HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1934-07-12, Page 811�.I6 IIil•txFi r' nV_ WME WITH THE STOCK-- S, .: ,� SAL cont"a is Week WE CAN ONLY QUOTE A FEW OF SPECIAL VALUES HERE Voiles and Rayons, 5 pieces at yd . .........................19c Linen Toweling at per yd. ................15c Prints, Reg. 20e and 23c for..............................18c Prints, 4 pieces only at yd. .............. . • • .... • ....12c, Ladies Cotton Hose at ... ..........................15c Ladies' Silk Hose, reg. $1.00 for ............ ...............59c Men's 3 -oz red back overalls, smocks or pants at each .......1.45 Men's balbriggan sbt. and drawers, No. 1 Penman, each ......50c EXTRA SPECIAL 5 dozen only, Mean's Work Shirts, good duality well made, only 59c. each GROCF23 ES! GRMERMS Rice per 1b. 5c Factory cheese, per 1b. 15c Pork and Beans 1 -lb. tin, 2 for 15e Sardines per box 5c' Pink Salmon, 1 -lb. tins, 2 for 19c Princess soap flakes 15e P & G. soap, 7 bars for 25c. Palmolive soap at Se Peanut butter, 2 -lb. jar 25c Heinz tomato juice 1 -lb. 12c Seedless raisins, 2 lbs for 25c .. Sugar crisp cookies, 2 -lbs 25e Glass tumblers each 5c Table Syrup, 10 -Ib tin at 699, And Many Other Bargains not listed here. COME AND SEE! Qy® GANCHO PRODUCE WQZM PHONE l v 5H, ESO INSJURANOM AGIENGY" GOING TRIP? If to, -you should have Public Liability .and PrropeityT A, Damage Insurance. .. Protect your own carr with Canilis- iorn Ixnsurince.... Oolicies.. are good ice, C;Rnaeda and the Uhited States. Enjoy your trip more by, knowing ing that you 3mve protection. Rates are lower this year. FULL INFORMATION GLADLY GIVEN.J" For,' Rates Apply to: Andrta F. Hen, - Zara* MY MOTTO—SERVICE A-" Have You MADE YOUR `ILL? ARDWA -- SEEDS tand FURNITURE COAL 'a n*d COKE LEAVE YOUR CMDER WITH US NOW FOR YOUR SUPPLY OF COAL AND COKE WHILE PRICES ARE LOWEST IPP S P PAINTS! We carry a full Hine of the Well Known and Tried a,,',d Proved Sherwin-Williams faints, Oils, Tarnishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax Frost Tigl -it Lock Wise Fencing and (Rates rind Fencing plies and Fasts. Goodyear Balloon-. i and Card -fires and 'rubes in au sizes eXrl-IITE ROSE GASOLENE, EN,r RCO COILS, Furniture, Springs and Beds. Felt nall mattreo Plumbing, F'urrace Work, Evetroughing and Thasrrhh- ing our Specialty. Full line,4f heavy raised shelf I' ard- '+awaare always in ,itock. 11. .t)TA SE WEIDO ZURICH ON" 1°w QUALITY .,M PRICE w.., SERVICE ,Specials for Thursday, Friday aM Satz day Golders Bantam corn per teat .......................IOc Salt, plain or ir•onized, 2 boxes .......... ....,.....,... 15c Sliced Pineapple, 2 tins..................................25c Corry starch per pkg..........................................9c Palm olive toilet soap, 3 cakes ............ ............. I4rc Coconut wafer biscuits, per lb. 4 .........................17c PPeas, No. 2 tin, 2 tins . ..» ....................:........23c Tomatoes large tire. each ................................. 9C js,: Heinz's Soup, 3 tins..........,....... ...................., Z5c S o'clock Nl.armalade, per jar .................... .._..... 19c. Prepared mustard, per jar.............................10c Royal York coffee, 1 -lb. tin ....................... _39c SwvansdoWn cake flour, per pkg......... ............ 32c Ladies f ullfashi+oned Hose per pair ........ ..._..._....69c Men's Silk Socks, extra :special,. per pr,..............._..29c ITEMS OF LOCAL OWT LOICALl � -5 IAS Geo. Edighoffer of Mitchell, ' '. f CGrareeW O&v Wedneadayl ;ailed on friends here recently. . Eggs • • . • ... • . ..... 16-14-'12 Mr. Maxim Denomme. of Detroit, Butter lb. creamery^ .......... 25 :ailed on friends lin town one day Butter ib. dairy ............. 23 ast week. .. • Reheat bush ....... 90 Barley, bush ............. 50 Mrs. A. H. Ford, of Wolsley, Sas., vas a recent visitor with friends in Buckwheat, hassle. ........... 50 Shorts ton ..... . ............ 25.00 ;hese parts.. ' Bran, ton .. 25.00 Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Manson of Flour, cert . ............ 2.00-2.90 rhoradale were recent, visitors with Live Hogs ewt .............. 8.25 relatives in this section. M.' Ben Geiger. from Saskatchew- an, was a visitor at, the home .of Mr. and Mrs. D. Gingerich. -"SCHOOL REPORT Miss Florence Weickery ' R. N:, of Of S. S, NQ. 8 Hay ^for'' the final Stratford, is visiting vrAh her friend examinations., Honors 751yo. Pass 60 9-rs. Edwin Gas'cho. Jr. IV to •Sr. IV—Kenneth Weber Mr. and Mrs. Ted • Wagner of 77, Eunfe Oestxeicher 75. Guelph were visitors with the for- Sr. III to Jr. IV—Orlen Swartzdn- mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. truber 70.6; Carl Oesteicher 62.8; Wagner. Amore Rader 60.8. Mr. G. Brown, auditor, of the. Da- ,,.Jr. 111 to Sr. III --•Jack Weber 76.8 artment of Highways, was in town Martha. Miller 74, Esther Price 65; p g Kilda Rader 61.3; Hilda Becker 59. on Wednesday last, auditing the 1933, 7, (recommended, Ernest Masse 51.6 road accounts of the Township Sr. II to Jr. III—Eileen Miller 67.3 of Hay. LQu1se Finkbeiner 66.6; Louise Mass Decoration Services will be" obser- '45,8• ved on St. Peter's Lutheran cemetery Jr. II to Sr. H—Lorna Miller 86; on Sunday afternoon, July 22nd, Rolaleen Miller 81; when Rev. Mr. Gomann of Milverton ' I to Jr. II—Dorothy Price 76, Hel- will be the, guesit speaker for the a Miller 73, Lyla Swartzentraber 62 day. Sr. Pr. :to I—John Masse 76; Farmers are quite busy with the Howard Finkbeiner 68, Merla Miller haying harvest. They are now cut- 66. ting the timothy crop, which is of Primer—Cecelia . Hartman, Dor- good quality, but the quantity is othy Weber, Eldon Datars, Howard very limited. Here's hoping for a Datars, Hubert Miller, Lloyd Smith, good portion of moisture for the sec- Milton Price, Russel Smith, Violet and crop. Rader, Mr. Arthur Edighoffer of town Agnes Robertson, Teacher. has purchased from Mr. John Gail man his, fine dwelling property to- gether with the three acres of land. NEY FATOIER OXW3 We understand that Mr. and Mrs. t Lambe Gallman will Light Weight the property and The marketing h sprang lambs al leave Zurich, going to Detroit too light weights is a most unfortun• reside, _-.. +' sate practice, since it incurs a neav3 RIBS FRACTURED ],nag of Tgygxque to t)iq producer ani Mr. Herb Block, Exeter, met with causes a decrease in dftsublPtiloli. an accident at the Canning Factory In -the main, it is quite feasible foe Tuesday last which resulted in a fra- the ;producers to hold back then ctured rib. He was drawing a load lambs until the animals have reached of empty cans when one of the whe- around 60 pounds and show reason - els of the truck struck a rut and ably good' finish. Thin, underweight some of the boxes toppled over on spring lambs sell for less than half top of Mr. Block, the price of acceptable weights, well HIGH GUN FOR LADIESfinished. ' Culling the Flock Mrs. Fred Kerr, of. Crediton, was Culling of the flock need not .be lugb gun for lady shooters az the ",left for any particular season:' There Grand International Trapshooting should really be a constant culling tournament, the 29th annual event -out of inferior, off -type non -product of the Canadian Indians at St- ,ive hens. It does not require an ex - Thomas on July 2nd: Mr. Kerr was 'pert to take out some of the hens, alio among the prize winners, being but to pick out those that are not second in the second event of the Iaying .and are not likely to lay for. afternoon besides winning other' some time requires a little eperien- prizes. ce. One of the losses on the farm Gives Himself Up to Auth- comes from failure to get rid of .birds. or animals that .are not paying grit i,s for their feed. They are carried on Hr rma.n Doerr, def:a.ulti rg su ret.. in- the hope they will do better. arytreasurer of the Exetci publi_. However, one is better to get the utilities commission, for whom a war market value for such individuals rant has been out since December rather than crowding up the pens 140 1933, charging him with the theft and making it more difficult for the of three $1000 Hydro -Electric Power really- good birds to show a profit Commission bonds, walked into Mag, At the end of the breeding seasonthc istrate Reid's office, Goderieh and cockerels should be marketed. They rave. himself up to the authorities, .are of no further use until the next He was accompanied by his brother.. breeding season, and it is only tlae It. was rumored that Doerr was in very best that it would pay to carry . x1co during the absence, bort some over tour* as twb-ybar-olds. At the are inclined to believe that lie was pnee of cockerels in the fall it scar, �nuela clover li :s homy, town, H<,. al'-' cely .pays to c6rry over the aver •.gr lx;ared on T,,ineday before the iiuig- -male bird for ithe second breeding istrate again sand is lxow out ou buil.' season: THIS CALI, % FOR D NEW It °. NCO 0.1Xf 'ME FARM. LET US SUPpLy Q'U'O THE LSO HAVE ply �S'�p,�� OF WOVEN WIRE, BOUT NEW FIND, PWMMNG,' AM EVE, TROUGHING VOR SALE -20o Bushebs Improve5_1 Baqnner Seedat .f. USED FU rITU l TWOGerald Used Chesterfield SuAcs on I --land; l Good Used * DreSeers from $4.50 up; Dining o'�i ablest Kitchen Chairs, All, Bid,: Bargains for �q'i k Sale- � BE SUR, AND SEE' TiH EM I 1 Ahii ays aaa Good Supply off ba a Cureon HaaFl<& Ake OU Hickory Snmke Salt Jt K alb lev Hardwareit rw Phone 648 `"'t•.�;aInNM'itlKlR�ffGiUIIHiIGt�G!llNlllfllUlUIHINIIIMGIIi " ' IfHIU✓hRlfn'I�lfgllilRillhi;4E,'„'�,y�IIU(lllklNllllUlplllllllNHtiINIiNiilllHifN{fes • THESE PRICES aih} + to 1 wi out i W co Painting Wagon ........ __._.. �7,®0 and 10.00iP'aintaamg .Bugg' _<................ 6.00 and 10.00 Recovering Buggy To Rerunning Buggy Vrhetffs' &et ........c.. Buggy shy ........3.00* ............ ..............Cross Bar ...................mal.@_1.25miggy h ......� 25e..............»..» ,............ tho Renair ZTM;V1 ;x,.L- �'ik�lllgff,'IH6'�".,f�llllipl�IIII1�k�fJlllli�t?aEllipRllk!lItHNUIIIHIIt�#kffi�l(`i _ NN}NlINkNfllil�f a�a►�►+�aa�a•�®��►d�al���a���,�a��a��a:���®vasa► � n, AGE , TUNE Up, YOUR CARI Da agt be discouraged and thi-O nix V4WW your Carr if it is not fulgctiasaning aaa You think k v6o add„ .haat -rune it in Our Garage and have our Mec6ma goover it and You win be• surprimd of, , ism At$.. Gas*line and Ksrosinne alwayv, kep m,»i %nrd in as quaa>;ndtiaaa. Let us M s�aoarr bsrsehn or Cont+a+i"M I orimuneMj$aaa»i e i '.Nw s and ,Hat , 01® aial! 1A�fa kep of Caaaa°a� ti Cir s ^-"`"��r»r' ;»:..::<l•� :.�, .. �eanttap�aaa;, .._ ip•.1�� r V.. U ,ri ., ����d���a�iM�1dM�al��a�t�l►�dD�!"b�yh4M� .� , i OFF: rt w L I R Cs E. ► Do, You That I arrn the Master Salesman.!' 4 I alma tlla heraalel Of Success for 4dll men, na, M ercharft,, A/Umufacturcro, lt& Iso fa, th to tell the World tho,, rangy r: aaaas,�a of a�t� and Sound lfearchaamidioingi And thy+ Worlal liote ns when I agpee, k l F thEom who have meed me tsar tixtir &ryt f ,ho.v a ki, fathered untold Rand ib>anav into their a*ff . I tad tl-ae legeons of faashia m, tuould thea std pad lead the World whithersoev er I got I wow &14a for you to reap G rpklem Haarvest f I area k6ssater Salr3man at Y ar.° M'or vice, and my i*-. 4 ,• A mE g # 1 n*11 1� y y •ae�w a