HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1934-07-26, Page 1ZURICH HERAL • Vol XXXV No.4 ZURICH. THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 26, 1934. Chester L. SW*, Pabibdur14 1145 a year, U.S. 41.61 Adroit/6 oleo IN ARREARS, S2 I1&T.120 015..kR001 obrabro*, Let the Herald Publish your Summer Visits and Visitors '111011111111111111111111till.liii111111.10.!IIIIIIIIIiillitifililllililiq111111flilill111111111111111t1111111111111111111,111111111111111H;i0A1:1!!ill'ati'li.lqt1Illy,111111111111111111(111.-.1 Fee. - Ter' =lee - zee -re. e-=-_ fee: - 7 -7 13_ NEW Grocery Store New Potatoes. 9 lbs. for 25c Ginger Snaps, 2 lbs. 25c Canned Peachesper tin 15c Maple Leaf Cookiesper ib. 25c Brunswick. Sardinesper tin 5c Zink Ringsper dozen . 25c Fairy Soap. 5 bars 25c Orange asul Grape punch, per bottle 25c Choice Salmon. 2 tins 25c Caustic Soda in Bulk and Cans Fresh Fruit's and Groceries Always on Hand. Also Threads, Pins, 1Laces, Etc. Menno Oesch - Zurich EGGS WANTED. Phone 165 lill'Alliteellifeil!lelliiii11111.Pilliii!!:P.'.`,',.1e11.11111,11t111;i1(11,1',....11'.'elireiler.I1111,11,:litifiN1111111111!1.1iTe1011411111111111111ellilliiiir. Capital Theatre Goderich -11home 47 Thee is a crying need for edu- caturs who will reform the educati- onal systems in order to gat better results for less money. authorities claim grat &erase way during the celebration • in his The Dangerous Swimming Season . . Again we noticed in the headlines the other day of five deaths through drowning in Lake iion over the week -end. This is appaling, and es- pecially when one considers that the victims were practically al very young people, and with practically no knowledge of swimining. It sho- uld be fair warning enough to one and all to be more viligent when go- ing into the lake waters who have swallowed up many a good life In its prime. No one, unless able to be a good swimmer should go out un- assisted or alone, and when the lake is rough be sure and stay where the water is shallow. In Police Court H. A. Radford and Donald Snell, of Londesboro, two highly regarded citizens of that part, borrewed some parts of machinery from what they thought was an abandoned machine shop, thereby rousing the ire of Aug ust Guhr, of Goderich, wha establish- ed ownership. Mr. Guhr reported having missed articles from his old shop at different times during the past six years but only recently dis- covered the whereabouts. Suspended sentence was handed out for the of- fence and the parts will be replaced. Mr. and Mrs. J. Finlay, the form- er now of River Rouge and the lat- ter of Goderich Tp., discussed their differences in court and as •a result Finlay will have to provide $10 per week for the maintenance of his son and $5 per week for his wife. Claude Hennessy of Exeter went into the sale of spirituous beverages in a big ofimprovement inlowness an Gas- adi and 'Great :Britain' • is greater' Wow. Playiniee-DAY11,4) lEddIONViro _opal ltupecik, etcrate.st Arcaq -311so Golden Years sf Life The advanced years of life should bring anellownese and contentment. Many 'activities and interests must therit 'be modified or relinquished. Simplicity should govern the daily 'life, and patience predominate. The mind and heart at peace, there sho- career of uld be much quiet meditation about present the daenChng vending ,years should be each lap -nob- MADAmE spy ,atat .1r.setka. and love foe man- • kind -C. Rimer. legume .Aelvise Almost every week we eieceime in - ; 25 to whether we will ram liquor ads in our weekly, and weal* -getting :almost Vied annuering Orem in 'the etegatSve, of couree. It seems that when this ban will he dined lin Ochitane, that the big liquor interests will 'nave a. barrel of 555flu...m/- 10 :adverise their peodieets, in the pe- ers and pernifficale: 'Wheat t a weekly paper advertises on article or goods, 'it Is reilth the intertraena that the pub- ( Coraingdie /Wrote rota Setan lie :amino encs it freely. But we Crarefor11 ilmow that 1fiqsrar as ato article Ito • he epurtiltased and used freely., cone ,riblie saws& teach age:hid its useand we i •do emit tiffak it is just ithe tliing {for the press to advertise. ./bt, AMR CORNER our ,county emcees gee:invention the firth- er "wedk, it was penacticallY ! imoily .deCitlied that these ads &mild Raisingpekes viAil 3,41fikie the 1pro-not appear in :the wee...Xerxes, -regard- blem. The joblese will statue etradiazable 'bees reit it4e faet 'thatethey sesalddreing :and lo, have ncr iirSiieso. in fe,onSitleerahle TreGT&Ilae••• than. that of the 'United Stales. NM. "Wirbilently: stands,;. for .e.'/NTo Real elosistairice."-eRe. Mon., Tues., Wedt, Boni& Bid Elorisi Stuart illower Mar -i in- a rnsica gir and„laughter show' 1 Like It That Way Fay Wrar sear rr Aadiver iGtod :and :the spiritual fife. The ad- ativentootss Thursday, Feeley and Saturday SLIM SUMMERVIELE,, ale& WM PITTS Teamed again in another rill matrimonial', fn n' LOVE BIRDS \With a program of enttecteiniesgelleseit SiZbiediS :Matinees—Wed. and. Sat. it ; home town. As a result he was up for hearing and having admitted the charge was remanded .for sentence. be up again in a fevh.deer, GODERICH RACES At Agricultural Park CIVIC HOLIDAY On Monday, August 6th, 1934 At 1.30 o'clock Sunset Stake, Three-year-old Trot $500,00 Whitely Stake,. 3 -yr. -old pace $500.00 Blue Water Stake -Free-for-all $500.00 Golden Gate Stake, 2.17 trot or pace $500.00 Goderich Stake, 2.24 trot or pace $500.00 New Covered Grandstand -- Good 'Traek. Betting Privileges Allowed. General A.drnission. 50c. (tax extra) J. B. Whitely, M.D., President. E. R. Wigle, Treasurer. W. F. Clarke, Y. S., Sesretary. Anrommomoemsomeemonnoisserwompormerosoomemoneremoisporslosoomol000e A REAL BARGAIN DRESSES & Purrs • MASTER CLEANED AND l'AILOR PRESSED JWARV° 'mDlrY-CLE A NIN so WHITE FLANNELS CLEANED..— CALGOICarz Jolamston's Barber Shop, Zurich .144, GARMENTS, 'lliSAIRED E. W. CROUCHER, DIVISION REP. • ' „,y •of • o 12•1111011611.111061.10.01.01111. earameNtormaiwootoom. Mr. and Mrs. Gid. Koehler were Sunday visitors at Bayfield. Dr. H. H. Cowen is away with some other dental chums to Musk- oka, on a fishing trip. Mrs. William Turnbull has return- ed to her home in Hay Township, af- ter visiting relatives at Manitoulin Island. The singing by the Men's Glee Club of Naperville, Ill., in the Ev- angelical church on Sunday morn- ing was wonderful. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hendrick and Doreine of the Blue Water, south, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Brenner of town. Mr. and Mrs. C. Fritz and Rev. E. Burn attended the funeral of the late Mrs. V. Litt at Sebringville on Tuesday p.m., who was 100 years, 10 months and 13 days of age. For Gradu- ation1 Buy THEM A FINE WRIST WATCH. See the Elco Line of Watches Moderately Priced Gents with Bracelets $10.00 Ladies, with Bracelets $12.75 Initials Engraved FREE Hess, The Jeweller Miss Meda Surerus of Toronto, who had a pleasant outing camping at Grand Bend, has returned to the home of her mother, on the Bronson line. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Siemon of London were Sunday visitors with friends here. Their daughter; Miss Lois,who spent the past week with her cousin Miss Ruth Foster, retrn- ing with them to the city. Mr. and Mrs. Neil McGagan; Mr. and Mrs. Allan McDougall; Peter and Jessie McDougall all of Strath- roy, were Sunday. visitors at •the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Douglas. Mr. and Mrs. Jul Kisswetter, Mr. Prank Bossenberry of Kitchener; Mrs D. McClinchey and daughters Alice and Mrs. A. Cook of London, were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Wagner. Mrs. George Wilhelm, and daught- er Esther, and son George; and Mrs Ezra. Smith and two daughters Erma and Lilian all of Shakespeare, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mee C. L. Smith. Mr. and. Mrs. Andrew F. Hess left on Saturday for Pontiac, Mich., and South Bend, Ind. where they will spend the week with friends. They wilt also likely take in the Big World's Fair at Chicago. Decorattince Day was observed by St. Peter'w Lutheran church on Sun- day afternoon an the cemetery south of town, when a large number of people gathemed, and a very suitable program was rendered by addresses and musical numbers. Mr. and Km. Albert Swaim, of Humbolt, Slisit..„ are visiting with the former's mother and other relatives here at present.. Mr. Swaim advises us that crept pronmets in the Hum - bolt district lbolk very good as they have had &linty of moisture this summer. They came down by way of Chicago) maxi took in the big World's Mike • The county road through town re- ceived another coat of tar on Mon- day whichwas covered with some more cruslita. gone. • No one seems to know jasie• whit system of road building this is. We thought we had a pretty fair roadbed and now along comes some more tar and gravel, and the: tar is not sufficient to moist- en the gravel, so there is consider- able duet Eying. , •' ZURICH WINS ANbTHER . In a nicely played game oZbilegball on the Zurich • diamond on Monday' evening, Zurich won another to add to their list of.. wins s? ter this sea- son. This time it was at the 'eit- pense of the Staffa boys, who put up a stubborn fight, but the seine 7 at the close of the game was 6-4 in favor of the Zurich team. The 'bat- tery for the visitors were pitcher, Howie, catcher, Hamilton. The next game will be played this Thursday evening, to -night, when the Mitchell boys will % be over. Mitchell has a good team and should give the boys a real game. The local team needs, I your support, to help them'keep go- ing and ,keep on wiuniug Let us' see you tteret Phone 74 Zurich BLUE COAL ALL GRADES Genuine Semet - Solvay Coke, Miller's Creek WE CARRY ONLY Tin BIGTOMIE QUALITY Agricultural Tile and Brick CASH paid for Eggs en Gwaiimil Basi. • W. R. DAVIDSON Phone No. n HENSALL, crer. ••••••••••••••••••• **SOO o4etter0000rto oo oreteetio 0 ell 4044 a. 0 0 • • 0 • . 0 • • • STRAW HATS • • • • 40. • 0' • • AND 0, 0 0- • • • :• ' 0, • • SUMMER SUITS • 416 +to • • Now is the time to buy and wear your new STRAW 046 • HAT. We have now a splendid range, Come and lei 741: • • • • •• • • •• •• • us show you, and get 3iciur's before it's too late a COME IN AND SFF. OUR PALM BEACH, AND FLANNELL SUITS FOR MEN, PRICED FROM $11.00 TO $15.00 • • -CLOTHES OF QUALITY" • • • Wu au lioffmain • • EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS • lip••••000••••••••• 0440 0 00.000. re. ..**-*•0....2.4, • • Let Us Shaw Y u Our New Curtains and Curtain Goods; ..New Prints and Broadcloths; New House Dresses. Men's and Boys' Fancy Shirts; also Work %his and Overalls... Men's and Boys' Rubber Boots and Work Shoes; Women's, Misses and Cbildrens' Shoes. Sandals and Oxfords. Many lines in HardWare such as Paints and Vishe-S Graniteware, Tinware, Etc., Etce. HARNESS REPAIRS A SPECIALTY This Season's Vegetable and Flower Seeds 5c awl Mc, a Package. • FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS IN RAND R. N. DOUGLAS GENERAL NIEROHANT PHONE 11 97 113LAK .oretelatstaillalealmal•Ittrallooll•mo•IIII•Sturte`'