HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1934-07-26, Page 4*kit ithY14 ,.� w ;, ..-� ._� �a „�,.�•a,z www_ ..m _ . �'" ZURICH HERALD_ HI.LLSGREEN Mee Ellen and Master `('iarence 'Lave, visited their aunt raid uncle, •M. anter Mrs. C, allrh :axed children artear lldensail. Master Regis and Pka,trick Aubin. etre 'visiting their greedparents, Me. .;and :Mas. Maxim, Deno mine neae lass Edna Cor'bxane R.N. is oda+t- ;a:xzg her sister., Mr. and Mrs. R. Hopkins of Hinsdale, Ill. and also taking in the Century of Peegress f;`+s9atbition is Chicago. I43ics Annie Jarrott atteneed the Cloderich Summer School last week. Mrs, Free Hayes of Meese Jaw, Sask., visited Mrs. Blanche McAllis- ter. Also Mrs. Walker during the -week. Mrs. Hayes intends Ieaving hoar her home Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Keys and fan of Exeter, visited at the home of /Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love. We are glad to report that little Ielen Love, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love is recovering nicely From a injury she received from pla- ying to her arm. The Hillsgreen Congregation mot- rred to Bayfield on Friday to attend the Sunday School picnic held at .Jovett's Grove. The Women's Auxiliary of the Hillsgreen church met on Wednee- veiay July 18th at the church. The Thompson picnic was held on Wednesday afternoon at Snowden's Grove. BLAKE lrn. Dlr. and Mrs. Leon Jeffrey Jr. sp- :ent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Oesch. Mr. and Mrs. R. Swartzentruber accompanied by Miss Eva and Glad- ys Bechler were week -end visitors at Baden and New Hamburg. Mrs. Fred Turner and Mrs. Gregg who had been visiting with Mrs. R. -Johnston for a week, returned hone Lo Goderich on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Gingerich and Jean, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Oesch and daughters were Sunday visitors with, `Mr. and Mrs. Jake Gingerich on the Goshen Line. Mr. and Mrs. Mose Erb accompan- ied by Messrs Gordon Erb, Edmund Swartzentruber and Mabel Swartzen timber were week -end visitors with friends at Kitchener. Mrs. Susie Oesch and Carl and May of the Goshen Line, called on J.Nfr. and Mrs. R. Oesch on Sunday. Messrs Clarence Gascho, Harold Swartzentruber, accompanied by 141:isses Laura and Dorothy Gascho -were week -end visitors with friends .at Braden. Mr. Dave Swartzentruber has tre- ented himself to a fine new Terrepl- .ane eight auto. Miss Kathleen Hay of Zurich is -' aoli.daying with her friend Kathleen ° :ey. Mr. and Mrs. Wnz. Hay, Mr.and NIrs, Harford McKinley and the twins ins spent Saturday in the village. will sone 110 back with her fa'inily. Mr. Dnelili#"ine and daughter Miss Hazel lili'c'e been at her bedside since; she rhe taken to the hospital. ]alae, and Mrs. Lawrence Ducharr ' of "Detroit are visitors. with the Fer- a# car's parents here. Miss Blanch Rau, of Detroit, is visiting with her mother, Mrs. Phoebe Rau. Mr. and Mrs Marchand of Tilbury spent a few days vacation with their son the Reverend Father L. March- and. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Harvey and son of Detroit, spent Sunday at the hoarse of Mr. and Mrs. George Den- omme. STANLEY TOWNSHIP 1luc. and Mrs. D. C. Martin of De- oit called on friends on Goshen Line on Sunday. Mr. Martin taught in. the Goshen School over 40 years ago and this was his first visit to dlzis section since that time. Rev. E. A. and Mrs. Poulter and z:on George of Brownsville visited for a few days with friends in St - Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Johnston of Goderich spent Sunday with Mr. �'lras. Robinson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Boyd of Nia- .ara spent a few days with their cousin Mrs. Roy Lamont. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Armstrong and aenily of Rosetown, Sask., are vis- iting with the former's mother, Mrs. Virilson Armstrong. Mr. and Mrs. Alf Westlake visited friends at St. Thomas recently. Ivtcrs. Thomas Snowden is at pres- Irct• caring for her sister, Mrs. Frank iiobon of St. Thomas, who is ill. Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Douglas and /Miss Margaret Douglas of Blake, Mr. Saul 1Lrs. J. Douglas and Mr. and Mrs T. Dinsmore of the town line atten- .Yded the Nichol re -union at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Douglas, Hyde Park, Wednesday last. Mrs. P. Gingerich and two sons returned home last week, after spend enga week with her mother, Mrs. iueselman at Elmira. DRYSDALE The many friends of Mrs. Willard v :o .iveau, who has been a patient ear Joseph's Hospital, London, .ail be glad to hear she has returned macre nand is well on the road to re- xeovery. Sisters Bernice and Frances I3or- *ia of the St. Joseph's hospital, Lon + s»., visited with their parents, Mr. weed Mrs. Alex. Etue and idr, anr' Y'aa-Jsn. Ducharme one day last Mrs. Ida Moetague and son Louie Ivinni. the week -end in St. Anne De Atteettpre and Montreal, P.Q. tire. Joseph Ducharme who Ina.* reee seriously ill for a lengthy Arlene has been tran.,.fer'red to St dittettopIes :Hospital and has underwent Operation which is repo/fed stie. hill«hope Mm.Ducharme � '�'i� HENSALL Mr, and Mrs. A.W.E. Hemphill we- re called to Toronto owing to the serious illness of Lloyd Davis, Mrs. Hemphill's brother. Mr. and Mrs. John Graybeil and sister Esther of Dashwood were vis- itot* with thein` Ater, Mrs, J. Pope eeeently. Harold Hid dins, of Beach -o -Pines was a visits e at his home here. Miss Chapman of Winnipeg, is visiting with Helen Smith. Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Barges of De- troit, Mrs. J, Dougall of Manitoba, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Eacrrett. Mr. Edwards, inspector or the God erich Children's Shelter was in town recently. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Cassidy visited with relatives in Otterville. ' Dr. and Mrs. L. McEwen and dau- ghter have returned after visiting in Paisley. Wm. Butt of Seaforth spent a few days visiting his sisters, Mrs. J. H. Petty of Hay .Tp. and Mrs. J.' H. Dinsdale of town. Thos. Farquhar who has been in Hamilton the past few months, has returned to Hensel, and will visit with his son Frank. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McAllister of Edmonton, who have been visiting their many friends here left for Gle- ncoe to visit before leaving for the west. Rt. Rev. Charles Seager, Bishop of Huron conducted confirmation services in St. Paul's Anglican church on Sunday morning, July 22nd. Can- didates from both Hensall and Stafra were present. Fred Hess and son George have built a nice boat for their own use on the rivers and lakes, as they are, skilled mechanics. Mrs. Fred Smallaconibe has re- turned to Guelph after a pleasant visit here • with her sister, Miss Met- tle Elils, and other friends. COUNTY NEWS The new grounds of the Seaforth Golf and Country CuIb, just east of the town on No, 8 highway, were opened last week. H. R. Sharp, manager of the Bank of. Montreal at Clinton, is retiring at the enol. of August and the family will remove to Victoria, H.C. Foot ry,.rQ7shed While helping to unload a car of' oil at the Supertesl;. yards at Sea - forth the other day, Thos. Habkirk,, local manager, bad his foot badly crushed and a large bone broken. He was rolling barrels of oil down a plank when a barrel slipped and struck hint on the foot. Jaw is Fractured When little Bernice Wheiler, dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Whe- iler, Hawick, went to chase a horse out of the garden, the horse made a quick turn and kicking at the sane time, hit her in the face and frac- tured her jaw and broke her nose. Aug. Sth, Big Day in Clinton - The 'Businessmen's Association of Clinton have decided to put on a celebration on Civic Holiday, Aug. 6th, and a full program for the oc- casion. The program will be opened with a monster calithumpian parade, a feature which Clinton exceeds ear, usually, in which there will be Tiftureffeee 2(Pt1t, 1934 eV:eases. judging will take place at. thefretiiz. Aged Lady Fractures Rib Mrs. Thos. Sanders, Exeter, rete- rned :frets Toronto where she hall been visitiarg. filer son accompanied her to Exeter. Mus. Sanders ac- - cid'e ntly tripped over the suitcases that had lbt:eia heft in the hall and lee falling; fractured a rib. !Beer Seize Maybe What seamed to have been an at- tempt to revive one of the reputed old time methods of celebrating their twelfth of .July was frustrated on Thursday in Exeter when County Constable Norman Lever of Clinton,,. and another constable raided a car and removed a .nuniber of suspicious ,1ookin,g cartons to the town hall for safekeeping. The two constables were seen :delving away with the ow- ner in the direction of Goderich. Lo- cal authorities are very reticent a- bout the fair and rumor that local men were implicated cannot be de -- 2() finitely verified *111111111111'1E111111111111111411111111111111111111i1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111Y11111111M111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111J1111111111111111i11111 111111113 marm mamma mamma mamma mamma Mamma ot remiam mamma mamma mamma mamma merman mamma aa maims mom m Mamma mamma tammaka mamma armee m oa G ds 0 In order to reduce our Stock of Merchandise and turn it into ready Cash, we are going to -slash prices in a good many cases below cost. All dean merchandise,all guaranteed to be as we say it is. Money refunded if not entirely satisfied. Items listed below not all we have to offer ala starts July 28th and endst rst I sHi, 34 PRINTS Regular 28c yd., Sale at ..22c Reg. 25c at yd. l8c Reg. 15c, Sale, yd. 1 1 c Plain White English Flannel- ette Reg. 30c yd. Sale 23c Reg. 25c yd. Sale 19c Reg. 20c yd., Sale 17c CURTAIN NETS Frilled Curtain Net. Reg. 13c and 18c, yd. at 12c Reg. 25c, Sale yd. i 8c Curtains by pair, reg 1.95, Sale at ....1.49 Curtains by pair, reg. 1.25 Sale, at 95c Curtains by pair, reg 1.00 Sale, at 79c MEN'S FELT HATS Reg. 1.95, Sale at 1.29 Men's Overalls and Work Shirts Reg. 1.95 overalls, Sale 1.59 Reg. 1.35, overalls, Sale 1.10 Reg. $1 and 1.25 shirts, 89c Men's Balbriggan Underwear Shirts and drawers at 39c per Garment Bal. combinations at 89c Boys' at the same low prices. NIMIllarimannagoommunmannewassmENIVJ Linoleum and Congoleum Rugs WE HAVE Old r:. PIECE ONLY. 4 -Yds. Wide LINOLEUM WHICH WE ARE GOING TO SACRI- FICE AT THE REDICIOUSLY LOW PRICE OF $2.85 per Yard 2 PIECES 2 -Yd. WIDE FLOOR OIL CLOTH, Sale Price ped Yard ..75c 1 only Congoletim Rug, 9x1016 Sale .. 7.25 1 only Linoleum Rug, 9x103 Sale 8.25 1 only Linoleum Rug 9x9, Sale 7.25 WE ARE GOING OUT OF THIS LINE OF FLOOR COVERING, . THAT IS THE REASON WE ARE SELLING OUT AT THESE PRICES Men's Sweater Coats, at Prices ranging from 98c to 2.50, all wool VOILES 25 and 29c Voils, at yd...19c 50c Voile Salt, at yd 35c Frain Broadcloths, all colors Sale per yd. 16c Printed Rayons, Reg. 50c, Sale yd. 37c Reg. 35c, Sale, yd. 28c GROCERY SPECIALS Kellogs Corn Flakes, 2 pk 15c Aylmer pork and beans, 2'4' size, 2 for 25c Oxydol large pkg, each 19c Tomatoes, large tin, 2 for 19c Pink salmon, 1 -Ib. tin .......9c Zink jar rings, per dozen 22c' Jar rubbers, 6 for 25c P and G Soap, 8 cakes 25c Med. weight brooms 35c TABLE 011 CLOTH yd. wide, per yd ......43c Table oil squares, Sale, each, at .._....... 89c LADIES' HOUSE DRESSES Regular 95c to 1.25, Sale Price„ each 75c These Dresses are good value At Regular prices Come, and get one! Children's wash dresses and .Boy's wash suits, regular 95c Sale, 75c. each BATHING SUITS ALL WOOL Men's reg. 1.50, sale ....1.10 Ladies° Reg. 1.50, Sale ..1.10 Boy's and Girl's all wool, Reg. 1.25, at 98c Ladies all wool, Reg. 2.59, Sale Price ...1.89 Men's all wool Tweed and Serge Dress Pants at Greatly Reduced Prices Ladies' FLillfashioned Pure Silk Hose Reg. '75c, Sale pr. _ 59c Reg. LOO, Sale 89c Women's and Childrens Cot- ton Hose, all Sizes, Sale Price 1.5,c pair Children's ankle socks, pr. 15c If you want Goods at Real Bargains, even in Heavy Winter Goods, come to this Sale. As everything advertised here is a real Bargain, in a great many cases lower then the present wholesale price. Remember a Date and Come Phone 1 0 J. W. erner M:.. cera 1411.4., i,1.11r1,: Zurich, Olt. m ammell swamp 1 mamma 7, mommike mosiems MroMma rommem mamma mammy samma- Mamma it Mumma Mow moor maw mac: =. 1111101.11. y marristak laMerami ,�1.�;n111111;11allllr111,1111:di11ii111111111111illlllli0111111111illllill11111111111111i{111111111illlll,[L.111.11111X1111i11111111111111111d1#1ili1111111111111.. 1 �1�1��1;11111111111111111I1ilJllllllli .� ti