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Zurich Herald, 1934-07-12, Page 5
'Thursday, Stay , leek, In* OUSIINESS CARDS hDL1 r E. HOLMES NOT- ARY 1RU1�.Ic. SOLICITOR, IlOVICE --]HMI littea %creek,. aunt OS litoSquaw GODERICl1, Ontario. lava Tam Wants, For Sala, Least, Faunal, Iiia ttliD r, Stye. Ada ma vile traliw ms For Sale Court 'Work, b. consultedconsulted� � A nearly new (5-footcut Deering Hr. Holmes nogo Swileriek by Phone, etnd i''henalenower, cheap :for quirk Sate. Apply, charges reversed. L. A. Prang & Sort, Zurich „ , Or. IL IL. COWEN L. D. L DENTASURGEON L# .l7EITZ BLOCK;' --Z .1Kield ,tory Thurso, Friday, F3iaturaay M B,ARTLTIB''a BLOCI, 'Every Monday, Tuesday Wednesday liicense'i Auctioneer For Huron and Middlesex ddlese:a l � IN A POSITION TO CON- tact O'ita t any Auction Sale, regr+r!Ilees so to size or article to sell. I sorbet your business, and if not stAisfied >nrtfi loam no charges ler Services len-., end.ast+shylosDal ARTHUR WEBER-- ae 13-67. Zurichs' popular 1VIEAT, MARKET Let Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh ui I Meats, Bolognas, Sausages,' -. Etc., always.. on hand... Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Higher Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins ., yUughlut & Son Cur- FODB SALE A quantity eaii Silver Hull buck- wheat seed for sale. Apply to: Wm. Alexander, Phone 13 r 82 Hensall. FOR SALE A number of young broiler chicks at 25c each. Pullets at 50c each. apply to Ferd. Haberer. WANTED Wanted -A good cook for Tea room. Also a woman to take full charge of year-old baby. Apply in person at Goulds Tea Room, Exeter For Sae Used Kitchen Cabinet, China Cabinet. article: are in A 1 condit y to Earl E. Weido, Zurich these Appl LOCALNIWS Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Weide Motor- ed to Goderich on Sunday. Mrs. J. Dietrich of Aytori' is 'at. present visiting with her parents, rMr.;. and Mrs, Wm. Ruby. Master George Reith is spending his holidays with his grandparents, at Ingersoll. Mrs. Samuel Geiger and daughter of Saskatchewan, are visiting friends here and at Crediton, at present.. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gascho and Mr. and .Mrs. Jos. Gascho motored to Goderich on Monday. Mr. Claude Meidinger of London, was a visitor at his home here on Monday. Mr. J, W. Merrier and members of his family were Sunday visitors at Dashwood. Mr. Russell -of the Exeter Utilit- ies ies called on Zurich friends on Mof- day. Mrs. Wm. O'Brein and Olive were at London the past week, where Mr. O'Brein was in the hospital. Prof. Alvin Surerus of Toronto, spent the week -end at tie old bonne' on the Bronson line. Mr. Clayton Hoffman, principal in one of the Galt schools, is spending his holidays with his parents here. . . Mrs. Clarence Hoffman and little daughter of Galt is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Sieb--' ert. Mrs. C. England who has spent the past month with her sister Mrs. Fred'" Shiele of Sebringville,' has returned All to. her home, expressing a most en - ion. joyable time. Thursday of this week is what is commonly called "the twelvth of. Ire- land" and is Orange Walk day, acid the celebration will be held in EX eter this year. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith, and Mae, and Miss Mary Merner,and Mrs. C. Eilber attended . the Press Convention .and picnic at Bayfield on Friday. Mrs. Ferd Haberer, Mrs. Herb Krueger, Miss Anna Deters and -Miss Lenora Haberer spent a delightful. holiday at the famous summer cot- tage at Grand Bend. - Corapiimenting Mrs. Erwin Schilbe popular bride of this month, a num- ber of friends .gathered at her home and presented her with a miscellan- eous shower. For Sale • A Climax Range cook stove, in good condition, good baker. Priced very reasonable for quick sale. Ap- ply to Herald Otlice. evatea S E 1 V " Why We have the Better Class of Custoltas�. L ,. CLASS GOODS, U. ;, TTERMS, MOBILE OII« MAR- ;LLUSE OIL. GOODYEAR TIRES ►SilND TUBOS9 GENUINE IGNITION :teats, Hainisg med. Mechanical Work ."neat* to Mitsrsinetsr Seat -ha ' e o 9We week. Watch the ears diet d,TO! at WEIN'S, Th.7 are all HIGH CLASS CLIENTELE. s M� ains FAAa ONTARIOs►AsrriWOOD - "t stern Farmers' Mutual 'LliVestko t ance to. or WOODSTOCK -trim LARGEST RESERVE HAL - AWE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- UAL COMPANYIS KIND DOING IN ®IBT.ATLI�SS OFmount of Insurance $17,880,729.RiDec. 31st, Total Cash in Bank and Bends $221,97S,99. filStats•---04.60 per 61,400 for 3 ;ears E. FG itt®pp--ZUri+ca Aisol, Also Dealer Is Ligi t+ ild *oats mod stt kiwdl® of Fire laws -Awl LIVE OULTRY WANTED Taken every Day till 3 o'clock p.m. Do not feed Fowl same -morning when brought in. iiiikea Ca Prices CASH FOR--- r,GG3 W. O'Brien Plecine 101, Ices. 94, smith 110 141111‘1..1/3 •ARTMF.I" to *Velma relate tso serve th* pub fire wiels C .:.;:. , inti add fine Pirlottlogi ouch prase* be Nov* leaving raw IllfatiO0 Ake. FOR An almost feet, in very bargain for Herald Office, QUICK. SALE new tapestry rug 6x711 good eonditioa., a rela quick sale. Apply at FOR SALE A. Combined Player Piano and Piano delivered to your door for $200.00. Cost $750.00, complete with 30 rolls and bench. The finest piano in this country. F. W. Hess, Hensall, Ont. Laird Bros.' Specials-. Genuine-E3igene perm_anerit.D $5.b0 Realistic Croquigfiole .. , . X4.50 Charmaine Oil Wave $6.50 2.50 Nu Beauty Oil With Curl or Ringlet ends Prices include Shampoo, Finger Wave and Trim. Specialists in Hair Tinting 425% RICHMOND. - M. 4646 LONDON WANTED PRODUCE WANTED We are now in a position to take cream and eggs at my home at Zu r- ich, for which we will payhighest •market prices. We will grade your eggs se we receive them, and pay ac- cording to grading. give us a trial. First house south of Dominion Hotel T. H. Meyers, Phone 114, Zurich. ZURICH HERALD Miss Frances Anderson and Mr. Howard Elder of Hensall, called on their friends, Claude and Grace Gel inas, of the Goshen north, _on San - day. .Some of the many friends gather - ad at. the home of Mr, and Mrs. Sol Martin last Friday evening„ in honor of their daughter Lylyaa, bride el'' ect of the month, and presented her with a miscellaneous shower,, and a: °"' good time was enjoyed by ;all. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Moussea'r and family have taken up residence for the summer in the cottage they re- cently purchased at Turnbull's Greve An addition has bean added •to the original cottage which is a great convenience, and the .citation 15 , e.4 attractive at this popular summer resort. Mr. Mousseau of course go- es back and forth morning and ev- ening. ,.� i :..,„ The long looked for, and most heartily welcome rain that soaken through to moist earth arrived last Friday afternoon, and how things do grow since this moisture has arrived The rains seemed to be quite genera al, although to the north of as at Bayfield and Goderich considerable more water fell, and it was badly needed all over Western Ontario. The weatherman, to -day Wednesday is again threatening for .rain, and a nice shower wiuld again be welcome. Huron Old Boys The annual Picnic of the Huron Old Boys Assn. of Toronto was held in Exhibition Park on Saturday last and was as usual a grand success. The weather was all that could be desired, and the attendance was lar- ger than last year. • HYMENIAL IJERALD Mrs, lvtenno Swartzentruber and two daughters and Mr. and Mrs. Li loyd Schrag and family of Kitch- ener spent the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Gingerich, On Monday evening an interest- ing game of ball was played on the local diamond in Zurich when the Mitchell bows were over .ant played the scheduled game with the Beals. In the first inning g things drdno not look so good for the home team but they soon settled down and when the Qame was over the score stood 10-5 in favor of Zurich. Mitchell has a fairly good team this year, and are dangerous at times, but Dick Welsh, the Zurich pitcher kept them well in control. The next game will be here next Monday evening when the Tinton team will hn Jure, The pub- lic are cordially invited to be out and enjoy these games. FOR SALE HONEY FOR SALE! We can supply our customers with No. 1, clover Honey at 10c a lb. in your containers. 50 lbs. or over 9c. a pound, Amber honey at 7c. a lb. Telephone 122 Zurich. Two blocks south of Hotel. J. HABERER & SONS 04904 I 4 9 t SEEDS! SEEDS! Get ow Prices on Red Clover, Alfalfa, Alsace, Timothy and Sweet Clovers Garden Seeds in Bulk at half the price of Package Seeds. Onion Seed, leave your order with us. ALSO SEED OATS, AND SEER) BARLEY FOR SALE FORMAL DEHYD E] Bring in your bottles to be filled we have same in bulk. CALL US ABOUT SEED GRAIN Implement Bop,'; irs McCormich-Deering. Also handle Cultivator points and plow points to fit any make of machine. Chicken Feeds Master Chick Starter and Pioneer Chick Starter L. SchiL,:. SDseavoaa aOW099a+seaa,Same►+est0aa460,0a®9to04009a090V .090 FARC6l F011 SALN * . Consi >f 00 acre farm, 2 mil- es north -we . of Zurich. 'Land is in first class st tte of cultivation, good buildings, n'lund<'nce of running water at hou,a and ' `^ . Per fur ; ther particulars apply to proprietor, A. A. Weber, Zurich. pt5 NOTICE Voters' List 1934 Municipality of Township of Hay County of Huron NOTICE is hereby given that I have compiled with Section 7 of the Voter's Lists Act and that I have posted up at my office at Zurich P. 0., on the 29th day of June, 1934, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said municipality at municipal ) elections and that such list remains ' ALL t1iir ft,.' in'pect`.on. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors 01' =missions cor- rected according to law, the .last day for appeal being the 21st day of .July, 1934. ANDREW F. HESS. '7M Zurichti Drug Story We have a full Line of X11 the requirements of �= School supplies Clerk of Hay Township, Zurich, Ontario Dated at Zurich, this .7th day of July, 1934. Establis'be i 1900 ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY NOON FROM THE Herald Printing Office SUBSCRIPTION RATES --01.25 year, strictly in advance; $1.50 In arrear. or $3.30 amity be charged. U S. $1.68 in advanaa. No paper disco* tinued until stll arrears ars paid un teas at option of publisher. Th. data •t which sys ry S% late ipti at to pairs is denoted on the LabS1. ADVEIMISTNO HATES Dlsplay a xortleing maids ltnewa on application. Miicellaneosse art u as a •.t: mesa" than four dressy For EON ire R.*t; Wanted, L.st, r.aa4.W,. 0 infer tion 25e, 2 lar. 4 , • .. Farm or Res* Notate fir anal• i2.Ob Nor Bret month, , nor for OSA fel- lowing month. Professional' Conks kat aneeedittg A 3fi inches, per year $`.M. In Mentoriai 1tei srs se firs, I$c for .ich addition,/ 919111Cird if 'flasks, 50e. Auction Sake -1 •M per ds& insertion if not wag file fareltss 19 le Andress alit ce•tinoreaetications fns: (y THE FIkL Z # , IT' M ONT. FO'SALA A limited quantity of seed buck - what for sale. For particulars ap- ply to Mrs. Mabel Snider, Zurich, or phone Zurich 55. Bine Sunoca�ttakes the place of Naptha gas for cleaning clothes, also for lamps, stoves, etc., 'at re- gular gas prices. . L. Prang & Son, Zurich. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby given pursuant! to the Statutes in that behalf that all persons having claims against the estate of Elizabeth Truemner, late of the Village of Zurich, in the Co- unty of Huron, Widow, who died on or about the 21st day of January, 1934, are required to forward their claims duly proven to the undersign- ed Administrator, on or before the 2lst day of July, 1934, after which date the Administrator will proceed to distribute the estate, having re- gard only to and being responsible only for the claims of which he shall then have had notice. Dated June 30th, 1934. A. F, HES;1, Zurich, Ontario, Administrator i - Pollock -Westlake, A pretty wedding was solemnized in Trinity Church, Bayfield when Susanna Westlake, daughter of the late Matthew D. and Martha West- lake was united in marriage to Wil- liam Milton Pollock, son of the late Wm. J. and Jessie Pollock. The cer- emony was a quiet one because of the recent death of the groom's father. The church was prettily de- corated with baskets of flowers and bouquets of roses and sweet peas and Lohengrin's wedding march was played by. Miss. Floy Edwards, who had returned from a trip to Western Canada just a few hours before the wedding. The marriage was solemn- ized by Rector, Rev. W. G. Bulger. The bride, attended by Miss Routh Houston, London, was charmingly gowned in blue silk net over blue taffeta with large sand colored hat and shoes to match and carried a bouquet of roses. The bridesmaid was attractively dressed in rose col- ored crepe with white hat and shoes -end also carried roses. The groom was atltended, by a cousin os: the .;nide, Mr. Alfred Mudie. D9 97 -99 91 97 Aug. DD 61 P1 Huron -Perth aseball Schedule 12-(*) Staffa at Exeter 16 --Clinton at Zurich Goderich at Mitchell Exeter at Staffa 19 -Zurich at Goderich Staffa at Clinton Exeter at Mitchell 23-Staffa at Zurich Goderich at Clinton Mitchell at Exeter 26 -Mitchell at Staffa Clinton at Goderich Exeter at Zurich 30 -Clinton at Staffa Zurich at Mitchell 2-Staffa at Mitchell Goderich at Zurich Exeter at Clinton 6-0) Clinton at Goderich Zurich at Staffa 9 -Mitchell at Zurich 13 -Zurich at Clinton Mitchell at Goderich 16 -Zurich at Exeter. 0.011100•* * *0eH•l0atsyffivdreeo al gae PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. AUTHORIZED TEXT BOOKS KEPT IN STOCK. olsoosmaistoessom00000eso See Our Supply of Toiletj Preparation s Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Perfuanixers, Toilet Soaps, • Tooth Pastes, a d Brush*. issoolocooseoloostecoce FINE STATIONE '' Y AND FOUNTAIN PENS. We s 9, have, Saphine Anti -Moth Discs. civ non, Zurio hr,AMMIYMVAROVAWN A. J. ati ► • 1 • • • •• •• • • • • • • •• • • • • • • r •k •• • • s 0. • 0. • 4 ZURTH HERALflS C1ubbin .1st ZURICH HERAL'' and the follsawi 1 . Kitchener Daily Record 65. i 0 Toronto Daily Glob ......,..e.,.....ee.eeeeee..ee :f :.0)Q' Toronto Daily ", ail end Empir Toronto Daily 5..,.e......>..e....eeeee,ee...e Weakly Staar cs a Toronto �''+�ak ....••..e..e..eeee.eeee.e.et, London Fres Prenon ...a.e....o..,..e,,,,.e..,e., , .601 Lonis Avert d.. • ... 00.,..•.,........ec.......t,0 London, Female@ <,dvoccett.° e.e.e.e•.e..t,eeet,e 62.211 Farm anti "miry ........e.e...o.,eo,e.. crone e,. o.eee. 6/.7:n Farmers Stun 00..0.00ae0oo.o•.o o e.e e. coot, no. o rm. 0000 02.30 Family Harald and Weekly Sri ...,...•X2.2 v�ti h Family Herald fur 3 years ..........et,.e..o.o. 04 Canadian Countryman 06,0•00. 62.23 Weekly W itneas ...... ,,0000.. °I. iFaarXrters' Magazine......... .•000.00... $2. Rue.~@. Ex sit r, goaferth .,......e....e..e... 62.75 J keit @ pt998 Dacca, SWAP® t@eet W® essence ©s ween ete isms. We twat, the Ageocq for every, rt, oat eble kleffleViintle • ie ealse& end the United States, arms tba cavo yeas away .as the xea ck ag *au. Rave •n your Papa.* and Ma ; _ , tinsc gat Gum Office awl sats► ` r 1 endo ttaai Mo Der HERALD FRCS '1 . (x) game called at 10 a.m. ( 4') games called at 2.80p.m. called at 6..15 p•.:in. .s tZ►e►+illOOl►laA4lnAOOAeie.O� i All other games a4+hVAi04)©oo.600