HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1934-07-05, Page 5"I!Isurrs:c(ay; hay .l.'n4 1111lUSINES3 C lionvoyE.Ilowdzs. aumairta. ' souars+i" a. toil . ARR' PUBLIC, BTC. 9plrpIcL --Hamilton Street, Juat'off Abe Square, GODER1CB, Ontario. Sposiod Attention to Coe/teal and Carr Wert. At. 'Bohm® may lrai sewn lelt*tt arils rut is by Phone, sued Phone n e charges revolved. » H. H. COWEN L.D.S. Il',D S. DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCK—ZURICH Avery Thurade,y, Friday,. Saturday lea -At 3LARTLEIB' S BLOCK. DASHWOOD Even/ Monday,. Tuesday unci 'Wednesday Licensed Auctiue+r For Huron and Middlesex 1 Am IN A POSITION TO �a<C N- lirset any Auction Sale, lbw to rine or article to sell. I solicit ,psaue business, and if not satisfied wen ,aaoks no charges for Ser+iices R n - ARTHUR WEBER---Daralieveed Atka** 15-67. u ricbs ' Popular MEAT MAR ET Let Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed ured Meats, Bologrnas, Sausages, .Etc., always.. on hand... Kept aresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skin �] e Yurkghlut ' Som" SERVICE Why We have the Better. Class of Customer; :iN CLASS GOODS, U. A. L. SIATQILR1E°J. MOBILE OIL, MAot- 411011it O ll.a GOODTZ R TIKES TUBES, GENUINE it..NtTLOly Tioraik,'Molualai arta Machanisal Woe *xis is Micre+meter S,ttif;•. $ Irwin amvark. Watch the rasa than temp as WELN'S, Th., aro rs11 11i:I1 CLASS CLIENTELE. BeieSHWOOD sin p Og "TAla10 1111111 MOS Wants, lion Sale, Lot, Feu lldf Netioe. Ste. Ads di ems ilii Four Sale • A nearly new 6 -foot eat Deering mower, cheap for quick sale. Apply L. A. Prang & Son., Zurich FOR SAU A quantity of Silver dull buck- vheat seed for sale. Apply to: Wm. Alexander, Phone 13 r 82 Hensall. FOR. SALE A. number of young broiler chicks at 25c each. Pullets at 50c each. apply to Ferd. Haberer. stern Far ;en' Mutual father Insurance Cu. OF WOODSTOCK Olt,;,: E LARGEST RESERVE 'BAL- %SEM OF ANY CANADIA�NI MUT- - VAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS zeal' `THIS KIND IN ONTARIO, Ikeaaaunt of Insuranct7 ,n Dec. . 31st, 1932, $17,1380 ectal Cash in Bank' and Bonds $221,978-99, :i, —$4:50 per *1,000 for S yearn' E. F. Kropp—Zurich Mini, Lbo Dealer in LitOeloieli Awls *swil all kids sl Five ltrwurae ►c+a LIVE p POU L"�' R V WANTED WANTED Wanted—A good cook for Tea room. Also a woman to take full charge of year-old baby. Apply in person at Goulds Tea Room, Exeter • rken every Day till 3 o'clock p.m. :tom west feed Fowl' same neorrning when brought in. illigkest Cub. Price, —CASH FOR--• tiuma AND EGGS' We O'Brien Wlhone 101, Res. 94,' :7,uricl> IliHERALD'S .OS DEPARTMENT ie over rasa!), to eervethe pub. M. with Commercial and Line 'Nnti>ng. Get our prices be- times - e -k - leaving your ruder else" L'.• .1�.. ,his 5i�''YY;"n..'... For Sale Used Kitchen Cabinet, China Cabinet. All these articles are in A 1 condition. Apply to Earl E.. Weide, Zurich For Sale A Climax Range cook stove, in good condition, good baker. Priced very reasonable for quick sale. Ap- ply to Herald, Office, FOR QUICK SALE ,An almost new tapestry rug 6x71/2 feet, in very good condition, a rela bargain for quick sale. Apply at Herald Office. FOR SALE A Combined Player Piano Piano delivered to your. door $200.00. Cost $750.00, co with 30 rolls and bench. The finest piano in this country. F. W. Hess, Hensall, Ont. ZUR10:1 HERALD I./CAI. NEWS Mrs. Sparks and son Russell, of Mapleton, were visitors at Bayfield. Miss Mede Surerus of the Toronto :teaching staff is spending the holi- days at her home on the Bronson. Mr. and Mrs. A. Moritz of Guelph were visitors at"the home of Mr. ,and Mrs. C. Fritz. Mr. Clarence Hoffman of Galt sp- ent the week -end with his parents here. . Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Koehler ' and family of Baden were holiday visit- ors with relatives here. •• Mr. Lawrence Fowlie of London, visited with Mr. and Mrs.aGid Koeh- ler on Saturday. • Rev. J. P. Hauch of Stratford was in town last Thursday evening and Conducted devine services. A Sunday School Conference wit. held in the local Mennonite church over the week -end. ' Mr. and Mrs. Wm. F. Braun and family .of Forest were Sunday" visit- ors at the home of Mr. Wm. Lamont. Mr. Wm. Dumart of Kitchener, was a holiday visitor at the hone of. Mr. and Mrs. H. Yungblut. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Schoch of Kit- chener were weekend visitors with the former's parents in town. Mr. Percy Rowe has been engaged by the Zurich school board, to taks charge of the Continuation School. Mr. Frank Bossenberry of Kitch- ener was at the home of Mr. W. C. Wagner the past • week. The part of road through town maintained by Huron County re- ceived its new coat of tar and cra- shed stone last week, and we notice a big improvement. Mrs. Allen of Exeter is visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. Rout- ledge. Liss Dorothy Weido has returned after visiting with her aunt, Mrs. Turner at Goderich. Mr. Daniel Smith, who spent two week's vacation with has sons and other friends here, left Friday for his home at New Hamburg. Mrs, W. F. Finkbeiner and .dau- eine,- miss 1Tazel of Stratford, were week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hoffman. Wit 0444.110****************804011eiroseeeessepeeeeesseassetesemes Mr. and • Mrs, Leonard Birk of Guelph, and Miss Verna Birk of Dashwood were Sunday guests at the! Qa home of Dr. and Mrs. Routledge. 1 Mr, and Mrs. H. Mank and daugh-! ters of Kitchener spent the week -end .2 1 with relatives and friends in the vie- inity. Dr. and Mrs. A. 3: MacKinnon and sons Hugh and Archie and Mr.' Albert Kalbfleisch were week-eni ` visitors to Caladon `East, where they attended a big church anniversary. Mr. Alfred Gellman of Sovereign,) Sask., is visiting with his parents, Mr and Mrs. John Gellman. The for - SEEDS! SEE SiM Get our Prices on Red Clover, Alfalfa, Alsike, Timothy and Sweet Clovers Garden Seeds in Bulk at half the price of Package Seeds. Onion Seed, leave your order with us. ALSO SEED OATS, AND SEED BARLEY FOR SALE FORMALDEHYDE Bring in your bottles to be filled we have same in CALL US ABOUT SEED GRAIN Implement : - rep i rs McCormich-Deering. Also handle Cultivator and plow points to fit any make of machine. Chicken Feeds Master Chick Starter and Pioneer Chick Starter bulk. points L. Schilbe & 3 mer Mr. Gallman advises us to n+. ar4eT+ +aaearsoos*ae.e,seas,aoeae,ge,aoOOKOa,enasmaasuo♦MOCOV a eop crops are looking very promising in, the Sovereigndistrict.--- Mrs. Chester L. Smith entertained her Sunday School class ,of young boys on Saturday .afternoon, to o pic-nit at hc:r hone. A very much enjoyable time was spent by all. Mr. and Mrs. Sippel and son Wilfred, and _,l: • "earl Kerr, of Milverton were Sunday visitor: at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Trueiuner, and Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith. Adam Monday, Dominion Day, passed off very quietly in town, as it was a hot Official Returns day and most people were at the lake. Hay Council met on Tuesday for their monthly meeting and the re- port of the minutes will be published next week. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Smith of Crosswell, Mich., were visitors at bhe home of Mr. and Mrs. William O'Brein. The strawberry crop for this year is nov' a thing of the past. Owing to the very dry season tnere were few berries and the quality was be- low normal. �' Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hess were and week -end campers at the Pinery. Mrs for Hess and Cathleen remaining there. mplete for the- week. Laird Bros.' Specials Genuine Eugene Permanent • . $ .50 Realistic Croquignole ;4,50 Charmaine Oil Wave $ 3.50 Nu Beauty Oil $2.50 With Curl or Ringlet ends Prices include Shampoo, Finger Wave and Trim. • Specialists in Hair Tinting 425te RICHMOND Met. 4646 LONDON WANTED PRODUCE WANTED We are now in g position to take cream and eggs at my home at Zur- ich, for which we wilt pay highest market prices. We will grade your eggs as we receive them, and pay ac- cording to grading. give us a trial. First house' south of Dominion Hotel T. H. Meyers, Phone 116, Zurich. ZURICH HERALD Ectreblish.d 190* ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY NOON FROM THE Herald Printing Officer SUBSCRIPTION RATES—$1.25 e year, strictly in advance; $1.50 ire arrears er $2.00 may be charged. U S. $1.50 in advance. No paper disoe n- tinued until all arrearrs, a>re paid rasa' cess at option of publisher. The elate of which every Subscription ie paid is donated on this Label. ADVERTISING RATES Display advertising made knOVIO on application. Miscellaneous articles of meet lenge than four lines, For Sale, Te inure, Wanted, Lost, Found, etc., One blear - non 25s, S ins. 40i., $ line. ll*s. Farm er Real Estate goer sale $6.041 ter first month, $1.20 for each !'s1• towing month. Professional Cards net erceatedinl x'}i inches, per year $6.08. In Memoriam, engin versa its, 71114 far each additional reran•; Card of Thanks. Site. Auction Sales ---$!.ie per amara insertion if not *ver four inehes lti lessth. Address all communications tel THE 1-1 lgEA:1-10 ZURICH . ONT Mr. Wm. O'Brein who is coevals.- cent oevals-cent at London Hospital, following an operation of a week ago is doing The following are the official re- turns of the election in Huron on Tuesday, June 19th and gives Mr. Jas. Ballantyne a majority of 2280 over Mr. Geo. H. Elliott. The total vote for Mr. Cooper was 122. The ' number of votes polled was 14,451. The number of votes not polled were 3699. The number of spoiled bal- 1ett were 85. Ballantyne Elliott Exeter 452 493 Hensall 258 150 Clinton 449 732 603 395. 1274 987, 552 314 , 835 518' 959 351 484. 340 553747i'�a , 632 401 "'10' 669 271' 746 277 Seaforth Goderich Usborne Stephen Hay Stanley Goderich Tp. Hullett McKillop nicely. ---1 Tuekersmith Mr. Lawrence Corriveau of De= troit was a visitor with his parents; Majority for Ballantyne 2280. Mr. and • Mrs. Pet. Corriveau, Drys=' 8253 5973 dale. • Owing to the closing down for ho- lidays of the Detroit Vapor Stove Works, a goodly number of visitors are spending their vacations in these parts.. Mrs. 3. W. Merner Miss Catherine left the excursion trip to where they will visit few weeks. Messrs. H. U. Hess and A. F. Hess of town and Ivir. P. Mcisaac of Dash- wood, attended the Western Counties Telephone Convention heli at Lond- on one day last week. Farmers are busy at present with the hay crop which is very light this year, and it is not a matter of how many loads to the acre, but of how many acres to the load. Messrs Milton, Lee and Menne Oesch and Mrs. Susie Oesch and Miss Jessie MacDonald were visitors to Milverton and Tavistock. Mr. Lee Oesch remaining at the fatter place. for some time. The large culvert near Turnbull's Grove on the Blue • Water Highway, is about completed and on Saturday the barriers were removed and traffib allowed through. The highway is also being improved south of Bayfi- eld. In some spots the road bed was soft in wet weather, this has now been •overcome by a tile drain. In Police Court Harry Johnston of Goderich who with Clayton Nivens, was driving south on .the highway north of Clin- ton and crashed into a motor travel- ling north and injured the occup- ants, was fined $10 and costs for per- mitting reckless driving. This unusual charge was laid as, Johnston was not driving although it was his car. Nivens 'was also asses sed $10 for driving without a per mit. Clarence Bere of London contrib uted :$100 with costs for having 11 eases' of beer in his car at Bayfield without the necessary authority, A couple of young men from Win- gham paid $1 each for the use of a sehoolyard for parking purposes, Fergus Smalldon appeared again on Wednesday morning, ,Tune 276, was again remanded. There is a possibility that he will be able to make restitution for the 'cattle which he admits having rustled from the farm of H. A. Cleaver in McKillop Township. and daughter.', on Friday on Winnipeg,Man. friends for a N {saTICE Blue Sunoca Gas takes the place of Naptha gas for cleaning clothes, also for lamps, stoves, etc., at re- gular gas prices. L. Prang & Son, Zurich. 1�!gl t�,�(Rdito8l gILR W trti if f�'411W W `I�Qfg49YeiD� Zurich Drug We have a u11 Line of all the requirements of School Supplies PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. ALL AUTHORIZED TEXT BOOKS KEPT }, IN STOCK. a saamaa*se somataa;ea S€ Our Supply of Toilet Pru pardo %'•i p'D, Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Perfutnizers, Toilet Swaps, Tooth .,. Pastes, and rlishe.g. FINE STATI NERY AN 1 FOUNT IN' PENS. We also have, Saphine Anti -Moth Discs. uric I pRIAmmitos,4 NOTICE TO CREDITORS ' ` s Mak NOTICE is hereby given pursuant.' 1.r 6 t NIA M to the Statutes in that behalf that: all persons having claims against the estate of Elizabeth Truemner, late of the Village of Zurich, in the Co- unty of Huron, Widow, who died on or about the 21st day of January, 1934, are required to forwarr their claims duly proven to the undersign- ed Administrator, on or before the 21st day of July, 1934, after which date the Administrator will proceed to distribute the estate, having re- gard only to, and being responsible only for the claims of which he shall then have had notice. Dated June 30th, 1934. A. F, HESS, Zurich, Ontario, Administrator July ar Huron -Perth Baseball Schedule 5—Clinton at Mitchell Goderich at Staffa Exeter at Zurich 9 --Mitchell at Zurich Staffa at Clinton Exeter at Goderich 12—(*) Staffs at Exeter 16—Clinton at Zurich Goderich at Mitchell Exeter at Staffa 19—Zurich at Goderich Staffa at Clinton Exeter at Mitchell 23—Staffa at Zurich Goderich at Clinton Mitchell at Exeter 26—Mitchell at Staffa Clinton at Goderich Exeter at Zurich " 30—Clinton at Staffa Zurich at Mitehell Aug. 2—Staffa at Mitchell Goderich at Zurich Exeter at Clinton or 6--.(*) Clinton at Goderich Zurich at Staffs 9—Mitchell at Zurich 13—Zurich at Clinton Mitchell at Goderich 16- -Zurich at Exeter. (x) game ealled tit 10 () games called at 2.80p.m, All other games called at 6.1J,y .in. ra 4344444400a41oaa r. - I. . to f e a R•. aB•4000 '4%FY�!, ZUHI[H HE 1 a 1 n AL 'S Lit ZURICH HE ALie+ and the following Pap. for One Year: Kitchener Daily • ecord .,•......... Toronto to Daily Glob ..............>....,.•,..,,..> Toronto ily Mail and Empire ............ Toronto Daily Star ..e....,....,..e...ee,oe•eee.eee Toronto Weekly Slav' .........110........0...060,5 London Free Press . ................<..........•a. Lasater Advertiser ,e..•eeee....••eee•e.e•.•e.• London, Favi aer' s Advocaxttt .e09e00eee4.ee..e. FORM and Dairy .oo..e.00¢e000...e•aoo•a....ay..ne.e Fara1>;ners° Sun e. .....o.... o.•o.....ee. Family Herald an -1 Weekly Star ..•...•..... Family Herald for '4 years Canadian ountryman Weekly Witness •.•......eoa.ego<ean./oe.•• 'L p 5 F6rnr re° MAgardin...eo•.e...•..e.e........ena.eo. $4.5$ Huron Expositor, Sanaafortkn ....e•,....••.e..e•• $2.75 lsendl as *root moor :nom thug w® ,cannot asnueaeaxaO O kern.. 'an h ova, ttao Armee fns snavaarfv, r000telbto Me sewer o , is a*cooks eine: oto @,traita+ell 34* tom, nmol Sem eaves Fong attome,p era Elva Kama •l itfkoa$!. ittOMOW rail your Papers and Magsleines tet ,�lr Office and sae's Tmulole ' eney HERALDOFFICE . Zwick $5. 0 46.00 $6.00 $7,00 $6.06 $6.00 46.00 $2.25 *2.x'5 02.50 *2.25 *2.25 44404S•+.*+40.4 40,100 na0. 401 14x*a4•F4*gib***0 440