron Coun- ty School Fairs held again this year and the date s for same nave been :announced as follows; Grand Bend ., ...a. ,.:.. Sept. 1.0th Hensall .... , . Sept. 11th GorricSept. 13th >elgrave ............. Sept 14th ' qo Pt. 1'7th ; any of these schools would do well tc. Carrie's Corners ... , . , Sept. I8th ' get in touch with Prof. 14'orsyth, 5' Carlow ..,...o.a»ar...azSept 20th alenlake Ave., , `Toronto, Ont. dresser scarfe; Sunday evening he was stricken with r • n W. Wolfe, barber. Safety razor and soap; C. Pfile, bed - a stroke, and is a very sick man. Let us all hope for his early recovery to. room slippers; E. Tiernan & Son, 2 ood health again. bath towels; P. Mcisaac, unudertak- g g er $1.50. Seaforth—Stewart Bros. Farmers are busily engaged in store, bed spread; Phillips fruit store doing their threshing, and the -crops, teapot; Duncans Mfg, 8 prs. ehildr- which are pretty fair this year areJens shoes; J. Cleary, store, 25 -lbs. again filling up the grainaries. The four; J. C. Barney, pr. shoes. Hensall fall wheat is running about 20 bush -1 F:, Hess, clock; Bonthron & Drys - els to the acre and oats and barley' dale,. ,:aluminum tea kettle; Cook Bros are vary good. Farmers have al -j garage, inner tube; J..Passmore & ready started the pulling of beans; San, car polish; Manns and Farquhar which prove a good crop. A realgood; tobacco; Scotts grocery, teapot; G. soaker of rain is badly needed for,Mickle & Son 100 lbs. flour; T. C. the fall plowing and the fail wheat J(Synt, rug; Mr. Ballantyne, M.P.P., seeding. $2. Exeter—Snell Bros. garage, Auto beauty set; G. A. HawHns dishpan; J. G. Stanburry, lawyer, $1; Jos. Senior, photo of pastor. Zurich —.1. Gasho & Son, woolen blanket; C. Fritz and Son, running shoes; M. Oeseh, barber, booster; M. O,esch, store $1. sugar; J. W. Merner, store China tea pot; 0. Klopp, Massey Har- ris, two plow points; H. Johnston, barber, witchhazel; A. Bess, cheese dish; F. ICalbfleisch, bunch of shing- les; Stade & Weido, baking dish;W. H. Hoffman &Son, store, bathing suit; A. Hess, notary public, $1; C. Sinith, Herald, $1; Williams Bros., mill, 100 lbs. flour; G. Deichert, pail of lard; Yungblut and Son, butchers The latest story in Chick Sexing a ham; E. Haist, baker, a cake; Wm. Reith, baker, cake; Dr. MacKinnon, a hot water bag; Jack Johnston, Do- minion House $1; Dr. O'Dwyer $1; Drysdale---Weter Set, Miss B. Mous- seau; Josephine Denomme, a harpe; Jos. Gelinas store bed spread and miscel; friends $4, Jos. S. Bedard, grocer, $1 in groceries. As this is go- t to press, Miss Mousseau was un- able to continue her calls to the oth- ers who might wished to have given on accounut of the death of her bro- ther Joseph in Detroit. Many many thanks therefore to all whose kind- ness has been shown to .us. A last in- vitation to the picnic. Come all. Bores Always some improvements are being made around town. this week We -notice that Mr. W. H. Hoffman is rebuilding part of the interior of his work shop and undertaking room, the joists bearing up the floor had become decayed and were badly sag- ged down. This has been overcome by raising up and putting in some new joists. Mr. Gideon Koehler has had a new chimney erected from the ground up at his dwelling house and is now having a new furnace install- ed. . y. Chick Sexing comes from Exeter where, for the past week a school has been held at the Hogarth Baby Chick Hatchery, instructing local .poultrymen how to tell the cockerel chicks from the pul- let chicks. The instructor of the scho- ol was Prof. R. M. Forsyth, from the University of British Columbia who has made a study of the subject and Worked with the Japenese experts who have been visiting British Col- umbia for the past two seasons. There were 1.6 :students, all of whom learned the fundamental principals of determining the sex of chicks at a day old. Tests of accuracy were, true sand., most of those taking part showed their work to be from 80 to 95% accurate. This is especially good when one Considers the short period that the students had had op- ortunity for instructions. In fact, the results were so encouraging that Pro. Forsyth has been asIted to hold d cl as- ses in various parts of the province to give more hateberymen and poul- trymen an opportunity to learn chick sexing. He is also demonstrating at the Toronto Exhibition on Sept. 1 and, 3rd. The next school will prob- ably be held at Woodstock on Sept. 4th. Anyone interested in attending Often in hot weather and occasion- ally at other tunes, little stomachs e in notice sour and "When turn a acid. nay sign of sick stomach," says Mrs. J. AlphonousBrown, Bayside, PIM., "1 always give a Baby's Own Tablet." They quickly set things right, are very easy to take and quite sale. All common ail- ments of ehildhoodineluding teeth- ing. are promptly relieved with Baby's Own Tablets. 25e a pack- age at drug stores. rat Dr.Wi11 ams' ai W tltt W°IFi g t WW Zurich Drugstore Sei' y t "y4 7��` .:�''� ' Dt. 'k. �''..�, s We have a full Line of all the requirements of School Supplies 'ry See Our Supply of Toilet °l Preparations ALL PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. AUTHORIZED TEXT BOOKS IN STOCK. ee09006•e*O30***•+*at"0ei#0***a KEPT Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Perfumizera, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Pastes, and Brushes. ttiAteOA<;9tit9304)Btaciis** **fltt fiilt FINE STATIONERY AND FOUNTAIN PENS. We also have, Saphine Anti -Moth Discs. Dr. A. J MacKinnim, Zurioh t teAA MMMMMIWMM ,WIT FRP • • • 4 b 0 a 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • s • • • • • • • • • • ••••••••••+s•• • tetere 0oe•m0ooeoo•••a►.00eat sa••••See®o•• se 111140 ZLREH HERALD'S Ciubbim• Lit ZURICH HERALD and the following Pape. for one Year: Kitchener Daily Record $5.10 $6.00 Toronto Daily Mail and Empire $6.00 $7.00 $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 London, Farmer's Advocate $2.25 Farm and Dairy $2.75 Farmers' Sun $2.50 Family Herald and Weekly Star ,........ $2.25 Family Herald for 3 years $3 00 Canadian Cc.untryr,:an $2.25 Weekly Witness 15 Farmers' Magazine .50 Huron Expositor, Seaforth $2.75 And a great many more that we cannot enumerato hero. We leave the Agency for every. reputable Magazine .in Canada and the United States, and can lave you money on the most of them. Rtanew all your Papers and Magazines at olxr Office and save Trouble and Morley HERALD OFFICE Zurich Toronto Daily Globe Toronto Daily Star Toronto Weekly Star London Free Press London Advertiser 1 1 @d•$•+9,•eRd'61-S•900••C 0 0,00 0v ^•d 34,444•tAEs••454r410ArQ'** 3