HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1934-08-02, Page 8rikr4ri, 1.T(41'11. ZURICH HERALP THE STORE WITH THE STOCK S ecial e UC ICES Thursday, ..4,174C4i4 2nd, 1934 .44,a4tt,644,,s,044,2,41/4,04+4444,44.0+14i-o+++++++++*4,444 11,, f I 4. i. H , 4. +. • • + artFware and Furniture.'" . , 'TOli,E.,: ' YOUR 5 "pieces Gingham, Reg. 25C fbr Yd HOUSE DRESSES'TO CLEAR Reg. 1.10 for 98c; 98cfor..49c.;,79 for 69c; 75 for 65c All Bathing Suits -at 'Rediutted Prices Laclies' Cotton Hose .,: pair. 15c Childrens' Sox, reg. 29 and 25c for, pair 19c Men's Work Shirts, only one day left at each 59c Men's Work sox, at p,air 15c Men's Straw Hats, at each 15c GROCERIES! GROCERIES . Porlk. and Beans, large 29 -oz tin Weston's soda biscuits, lb. pkg. Factory cheese, lb. Honey drip jello, 6 for Fresh salted peanuts, 2 lbs Wrigleys Tooth paste at Strawberry jam, large at Canned peaches, per tin 10c 12c 15c 25c for 25c 15c 35c 15c Everything in fruit jars, rubbers, Zinc rings, Vinegars, Pickeling Spices, Etc. SCH PRODUCE WANTED & SON PHONE 59 GOING ON A TRIP? f ............... , f•smorlWacep000mmonrasumearar HESS INSURANCE AGENCY ......,,._.--...--.._._ If se, you should have Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance. .. Protect your"own Car with Collis- 0 ion Insurance... Policies are good in Canada and the United States. Enjoy your trip more by knowing that you have protection. Rates are lower this year. FULL INFORMATION GLADLY GIVEN. For Rates Apply to: Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich e MY MOTTO—SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? ogasoomerimmoomms 1111111.140.01111..VOMMMPIMal~ elnIMIIMM!1•11M. 4111.111,11•MNIME10110 (We sell the•Be.st for.'Less) ADDED SPECIALS Ic mIS WEEK Specials on Sale Bilk COntinne for this Week, also. See us for lower Prices Eagle brand condensed mik r E 1 tin 18 Factory cheese, per lb. 14c Maple.Leaf Salmon, half -lb. 11c., lb. tin. 33c Sun dried coffee, 1-1b. tin ' 39c Royal York Tea, half -lb. pkg; half -lb at 30c Loose Soap Chips, 3 lbs. ... .g .. 19c Le Ly's Soap large cake each 5c Castile Soap, twin .bars —... 5c Heinz's Tomato Catsup, large bottle - . 19c J. W. MERNER Highest Prices for Eggs. Phone 140 ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Mrs. J. W. Merrier and daughter. Miss Cathern who spent a few weeks at Winnipeg and other •points have returned hone"and reporta most enjoyable outiog,, A Happy Gathering place LOCAL MARKETS • (Corrected every Wednesday) 15-13-11 utter. ilbc crearnerY ..... : . - -25 utter ib. dairy .. 23 Ihrheat bush z 90 ailey„ bush 50 uckwbeat, bussh. 50 Shorty -ton • 25.00 ran, ton 25.00 2.00-2.90 ........,.. .. . ... 8.25 A. very happy gathering took B B B at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Theo. ,LiFlovntriewt McAdams on Monday evening, when HS cwt some seventy :people of the section gathered for a reception of Mr. and .Oscar Greb, bridal couple, asi Mrs. Greb, nee Lylyan Martin, had been the school teacher for a numb- er of years. A very enjoyable time was spent in singing, music and a fine lunch was also served,. Every- body wishing this populor yeung couple the best that life can bring. ' 0,00.406011.0000.***111001611100690seirgeemseeselieleeamil • HARDWARE — SEEDS and FURNITURE 1 . . Weddiag at Exeter • ' littnin. St: "United Church, parson.... age Eketer was the scene of .a pretti wedding on July 18, when Ruble A. Creech,' youngest daughter .of . M. and the late T. G. Creech, was unit- ed in 4marriagt •to Gordon C Koch, only son of Mrs. and the late John Koch of Stratford. Miss Jean Sheere was bridesmaid, Frank Creech bro- ther of the bride attended the gro- om. Following the ceremony the yo- ung couple left for a trip up the St. Lawrence. On their return they will reside in Exeter. where Mr. Koch is engaged as Science- Master at the High School. • THIS ,..SEASON CALLS e 4'1°. ( NEW :FENCES ON TI -IE' FARM. LETEt US SUPPLY YOU, yam . lug BEST OF, V111158.4*14 ALSO .HAVE' BARB WIRE. SFE US ABOUT t *1: NEW ROOfThIG: PLUIVIBING, AND EVE- • ; • TROUGHING • N.. onea t ebig cannons on the sen - are,. Eddie Anderson, aged 40 of Exeter, split his finger while playing pall. Both were given medical at- tention by doctors who were pres- ent. The big event was in charge of an aggressive committee headed by F. Burebill of Brussels, zone repres- .entative. • COAL and COKE! LEAVE YOUR ORDER WITH US NOW FOR YOUR SUPPLY OF COAL AND COKE WHILE PRICES ARE LOWEST PAINTS! PAINTS! We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried 1 and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, 2 Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax Frost Tight Lock Wire Fencing and Gates and Fencing Supplies and Posts. Goodyear Balloon and Cord Tires and Tubes in all sizes WHITE ROSE GASOLENE, ENARCO OILS,' Furniture, Springs and Beds. Felt and Marshall Mattresses , Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith- ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock. STADE & WEIDO ZURICH - ONT. QUALITY — PRICE — SERVICE aim sesappoommatessitee.*******••••••••••••••4••••• ctured his left arm when he fell oiri'have been retailing at ,p5c bag. 4rt' • BUSY FARMER NEWS . . A Muck Banned Weed There is probably no weed in the universe so much legislated against as Clover Dodder, which was intro- duced into Canada from Europe. It is a serious pest in France,Spain, Italy and other southern uropean countries; in Chili and other parts of South. America; in the United States; and in fact in all countries whicin have long summers without frost. During the years of shortage in clo- ver seed crops in Canada it was frequentlY introduced and distribu- ted in imported seed, but its ravag- es an red clover have been noted only in a few instances in Southern Ontario and the Pacific • Coast in years following an exceptionally late fall without frost until October. The dodder is an annual parasite with slender yellowish and reddish stems which twine about the host plant .and become attached to the clover stems by suckers through which it abtains nourishment. Alfalfa dodder has giv- en trouble in Southwestern Ontario and in the Prairie Provinces where it is known to have continged in al- falfa for three years. Badly infested fields should be plowed under before seed forms. + $ We also have some very Attractive Prices 4. Furniture. See Our New Beds, Springs Mattresses. USED FURNITURE and 4k Two Good Used Chesterfield Suites on Hand; 4. Good Used Dressers from $4.50 up; Dining Tables; Kitchen Chairs, Etc. All Big Bargains for quick Sale. Z. BE SURE AND SEE THEM! • • Always a Good Supply of Smoke Cure on Hand. .1: Also 1 Hickory Smoke Salt to, Johnston 8s Kalbfleisch • . Hardware & Furniture. Phone 631 +4++++++++44+++.44444 roolessemiammipiliumumanspoosompktopiwimptvennipankimmmoommummutui THESE PRICES lijecit. to 'change' ivithrnit'Noti� • Painting Wagon; $7AWid j0.0() " Painting Buggy .....'.-: 600 arid MAO' ..,-- Recovering Buggy.Top • 16.00 and 18.00 ----'8. : • • • . • ' : ' --7---*- -- ' Rerimming Biaggi *heels Set 12a00 ---.Z. Buggy Shaft 3.00 .1ross Bar 1.00 Buggy Reach 1. . ... ...... ..-1.25 it C BuggY'SPoices eadA. •+, .... ;....- 25c I HI3SS, the Repair -lin,, IIIEREMINVEIRIIIIIMERIEUREIWINKMZEN !!4!!! ,t 1.011ifigialliengiSfanIlleilre, teal§re Kintail Summer School The Presbyterian Church in Can- ada opened their summer school at Kintail last Monday with an attend- ance of more than .70 young people. Known as the David Perry Memorial Camp it takes care of the youth of both Hamilton and London Synods. Rev. MacDonald of Lucknow, is dean of the school and assisting clergemen are Rev. Smart of Ailsa Craig, Rev. McLean of Wingham and Rev. Yo- ung of Hensall. Miss T. B. Lamont, Field Secy, is in charge of the girls and assists in the teaching. I`vhieli seete med appropriato the oc- siderably below that figure. Second ' casion, hot none the lessregrettab/e; crop alfalfa • is being harvested in' 1.. Jackie Cook aged 6, of Clinton, fill- larabtort county, vela raspberries Z Leaves $20,590 Estate An estate valued at $20,590.80 is left by the late Adolphus Hooper, former Hay Township farmer and London gardener, who died on Mar. 3, 1934, according to application for probate. The estate js made up of pemonal property, mostly mortgages and afotes, valued at $16.090.89,and a house in London valued at $4,500. rporiirenew Iry P4' " :11ffil cp w palAgglia uni aim., mum.. %rad • • e • PUN UP YOUR CAlt! fDon't be discouraged and throw agaw your Car if it is not functioning as you think it shoulct Just run it in our Garage and have our Mechanics go over it and You will be surprised of the results. • Weekly Crop Report Reports submitted by agricaltm-al representatives show that in spite of showers and thunderstorms in vari- Mrs sections, an all-clayy rain is badly needed in most districts of Ontario. For the first year after his death, Ilail. storms doing severe damage in his widow, Mrs. Mary Hooper, of London, is given full use of the en- tire estate and after the first Year it Gasoline and Kerosine always kept on hand in large • + and smart quantities. Let us fin your barrels or 2 Containers. • : Expert Workmanship on Repair Work, and Overhaul Jobs on all Makes of Cars with Charges Very 4 •Reasonalbe. • 4 41. 1011.4114414444.4444444.4.414++4441/4114444444444+44444.44+44.1 It limited areas of North Wellington and Dundas counties are reported. ' Haying' is nearing completion in, she is to be given the use -of one-half Peritrall Western and Eeastern sec.. of the estate for her life-lime(1.1.1 tion 'and about 50 per tett. trE ribr- until she remarries. .., mat The wheat harvest is nearly 'completed in Southern Ontario and well under way. in Western Ont. Yi- elds are from 8 to ' 45 bushels per acre, with the higher .figtde being the exce tion rather than the rule. H. Mousseau Zurich Veterans' Picnic The annual plate of the Huron County War Veterans IA/as held an 4.444444.444.4•WeatetiL***+4+1PSJille,3111,******1****•4011.4..... Clan Gregor Square, Bayfield, with In South Simeoe potatoes are a record estimated attendance of a,' elding as much as 120 bags per aero round 700, and a wonderful time was with prices offered around 75c. In had by all. A couple of casualties Dufferin, growers ate bolding fox, $1 a es are reported eon - )cued during the day, one. of per bag,but I Do You Koow?itik. That am the Master &denial:O. t am the herald of Success for all ailen Z • 1 te11, Mniessag• iogian:umia'ercetiftai)affii- serviCe:06.:Etraf. . ,. And the World listens Wheal speakt F those who have used me as their Servant I have or gathered Untoltimillions into their coffers. I command the tegeons aliashima, the -styles o and lead the World whatterwever got thlame is: Z ft. $ I sow fields for you to reap a Golden Harvest! I am Masater Salesman at Your Sermice, and my • ADVERTi$E1