HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1934-08-02, Page 4rI tt, ssiP• Miss S ima Radde are vieieine Leg Badly Broken. .DECORA.TION SERVICES friends in Detroit foe e, few daya Mrs. Schultz and family of Tie- troit who has bedie 'visiting with hell parents, Mr, and 'Mrs. Louie Radon has returned te liter home in ehe.erty. Miss Ruth 4.1einstiver is visiting with faders& t Toronto. Mr. end .Mrs. Milford Meiseats and family of Detroit are visiting with the feeetterhe parents, Mr.and Alre. Peter MnIsatic, M. and Mrs- May and Mine /Me EhOors of Kitchener were, Sunday %dream's with Mr, and Mr.5. Saniutil Oostreicher. Mrs. Shore of Woodbridge, and Miss Tillie Miller of Totes -Ito, are visiting with friends around here. Mrs, Jack Reschke of Detroit, who has been here for a visit has return- ed home, she was accompanied by Master Russell. • Miss Myrta Hoffman of Kitthener, spent a few days with her pants Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Hoffman. Mr. Erwin - McIsaac of: Windsor, spent the week -end with his .parents here. His wife and family who have been holidaying here, returned.. with him to the city. • . r•i • 401.4 * 4 r "". • • C' Cal Your Fuel Bat In HALF! uy Storm Windows and Doo LET US QUOTE YOU! i&EPLACE ThIOSE WINDOW PANES NOW. WE cOgrRY A .1+ 4 LARGE ASSORTED STOCK OF GIASS ON HAND AT ALL TIMES- AND WILL DO YOUR GLAZING WORK vorALE you 4 A *FLEISC WAIT, :44 TH9 oNE 6ZURICH st. seessetiesoissesse 0 4. tb.:`30ir rr.4" 4301 • USE MN Una MASSEY- RE AIP' ',ARTS 'now= 4rtily qct Genuine M.Issey•Harris Repairs from tit3L-11 Massey.liartis Atmu atfi Met= and Last Le Igor than Spumous MakbI 41.110 ititGy Cost No More goasst vas tenons Ussurnarra Peru 30140Yatbstras ambit. by *Cam. et :Year FrO•44.11 P.* Pe* ems ow, Quality lode cgaY.R. R kLS T00.000000,0,, sivilowly, • C0000. wade 1.01004, '1030,01.00•4111 two e 01141411 ,SENVINE MASSEY-HARRIS RET -ARS SOLD BY O. KLOPP ZURICH, ONT. BRONSON LINE .....11101%*• and Mrs. Joe Schlegel acid „Ile. and Mrs. Jacob etwartzenhuber eat T•asietock were week -end visitors swills friends on the Bronson line, far. and Mrs. Chris, Swartzentru- :Ans. and Edith spent the week -end -wink friends and relatives at Kith - 4n and Tavistock. 'Mrs. Dan Gingerieh ieturned to hisser helm after spending a few We - with her son Edmund Gingealch, iO dlatien. 'dlr. and Mrs. Eph. Hannah and drandly and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Ging- erlich and family were week -end vis - Mere math:Mr. and 'Jr. Aaron Gin - .and Min, John Yantzi and fain nf Weiterl•oo attenthid the funeral nee ries latter's mother. Airs. J. Gas- . 14ILLSGREEN 'doe .-Mr. Levis of the Ontario "'Teem/Is:ranee union from Toronto, OM ;address in the Hillsgreen eidasesch on Sunday afternoon. diiss Annie Foote visited her co- usins Mr. sand Mrs D. F. Anderson. ddr. Hmstable of Centralia visited den- lattee"s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Zas, Love and family. idr.16hsaa. larrott and daughter, eg:ntie visited Mr. and Mrs. Isaac sZterrott on Sunday. Rou Mink of Toronto, Mr.: .sted Mess D. B. SSaunders of London ited Mr. nub Mrs. J. Cochrane eaten family. r..and Mrs. G. Love and family einidited friends Oat :Zurich. darn Walker and son Bruce and ziefsiter Miss .Margaret McAllister vis- atesi Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Coleman ertear Seaforth els Si.inday. Mrs. -Mina Love hift this week with ffriands to visit her eon Mr. and Mrs. unt Love in Landing, Michigan. 41r. James Love, we are sorry to ressesert is not as web as his many ebelentiet would like to esie him. Mr. Norman Jarrott ,of Toronto, eralled on friends in thie vicinity re - BLAKE Quite a number from the village attended the funeral of the late Mrs, jethn Gascho on Saturday. 'Mr. Aaron Meyers, accompanied sky Miss Jean Hey of London, called Jen Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hey one day $sest week. Mies Gladys Douglas, R. N. of :ilifirron Springs, Hensel!, caned on 'ler parents recently. DASHWOOD dievendolen and Mary Clark led Goderich spent Sunday with 'their tteonet Mre. E. lh flea. V.i,herold ,eprat Sunday under alvd Mrs. Ross vested WOO, AmOs ginge 31.3 n (ID Y Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Oeseh. Mr. and Mrs. William Yule of Fullerton, Mrs, Fred Walker of Windsor are holidaying with their mother Mrs. Edighotier rn the vil- lage.. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hey called on Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hey recently. Mr. William Oesch of the Blue Water ..Highway, Miss Susie Oesch of Huron Springs, Hensall, spent Sun- day under ,the parental roof. Mr. and Mrs. aake Swartzentrub- er and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schlegel of Tavistock were recent visitors with - Mr. and Mrs. Jacom Swartzentruber Mr. Gus Clarke and Grant Turn- er spent Monday evening with Lloyd and Le.anarld Jeffrey. Miss Dorothy Weido of Zurich, is holidaying with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Johnston. Miss Dorothy Oesch spent Mon- day with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrn Jake. Swartzentruber. DRYSDALE HENSALL John Hunkin, cement contractor, The Oddfellows of Hensall Lodge of Exeter, had his leg broken hi .two •held decoration services at Hensall places while working on a job near Monument, Homan Union Cemeter Ingereoll Friday last, During the re- and McTaggarth• Cemetery on Sun - Jay last. The Brethern met at the lodge room. and marched to the Town Hall where a short service was held at the monument. Rev. W., O. Young, gave at Short address and Bro. G. C. Petty placed a wreath at the monu- ment. Then the Lodge motored to Hensall union Cemetery where a very impressive service was held and the !graves of the departed Brethern and Rebeceas were all decorated with flowers. G. J. Sutherland had charge of the opening part of the service, after which a hymn was sung and Rev. Mr. Young and Rev. Mr. Parker gave short addresses. Bro. W. Moore of Goderich, Past D. D.G.M. was then called on and gave an address. Bro. Fishburn, the incoming D.D. of Goderieh also spoke. The brethern !cause they eau call the calf, pig, or. sheeptheir psome the3trhellyelrayopoetwno, sellathnand because llant-- mai at a profit and spend the nsontey as they wish, at sustains and saimates heir interest. 1.1 moval of scaffolding from a silo something gave way and a pole fell on him. He was brought to his home in Exeter for treatment. Did Not Know Brother When a man walked into his • of- fice Saturday last and asked the rate of postage to United States,, Post- master John C., Kelly, Seaforth, tho- ught the visitor must have been af- fected by the heat. He didn't recogs nize his brother Vincent C. of San Francisco, Calif., whom he had not seen in twenty years. Telephone' Worker Injured . Jim Scott of the Bell Telephone Co., Wingham, had a very unfortun- ate accident the other day, rie and D. Hutcheson were working on the line a mile south of Gorrie. Jim was climbing a pole and when about 35 feet up, in some unaccountable man- ner he fell from the pole, landing on rough hard ground, fracturing both bones of his right leg just above the ankle. Stephen Twp. Resident Dies Fred Sharpe, well known resident of Stephen Township, died on the Blanche Petty has returned to Tor- farm on which he was born, lot 3 onto after a pleasant visit with her concession 1G, in his 67th year. The funeral was held from his late re - and Miss sidence, service by Rev. Williams. In cling torment in Exeter cemetery. in 1912 Gni;ovege. he married Bertha Hobbs of London rip is He was a member of the Greenway T,41-. H. United church and was Sunday Sch- ool Su t for six years. bdothers here. Mrs. E. K. Hutton Blanche Mustard are spen ek camping at Turnbull's Eleanor Fisher of Wi visiting with her aunt, W orkman. p ., Mrs, Tait and Children of London Many Craft in Goderich Harbor have been visiting with her sister, Some 15 pleasure boats of all Mrs. O. Twitehelh ehapes and sizes have made use of the Mae McNaughton of Toronto, has been spending her holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Me - Naughton. Mrs. A. J. Sweitzer and „children and Miss Alice Higgins of Beach - o -Pines were visitors with relatiyes 'in :the village. Mrs. John Hart and children of Toronto are spending their holidays here visiting with Mrs. Hart's par- ts Mr and Mrs A J Foster. en , . J. Ed. Berry of Detroit is_yieiting, with his mother, Mrs. T. Berry. The many friends of Win. Stone are pleased to see him able to be a- round again after his recent illness. Geo. C. Petty, Geo. Fee, Wilson Car lile, and Wm. Dougall, attended a meeting of the Oddfellows at Goder- ich last Monday evening, and assist- ed in the instalation of D.D.G.M. Fishburn. George Dinsdale, member of the Manitoba Legislature, from Brandon accompanied by Mrs. Dinsdale and members of their family, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Geo. C. Petty end'hirs. John Dinsdale. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hess and Mr. and Wire. Laird Mickle spent .a few days at Maniaoulin Mabel Johns of London is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. Shirrey. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hillard left recently for Bright's Grove where they will camp for a number of we- eks.. The family of the late Mr. and Mrs, R. Cudmore, who are now re- siding in Toronto and Kitchener, are here spending holidays in the old homestead which they have retained very much as it Was when their par- ents were living. A reception was held on Friday evening last in the town hall, when about 300 friends of Me. and Mrs. Lloyd McLean, nee Agnes Wren, pr sented them with a lovely kitchen cabinet, dancing was indulged in un- til the small hours of the morning WINS SCHOLARSHIP Miss Margaret McLaren, B. A. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Y. Mc- Laren, who recently graduated at Western University, London, and who received two gold medals, has recei- ved word from Toiouto University that she has been awarded the Willi- am McKenzie scholarship worth $500,00 and a yera's free trawl at Toronto University. St. Peter's R. C. Church on the Sable Line will hold its annual pic- nic on Labor Day, Sept. 8rd. It will be called "The End of Depression Picnic", marking, if not the end of the depression at least the beginning of the end. .So this should encour- age all to spend generously. Great preparations will be made to that ef- fect. A certain .lass of people think that there shonld be no picnics; but these picnics ,are .an occasion of get- ting together at least once a year. And moreover they .are a help to the church. If we held no picnics, our Young People .spend their money at other summer places on the lake shore. The aura only as well get that money as well as the summer resorts or other places; and we moreover have our young people un- der our •eyes, and parents are not so worried as to their whereabouts. Pic- nics also are training for the young to devote themselves fox the interest of their church, Again., we all Know that the churches have been handi- capped during the depression; just ask those who take up the ,Sunday collection; the churches .need help. Some people who never give .at the Sunday offering', will seem to loosen up at the picnics, and hence without knowing it, do their share. Picnics are not an invitation of the devil legitimate pleneures are permitted,' Orn,i people seem to think ae sletukt go around with long faces; but we know that a sour looking person • makes a poor saint. Of course ev- erybody is welcome at the picnic.. Come and have a good tittle. No fonnalitn neciessary. Details will be announced as the date approaches. COUNTY NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Vodden, of Albert left recently for their home, after visiting with the latter's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Talbott, of Bayfleld, Visited At Crediton Howard Truenmer, of Espenola, spent a pleasant week -end with his father and sister, Mr, Dan Truenmer end Mrs. Aaron Wein, Crediton. Reception Held Ahout 250 :friends of Mr, and dirs. Milton Pollock gathered last Tuesday evening at the town halli hayfield, to extend to them their • partite -it wishes and presented them with a miscellaneous shower. Ctirfrew to Ring et Seaford% Thv! ourfrow bollis to bo rung in Tlittredeen ilinig-ust 2nd, 1934 ' .-==ieaatigesnrsesaaszeae=eeemn,aenztarss JUNIOR AGRICULTUriE lioyeatad CirEW Live Stock .Club• Work. Sonie Sperhalize fn Calves, obeep ors Pigs, Others elencealive thlukre. iliotiept Notes of Juniors In Kepi. Iinsiness /Arne. (Contributed by Ontario 1).qm nment o. • Agr5cu1nre, Toronto.) VE Roy? and Girls' more -- meal bids .fair to rivat. whole) fair work as the most. poonlar feature of ag i and- 1Ural extension work. Perbape this. is dile to the fact that boys' and girls literally love animal pets - things that are alive and respond to care. and kind treatment. Moreover, be - •after their service at the' Hensall Union cemetery, motored to McTag- gart's cemetery and held a similar service there. and decorated graves of departed beer -term hi Police Court The case of Hermann W. Doerr was to have taken place at Exeter on -hely 25th„, but was again post- poned owing to the illness of T. E. Weldon, K.C., of Toronto, Doerr's solicitor. iVrage Reid felt that Doer's and others. case might compromised by the The amt., live steels club for boys, Ansa_ terdet ginrItsontelaisn' °() t'(1911)9e.th acoiktitn tit he ge absence or ,eounsel so a week's ad- journment was allowed. Doerr • those wide); were formed previous to ishing bale .fser MOO. the period eov"red by [his report and Roy Harness and Agnew Robinson those that were organized in 1919., Windsor youths, each received sen- there are 6 ettlf eluus. 10 pig d sheep :clubs end 2 live remelt eines tencee of three months definite and or a total or 20 1-a*s' anti eirha live threc! InOnths indeterminate on a,' stock clubs with a tinenieersitip Wherever these live stock have been organized the representa- tives have the active support and co- operation of the live stock men in. the comammity. This ituguie well for. the future of Ontario's Junior term- • era. The boys are conmiencing early in life to get into the pure-bred live, stock business and it is confidently hoped that they will receive. every - en.couragement from their parents port at Goderich, as holiday makers50Thie is a small beginning, . charge of breaking into and entering 4 . but are increasingly taking to the water171 the proceee en the store of Southcott Bios., Exeter a number are now one notably schooner, the- Varnare, on June 21 and stealing opproxim- formation and the work will soon which took the eye of all the sail- ateiss $4:00 worth of merchandises; spread to .every county in the pro - ors in port. She is a full schooner and one month on a cherge of bre- Vinee- ... with fore and aft masts andIn the purchasing ,,l tiL1111.11R, , jib and its the water like a gull, in short a ;eking open a gas pumat Winchp .ele sea. Harness was found guilty at ' arrangements are usually ntado with youngee sister to the Bluenose. Stratford of the the local banks to a d v an et, r tte , theft of tui auto- neeessery funds on the s nevi i y of a Wins $100 Prize mobile at St. Marys and will have an note from the boy or girl for a den - Mrs. Wm. Brown, of lJsborne,was extra three- months to serve on that nitperiod at a fixed rate of interest, the lucky winner of the $100. prize draw staged by the Orange Order at the concert Exeter on the evening of July 12th. The draw was made by Reeve Sanders, Mrs. Brown had the option of a number of prizes inclu- paid court costs of $16.90 and was tecnon, the animals are eisured nand. din 8100 in groceries and dry goods 1 given suspended sentence tor three sueli time as the notes are paid at Paid and costs for consuming which was accepted. months. John Johnston, Turnberry Ilienobtaintk. . New Well Beef end Dairy Calf Clubs liquor in a public place. W. Mc- $25 . have been organized. The Dufferin Rapid progress is being made in County Shorthorn Calf Club Iiia drilling the new salt well at the plant Gregor of Walkerville, and E. R. Con regulations similax to those of other of the Goderich Salt Co. Some mon- nop of Stratford paid S5 fines .for calf -dubs formed in the province but ths ago in replacing _ a casing of a ;speeding and S. Weisfield of Toronto there was no special day set apart. was assed $10 for reckless driving. for distribution of the stock. well which had been in service for, In other Shorthorn Calf Clubs many years, a large steel wrench was organized, heifers from 8-15 months. inadventently dropped down the •op- have been distributed to. the mein - ening. A great deal cirriiise and mo- tiers, The initial cost in this ca.sce ney was spent in an endeavor to re- 'was not so great, yet a greater. cover the missing tool but without length of time will elapse before any • success. Finally it was decided to returns are secured. In some of the Shorthorn and drill an entirely new well. Holstein calf dubs, amnion sales Two Ddown at Ipperwash were held in order that the members In a double drowning tragedy late might secure money to pay off last Sunday, at Ippeiwash Beach, their notes. The members had tbe near Stony Point, John Deacon, ag- privilege of bidding in their ones, ed 30, of London, and his compan- animals if they wished.. An auction ion, Florence Squires, aged 19, of sale for club work has its advan-. their lives when waves tages and disadvatnages. If the ant- Glenco, lost apparently swept the girl, who was mats turn out satisfactorily, tbey - unable to Swim, beyond her depth, should be kept in the memberst` hands. It defeats the very objet for • and the young Londoner, it is thou- which it was organized, and hence ght made an attempt to rescue. Al- these now being formed are not (=- though the fatality .occurred in full Sidering the question of auction sake view of the scores on the beach and at all. There is a point in favor of in the water, officials • were unable to auction sales, and that is that it eivee. actually find an. eye witness. The bod the elub a great deal of publietty. In the Halton County Calf Club, ies of both washed close into shore the 27 heifers distributed in Feb - 20 , minutes later. ruary were sold at auction on Aug- ust 20. A fair was held Previous 10 the sale at which special prizes were Fish were scattered all over the awarded. • Fish Scattered on Highway highway when W. Thompson, White The Peel County Calf Club beta os. Church's fish peddler driving his ve- show and sale just one year utter then hicle out of a farmer's lane ran it dairy beifers were distributed to thee plumb into the side of a passing members, when $B5 was offered in. truck, with disastrous results to the sons. money by public-spiritod per - fish wagon and its contents. The fine Al] members in the Peel Dairy Ca3ft count. Those Dickson, Teeswater, was con- victed on a charge of obtaining cre- dit from a Wroxeter merchant, Van Neleon, by false pretences. Dickson These notes must be endorsed to the satisfaction of the hank by their par- ents or guardians. As a rule 'shilling: but pure-bred animals are pnrcusteetie and these are ,eseestered in (he name of the boy or girl owner. As a pro- • The Local News The main stint of the weekly news- paper as the name implies, is to give news of its own district. It may have other aims, such as to give the -mer- chants a chance to tell of their goods in its columns or to try to influence public opinion through its editor- ials; but first of all it must give the news. Some of this news is not easily obtained and no editor can cover it all without assistance. Especially 39 chis true when you have visitors. Many of the ladies think that per- sonals are the most interesting read- ing in the wholes paper. Your visitors usually glad to have their names appear, so send them in. Sometimes people come in and give the impres- iion that they are asking a favor when they want us to insert the names of their friends who have been spending a few days with them. No person need feel that way about giv- ing us news items for we are indeed glad to, get them all. 'was $10 and costs and Thompson was given seven days to raise the money. E. R. Connop, Stratford,and Walter MacGregor, Walkerville, ea- ch paid $5 and costs for speeding at the same time, Celebrate Golden Wedding The friends and relatives of 51, and Mrs. S. Houston, Bayfield, gath- ered at their home recently in hon- our of their golden wedding anniver- sary. The living room was prettily decorated with flowers. After the good wishes of their many friends were extended to them, a dainty lunch was served. Mrs. Milton Pol- lock, a bride of two weeks, poured tea assisted by Miss Ruth Houston, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Hous- ton and Miss Beatrice Houston, a granddaughter. Mr. end Mrs. -Hone - ton were the recipients of many be- autiful gifts. Exeter's Water Supply The search for water in connect. ion with a pure water supply for the Exeter waterworks system appetare to have ended in disappointment e far as securing a sufficient supply a- bove the rock. Experiments are be- ing made as to the quantity and qu- ality of' the water found in. the thirn test well sunk near W. F. Abbott': bat MU ho e is held out it will mee p :L. 0:1 '-alt evening at 9 o e - 'clove: with the nee...nary regairenetele. the parentel London iloephal 174 ; ; result of a recent scap :•'• •, s.;1,lbel°7e(now that it will dInt mopsee J03' .11 0 don d4mbooho':atestotli111 he rock in order toinaofooysf (liven rich, lh I) .1 ' \•') I 5 an(1, 11.11dOP' cure the ds i re d. ewe -Ant. At ieens• • rich and Joey s'-qn. '7'. :t• treleee ttr, 1110 (I..'10 (11,i011 1,1`.: 11f'' •ei 'visitors With 7errsr notede ssen. 1, ..1.; :melee b t 'hat on g' r ZURICH HERALD Established 1900 ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY NOON FROM THE Herald Printing Office SUBSCRIPTION RATES -$1.26 s year, strictly in advance; $1.60 In arrears or $2.00 may be charged. U S. $1.60 in advance. No paper discon tinned until all arrears are paid un tt hers though the breeders from whom tees at option of publisher. The da the ewes had been botighi very kind-. of which every Subscription is pale ly exehanged those without lambs for. is denoted on the Label, ADVERTISING RATES two shearling ewes each with a ewe' Display advertising made knowr Iamb. 'rho 14 members each with 2 had 26 lambs and on application. sheep strict the transfers had bean made Miscellaneous articles of not mon the averao g waxen jusatiitiveeiridlealvaonii,b itsoer Wanted, Lost, Found, etc., One inner E':v*oei'd the than four Finest, For Sale, To Rent, don 25e, 2 ins. 40e., 3 Ins. 50e. Perm or Real Estate for sale $2.00 'or first month4 $1.00 for each fol - .owing moth. Professional Cards not exteedins 'A inches, per year $5.00. In Memoriam, one verse -60c, 25t for each additional versfq Card oi 'hanks, 50e. Auction Sales -$2.00 per ohigkr esertien if not over four inches b ength, ddrees all conununicatiobs to: 1-1E,PALD ZURICP ONT Club 'had'to submit records of fetid: and mirk together with a fin,tzial; eetneit:rpmr.einnet.showing the profit on their: There lias been only one sheep club' formed .during the past year and that was the Albion Sheep Club in the County of Peel. • fil the previous sheep Club formed in Peel a year ago, two Oxford Dowtt,„ ewes in lamb were distributed toe each -member. TJnfort unite else some Of the ewes proved n.01 to be lie lamb,. and otbers lambed unexpectedly Yr1 the middle of winter. This proved hardsbip to souse of the club mem- early iamb misfortune of last season the ;representative from Peel organ - teed a breeding flock hi coneection: with The Albion Club. The shearlings, were shipped in and flocked with a good pure-bred ram on Nov, 12 which lesabed in Iambs being born, at a Moe when the weather was incite faVorable. There are two live stock chibs . fornied tn the proeinee, one in Waterloo County and the other im Brant County. They ate ronlInvit to 11141.e -bred animals, but t hey differ from Ilia enif, pigs, or ehtsep clubs alreads- mentioned in that al: of mainsail.; are included can, 1)ir(111.er Agrieur 10 tivrt4),-