HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1934-07-26, Page 8PAIRE mufti. •P• ' 411.111.OBIA1.11 THE STC:RE WITH THE STOCK AG•••1111.1111d•••••••••16=MMIONMIWINIMME. Special Reduced PRICES pieces Gingham, Reg. 25c for yd • • 18c HOUSE DRESSES TO CLEAR. -• g. 1.10 for 98c; 98c for 89c; 79 for 69c; 75 for 65c All Bathing Suits at Rd rices • , • Ladies' Cotton Hose .,: pair. 15c Childrens' Sox, reg. 29 and 25c for, pair 19c Men's Work Shirts, only one day left at each 59c Men's Work sox, at pair t5c Men's Straw Hats, at each 15c • GROCE IES! GROCERIES Pork and Beans, 'large 29 -oz tin Weston's soda biscuits, lb. pkg. Factory cheese, lb. Honey drip jello, 6 for Fresh salted peanuts, 2 lbs. for Wrigleys Tooth paste at Strawberry jam, large at Canned peaches, per tin 10c I2c 15c 25c 25c 15c 35c 15c Everything in fruit jars, rubbers, Zinc rings, Vinegars, Picketing Spices, Etc. jo ,ASCHO & SON PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 InielaMS25.MOMIS11.211F ImiiliM.ameasosnewacatingslar Malla10111161111,0116311 CIIMIINION4XXX2090 HESS INSURANCE AGENCY GOING. ON •A TRIP? If so, you should have Public Liability and Property ,• Damage Insurance. .. Protect your own car with Collis- i iion Insurance— Policies are good in Canada, and the li United States. Enjoy your trip more by knowing that '1 you have protection. • Rates are lower this year. j FULL INFORMATION GLADLY GIVEN. f For Rates Apply to: Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO --SERVICE AND SAM", Have You MADE YOUR WILL? ,0110.111111=1 111-01iNafferwmforMamiewarminms..a......ner...MBIMI • usig mum GENUINE MA You can only pa Gamine Maaartlatria &part kook your Local Manty•tiania Awns They Fa Bator and Lam Low, diva *paws Mali sod they Coat No Mom INOUE Oill 0.11614t asiwomporegft ram ill. may Whom oafs tog dor Wokens V. rive "Mv........."411, OM, - • • (M-11) Rirtegi essay Woad, 'Wawa 7 116. *MUM ••• Iwo MOO Sawa WM PAW IlLseemilly ,-,,,........1, _.,...., raccrEn AO') --11P"'"---"---A517-' ,.. .ctl,i,.-,---_ --- , c--7---- •""\, , :‘'4. 41,w 1"'" 4 \ 1 , \ ' mik • ----,- 11111111111P ° O''''. '''' • • \ 4/, :1\ 71•Ecircimm. 41. a1 ._.Ltum.,,m__.---n... , t ,(...s.e _ .,, , ....-..- ---- . 4. , '"' . '''' ''.." '... r: .1111111101111 a 1 „JIM Ti Ilea i GENUINE MASSEY-HARRIS REPAIRS SOLD ElY 0. KLOPP ZURICH, ONT. Thur Mrs 1933/4'7: : 1444.44.4444.4.64+4.1444+4444.14444++++++++++4444184 405" I it ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Dr. and Mrs. Ross, and Mrs. Jas. Ross of Seaforth, were. Sunday ev- ening visitors with Mr. and Mrs: Jno. Douglas. Mr. Alfred Cullman, who has be- en visiting for a few weeks with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Gall - man, left for his home in Soverign, Sask., on Tuesday. Farmers of this locality have pra- ctically all the fall wheat cut by now and one sees some very nice fields of shocks, while some are not so good, however, there will be plen- ty in the community for seed and bread for another year. Beginning Saturday, July 28th, the general mercantile store of J. W. Merrier of Zurich will hold a special "Summer Sale" of all merchandise, groceries, etc., and the prices have, been reduced" to make these goods, move out rapidly. Be sure and get your share of the many bargains of- fered before it is too late. The. closing day as advertised is August, •10th, and don't forget, Saturday July 28th, is the opening day. Back to normal times is what we are optimistic about, and this is as- sured by the amount of suminer holi- daying. peeple that visit the local re- sorts during July, considerable more than has been for a few years. We are told that Grand Bend and Bay- field are.being patronized very good for so early in the Season. However that is what we all are looking for. Better times financially as well as physically. 0001413601164).0600MG: ,,,4101100410194141494**900041100000011MPOININSIDINNIk- HARDWARE — SEEDS and FURNITURE and COKE LEAVE YOUR ORDER WITH US NOW FOR YOUR SUPPLY OF COAL AND COKE WHILE PRICES ARE WWEST • PAINTS! PAINTS! We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried and Proved Sherwin-Williams' Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax Frost Tight Lock Wire Fencing and Gates and Fencing Supplies and Posts. Goodyear Balloon and Cord Tres and Tubes in all sizes WHITE ROSE GASOLENE, ENARCO OILS, Furniture, Springs and Bede. Felt and Marshall Mattresses Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and Shelf Hard- ware always in stock. ,aitti;aa• STADE & WEIDO ZUFItCH - our. QUALM PRICE SERVICE LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) 15-13-11 25 23 90 50 Buckwheat, hassh. 50 Shorts ton 25.00 Bran, ton 25.00 .Flour, cwt. - 2.00-2.90 Live Hogs ewt 8.25 Eggs Butter Ib. creamery Butter ib. dairy Wheat bush. Barley, bash A Fine Rain Last Thursday we experienced the ibest rain of the summer and since then lawns are getting niceand gre- en again, and how the garden veg- etables do grow, and we can only look to Providence from whence cometh these blessings and say, "Thank You !" Some modernists try to tell us that in some way the elements bring us rain at certain times and owing to certain conditi- ons, that is true enough but there is a great power behind it all. .As we read our bible did not god at one time open the windows of heaven and let it rain for forty days and forty nights, and all the skeptics at that time were drowned, and then we, read of the five and seven year fam- ines where during those long periods there was no rain. Surely this same God is still going about going his same work to -day. Lake 15 Degrees Cooler Local swimmers who have complai- ined that Lake Huron is cold this year, are justified, according to , in- formation. Reports say that on the average this summer that body of water is about 15 .degrees colder than it usually is at this time of the year, ,and the reason is somethingof a mystery. ,An engineer of the de- partment of public works at Loader) ventured the opinion that possibly it was because there had been an ab- undance of east winds this year. West winds had a tendency to blow the warm surface water in towards the shore on this side of the lakeit was pointed out. East winds would have the opposite effect. --Ex. vessuveragisseralwasewaserre*swo. USY FARMER NEWS Growing Masi) for Chicks Chick starter or chick mash sho- uld he substituted with a growing mash when the chicks are eight to ten weeks of age, in order to obtain the best rearing results. A growing mash at the Central Exp. Farm that has given good results consists of;: Ground yellow corn, oats fionr, mid- dlings, bran, each one part; animal feed mixture half part bone meal 2 per cent, salt half , per cent., The animal feed mixture is made np of ground meat scrap, fish meal and milk powder. Where milk is used the fish meal and milk powder can be eliminated. Pastures for Swine swine pasture can be used to dVantage both growing prgs during early stages of growth and for bre- eding sows. Growing pigs may be started economically on pasture a- ong with supplementary feeding of YOUR :Hardware and Furniture di • 01 STORE I THIS SEASON CAtiLS FOR GOOD NEW, ,t. FENCES ON THE FARM:: LET I./S , SUPPLY- i YOU WMI THE Bur OF WOVEN ALSO HAW( BARR WIRE. SEE US ABOUT.: NEW ROOFING, ' PLUMBING, AND EVE- I TROUGHING IWe also have some very Aftractive Prices in t ...; 1 Furniture. See Our New Beds, Springs and t !Vitamin*. USED FURNITURE : Two Gond Used Chesterfield Suites on Hand; * Good Used Dressers from $4.50 up; Dining Tables; Kitchen Chairs, Etc. All Big Bamako for quick Sale. • BE SURE AND SEE THEM! IMP 4 Always a Good Supply of Smoke Cure on Hand. Also Old Hickory Smoke Salt I Johnston & lialbfleisch I I Hardware & Furniture. Phone 68 4.444444+++++44444444444****+++++++4.4.44444-1144-1144.44; • surainsommismaanstomassaisininumniatearommosuiaminagnissis grains and skim milk. However, the pigs should be penned up and fed more intensively after four months of age. Good pasture alone will sup - „ply sufficient feed if the sows are in medium flesh, but it shouuld be sup- plemented by grain if the sows are thin. Ringing of the pigs will keeli the pasture in good condition for the following year. Cost of Crewing Crops Costs of producing various crops itt Eastern Canada, as indicated by records • of Dominion Experimental farms, have been tabulated. Conce- ding that certain items entering into the cost have . tobe estimated, the following conclusions are presented: Wheat, 68 cents per bushel; oats, 31 cents; barley 45c. These prices are based on cost for the period 1931 t� 1933, and are substantially lower than the costs for the preceding per-. iod. the' average reduction being a- bout 33 per cent. The cost per ton of producing principal fodder crops dur ing the last three years is placed at: Clover hay $5.72; timothy hay 34.35 corn silage 32.31; sunflower silage, 2.24, mange% $1.95; tunripa 32.27; The cost of growing potatoes is plac- ed at 17 cents a bushel. The aver- age life of farm implements is an important factor in determining cos- ts of operation, and some 1,300 far- mers 'presented their experiences in 'this connection. It appears that an (eatomobile may last 10 years,- but a buggy lasts nearly 19 years; a corn binder lasts 20 years and a grain binder 22, bat the life of a tan.- otor is 12 years and a motor truck barely 10. The longeet-lived mach- ine is the fanning mill, which may Ast $4 years, but the potato sprayer is, through in 14. Care of machinery and husbandry methods which prod- uce good crops are important lectors in reducing cost. , Acute indigestion result of one or -other of the fellow- •. • in horses is tte ing causes;: Sudden exercise after feeding; overfeding; change of food new bay or oats; feeding close -tex- tured foods, such as meal when not properly biked With, cut hay. Ventitiatra Trap-Mrsta Open trap -nests are beteg advo- cated in some quarters for summer use. The sides are constructed of. large dining hall, four dormitories laths or other similar materml, ad - Goderich Summer School THESE PRICES subject to chowto without Notice Painting Wagon $7.00 and 10.00 Painting Bragzi --.... 6.00 and.10.00 Recovering Bizgg3r.Top 16.00 and 18.00 * IE 12000 3.00 1.00 1.25 •-tr 25c Rerimming Buggy Wheels Set Buggy Shaft Cross Bar ••••••••• BUMF React Irma dm,apoNer,•••••••••• Buggy Spokes 'etch %Ns' HESS, the -Rep Man ***********+++++++++******************************* • The Goderich Summer School of the United Church opened Tuesday of last week at the no FATNP gro- unds acquired this year, Milt% north of Goderich, comprising 29 aeres adjoining the farm of E. Law- son near Dunlop. The camp is ideally situated on the bank of Lake Buron and some 80 young people attended. Accomodation has been provided for over one hundred students in the zuman GARAGE TUNV: Up YOURCA.R! Don't be discouraged and throw agaw your Car if it is not functioning as you think it should. Just run it I in our Garage and have our Methinks go over it and You will be surprised of the results. Gasoline and Kerosine always kept on hand in large Z and small quantities. Let ua fill your barrels or Expert Workmanship on Repair' Wolk, and Overhaul Containers. • Jobs on all Makes of Cars with Charges Very • Reasonalbe. 11 liousseau Zurich .4.4.40441,4,44.444.444444.••• and kitchen. The stair consists of Trading cool air freely, and these are Rev. Professor Davidson, principal of covered with wire screening to keep Emmanuel College, Toronto. Rev. out other hens, mice atal-other itassisososossoosostoosistosoonnov~t • HERALD OPTIC Do. You ICtiowZirk * That I am the Master Salesan! -9cr 3: I am the herald of Simms 'for all men Mrchanitr4. • , . I watitr:” Manufacturrs„ Etee f t I find's to tell the Woad the message of service; It' 19 and Sound Merchandising! t+- And the. Werld listens when .4 speakt. t For those who liskve used me as their 'Se riant I have I command the legeons of 'whim), mould the *West +. and lead the World whithersoever I go! t, sow fields for you to reap a Golden Harvest! am aa.. Salesman at Your Serrice , and my • „ Name is: gathered untold nlilli01111 into their coffers. 1 John Stead and Mrs. Steads Drayton, aNCCS. The .11Atita trap-door is aituat formerly missionaries in Africa;Rev, ed at the front and tire top is boar- . , 'Allit AO V te lit. T 1 $ et 1 C. A. Daniel. Pote.rboro, and Mrs. T. ded over, ptt thme, ziraos ate vomit- : • IT., George,