HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1934-08-15, Page 1VDI. XXXV ti Q . ZURICH, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 15, 1934. Chester L. Smith, ntais i s E1.25 a year, U.S. ;LW fuiaLcr.6 IA! ; 131.60 IN ARREARS, $2 MAY BE IMAM= et the Heald Pubish your Summer Visits and Visitors Capital Theatre Goderich -- Phone 47 Now playing -Double bill, "Cuntess of Monte Cristo" an.d'i. Tota Mix in "Terror Trail". Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday VIVA VILE . With WALLACE BFFRY Thanksgiving Day. Oct. 8th .An order -in -council has been pass- ed setting the date for Thanksgiv- ing Day for this year as Monday, October 8th. This is the second Monday in the month. 320 Fairs to be Held Of the Agricultural Societies .in Ontario, some 320. pian to hold fairs this year, according to J. A. Carroll, superintendent, Agricultural. Societ- ies Branch. "In certain quarters," said Mr. Carroll, "there was a feeling that government and municipal cuts ingrants would tend to disrupt the plans of many of these organizations However, from the impression gain- colossal Mexican epic filmed on a ed at the District Fair Association grand. scale. In the cosi are Fay meetings I have attended throughout Wray, Stuart Erwin, Leo- Carina. the province, I feel that the cdirect- ors are determined by increased en orgy and enterprise .to maintain 'the standards of the organizations, many of which have been in existence for almost a century. Auto Accidents An automobile belonging to Earl Guenther of ]Dashwood and driven by Harry Miller an employee of. the Stand Up and Cheer another car and knocked over and. Guenther Transport', was struck by rolled over three times at an inter- , Coming -George Amoss ha "The section on Tuesday last. Three of the house ,of Rothschild'".. occupants of the car were in,;in d and taken to the hospital. Ross Guen- ehrt, 12, son of Earl Guenther, suf- fered a deep wound on one wrist that severed arteries and tendons, a- bout 20 lacerations to the chest and abdomen of various sizes and bruises to the head and body. Mrs. Fred Genttner, 50, of Dashwood, suffered minor abrasions and shock from which she is recovering. Dorothy Wright, 4, granddaughter of Mrs. Gentler suffered cuts, bruises .and Thursday, Friday and. Saturday WARNER BAX1ER. • John Boles, Madge Evans, James Dunn, Shirley Temple: the new child . sensation and dozens of other celeb- rities in the show of 1001 surprises. Matinees -Wed_ and Sat.. at g p. m. Properly Fitted Glasses} C. E. ZURBRIGGI. It. fD Will be at Hess' J'eweIesy Store,: EVERY TUESDAY IING To fit You with. Glasses PRICES Rf21rF>s?> A ST. PETE;;, Evangelical Lutheran altar& ZURICH - ONT. "A Changeless Chriair [vs a 'Chang- ing World:' Friday, 8h -Luther League. .Saturday -Choir €''raeti -SUNDAY SERVICES- R. Campbell and IVIrs. T. Berry; 10 a. m. -German SerGoderich, J. W. Craigie and Airs. J. *11.16 a.m.-Sunday School].: S. Howie Usborne, A. Morgan and p.m. -English seIe+e. Mrs. R. Kydd; Tuckersmith, W. Ar- 7.30chibald and Mrs. L Fortune; McKil- sed: Can. Culvert Co. steel for cul- old land, has returned to Canada,and service,. . lop H. Alexander and Mrs. J. Eckert; verts 26.74; Wm. Ducharme rd 16 visited with his parents. in Hay Town Hullett, W. Mason and Mrs. E. Ad- 3.07; H. Steinbach Z.P.V. 224.17; G ship the past week. Mr. Kaioiieiscn arms; Goderieli Tp., J. Stirling and Surerus rd 9 10.90; Ed. Erb rd 9 was greatly impressed with the old 13.90; W. Farrell rd 18 16.40; S. countries, and this trip will be a big -----� Martin rd 6 3.60; John Desch rd 8 help to him in his. work at the West - 6.57; Huron County cement tile $6; ern University, London. Stale and Weide cement ro.00 ; T. Welsh lumber rd 1 14.52; A. Smith rd 8 13.76; Wm. Fisher rd 12 11.59; M. Corriveau, cement work 81.65; ditto rd 17 6.25; J. Parke rd 116.21 C. Aldwort rds 3-15 3.12; R. Adams rd 10 47.25; F. J. Haberer rd 7 10.90; A. Mousseau rd 3 87.46; U.A. Pfile rd 15 4.15; A. Zimmer ironfor culverts 22.04; J. M.. Ziler rd 10 12.04; Johnston . & Kalhfleiseh ce- ment 46.40; W. J. Harvey trucking gravel 1011.36; R. Miller rd 9 12.85 M. M. Russell- rd 1 '23.65; F. C. Kalb- fleisch lixm.ber rel 1 15.45; A. Reich- ert rd 4 15.75; S. Ropp rd 2 22.60; S. McArthur rd 1 8.45; F. E. Du- ne/nine rd 10 12.25; G. Brock repair account 2.00; Wes Coleman rd 2 hardships, and the transformation of 1.93; W: J. Jana^ott salary etc 40.76, a the wilderness into garden of ras- a'. M. Richardson rd 65.15. T eleph- one accounts -National Revenue, es. He was united an holy wedlock Gan..tax on tolls 21.99; Workmcia's with Miss Mary with six lein, this an- Compensehori Board assmt 10.20; E. foil was blessed six sons.and four 11, Guenther cartage .50; Bell 'fele- daughters; his wife departed some phone Co., tolls May to June 152.90 twenty years ago, also one son and two daughters predeceased. Those surviving are: two daughters, Mrs. W. Johnston of Zurich, and Mrs. 3. Studer of Detroit; the sons are: Gid - CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Henry Koeh- ler wish to thank their many friends and neighbours for the kindness and sympathy shown them during their recent bereavement, for the beauti- ful floral tributes and those who so kindly loaned their cars. Koehler Family. Mrs. E. Yeo; Stanley, R. Lamont and Mrs. W. McEwan; Hay, Fred'Kajb- fleisch and Mrs. L. Williams; Stephen, Pat Sullivan and Mrs. C. 'Lwicker; Grand Bend, J. Love; Bayfield, 11. McKay; Zurich, Ward Fritz; Dash- wood, Ezra Tiernan; redi on, Zwicker; Centralia, W. J. Smith. HAY COUNCIL, or TRUE COAT Mr. Claude Meidinger of London, spent a few days at his home here. Mrs. L. Pfile and daughter Pearl were Sunday visitors with relatives in Hensall. Mrs. Kimble and two daughters of Chicago, were visitors with Mrs. C. C t C Eilber last week.. Miss ulia Davidson of London, spent Sunday at the home of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wrn. Davidson. Rev. and Mrs. Albert Datars and family are spending vacation with the foriner's parents, Mr. and Mrs, 11; The regular monthly meeting of Datars. the Council of the Township of Hay Misses Lena and Shirley Kerrigan was held in the Town Hall, Zurich, of London are spending the week at on Tuesday, August '7th, 1934, with, home of Mr. Geo. J. Thiel of all the members present. The min- town. utes of the July meeting were ad- opted as read. Aft redisposing of the, communications the following resolutions were passed: Whereas, the Act allowing the sale of beer and wine in 'standard Miss S. Hyatt, R. N. of London, hotels in Ontario passed by the Leg- and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Cole of islature early in 1934 was promul- Windsor were recent visitors with gated .by the present Legislature in Mr. and Mrs. Henry Eickineier. July 1934, and Whereas the Town- ship of Hay did not carry the local Dr. and Mrs. Jos. Routledge and option by-law on January 3rd, 191'0, son Kenneth were on a pleasant niot- the vote being 278 for the bylaw or trip to Hamilton, Guelph, Water - and 423 against the by-law, .and ford, Fergus and Niagara Falls. Whereas the Commissioner of the Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Klinck of Liquor Control Board has reouestedElmira were week -end visitors at the that all municipalities which did not home of Mr. and Mrs. Hilton True - carry the local option by-law to pass mner, 14th con. resolutions allowing the issuance of. shock. Jas. i•Iaslett, well-known Lon- licenses to sell beer and wine in si^.:cr, Mr. and Mrs. John Preeter and don &unbar, -who- was travelling a- municipalities in standard hote'ts, ' daughters Miss Muriel of Kitchener, lone In the second car, escaped with Therefor, motion, that the Council and Mrs. Paul Price of Palmyra, Pa. drivers• of the cars was held by the of the Township of Hay go on record were Sunday visitors at the home of police es the cause of the accident. that it has no objection to licenses Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Siebert. being granted to standard hotels in Rev. Eli Moyer and Mrs. Moyer of 'the Township of Hay that come up St. George, were visitors at the home to the required regulations.• of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Siebert on That the following rates be struck Friday, also called at the Evangel - and levied upon the rateable prop- erty of the Township of Hay for the year 1934 ancl that the Clerk pre- pare a by-law for passing at the next Mr. and Mrs. D. Welsh of Exeter, and Mr. and Mrs. Brimacombe of Hamilton visited with Mrs. C. Decker a day the past week. Officers Elected At the -annual -meeting of the Lib- erals of South Huron at Hensall on 3.ugust '2nd, the following officers were elected: Hon. Pres., John Ess- ery, •Crediton, Owen. Geiger, Hensall, Thos. `Shilrhi Jaw Clinton; 'President, J. G.Stanbury, Exeter; list vice-pres. Council meeting confirming sone: Dr. J. 'W. Shaw, Clinton; 2nd vice, J. County. rate all purposes 6.3 mills; -M. Govenloek, Seaforth, '3rd vice,Mrs Tp. rate, 1 mill; Tp. road rate 1's Daniel Mcisaac, Crediton; sec., F. mills; Zurich Pol. Village rate 7 Finglani, Clinton; treas., C. Fritz, mills; Dashwood Pol. Village rate 'Zurich; chairmen and chairwomen, lira mills; General School rate .3 'Seafoi'th, W. Beattie and Miss Jean mills; Special school rates-U.S.S.No Smith; Clinton, H. Cameron and Mrs 1 nil; S.S. No. 2 8-10 mills; No. 4 L. Paisley; Exeter, B.W.F. Beavers 840 mills; No. 14 2 mills; USS No. land Mrs. Traquair; Hensall, Dr. A. 16 3.4 mills. Requisitions for the oth- er school• sections had not been re- ceived at the time of the Council meeting. The following accounns were pas- ical parsonage. • Mr. and Mrs. W. Bracewill and Howard Surcomb of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Ross McPhee and two little daughters of Auburn, were visitors at the home of Mrs. C. England. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davidson and Mr. and Mrs. Gimlet of Oshawa and Mr. and Mrs. W. Fenwick and Mr. and Mrs. W. Acnes, also Mr. and Mrs L. Davidson all of London, spent the past week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Davidson, Goshen Line. Prof. Herbert Kalbfleisch who sp- ent a few months in Europe and the Everybody Welcome, to a E. TtJERKE/EFI Pastor. IIIIII111M1I111111111111111111111111111>1I111131fi1: MEN Pin ilflfl' i1i111111QIlllililllll 11111111111 11111111111110111 111111111111 111111111111! NEW r ce St Home grown c page-per'.head....._......__.............-_...b.5c Peanut But ,„ per lb. Fruit cookies,, per 16. . .... .•_...., _...._ , I.8c Green, Tea;:. per lb.,_ ... ... Orange Mare, 40-w, jar ,.......__......,.•.......35c. Pork and Bs, 1-111t. cam, 2 . for 3 5 c' New Potatoes,, bag. w...$1. Corn sync 5i -]k Caine Sodecin Buil, and Can' . Fresh Fraits and Groceries Always on Haid. Also "tads Picas, 'Laces,tc.. enno + ' ch. EGOS. WAMEIX OBITUARY Late Henry Koehler One of the oldest residents of this community and the oldest resident of Zurich in the person of Mr Henry Koehler passed away (Muaturday August 4th aged 88 years, 7 months and 7 days, after a brief illness at the home of his daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Johnston of Zurich where he had made his home for a number of years. Mr. •Koehler was born in Wilmot Township, Waterloo County Dec. 28th, 1845, and when a young man came to this district and knew all about pioneer lire and its Northern Electric Co. material 11.75; Znrich central switching 5 weeks $85 H. G. Hess, labor, etc• 164.83 Gen- erai accounts- Ont. Hosp :i al i'e . eon and August of Zurich, Daniel of indigent 59.00, W.L. Siebert, 6 mon Kitchener, Ezra of, Baden and Em - 'ii ttmen of Division Court 24.00; World account .50; J. Gal ranuel of Detroit. Mr. Koehler will u sten cutting weeds Zurich Drain indeed be missed by his many friends nat'`� 'Municipal ~Doth 5. in Zurich, as he always was of such a jolly and happy disposition. The nae 15 The Council adjourned to meet a- funeral took place on Monday last gain on Tuesday, September 4th at! to the Evangelical cemetery and was 1.80 Pi the afternoon. largely attended, his pa torr ]ev. E. i ; ' " i :� s ' lr llk '1'• i burn orfio ttla, t A. F. >:tess, 'Clerk. Mien' Buy THEM A FINE WRIST WATCH. See the Elco Line of Watches Gents Moderately Priced with Bracelets ... , $10.00 Ladies, with Bracelets • $12.75 Initials Engraved FREE Hess, The Jeweller Phone 74 Zurich ALL GRADES Genuine Bernet - Solvay Cake, Miller's Creek WE CARRY ONLY THE HIGHEST QUALITY FUEL Agricultural Tile and Brier CASH paid for Eggs on Graded. Basis. W. R. `r A.V'IDSON Phone No. 1a HENSM..L,,, OWE, A 4, • • e 0 • 0 • •e 4, • 4' 4, 0 4, b 4 0 0 4, 4' 6 0 4, • s' m a 0 •• • • • 4, 0 • m 4, 5 • • • 4, x, e a:.F.0 a, et. tt .O, oat, ,..444,0•444! •&0, 4)t'•••••$.S•••••••••0.41.Be:4-Q 6+!I:•G``..'�C•ti'^,rd ,Hq: ,4•moa•b0.8'C46>Er40,0,0000400$00.9,0,4,la•eA.m4.6<.+ao;,,c.0+004,4,,$•,•4•04$#�- 01. T S L ER SITS era cin si- o~ COME IN AND SEE OUR PALM BEACH, ANIS FLANNELL SUITS FOR MEN, PRICED . fi..< . 4br FROM $11.00 TO $15.00 as eft ST Now is the time to buy and wear your new STRAW HAT. We have now a splendid range, Come and let: us show you, and get your's before it's too late] "CLOTHES OF QUALITY" EMBALMERS 4t4 ' lV fJ ina AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS • +• xr,i,c•N OM, Let Us Sho\r You to New Curtains and Curtain Goods; ..New Prints a: Broadcloths; New :house Dresses. Men's and Boys' Fancy Shirts, also Work Shirts aar Overalls... Men's and Boys' Rubber Boots and Work Shoes; Women's, Misses and Cbildrens' Shoe; Sandals and Oxfords. Many lines in Hardware such as Paints and Vantishet, Graniteware, Tinware, Etc., Etce. HARNESS.. REPAIRS . A . SPECIALTY This Season's Vegetable and Flower Seeds 5c and I a Package.. e FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ONHANDHAND DO�(e U S GENERAL NIERIONANT PHONE 11 - 97 ,LAKE VISMInglERMMOIVOT