HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1934-07-12, Page 4•s
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'Utley fi,t itercr sad Ling 9.oew than Spurious Mika
laid farcy Cost Pio Mors
/man akar Cr-sciPlson ! 1' ikrf,
•A SKS 1,14N
GEN1,311elE MA
er's Seminary, London, is holidaying
with her parents, ,Mr. and Mrs. Alex.
Mrs. Troyer of Brigden and form -
lir. and Mrs. Ed. Erb and family er resident here is visiting with Mr.
-were Sunday visitors with Mr. and and Mrs. 1?obt Stephenson and fam-
3V r'.. Josiah Stockley. fly
Mr. and Mrs. Jake Svrartaeset'ab- The Cochrane family reunion plc-
s~r :;pent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. nit was held at Bayfield on Wednes-
Aa ; Weber near Dashwood. day afternoon Ally llth.
Me. and Mrs. Sol Bechler and Mr. and Mrs. W. Huxtable of Cen-
amily were Sunday visitors with tralia s siteS1 the tatter's parents, Mf
1'ir. and Mrs. Sam Rrspp, near Hen- and Mrs. Jas. Love.
well. • Mr. W. Jarrott, and daughter An-
and Mrs. Rudy Swartzentrub- nie visited Hee. E. F. and Mrs. Chan
ler and Mr. Benjamin Geiger of Sas- dler and fancily, at their cottage,
&rath'hewan were Sunday visitors with. north of Garderach
Mr. and Mrs. Ed: Oesch.
Messrs. Jim Johnston and Gus
'Clarke apent Monday evening • evith
y Myra. and -Mrs. Leon Jeffrey and fam-
Mr. and Mrs. John Oesch and Mrs
Vuaie Oesch of the Goshen Line, sp.-
tont Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. ClaraThe Men's Glee Club Octette, of
3el:hler. . North Central College, Naperville,
Mr. and Mrs. Elroy Swartzentrub- Ill., will present a mixed concert' in
sr of Tavistock were recent visitors'the Evangelical church on Munday
vale Mae and Mrs. Amos Gingerich. ! July 23rd, at 8 p.m. Many favor-
able reports have come- to us con-
Td.r. Mervyn Walters of Kitchener cerning the excellent ,ringing these
railed on Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Gesell .1 men. This program is being .:pons-
.a^c eettely. .1 ored by. the choir of the Evangelical
church. Tickets are now on sale.
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Fassehi and
Mrs. Dr. Moore of Toronto, were vis
itors with Mr. and Mrs. P, Fassold.
Miss Hilda Snell of ]Detrol", is sp-
ending her vacation with her parents
Mr. and Mrs.. Wm. Snell.
Hubert Ice: tezneyer has taken a
position with E. Tiernan and 'son at
the butcher shop.
Master Willis Mcisaac is spending
his holidays in Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard. Schrader
and child and Mr. and Mrs. Clair-
mont of Windsor were week -end vis-
itors -with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Ssh-
Mrs. E. , R. Guenther spent the. we-
ek-nd in London.
Mrs. Selleenee of Seaforth is visit-
ing her sister, Mr. and Mrs. W.
Mr. Wes.. Mernei • and family of
Zurich were :Sunday visitors .with Mr
and Mrs, G. Merrier.
Mr. Leslie Goetz 'and' sister, Mrs.
Donehey returaeil . to, Chicago after
spending two weeks at their home
Mr;. Jane Guenther and Grace of
Stratford were Sunday visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. E. Guenther.
Mr. and Mrs. John Kleinfeldt and
Kenneth and Marjorie and Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Pi•esxtator and family or
Exeter, 1VIr. and Mrs. .II_lcinfeldt -
1Vlitclien aril Mr. and Mrs.. Frani
Bruce of Cromarty were Sunday vis
itors with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Link.
Mr. and Mrs. Schlemrmer and • Mr
Mr. John. Cochrane is visiting his and Mrs. Frank of Detroit were, vis
•+daughter .Mrs. R. Dick and fancily in itors with. their father Mr. Baum
Toronto. agarten recently. ••
Mrs. Johnston and. daughter Jessie On Thursday evening a ver
of Clifpord'visited friends in this vie- suitable reception was tendered a
rtity during the week.. •the home of Mr. arid Mr's. •Ernes•
Mrs. Fred Hayes of• Moose Jaw, Rader of the Goshen -Line south - in
.yeah., visited her Cousin Mr. W. honor .of their daughter Miss • Laur,
erorrott and daughter Annie, who was recently married.
M. and Mrs. W. -McAllister of Mr. Ervin Mcisaac and childrer
d1 rrtonton, Alta., visited Mrs. Walk- ! of Windsor, spent a few days wit:
r and. sen Bruce, his parents, the children will ramal
Lias Mary J. Hagan of Landon, to spend their holidays.
visited with her sister Dolly and 1100-1 Mr. and IJrs. M. Taman an,i
cher .Prank. acid P,Ir:, r1.. CYr. ger hf, Newv ?ti •,, '�,
.ttiss ."uunajean Aubin of ,St, Petalsxent th .week -end
dr. and Mrs. Aaron Gingerich and
a'andly visited a few days with fri-
ends and relatives at Baden and oth-
ner eastern points.
Mr. Ben Geiger of Sasketehewan„
.opent Sunday.. with old .acquaintances
on. the Bronson.
Mr. and Mrs. Chrs. Erb spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bae -
• Mr. and Mrs. Amos Gascho and
319.r, and Mrs. Peter Brennerman
anotored to Baden on Sunday, the
Fatter will rent'ain for some time.
Mr. and Mrs. Elroy Swartzentrub-
e r, Vernon and Serenus Swartzen-
truber, Selvin Roth, accompanied by
the Misses Selma Swat-tzentruber, Lu-
ella Roth) and Katie Leiss, all of
Tavistock spent the week -end on the
3ronson Line.
Mr. and Mrs, Jacob Meidinger
a:penc Sunday evening with Mr. and
Arra C. Swartzentruber.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Swartzentru-
ber visited with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Weber of Dashwood. on Sunday.
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Jacob Weber.
Mrs. Ervin Brand and sulk Elmer
of Kltchene',, are spending a feel'
weeks with her parents, Mr, and 'frs
By. 1;3atlr,er,
E. Oestreilher made 14 bus
Meet trip to Toronto en Monday.
'nee family of M. R. McIsaa
."verse guests at a birthday .iftPnner o
Saturday evening in honor of he
ninetieth birthday at the • home o
Mr. and Mrs. Otte Bestarneyer. Mrs
1VIcXsaac is enjoying .good health be
ing up and about emery day an
having. neyer were :spectacles is stil
able to thread a 'tzet ale easily, Mrs
Mslsaac who was formerly • ;Mis
Mary MCE<a .harm came eon) Nov
Scotia when abeett 18 years of age
and settled in Stephen ' Townshi
near Khiva. For a number o
years she ;kat 'Dived with her •claught
er Mrs. O. Rustemeyer of : Dashwood
The members of the family who we-
re present at the dinner were her 4
daughters; Mrs. Win. Abet, Royal Melee er, Mrs. Joseph Vernon
Dearborn, Mich; Mrs. R. G. Arm-
strong, London; and Mrs. Otto Rest-
emeyer, Dashwood, and two sons,
Peter of Dashwood and Dan of Cred
iton. Two other sons, Angus of
Detroit and Augustus of California,
were unable to be present.
In hot weather, stomach disorders
and indigestion occur more fre-
quently. Also children may play
too hard. Mrs. Mary Mason, 53
.Atlantic St., Halifax, N.S., says,
"When the children are overtired
and restless in warm weather 1
give theta 1:ahy's Own Tablets be-
fore retiring and in tate :horning
they are happy, contented chit.
•dren". Selo even for the tiniest
baby, theeesweetlittle tabletoefec-
tively relieve colic, mummer cora-
plaint, simile fever and all zaiiueLe
disorders. Pride 25e package. ate
44. ;k
Mr. Rufus Keys and daughter of
Colborne spent a few days with fri-
ends in Stanley.
.112r. and Mrs. W. H. Stogdiil , of
Sutton and Mrs. Oscar Wright of
Ilennilworth visited with the ladies'
mother, Mrs. Geo. Dowson.
Mr. Stewart Keys of Toronto, sp-
ent the week -end at his home on
Babylon Line.
Mr. and Mrs. Sid McArthur of
Hensall spent Sunday with Mr, and
Mrs. Roy Lamont.
The Goshen, Blake and Varna
Sunday Schools intend holding their
annual picnic at Bayfield on Tuesday
3iuiy 17th,
Mrs. David Tough Passes
On Thursday, June 28, there died
at her home in Brucefield a highly
respecrted resident in the person of
Mrs. David Tough. She was •born on
the Bronson, Line, Stanley, in the
year 1862, being the. youngest dao -11
ghter of the late Mr. and •Mrs. Alex.
Sparks. 37 years ago she was united
in marriage with her now bereaved
husband, and resided on Lot 12, con.
13 until moving to Brucefield eleven
years ago. The funeral was held on
June 30th and was largely attended
many friends from a distance being
present. After a short service at the
home the remains were taken to the
Brtnel~ield United Church, where the
pastor, Rev. W. A. Bremner had
charge, and gave a most comfort 'r ";
and inspiring talk, making special
reference to the Ioyalty of the de-
parted. Miss Jean Murdoch sang "A
Garden where Jesus is Waiting" The
floral tributes were many. She leav-
es to mourn the logs of a true help-
mate and devoted mother her hus-
band, one daughter Helen at home,
and one brother Alex. SparksofHen-
Harvey Pope, accompanied by
John McKereher, of Preston, spent
a few days with the for/leer's mother
Mrs, John Pope.
'Wm. Whiteman of Saskatchewan,
an old Stanley boy, came tome to
attend the big re -union at S.S. No. 4
Stanley. He was accompanied by his
father-in-law, Wm. Kinsman, who is
visiting with his son Bear! in Tuck-
1V1'r. and Mrs. Lorne Scott of Tor-
onto were visitors with Mr. and Mrs
Geo. C. Petty, Miss Katie Scott and
Mrs. Ballantyne.
Mr. and Mrs. M. McPherson and
daughter of Salmon City, Idaho, are
visiting in town. He is a former
Hensall boy. •
Mrs. Ed. Sheffer is visiting with
her daughter, Mrs. Dr, Reid of Port
A quiet wedding was solemnized
at the United Church manse, when
Rev, A. ,Sinclair united in marriage
Agnes Love Wren, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs, G. T Wren to George Lloyd
McLean of Tuckersmith east of town.
The bride was attended by Maude
McLean niece of the groom, who
was daintily gowned in a green dress
with sand hat, Wilson Broadfoot sup
ported the groom After the ce•e-
mony, the ibrclal party returned to
the home of the bride's parents, wh-
ere a buffet lunch was served. •The
young couple later left by motor
for Toronto and Montreal. On their
return they will reside on the .gro-
om's 'farm in Tuckersmith, west of
Aecident—R. Faber, accomponied
by Frank Bean of London Road we-
re driving home one evening with •a
horse and buggy, they met a car
travelling north. The car was on the
wrong side of the road and travell-
ing at a fast clip. The driver on not-
icnig the horse and buggy attempted
to, get over on his own side and went
too far. He turned back quickly
and loosing control of the car went
into the ditch smashing his car badly
pinning the driver under the car.
Bean. and Faber immediately rushed
to the aid of the driver and with
other help he was soon released. He
was ,badly cut and bruised but was
able to get around. Traffic Officer N.
Lever was notified and was soon on
the scene of accident.
Lester Fisher of Windsor, was a
holiday visitor here with his parents
Mr. rand Mrs. John Fisher.
Fred Bonthron, ,Alf. Clarke, W. 0.
Goodwih and Allan McDonell atten-
ded a ,bowling tournament in London
The. Hensall Orangemen will cele-
brate the 12th of July in Exeter this
Mr. and Mrs, Erie Kennedy and
children of Toronto, are spending
their holidays with relatives in town.
Grace Gibbons of the Bank of
Montr(a1, staff, has resigned and re-
turned 'to her home in Clinton. Miss
Thompson of Seaforth is taking hera
Mr. and , Mrs. Sidney arlmer and
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Knight and chil-
dren of Kitchener spent the holidays
Saturday, June 30th, was a red-
letter day in the history of S.S. No.
14, Stanley Tp., when the 60th anni-
versary of the building of the pres-
ent school house was observed by the
aolding of a monster reunion. For
weeks the committee in charge had
been making preparations for the
went .and its outstanding success
amply rewarded their efforts. A large
.rowd was present during the day at
`he school grounds. The schoolhouse
which is a mile and a quarter west
land a mile and a quarter north of
Kippen, was recently re -painted by
NI. Nichol of Seaforth. The afternoon
•rograin opened with "0 Canada"
'ollowed by "Land of theMaple,"W.
1. Johnston of Exeter, chairman,
:ave an address. And those who
lso spoke during the afternoon we-
;: Geo. Howard, Exeter, who said
•e taught at S.S. No. 9, while Mr.
' ohnston swayed the rod at No. 14.
ne Murray Fisher, of Gravenhurst
aid nothing short of an earthquake
.r quintuplets eould have kept hin,
way. Dr. R. 11. Ross, Seaforth, viv.
lly recalled his first thaashing in
're old school with the belief that he
uist have been m.ischievousl because
had recollections of frequently
;:ing called up. Mr. R, J. Beattie
'gmondville taught in No. 14 in th'
!reties. David Alair, Clerk of St
'Ilford, Principal Wethey of Exeter
T.; , Alden Jon, e, i elvin Alair, of
-'.ort also spoke.
A pretty wedding was held at the
United Church manse on June 30th,
,at twd o'clock, when Rev. A. Sinclair
united in marriage Elva L. Shaddock
only daughter of Mr. Thos. Shad -
dock of Hensall, to Harold R. Scru-
ton, only son of Mrs. and the late A
Scruto r of Hensall. The yeung co-
uple were unattended. Inunediately
following the . ceremony a buffet
lunch was served at the bride's home
only the immediate family of the con
tracting parties being present. Mr.
and Mrs. Scruton left by motor for
Owen Sound and points north, the
bride travelling in a navy and white
ensemble with white accessories. The
young couple will make their future
home in Port Dover, where the gro-
om has a good position.
Exeter teachers of both the high
and public school have all been re-
engaged with the exception of Miss
R. Creech, who has resigned.
98 Year "s 1d Man Voted
George Smith of Palmerston, in
his 98th year, still takes his politisc
seriously and came out on the 39th
of June to record his vote.
Children Dissapointed
A number ,of. the Exeter children
from. the prhn primary room at the
school got a, tough break last week.
After having -looked forward to the
summer, holidays, nine of the young-
sters were taken down with chicken
pox on the day.
Goes on Charge
Donald Gladman, B. A. Exeter,
who has been appointed a charge of
the United Church at Hilton Beach
on St. Joseph's Island near the Soo.
left last week for his new field and
commences his duties on Sunday last
A quiet wedding took place at
the chapel of Westminster -Central
United Church on Se,turday last,
when Elva Elizabeth, daughter of
Mr, and Mrs. George W. Wheatley
Seaforth, was •married to ;.favid (i
Dewar, son of Mr. end Mts. Dari!
Dewar, Bayfield,
Celebrates 95th Birthday.
Mrs, .Sarah Pickering, oldest resi
dent of MVII;Gilivrag township on Tu
esday, June 28th celebrated the 95th
anniversary of her birthday at the
home of her granddaughter Mrs. Bert
Shouldice, con. 11, McGillivray,with
whom she resides.
Returned Home
L. Victor Hogarth has returned to•
his home in Exeter from Christie st.
hospital, Toronto, where he has been
for the past severtl months recuper-
ating from his very serious operati-
A pretty wedding was solemnized
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
Carbert of Carlingford when their
daughter Pearl L. was united in
marriage to John E. Pepper of Tuck-
ersmith. Rev. Hagelstein of the Un-
ited Church, Fullerton officiated.
Bloor St. United Church, Toronto,
was the scene on June 29th, of a
picturesque wedding, Rev. J. F. Rey -
craft, . officiating, when Edith Melvin
Govenlock, daughter of Mr. and Mrs
J. M. Govenlock of Seaforth, be-
came the bride of John B. Brown,of
Eva, daughter of Mr. and Mrs,
Nathaniel Corbett, of Brinsley be -
carne the 'bride of Douglas, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Triebner of
Stephen. The ceremony was perfor-
med by Rev. J. A. Blackwell, of
Ailsa Craig at the home of the bri-
de's parents. Morjorie Flynn, cousin
of the bride carried the ring and
Dorothy, sister of the groom was
fiower girl.
A quiet but pretty wedding took
place at the St. Paul's Anglican
Church, Hensall, on Juice 30th, at
9.30 when Doreen W., only daught-
er of Mrs. John and the late John
Varley, of Kippen, was united in
marriage to David Edward Chappel,
of Cromarty. The service was per-
formed by Rev. Barker.
Second Attempt to Rob
Por the second time this year an
attempt has been made to rob the
residence of T. S. Woods, manager
of the Bank of Montreal, Exeter.
Some time during the early hours of
Sunday last someone entered the back
kitched of Mr. Woods and finding
the door into the second kitchen
locked, a hole large enough to admit
a hand was bored in a penel of the
door with a brace and bit. A dou-
ble bolt arrangement however pre-
vented the robbery from gaining ad -
Thursday, ju1y 12t1 ,, 193
mittance and they left without takµ
ing any loot.
Decoration Service
The annual Decoration and Mean-.
oriel Service at the Evangelieal ee-
metery, Crediton, was .largely ab -
tended Sunday last. At 3 p.m. Emery
Fahner sounded the bugle call and
the large crowd 'that had assembled
under the shady pines reverently en-
tered into the spirit of- worship • in
loving memory of their •departed lov-
oved ones, those who served inthe
common walks of life and to those
who died in the Great Warr. Rev. A.
E. Pletch, pastor of the Evang.ehur- -
ch had charge of the service.
Suffers Broken Jaw. Bone
The other night at Staffa-Goderich
ball game in Staffa, Alvin Worden
suffered a nasty accident. He was ly-
ing on the grass near third base wit-
nessing the game when his brother,•••.
Russell Worden was at bat. Sending
one along the base line the bail
struck Alvin with such force that.
his jaw was broken.
Properly Fitted Glass
Will be at Hess' Jewelery Store,.
To fit You with Glasses
ST. PE ; ;;.. 'S
Evangelical Luther—,,) rchk
"A Changeless Christ for a Chang. .
ing World"
Friday, 8h—Luther League.
Saturday—Choir Practice,
10 a. m.—German Service.
13..15 a.m.—Sunday School.
7.30 p.m.—English service.
Everybody Welcome to all Services
OU may have done without a bathroom solely,
because you thought the cost was more than you
could afford. If so, that reason no longer holds. Prices-
of Emco Bathroom fixtures are extremely lovt, owing -
to reduced 'manufacturing costs, and bee uss every
part is entirely made in Canada. dP
Let us show you different designs in Ernes Bath ---
room! equipment.
The three pieces shown in the Musket* • n, with all
fittings, ready for ing+allation,
only cosi'
t. .
Cash be uaed:where fresh:
water direst from. the :welt
,a required.
Capacity, 250 gal. per hour,.
Small 9 pal, Galvanzear
Tank. '
71.P. 110 Volt .Motor—
d'0 cycle or 9I �t,
g Ci/CIG .
Metra for $O gad. Galvan-•
%zed rode . $1:.o0.
Durb PressureWater Systems;,.
all Canadian -made, will supply
running water throughout your
Easy time payment i available:
on all Emco equipment. a+
ST DE and V. EgDO
Johnston and Kalh Ieisch+..
Toronto Winnipeg V'sncouver