HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1934-07-26, Page 5day', Jululr26th,. x9u BUSINESS CARDS DUDLEY E. Uoii is :i411111R 8?EIR, SOLICITOR, NOT - ART PUBLIC, ETC. •i♦ 1Cli --Hamilton Street, thud: elf idoe Square, GODERICI1I, Ontario. 3.p cI.1 Attention to Councel sand Court Work. Mr. }blames may be consulted ea 'rederich by Phone, and Theme charges reversed; Dr. I3 . i1. C OW E N L. D. 3, D. D 3. DENTAL SURGEON M DEITZ BLOCK—ZURICH 44esry Thursday, Friday, Saturday At HARTLEIB'S BLOCK, DASDWOOJ➢ 7erery Monday, Tuesday alai i W edneeday Licensed Auctioneer For Huron and Middlesex 1AM IN A POSITION TO CON - &p+ t any Auction Sale, regardless iss to Size or article to sell!. I sol'telt TWIT business, and if not satisfied awake no chargee for Services B en- "1lma��i. ARTHUR WEBER—•Duhremeda $ a 21-17. Zurichs° Popular MEAT MARKET mg vows Wants, For Salo, Lost, Found, Notice, Eta. Ads us T11111te iiyCi+bi'�� FOR SALE .... ..PIGS }'OR sox?, 1y Yorkshire baton type pgis resile. • 8 weeks old. Apply to Wallace Moss, Kippeu. Phort'e 32-86, Illensall for FOR SALE A tanked quantity of seed buck - what for sale_ For particulars ap- ply to Mrs. Mabel Snider; Zurich, or phone Zurich 55. NOTICE Blue Stuno,cai Gas takes. the place of Napthn sae for cleaning clothes, also for lamps,. doves,, etc., at re- gular gas prices. L. Prang & Sous Zuiri,ein. FOR SALE HONEY FOR SALE! We can supply our customers with No. 1, clover Honey at 1.Oc a lb. in your containers. 50 lbs. or over 9c. a pound. Amber honey at 7c. a lb. Lash day for filling containers, Aug- ust 4th. Telephone 122 Zurich. Two blocks south of Hotel. J. HABERER & SONS FARM FOR SALE Let us supply you with the Consisting of 60 acre farm, 2 mil- wery Choice of Fresh and Cur- es north-west of Zurich. Land is in a first class state of cultivation, good -:d Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, l buildings, abundance of running Etc., always.. on hand... Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Price for Wool, Hides and Skin I, YungbIiut & Sou SERVICE Why We have the Better `,,Class of Customers SIGH CLASS GOODS, U. 5. L. aATTERIES, MOBILE O'FL.,, MAR - VELURE OIL, GOODYEAR TIRES *140 TUBES, GENUINE IGNITION Torts, Hohning and Mechanical Work Sona t• Micrometer Settings, No saese work. Watch the cars that . STOP at WEIN'S, They are all HIGH CLASS CLIENTELE. lie ,ItaASHWOOI) 110144. Gin ONTARIO AnItnanntiannalli 'Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co OF WOODSTOCK elIcIE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- SAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO. *mount of Insurance at Risk on Dec. Slat, 1932, $17,880,723. 'total Cash in Bank and Bondi $221,978,99. Ratae—$4.50 per $1,.000 for 3 years s>�• F. Klopp—Zurich Mitre, Also Dealer in Lighiniud Rads sal all kinds of Fire Insurance LIVE p O U LT R ON ANTED 'Waken every Day till 3 o'clock p.m,. Me not feed Fowl same morning when brought ice.. Ibet Cask Prices water at house and barn. For fur- ther particulars apply to proprietor, A. A. Weber, Zurich. pt5 FOR SALE A number of' young broiler chicks at 25c each. Pullets at 50c each. apply to Ferd. Haberer. For Sale tTsed Kitchen Cabinet, China Cabinet. All these articles are in A 1 condition. Apply to Earl E. Weido, Zurich FOR QUICK SALE An almost new tapestry rug 6x7% feet, in very good condition., a rela bargain for quick sale. Apply at Herald Office. FOR SALE A Combined Player Piano and Piano delivered to your door for $200.00. Cost $750.00, complete with 30 rolls and bends. The finest piano in this�cciountry. F. tr. . Hess, Hensel', Ont. WANTED PRODUCE WANTED We are now in a position to take Bream, and egg at my home at Zur- ich, for which we will pay highest market prices. We will grade your eggs as we receive them, and pay ac- cording to grading. give us a trial. Firrt house south o4 Dominion Hotel T. H. Meyers, Phone 114. Zurich. .—CASH- POR— IREAM AND EGGS W. O'Brien Phone 101, Res. 94, Zurich TH-E HERALD'S JOE DEPARTMENT l s ever ready to serve the pub, with Commercial and fine Prints g. Get our pricer b- *rim lea:YInr, Voir' weder else- aa..,r... i 1' • Properly Fitted Glasses C. E. ZURBRI ',, R. 0. Will be at Hes? Jess -eery Store, EVERY TUESDAY EVENING To fit You with Glasses PRICES MODERATE ST. PETER445 Evangelical Lt thedl an +Church ZURICH -- "A -- "A Changetese Cie tYaur a Chang- ing WorIN" Friday, 8h—Luther Lague. Saturday --Choir Praethoe. SUNDAY SERVICES: 10 a. m.—German an Service. 11.15 a.m.—Sunday School. 7.30 pan. --English service. Everybody Welcome *eti Soi`viees. R.. TUERICHEINI,. Pastor, ZURICH HERALD LOCAL NEWS Miss Mae Smith is spending the week with her cousins at Milverton. Miss Nora Rau spent the week -end at her home, Blue Water Highway, Muss Ethel Fowlie of Bayfreid, is visiting with her sister, Mrs. G. Koehler. Mrs. E. Bender and son Edwin, of Blyth were week -end visitors with Mrs. L. ?file and Pears. The next game of .baseball will be to -night, Thursday evening, when the Mitchell team will be here. A goodly number of picnics were held at Grand Bend •laet. Wednesday afternoon, and this popular summer resort had a lot of visitors.\ Mr. and Mrs. Walter Huise of Detroit were week -end vi5itorrs at. the home of .her parents, Mr, and Mrs J. P. Rau. Miss Rube E. :Hendrick, R. N. of Detroit, is holidaying at her home on the Blue Water Highway, after at- tending the World's Fair at Chicago The annual picnic of the Evangeli- cal Sunday School was held at the Grand Bend last Wednesday after- noon. It was largely attended and very successful. Mr.. and Mrs. W. L. Siebert, ac- companied by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Siebert of Detroit, - left on Monday for an extended visit to Montreal and other points. Mr. and Mrs..A. G. Lehman, tseir son and daughter of StouffviIle, Ont. are visiting friends around these parts at present. Mr. Lehman is a former Stanley old boy, and gave us a friendly call on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank. Siebert of Detroit were week -end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Sie- bort. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Dinsmore we- re Sunday visitors with. Mr. and Mrs John Douglas, town line. Mr, Ward Fritz has recently pur- chased a fast speed boat, and is giv- ing some of his friends a real thrill by taking them out for a ride on• lake Huron., Mr. and Mrs. John Douglas of the town line have returned from a very pleasant cornpieg. at Grand Bend, where had a most enjoyable time. Mr. and Mrs. Win. F. Braun. and family of Forest spent the week -end at the home of her father, Mr. Wil- liam Lamont. Mrs. Braun and . fam- ily remaining over for the week. Mr. Merino Oesch was, a few drys at Huron Springs Hospital, near sall, last week, where he had a eye specialist come up from London and perform an operation on his right eye. Pleased to report that the patient is progressing favorably. Mr. and Mrs. L. Gooclbread and famiily of Detroit; Mrs. i..zser and Mr. and Mrd. Ralph Allan of Lon- don were week -end visitors at the home of Mr. E. Axt. Mrs. Kaiser and Mrs. G&.adbread and family are remaining ‘'. ith their father, Mr. Axt for a few weeks. Higher Court Trial For Exeter Man Herman W. Doerr asked for trial by judge and jury when he appear - Mr. Carl Snell of Oshawa, was a ed before Magistrate Reid on Thurs- recent visitor at the home of Mr. dam morning last. Doerr was not re - and Mrs. W. C. Wagner. He was ac- presented but the nature of the off- companied by his sister, Miss Almeda ennce with which he is charged, Snell of the West and a high school namely theft of bonds to the value of $.3,000, the property of the P. U. C. of Exeter, entitles him to jury trial if he asks for seine. He will, consequently, be heard by the first court of competent jurisdistion which sits in the fall. Preliminary hearing will take place in Exeter on July the former pastor of Zurich. Evangel 25th. In the meantime he remains ical church stating that they are hav- at large on bail furnished by his ing a n,onth'g vacation, and will ape'_; ?mother and an Exeter friend. part of this time with their son, Rev. N. C. Dreier, Cedar Rapids, Iowa; teacher. The brother and sister are children of Mr. David Snell of Aber- deen, Sask. Miss Snell is visiting with friends here for a time. We are in receipt of a postal from Rev. W. Y. Dreier of Milverton, and they will take in the Chicago World s Fair in route to Iowa, and will prob- ably also visit friends in Kansas and Colorado. We wish them an enjoy- able vacation. Heavy Tourist Traffic Reports from towns along the Blue Water highway 'indicate the heavies` early season inflow of American holt'' day makers in the history of the scenic route. W. D. Ferguson, secre- tary of the highway association, re- ported the other day. From these re- ports Mr. Fergusson believe:; that the' tourist season for 1931 will equal if, not surpass the record year of 1929; BANNER RACE MEET AT GODERICH Record list of entries for 5 stake races $2,500 in prizes. The card in- cludes at Goderich Civic Holiday, Angust 6t h 1934, 3 -year-old trot with 9 entries; 3 -year-old pace with 23 entries; Free for all with 12 en- tries 2.17 stake with 14 entries; 2.24 stake with 17entries. 75 en- tries in all 5 classes, should make some very fine racing and withsuch a wonder ful lot of good horses en- sures a great afternoon's sport. Re- member the date, August (tb, Civic Holiday. Scholarship Winners • We join in with the many friends of the pupils who wrote on the En- tranc Examinations at this centre, of which a report was given in last week's paper. Zurich school again came through with flying colours as three of the class captured the War Memorial Scholarships donated by the Township of Hay. Mildred Hab- erer wins the first award of $27.50; Marjorie Gillman, the second of $16.50, and Gertrude Turkheim, the third, of $11. Scholars from this school have been successful in win- ning all three scholarships for the past number of years. SPORT NEWS The following is the standing of the teams at present in the Huron - Perth Baseball League; Team Won Lost Tied P. C. Zurich 9 2 0 818 Clinton 8 4 1 667 Mitchell 7 5 1. 583 Staffa 6 5 1 545 Goderich 3 9 0 250 Exeter 3 11 1 214 The following are the present av- erages of the players of the Zurich team Player AB R H P.C. O'l3rein 82 10 14 .437 Stade 42 15 17 .405 Oesch 11 3 4 .364 L Yungblut 39 9 12 .307 Welsh 37 11 10 .270 E. Yunugblut 37 4 0 .243 Schilbe 33 3 8 .242 Prang 42 7 i; .190 Wagner 33 4 rl .182 (aseho 39 12 7 .179 Ileideman 1 0 0 .000 Willett" 3 0 0 .000 IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of our dear de- parted mother, Mrs. Dan Bennett. who passed on July 28th, 1930. We miss that light and er er will Her vacant place there's none can fill Down here we mourn, but not in vain For up in Heaven we will meet again. Ever remembered by daughters Elizabeth and Carrie. CLEARANCE SALE Of Misses' and Ladies' Dresses Silk Crepe Suits, House Dres- ses, Hose, and Crepe Slips AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES WARD'S LADIES' WEAR Exeter - Ont. Come in and look over our Splendid Stock INFANT'S Corrected! Frequent movements are nearly al- ways due to an irritation in the intestines set up ba- fermenting food which has not digested. Baby's Own Tablets gently and promptly aid nature m getting rid of this irritation. "At the first signs of peevishness or diarrhoea," writes \irs. Alton A. Percher, Gtenalmond, Quebec.., "I give Baby's Own Tablets and in a very short time baby would be well and smiling his thanks." They are a safe remedy for all simple baby ail- ments. 25e at all drug stores tam Dr.Williams' BABY`POWN' TABLETS NOTICE We carry a good line of fuel oil at only 14 cents a gallon. L. A. Prang and Son. Huron -Perth Baseball Schedule " 26—Mitchell at Staffa Clinton at Goderich Exeter at Zurich 30—Clinton. at Staffa Zurich at Mitchell Aug. .2—Staffa at Mitchell Goderich at Zurich Exeter at Clinton 6-•-('5) Clinton at Goderich Zurich at Stara 9• -••-Mitchell at Zurich 13 ----Zurich at Clinton Mitchell at Goderich " 16 ---Zurich at Exeter, (x) game called at 10 aan. ) games called at 2.30p.ni. All other games called at 6.15 p.m DASH W 0 0 U Mrs. P. Bumble of Sarnia spent the week -end with her mother, Mrs, Finkbeiner and Cathern. Mr. Czar Steinhagen of Tavistock spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Steinhagen. Mr. and Mrs. T. Hoperoft and fam ily and Mr. Wm. Schroeder spent Sunday at Niagara Falls and Crystal Beach. Mr, and Mrs. F. G. Durr and Mr, and Mrs. Fred Durr and daughter Joan of Pittsburg, Penn., spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Felix Wild. Mr. Harry Hoffman, who has been confined of his home with an attack of tonsiiitis, we are pleased to -report is recovering. The concert by the Glee Club of Mr. and Mrs. Snider and Mr. and Naperville, Ill., on Monday evening Mrs. Schaefer of Kitchener, were was well attended and very much ap- Sunday visitors with Rev. and Mrs. preciated. 12,1144,0, Perl0 Benxich. Mr. and Mrs. Angus Moore and. daughter Helen of Seaforth, called on Mr. and Mrs, Felix Wild on Mon-, day evening. Miss. Gladys Sprowl of Lucan is spending a few days with Mrs. Betty Taylor. Rev. E, Burn will assist in the open air services at the Evangelical church on Sunday evening, Special numbers will be given by members of the Zurich choir. Misses Antionette and Rose Zirn-. mer of Detroit are spending their vacation at their home here. Misses E. and N. Holland of Win- dsor are the guests of Anna and Ruth Tiernan. +•4•+++•fi+•>~•F+•F•+•i••3•++.,.+.r•1•+ +•i•+4,•+•=--;•+++.;..g..i..,..;.;..:..;..;..;...-r-: •s•i-r 4. Cut Your Fuel Bill In HALF! Buy Storm Windows and Doors LET US QUOTE YOU!. REPLACE THOSE WINDOW PANES NOW. WE CARRR A LARGE ASSORTED STOCK OF GLASS ON HAND AT ALL TIMES.. AND WILL DO YOUR GLAZING WORK WHILE YOU WAIT. F. C. PHONE 69 AE r. OM LEBO! ZURICH 4-+++++++++++++4-4-4-4.4-7-4,+-;-:-.' +++++++++++++4-H-++4-4.4.+++++ 400e Set 0.11) 011) Otee'-esat9i9e# Siftilt,001,S6 is If,tG wsre-PORIEr0 064 2 1 a wa sn BEEDS! SEPBP Get our Prices on Red Clover, Alfalfa, Alsike, Timothy and Sweet Clovers Garden Seeds in Bulk at half the price of Package Seeds. Onion Seed, Ieave your order with us. ALSO SEED OATS, AND SEED BARLEY FOR SALE FORMALDEHYDE Bring in your bottles to be filled we have same in bulk. CALL US ABOUT SEED GRAIN Implement Repairs McCormich-Deering. Also handle Cultivator points 11 and plow points to fit any make of machine. Chicken. Feeds Master Chick Starter and Pioneer Chick Starter Schilbe & Son 9,seessataisseaskeiseeespassaaeise Dor mesawa gee aeeee steel riMANAIMMViiiWWW6MMVAVAAAM611, Zurich Drub Store 1 1 eita INSECTICI ES We have a good stock of Drugs and preparations to destroy all kinds of troublesome Insects tasusesteostmeemeosmostoisomme THE FLY SEASON Why be pestered with Flies and Insects when they can so easily and rapidly be destroyed with either FLY TOX or FLY - 0 - CEDE 0011000.00111110011**0.00110.111000 See Our Supply of Toilet Preparations Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Pcrfunaigers, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Pastes, and Brushes. lS/0100110 els00e0lt d6 1111900 FINE STATIONERY AND FOUNTAIN PENS. We also have, Saphine Anti -Moth Discs. tl1t[ Dr, A. MaoKinnort, Ztirichr: