HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1934-08-02, Page 5"Markey, August 2'>;td, 1934 ZURICH HERALD BUSINESS CARDS DUDLEY E.HoL1° ES llitARRISTER, SOLIC]TOR, DT- ARY PiJBLIC, ETC. .1219`, CE--TePmilton Street, Suet off Vsp Square, (xODEIUCH, Ontario. Special Attention to Couxrcel and Court Work, Sale. 1 ohnes may , bo consulted at Grdarich by Phone, and Phone charged reveraacd, Dr. H. H. COWEN L. D. S. D. D S. DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCK—ZURICI1 Iltyary 'Thursday, Friday, Saturday ?''t? At FIARTLEIB'S BLOCS, DASH DOD Every Monday, T1Bsi3sy and ; Wednesday ,Icer°seduetieneer for Huron and Middlesex AM IN A POSITION TO CON• tit guy Auction Sale, regardless gyH to size or article to sell. I solicit Tom. business, and if not satisfied r, _ - roar ke no charges for Services Ran - l'Ftsred. ARTHUR WEBER--Dashwo a Inn;ie 28-67. Zurich S3 POIllft ar MEAT - ARKET 'Let Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Etc., always.. on hand... Kept' fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for Wool,, Hides and Skins H. Y uughlut & Son SERVICE Why We have the Better Class of Customers UGH CLASS GOODS, U. S. L. :1 ATTE;SUES, MOBILE OIL, MAR - 'WE -LUBE OIL, GOODYEAR TIRES :litiND TUBES, GENUINE IGNITION :Warts, Hohning and Mechanical Work Ilene to Micrometer Settings, tie roti s work. Watch the cars that it 70P at WE1N°S, They are all 1-13 ,1-1 CLASS CLIENTELE. su ;dein ;t ASHWOOD ONTARIO 'Astern Farmers' Mutual Feather Insurance C OF WOODSTOCK ;3E LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO. "Amount of Insurance at Risk on Dec. 31st, 1932, $17,8S0,729. Total Cash in Barak and Bolide $221,978.9:2. tatea—$4,50 per $1,000 for 3 years E. F. Klopp—Zurich 414c at, Also Dealer fa ILiylhlniui Rods ;crud all kinds of Fire Insurance L 1 VE 'p'. O U L T RY ,ANANTi Taken every Day till 3 refuel p.m. Do not feed Fowl same. morning when brought in. P'3 Wants,�pFor Sale, ,,nn�,Losyt9 Found, N :':` 1t 3g Etc. Ads EN MIN ITht $ FOR SALE FOR SALE itYorkshire bacon type pee for sale. 8 weeks old. Apply to Wa111aee Ross, Kiplien. Phone 32-46, Bewail, FOR SALE A. limited quantity of seed buck - what for sale.. For particulars ap- ply to Mrs.. Mabel Snider, Zurich, or phone Zurich: 55 NOTICE Blue S'unoca. Gras takes the place of Naptha gas or cleaning clothes, also for lamps•,, stoves, ,etc., at re- gular gas prices:. L. Prang & Sons, Zurich. FOR SALE HONEY FOR SALE1 We can supply our customers with No. 1, clover Honey at 'lOc a lb, in your containers. 50 lbs. or over 9c. a pound. Amber honey at 7c. a lb. Last day for filling; containers, Aug- ixst 4th. 'Telephone 122 Zurich. Two blocks south of Hotel. J. HABBPER & SONS FARM POR SALE Consisting of 00 acre farm, 2 mil - north -west of Zurich. Land is in first class static of cultivation, good buildings, abundance of running -seater at house and barn. For fur- ther particulars apply to proprietor, A. A. Weber, Zurich. pt5 FOR SALE A number of young broiler chick; at 25c each. Pullet., at 50c each. apply to Ford, Haberer. For Sale Used Kitchen Cabinet, China Cabinet. All these articles are in A 1 condition. Apply to Earl E. Weide. Zurich FOR QUICK SALE Air & nost new tapestry rug 6x74. Leet, in vonu good condition,, a rela bargain for quick sale. Apply at Herald Office.. FOR SALE oA Combined Player Piano and Piano delivered to your door for $200.00. Cost $750.00, complete with 30 rolls and bench. The finest piano in this country. F. W. Hess, Hensall, Ont. WANTED PRODUCE WANTED We are now in a position to take cream and eggs at my home at Zur- ich, for which we will pay highest market priced. We will -grade your eggs as we receive them, and pay ac- cording to grading. give ue a trial. First house south of IDonainiou Ifotel T. H. Meyers, Phone 116, Zurich. Iiiighest Cash Prices —GASH. FOR— CREAM AND EGGS W. O'Brien Ylr,aixe 101,Res. 94, Zi7.rich Tilt HERALD'S 'JOB DEPARTMENT la ever ready to serve the pub Sc with Commercial and fine tying. Get our prices be - .k leaving yottPr =4 r. else - Pr oper!y Fitted Gasses C'.• E...L1RE1 UGGe 1[i O. uUiTl be at Hese alxwelery Store, EVERY TUESDAY EVENING To fit You with; Classes PRICES MOD]iRATE ST. PE'ER'S Evangedlcal Lukbera 1 zwuco — atm "A Chan efese Christ for ec Chen bag Worecl" 'Friday, 8h—Luther League. Saturday—Choir Practice. SUNDAY SBRVTCTS: 10 a. in. --German Service, 11.1 ii a.m. --Sunday School. 7.30 p.m. --English ;zerviee. Everybody Welconse, to all Servi oc JEWS The August meeting of Hay Co- uncil will be held on Tuesday, Aug. -7th. We regret to report that Mi. Hen- ry Koehler of t;owzi is not enjoying Ids usual health, Mrs. J, England, who spent a pleas'i ant week with friends at Dashwood, has returned home, Mrs. Will Eilber and son Austin, of Newark, Ohio; Mrs. Wenzel of Crediton were visitors at vie home of Mrs, C. Silber one day last week. The pastor and choir of the Evan- gelical church of town assisted in the services of the Dashwoou 'Evan- gelieals on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. II. G. Hess and family motored to Pigeon; Mich., where they attended the Heist re- union on Sunday . Mr. and Mrs. Pierce Farwell and family of the Goshen south, are vis- iting with friends at Danville this week. Misses Mabel Schade and Mabel Wilson of Wilton Grove,. were visit- ors with friends on the Blue Water Highway on Saturday. Mr. P. Cade of London,' Miss. Ruth Zirk of London visited with Mr. and Mrs. C. Zirk of the Bronson line last Sunday.. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Pfile of De- troit, Mr. end Mrs. Geo. H. Pfile of Dashwood, were visitors at the home of Mrs. Lydia Pfile one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. George Farwell and little daughter; Clarence and Celia Farwell are on a motor trip to Wat- erdown, Hamilton, Kitchener and Danville. Masters Cyril, Victor and ('heave Gingetich of the Goshen south, vis- ited with their grandparents, Mr. -and Mrs. David Gingerich of town., the past week. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith were week -end visitors at Milverton. Their! daughter Mae, who spent tee past,, week there, returning home with' then.. Mrs. Jacob Wagner of Shakespeare Dr. H. HH. Klopp of Kitchener; Mr. Len I_ion.1 and fa1T1i'y of Hat iluo, were visiting their mother Mrs. Wm.! Kropp over Sunday. Noah Surerus .and daughters Church E.. "I'.LIE Ei.'(.1•Idk..ttla nsduir. es. Dirs. Rosbaalina, and Pearl; Mrs. .,amen of pink and whiter, and the three Surerus of Cromarty and Mr::. Ed- layer wedding cake, having its aai :• gar Edighoffer of Pigeon, Mich., Picious place before the bride and called at the home of Mrs. Lydia Pfile on Sunday. Rev. and. Mrs. Peter Rapp of Emily City, Mich„ Rev. anu rrirs. C. Schrag of Hay Tp., Mr. a ad Mrs, John Moyer of Kitchener, were we- ek -end visitors at the home of and Mrs. David Gingerich. Mrs. J. ee Swartz and daughter 4 e••••eleo• I esarga retie aero esaeo0r .1M4R0M. Ar19.4)0d ,®100r0 Eunice. of Detroit, are visiting with the former's mother, Mrs, J. Fuss. Mr. Percy Rowe, who spent sever- al weeks at Manatulin Island has re - tinned to Zurich where he will re- side, having accepted the position of Continuation teacher. Mr. and Mrs. W. McAdams and son and Mr. John Grieves ane Miss Stella Cenniford. all of. London, vis- ited on Sunday et the home of 11'Ir. and Mrs. Theo McAdams, of the Bronson Line. Mr. and Mrs: A. F. Hess and three sons who have been spending a week of holidays at Pontiac, Mich, and oouth Bend, Ind:, also spending two days at the Big World's Fair, Chic- ago, returned to town on Monday evening, and report a most splendid time. The fall wheat crop has been pra- ctically all havested and much of it has been treshed, and farmers i': some instances report ..1 good crop while other fields are not so good. The other summer, chops are also ripening rapidly and it is very com- mon to see oat and barley nehds on stook. This is rather early, Jul, to be cutting oats, but when it is ripe is the time to harvest. A Fine Rain • • • 0 r • O r 'ERTILIZER Now is the time to order your Fer- tilizer for sowing fall wheat. Be sure and see us before placing • your Ord, r Implement _Repairs McCormich-Deering. Also handle Cultivator points and plow points to fit any make of machine. Chicken Feeds Master Chick Starter and Pioneer Chick Starter ChH 1 1 1 • oearse+ se. del+Saeste ree reQc uakC6eee bimetp••sesseiem,.� 0 Ire4 Again -.et must thank providence for the tint rain that greeted. "',, action on uunday night and early Monday nw nine, it was a nice o,t•••• er and came= down very nice and -� gradual, and how thine. ,:, pncially in the gardens do we notice it mostly. The ground should now be sufficient moist for the farmers to e work their land for the fell at seeding. A great deal of lightning accompanied the showers but we have not heard of any damage be- ing done. Reception On Wednesday eventing of last week, the hone of Mr, and liars. Sol- omon Martin of the Babylon Line, was the scene of an appropriate re- ception held in honor of the newly wedded, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Gx''b. Mrs. Grob, (nee Lylyan Martin) is the only daughter of Mr. and The. Sol Martin. About seventy guests sat down to the reception dinner. The tables were beautifully arrang- ed, being decorated in nuptal colors groom. An abrupt and noisy feat- ure then noised its way in on the festivities, when the younger folks expressed their good wishes to the bridal couple by a real old time d shivaree. This was followed by an ` impx•ompha program, with Rev. E. I Burn, of Zurich, as chairman. Spe- i echos, musical and vocal numbers 1 were given after which Rev. H. It. Mr. William Lamont celebrated Leibohl of Sebringville, closed the 1 his birthday at Snowden's Gro .1.o,gi.aam, with the benediction. 1 when some thirty relatives gather,•ci x "ffin in honor of the occasion, and wish -1 ing isp- ing Mr. Lamont many good wishes, and many more such occasions in years to come. MT. Wm. Elsie of Grand Bend was We carry a good line of fuel oil a calker in town one day last week. at only 14 cents a gallon. Mr. Elie report.; that business in L. A. Prang and Son. general at t':.ut popular summer re- _ __ sort is much better this year than during the past year, this report ry NOTICE CLEARANCE SALE comes to us quite frequently, and truly we must be pulling away from old man depression. Baseball News Last Thursday evening the Exeter team was in town and played the scheduled game and gave the boys a good game of ball and when it was over the score stood 5--2 in favor of Zurich. The scheduled game of baseball at Mitchell on Monday evening, when the local boys were down, was the first tie game in which the Zurich team. participated this year and ow- ing to darkness the game was called at the end of the seventh inning a three all tie. The next game of ball will be play- ed on the Zurich diamond on Thurs- day evening of this week when the Goderich team will be down and play the locals.' Goderich is one of the few teams that has won a game from Zurich this year, and they play a brand of ball well worth seeing. So be loyal to the support of your home team and come out and see this game Our local team in town has had a good season so far in winning the most games of any team in the lea- gue, out of playing 13 games they have lost only three games, which is a very creditable recdrd. The at- tendance at the home games here in town is far from what it should be to support a winning team, and the management pleads with the public to give better support and attend the home games whenever possible. In doing so you will stimulate the most popular game of the continent, -as baseball is the national game of the United States, Make it a point and be present at the game this Thul:s 'lay evening, and show your appreci- :ation of the boys' work by cheering them ori. The locals, who are all. but one boys of 'tower, earn playing .good ball and deserve your support. Of Misses' and Ladies' Dresses Silk Crepe Suits, House Dres- ses, Hose, and Crepe Slips AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES WARD'S LADIES' WEAR Exeter - Ont. Come in and look over our Splendid Stock 2s. a� h• pntat�o in ,Shomesbuee, Outs ate wr these. 011. bully si , eta tion ehs g. the swan -ter callav�om ting %D t disturbs„ Give n win lac They tie. so bent tcleanse ens you Bey yste 9 Y little e. Mpe ate retuSnse al ttae the t noesteeY soundly, 11 simile ceders nts. rice 25o e vervaloT ' ting Price a"� ailvae¢ Dr.Walliarne � r ''!r'.:, ZurichurichZDruo Store IN BnnIS We have. a good stock of Drugs and preparations to dctoy all kinds oftrotlbles(Ine Insects dd �+ = :•,ea, zx..F• w •.,:�3at;,�::.-%G7Y.-eC ��uacstwit9=8'�� THE FLY SEASON Why be pestered with Flies and Insects they can so easily and rapidly be destroyed with either FLY TOX or FLY - 0 - CEDE errry s::t4u °" s4•tt�4 t�:,�a vFdat <as➢r7a�•F� See Cala Supply of Toilet Preparation s Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Perfumizer s, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Pastes, and Brushes. FINE STATIONERY AND FOUNTAIN PENS. We also have, Saphine Anti -Moth Discs. eer sae ae Dr. A, J. MacKinnon, Zuriohr� .,,,,gignmFokwFARFR tWkW RPMAMMRP PAWPAW icW • g s • • • • •• z • • • • P • s • • 0 O • • • • • 4 a 4 • • A • • • • 0• .. Aug. It >, 5Y . Huron -Perth Baseball Schedule Zurich at Mitchell 1 2--Staffa at Mitchell Goderich at Zurich Exeter at Clinton 6—(*) Clinton at Goderich Zurich at Stella 9—Mitchell at Zurich 13 --Zurich at Clinton Mitchell at Goderich " 10 ---Zurich at Exeter. (x) game called at 10 a.m. ( i tunes called nt L 30p.nr. All other games called at ti.i 5 pea. qs•♦++t����Era�A� o tea. ceet,O01.0>AO443e0 *1-000+ ZURI[H HEE1ALDS Clubbing List ZURICH HERALD and the following Pape_ for one Year: Kitchener Daily Record $5. 10 Toronto Daily Globe $6.00 Toronto Daily Mail and Empire $6.00 Toronto Daily Star $7.00 Toronto Weekly Star $6.00 London Free Press .....,,... $6.00 London Advertiser $6.00 London, Farmer's Advocate $$22..27 5 Farm and Dairy 5 Farmers' Sun $2.50 25 Family Herald and Weekly Star $2.00 Family Herald for 3 years Canadian C4untryr..:i $2,25 Weekly Witness 3.1 5 Farmers' Magazine .......................... .:2.50 .... $2.75 Huron Expositor, Seaforth Awl e+ great many more that we cannot enusnerMe here. We have the Agency for every. reputable Magazine .in Caused& and the United States, and can save you money on the most of theirs. Renew all your Papers and Magazines at our Office and save Trouble and Money HERALD OFFICE M Zurich +1*4414.11•••••!*••t40•4t•4.041a•r♦4+4e444.0e.4064•as4,e4,44014.e 4 4