HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1934-08-23, Page 5'Th ursday, Ategliet 23rd 1931 BUSINE' CARDS anni Yarg DUDLEY t OLMES 13ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT- . ARY PUBLIC, ETC. ISTFICE—Hamilton Street, Just off Abe Square, GODERICH, Ontario. Illoseeistl Attention to Couacel and Court Work. r. Holmes may be coraulted re ,X2lederich by Phone, and Phone I charges reversed. Dr. 11. 11. COWEN L. D. S. D. D S. DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCE—ZURICH Avery Thursday, Friday, Saturday "Inge At IIARTLEIB'S BLOCK, DASHWOOD Every. Madan. Tuesday end ;Wednesday Licensed Auctioneer For Huron and Middlesex AM IN A POSITION TO CON - delta any Auction Sale, regardless las to site or article to sell. I solIcIt reL? business, and if not eatiefied see: :asake no charges for Services Pan - ARTHUR WEBER—Dashwood 4a• WK. Zurichs' Popular MEAT MARKET Let Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur- led Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Etc..,. always.. on hand... Kept 'fre-sh in Electric Refrigeration _Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins 11, Yunghlut & Son SERVICE Nay We have the Better t Class of Customers ii1GiIcLAs3 GOODS, U. 5: L. AIATTPILIES,, MOB1LE OIL, MAA: *5/ILLUSE OIL, GOODYEAR TIRES ditilID TUBES, GENUINE IGNITION arts, Holming a3zel hlecbanicazi Work alone to Micrometer Settin,sro, No Maass work. Watch the cars that STOP at WEIN'S, They are all HIGH cj...A.ss CLIENTELE. E. B. Wein, DASHWOOD .-- ONTARIO s7jsmaa;1,wm;=ifim,; p=mamsamin alas Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co OF WOODSTOCK VILE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS ov Tula KIND IN ONTARIO. Amount of Insurance at Risk on Dec. 31st, 1932, 617,880,729. Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $221,978.99. Antea—$4.54 pee 41,000 for 3 years E. F. Il1opp--Zuric,31. Abut. idettleater 114,044.4114 leed ell kiwis a Fire Insurseve L. I VE 11P, OU LT R Y WANTED Taken every Day till 3 o'clock p.m. Do not feed Fowl same morning when brought in. 1 Highest Cask Prices —CASH FOR— CREAM AND EGGS W. O'Brien Phone 101, Res. 94„ Zurich lommtts THE HERALD'S JCIR PARTMENT &oyes reistly to serve the ph.: with Commercial and fine Alkathst - Get ow' prices be - auto iamkuing your mkt tloe- 3046"10 Wants, Fr Salo, st, )F und, tie te,, Ads IN MN we, wiatt. BMW FOR SALE A quantity. of Russian Rye grain. Apply to: Oscar Greb,. BahYlos seed FOR SALE Junior..No. 6 Seed wheat, Bald White Wheat, free .from loose head, =mut and: weedsgood Yielder; 30 to 35 bushels to, the acre this year. Hilton Truemner, R. It 2., Zurich Phone 85, TENDERS. WAN I ED Sealed Tenders' will be received to September 1st on four new, toilets. Specifications may be seen at Fred Watson, Secretary Treasurer. Low- est or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. Apply to Fred Watson, R. R. 3, Bayfield. ..mdwriromemoommearr• STRAYED • From- Lot 12, con. 7, Hay Town- ship, about Aug, 15th, 15 head of two-year-old cattle. Anyone know- ing anything about these cattle kind- ly notify: H. Sha,pton, R. R. 1, Exeter. Phone 17r31 Crediton central. NOTICE We carry a good line of fuel oil at only 14 cents a gallon. L. A. Prang and.Son. FOR SALE • A few well bred young Yorkshire brood sows, for quick sale, apply to Hilton Truemner, 14th con. sires e. LOT —4011 i'orcr— On July 3% geetleitian's white gold wrist watch,. 11 jewel, Hamilton make, black leather strap, silver buc- kle, white gold luminous -dial. Lost between Crediton and Grand Bend or Crediton and Zurich. Reward— Kindly notify Wm. Oestreicher, Cre- diton (prone 19-4) or John Brown Zurich phone 84r8. NOTICE Blue Sunoea Gas takes the place of Naptha gas .for cleaning clothes, also for, lamps, stove; etc., at re- gular gas prices. L. Prang & Son„ Zurich. FARM FOR SALE Consisting of 60 acre fame, 2 mil - ZURICH HERALD t IrPriOf '—*-7,'"*r7-r--.:72'reier"e"'eer""s'P'""Sealre-rr Mr. Ross Johnston returned horn after spending a week's visit in De- troit Rev. and Me. Hands of Buffalo, N. Y., were visitors with Rev. and Mrs. E. TuerIcheim last week. Mrs. R. H. Happell of Jackson, Mich., is visiting at the home of mr. and Mrs. Egbert Heideman. Mr. Jas. A. Patterson, the popular Clerk of Hensall gave us a friendly call on Frday. Miss Ruth Zirk of London spent her holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Zirk of the Bronson line. Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Koehler, Mr and Mrs. W. J. Johnston and Ruth spent the week -end visiting in. De ttroit. Mr. and Mrs. Ab. Ludwig an family and Mr. J. Andrews of Kit chener spent the week -end at th home of Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. Smith St. Joseph. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Siebert p Canada, Kansas, were visitors at•th home of Mr.. and Mrs. W. L. Sieber of town, leaving for their home on Wednesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lamont mot ored to Rondeau Park on Monday Their daughter Margaret„ who ha been camping at that place, return ing with them. • • We regret to report that Mr. Fred Southcott of Venice, Cal. who is spending the summer at his cottage at Grand Bend, is still ill and not able to be up and around.. d e e s Mr. and Mrs. Edward Greb and daughter Lilyan of Detroit, were week -end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Brenner. Their son Master Arthur Greb, Who has been visiting here for some time, has returned home with them. Dr. A. J. MacKinnon and son Hugh Mr. Herb Mousseau and Mr. John Walper left on Sunday :morning for Kirkland Lake, They expect to re- turn on Thursday. Sault Ste Marie. The light shower of rain on Sim - day -noon brought • on a very cool spell of weather, which made one look around for a tnn coot and fin extra covering for the night. Re- ports are that a light frdst was pec valent in the most northern parts of Canada.. In the new reorganizing of the, various Police Magistrw'es of West- ern Oneerio, we notice that Mr. C. A. Reid, of Goderich, who has held this position for many years, has re- ceived his discharge, and Huron will be hereafter served by a llagistrattf from Mitchell. • Word has been received here from Colorado, of the passing of Mrs Hartman Happel, who died at thr, home of her daughter. in that State Mrs. Happel, who is a sister of Mr. Ferdinand Stelek of Hay Township, was a former resident of this corn! triunity and is well known by many of the older residents here. DON'T MISS THIS SALE! The mercantile store of J. Gascho & Son are putting on a thirteen day summer sale commencing today, Thursday, and the public are cord- ially invited to take advantage of es north-west of Zurich. Land is in the many baigains that are being at 1p.m. offered at this saving event. 13 days pass hy very rapidly so be on the rob as early as possible and get your suppliea while the chices are best. Remember the date, Thursday August 23rd:, Liming Sept. 8th. Fall fairs will soon be the order of the day. The local Zurich Society executive held their final meeting for the prize list on Tuesday even- ing, and by another week or so it will be off the press, and ready for distribution. The dater of the fair this year are Monday and Tuesday. September 24th and 25th. And tle, two following dates are the Bayfiuld Fair, Wednesday and Thursday, September 26 and ,27th. Please bear these dates in mind. Editor Makes Hole in One J. M. Southeott, Editor of the Exeter Times -Advocate„ during the past week -end made the eighteenth hole of the Ookwood golf course, Grand Bend, in one. Oddly enough his brother, H. 0. Southcott, of Ex- eter, who himself made a hole in one in 1933, was a witness. It is also vouched for by the Rev. R. E. South- cott of Mount Erydges, who has not yet been able to show in this respect that the pulpit is the peer of the press. TOURIST TRAFFIC PICKS UP Tourist traffic this year is the heaviest siace 1930 stated by a re- cent report of the National Revenue Review. Auto tourist traffic via the Peace Bridge and Ferry at Fort Erie during the four days from July let to 4th 55,462 autos were handled. On July 4th alone 23,391 cars passed through the bridge and ferry. At Windsor during these four days tat - ailed 28,403 by bridge, tunnel and ferry; at Niagara, 1'aUs during these our days nearly 42,060 Autoe... carry - Mr. amis., Hey:rock of thia Nee etsilte.A.../.04.*....,..0.400i/.000010033W46,V*664041149910elite*Ot"rflosoofseestoos Neter reghway is spending a few weegs in Michigan. were visitors at the home of Mr. arel Mrs . Cook of Kitchener,. 1 FERTILI and Mrs. J. Brenner. Mr. Milton Heyrock, of Detroit, who is camping at "The Trio" cot- Now is the ti.we to order your Fer tage at Grand Bend gave us a fri- endly call on Monday, • Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Major and • • ti izer for sowing fall wheat. Be daughter Patsy of Toronto, were week -end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Siebert. Mr. John Gaallman, Sr., is having an auction sale of household effects on Saturday, September 1st, An itimized account of the sale will be la next week's issue. i'wo Traffic Officers Let Out Two Provincial traffic officers in Huron county are named among those whose positions are abolished by recent order of the Provincial Government. They are A. G. Pure, who has been patrolling the Blue Water Highway, and F. W. Haight, whose beat was on highway No. 4. STEPHEN COUNCIL The Council of the Township of Stephen met in the To Hall, Cred iton on Monday, the 6th day of Aug. at 1 pan. All members were present. It was resolved that the Tp. grant to the Police. Villages this year shall be 2 mills c t the assessment appear- ing in the last revised, assessment rall. At 2 p.m. The Council organ ized itself as a Court of Revision in reference to •the repe.' nf the Eng- ineer as to the Walker Drain Outlet. The Clerk informed the Council that there were no appeals and therefore no business before the Court. It was moved that the council then convene for the transaction of general busin- ess.: By-law No. 485 to provide for compensation to owners of land for any injuries sustained by reason of the construction of the Walker drn. having been read three times, be pas- sed and signed by the Reeve and Clerk and the Seal of the Corporat- ion attached thereto. The following orders were passed: G. Wilson, 1 station et 504.80; ditto 1 s.d. 2.80, rd 1 4.90, rd 23 4.03; P. Dearing rd 2 12.00; S.White rd 3 14.20; L. Hill rd 4 7.92; C.Sims rd 5 1.80; R. Gower rd 7 4.00: A. Regier rd. 9 5.25; P. Regier rd 10 17.46; J. McKeever rd 11 7.20; 8. McCann rd 12 10.50; I. Tetreau id 14 11,70; W. Gill rd 19 20.23; J. Morissey rd 22 7.95; J.• W. Bowman rd 24 207.35; E. Gaiser rd 25 138.80 J. Klumpp rd 27 8.63; G. Eilber sup. salary for July 28.50; P. Eisenbach rd 26 26.12; J. Rollins gravel 3.00; P. Eisenbach gravel 2.25; J. Keller- ( rnan rd 16 13.50; ditto rd 16 11.73; A. Latta rd 18 2.60; Orders: Exeter Times -Advocate printing Voters' List 100.00; Can. Bank of Commerce, coll. charges 9.25; Geo. Merner weed inspector's acct 61.20; ditto acct of Truant Officer .75; C. G. Morlock Hydro lamps 1.75; Sundry persons exp. re Willert asst appeal 19.30; Co of Huron indigent patients, Kenney and McGregor 30.60. The Council adjourned to meet a- gain at a special meeting to be held in the Clerk's Office on Saturday ev- ening, the 11,th inst. at 8 p.m. The next regular meeting of the council will be held in the Town Hall, Cred- iton, on Tuesday, the 4th of Sept. first class state of .cultivation, good buildings, abundance of running water at house and barn. For fur- ther particulars apply to proprietor, A. A. Weber, Zurich. pt5 FOR QUICK SALE An almost new tapestry rug 6x7% feet, in very good condition, a milt bargain for quick sale. Apply at Herald Office.. FOR SALE A: Combined Player.- Piano' and Pieno delivered to your door for $200.00; Cost $150.00, complete with 30 rolls and bench. The finest piano in this country. F. W. Hess, Herm% Ont. WANTED PRODUCE WANTED We ate new in a position to take cream and eggs at my liome at Zur- ich, for which we will pay highest market prices. We will grade your eggs as we receive them, and pay ac- cording to grading. give us it trial. First house south of Doroiniort Hotel T. H. Meyer; Phone 116, Zurich, School Fair Dates There will be atiftea Huron Coun- ty School Fairs held again this year and the date e for same eave been 'announced as font:awn Grand Bend era Sept. Sept Gerrie . Sept: 'lelgrave .... . Sept t. Helens .... Sept. erres's Corners ,neot. Carlow /4 0.. 1. 14 1414 14 1/.. /414 4J 04 844 e 10th I3th ing a total of 20s,n8 passengers 14th crossed between Canada and United 17th States.. Visitorc to Canada from I gth Chicago Expositioe are rawer thi year compared with lase year. SPECIAL MEETING—A special meeting of the Council of the Town- ship of Stephen was held in the Clerk's office on Saturday, the 11th of August, all members were present The clerk was instructed to post up notices asking for tenders to. haul gravel on several divisions on the first side -road atilt the Exeter side - road. Tenders to be received by the Clerk on or before one o'clock on Tuesday, the '4th of September next Motion, that the cement work of the Finkbeiner bridge on con. 14 and 15 be awarded to Norman Vincent at $3.50 per cubic yard and that he be allowed $35.00 for removing the old cement abutments and floor and $3.50 a cord for drawing the neces- sary gravel - from. Eisenbach's pit. Motion, that by-law 486 for entering into contract with Norman Vincent for the purpose of building What is known as the Kinkbeiner Bridge, having been read three times, be pas sed and signed by the Reeve and Clerk and the Seal of the Corporati- on attached thereto. The Road Supt. was instructed to buy the cement re- quired for the above mentioned bridge. Herbert K. Eilber, Tp. Clerk, aP ,•••••••49.10*... eh eyed! Often in hot weather and occasion- ally at other times, little stomachs turn sour and acid. "When I notice any sign or tick stomach," says Mrs. J., Alphonous Brown, Bayside, "I always give a Baby's Own Tablet." They quickly set things right, are vent easy t,o take snd quite sale. All common alt- monts of,childheed including teeth- ing am .-komptly relieved with Baby's Own Tablets. 25e a pack- age et drug stores. is Dr, Williams' B N TABLETS sure 1 and x see us before placing 1 your ordt r Implement Repairs McCormich-Deering. Also handle Cultivator points and plow points to fit any make of machine. Chicken Feeds Master Chick Starter and Pioneer Chick Starter 6 L. Schilbe & Son g tlo .110•1141.41111164000efieseemesso* soosmosoosmossoommeeestga WWWVVVMMVahliiiMV\kA4NAMiiihliWW: i$46.1 Zurich Drug Store INSECTICIDES We have a good stock of Drugs and preparaticns to dcstioy all kinds of troublesome Insects THE FLY SEASON Why be pestered with Flies and Insects when they can so easily and rapidly be destroyed 'With either FLY TOX or FLY -0 - CEDE D1400110160 oegeisesseto••••••••• See Our Supply of Toilet Preparations Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Perfumizers, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Pastes, and Brushes,. /1109.60111306411066e€4/000 IOWA FINE STATIONERY AND FOUNTAIN PENS. We also h Jave, Saphine Anti -Moth Discs. Dri AI J1 MacKinnon, Zurich 4,40.kikwwwww mom pmmilmw AMMAR; ,••.......„•„,. ......,„,.....,„.„,„.„4„...„„.„„,..„.„4„,„ 0 „ • „ ! ZURICH HERALD'S „ , t • t Clu.bbill• List I : ZURICH HERALD and the following Pape_ : • for one Year: • • • • Kitchener Daily Record $5.10 * : Toronto Daily Globe 36.00 • Toronto Daily Mail and Empire $6.00 ; Toronto Daily Star $7.00 • Toronto Weekly Star $6.00 • • • London Free Press $6.00 1 London Advertiser $6.00 $2.23 • London, Forrnor's Advocate o Farm and Dairy $2.75 a • Farmers° Sun $2.50 Family Herald and Weekly Star $2.25 3 Family Herald for 3 years $ 00 • Canadian Counry1-.1au .... .... $2,25 * 43.15 • Weekly Witness ; Farmers' Magazine $2.50 ; Huron Expositor, Seaforth .. ..... . $2.75 • • Anti a great many more that we cannot enumerate. here. • it We have the Agency for every. reputable Magazin* .in es • Canada and the United States, and can save you money • en the most of them. • it • Renew all your Papers and Magazines at our Wits imui lave Troultlo stud Molloy , HERALD OFFICE - Zurich 3 • •