HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1934-07-05, Page 44701)***44111444P++^F+ Far++^i^4^++01 tee^ aleee rse+++si enenee seise -Hes ; ill In H"! r . Cut Your Fuel B . t Bout Storm Windows and Doors 4 LET US QUOTE YOU! • tREPLACE THOSE WINDOW PANES NOW. WE CAReiy, A. :.: LARGE ASSORTED STOCK OF GLASS ON HAND A T skaPe + :•G TIKES.. AND WILL DO YOUR GLAZING WORK WHILE ' iiNSJ + e WAIT. . * + + PHONE 69 ar - ZURICH I ,..�..e„� ,l• , neeee'}+sd'^i^+'9'+�F^t'+i�+4 +4•'r*+d•+�P+++-i•+++++^F�-F•4��F+i..i.+*++4 ++++•Q„. r ft AS. FLEISC 1I I� .ZUlfl ijadALI d 3n the nix h •tlie bone of 'the little finger' gravel ben just above the rock which:) leaving the severed member hanging ©ak3H` Q0 1,.• grand Lawn Social will be 1 htlld on the Evangelical churQh lawn ollow g supperp II= ONLY S + I REPAIR PARTS You oat arty 1 wine Mas eyH. re dtepalro &ore your Local Ma,ecyHarde ABEnm They rot they BCetter and Last Mere Longer doom ttunoua Malta ood onto ea Ganda® tia�T'• part-. GENUINE MASSEY-HARRIS REPAIRS SOLD BY O. KLOPP ZURICH, - ONT. .ems t Wednesday evening, Jul3,. lith. 4 in • the a i entitled '"Pa's New Housekeeper" will be' given by members of the. their. Mus-' ical numbers will also a given and Dashwood Musical Sv difety -Band will be in attendance. S,npper from 5:30' to 8 p.m. Admiseitet 25c and You are cordially iinvited. Mr. and Mrs. :Stanley Smith at tended the Wo:'i1's Fait -at ^zcago a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon •Callas of Sarnia and. M. 'Otto Schatz. of De troit were visitors with Mr. and Mrs- Vernon, rs Vernon,Schatz a few days last week! Quite a seuenber -from 11 ere � titend- ed the Strawberry Sooitil at .Shipka: last week.. Mia: awl Mgrs. Milford-McIsaac aha; daughter M=ary • and-1VIr.. •and Mrs.. Bishop mod daughter •M>axine of De .treit .sperat the week -,end with : Mr. and Mrs. �P.. McIsaas, -Misses Mary and .Msedinp will -remain fora week's holidays. Rev. aria .Mrs. iLuft .are visiting friend in .Pembroke. Mr..and .Mrs. •E. 'l�leeb ; and family of _Beeline, Mich., ere spending their v.acaaiien smith 'lits 1mother, Mrs. M. Neeb. Mr. anti .Mrs. -Revert of Toronto, wean weekend .visitors with Rev. and Ma;e..i3,eaaxi•ch. Mr. and _Mrs. in. Seto of Tona- w.an:da, Mr. heel. Mrs. Fred Stire of Elmira and.Mr..and.Mrs. Otto Meyer - of London, :spent the• week -end with their parents,.Mr..and Mrs. cies,. Stine Mir'. ^arid M!u.',Stire will spend the week visiting relatives. y41r. anti .Mee.. 'Leonard Birk and Venn) ef a uellilr spent the week -end at their home here. .I?.ev. and _Mrs. Henrich motored to Kitchener -on .Saturday. Mrs. R. Goetz spent a few days in Sar tha Fast kY'esek. Mr.:and Mrs. Alvin Kellerman vis- ited relatives lin .Kitchener on Satur- day.. Mr. Leslie (Gaeta eased sister, Mrs. Dou hey of Chicago are spending their .vacation at .their ,home here. 1\tiss Myrta Holnuan and friend of GRAND CLEAN-UP SALEKite'hensr, spent fate .week -end with GOVERNMENT APPROVED i her parents. Miss Theda Hayter and friend and Ending the Best Season in Hogarth History Grace Hayter of Windsorspent a few Prices Effective July 5th Last Hatch Off July 9th Barred Rocks and Whit Leghorns.Just-Rite Grade. Super -size Grd. days with there .pare' +Mr. and Mrs. $5.75 per 100 • $7.75 per 100 31ayi�^ Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith of Wind- sor spent the holiday with her par- ents- Mr. and Mrs. R. Barker. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Bender at- tended camp meeting in London (iv; er the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Berensen and Leona of Detroit, are visilteng at the hs see'of Mr. Wm. Zimmer. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Burke of De- troit are visiting with Mr. and Ms.'s. Chas. Guenther.:. Day-old Chicks 10 -day old 9.7.5 per i©A, . 11.7o per 100 2 weeks old 12.00 per .100 14.00 per 100 3 weeks old 14.00 per 100 16.00 per 100 En ordering chicks at these prices, please clip out this adv. and en- close it with your order. Send 10% deposit ' with ;offer and pay 'balance on safe arrival of chicks. Hogarth Baby' Chick .4atchery' Box 114 EXETER, ONTARIO. Phone 184 advertisement has received Government Approval :i�iisofar as it 1 refers to baby chicks. This BRONSON LINE 3.lXr. and Mrs. Jake Oesch and sort. Anther, of Pontiac, Mich., and Mr. ,end Mrs. Ed. Hankey of Flint, Mich., -.visited n r,ith relatives on the Bron- -seen. over the lst. Mr.. and Mrs. Sam Schultz and laughter .Beetrice of Wellesley, and 14�,r. Sam Schnitz of Milverton, spent Sidninday with /Zrs. Barbara Gerber. It'€r. and Mrs, Wm. Yantzi and Mr. emit Mrs. Joe R, Leis of Wellesley, visited with friends on the Bronson 3 xiine Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Litwiller and soon Walter visited with Mr. and Mrs Chris. Swartzentruber. • LAKE Mr. W. H. Forrest spent a clay in London, con bining business with pleasure Mr. and Mrs. W. Huxtable of Cells. tralia visited at the home or Dlr. and Mrs. Jas. Love on Sunday. Miss Lettie Love returned to her home after spending a few days with friends in St. Thomas and Kintore. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Dick, and son. Douglas . of, Toronto, spent the holi- day with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Cochrane. Mrs. Mina Love is visiting her son Ross and Mrs. Love and family at present. Mr and Mrs Wm Love of Ailsa 1 Craig„ visited friends'in this vicinity i recently. , , s nen 1 . NOTICE—The Blake store will be dosed all day, son .Wednesday, July :3i itlr.—R. N. Douglas. Mrs. R. N. Douglas spent a few dans, with her mother, Mrs. Dick in 7liensall recently. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Johnston spent 1enday in Godexich.. Miss Susie Oesch of Huron Springs 33cnsall, and Mr. Willie Oesch of Ilse' Blue Water Highway, spent the week -end under the parental roof. 3 r. Jim Johnston spent • a few +dlaye with his sister in Zurich re- xently. Miss Jean Hey of London, spent ate .holiday with her parents, Mr. .end Mrs. Sam Hey. Miss Mary Clarke and . friend Mr. ,Johnnie McGraw, and Mr. Grant Turner of Goderieh, spent the week- setad. with MO . E. Clarke. ' Mr. and Mrs. Ross Johnston, Mo. 3k,dighoffer were ;itisitors with friends t Mitchell .and, Fullerton recently. Mr. Leon ti Jeffrey • and sons spent ore vening 'With 'Mr, and Mrs. Peter Erennerntanr 1alt:. week. HILL.SGREE Miss Greta Blackwell, R. Nr of tdtall!o Visited her parents, Mr. and 16/lites Chas. Blackwell during the *Meta'. 1l4r. Logie and friend of Walker - don, visited his friend, Mr. Ferdinand *deter one dao recently, Rev. A. Sinclair of the Hensall United Church, will be. in charge of the services here in the Hillsgreen church on Sunday afternoon at 2.30. p.m. A number took in the races at Strathroy on Monday from this vic- inity. Others spending the day a- long the lake resorts of Lake Huron. A number of the older schoolmates of No. 14, Stanley, attended the re- union held on the school grounds on Saturday • afternoon, where a very enjoyable time was spent by all those. present. STANLEY TOWNS( -IIP Mr. and Mrs. D. Stephenson enter- tained the latter's sister and brother and their families to a birthday par- ty, last Saturday in honor of her father, Mr. Armstrong, Who celebra- ted his 80th birtliday. • Here's hoping he may, �li`ve,:and��onjoy,.znany, more. ,� • IVIr:' and Mrs. 'Noalr G''#igerich, ac- companied by Mr. Dan S.teckle, mot- ored to Elmira to attend the funer- al of the fertner's cousin, who was killed in • a motor accident. Mrd E. Musselman, who has been staying at Mr.,l�tenno S.teckle's, re- c.,rnod to Elmira on Friday. Mr, and Mrs. C. Haugh of Tuck- ersmith, accompanied by Wtilace and Hazel and Miss Coughlin of.To.- yr o, visited £',t i". 1. a' .-,,; rr, T1'iutrrslay, xdy Stl , 1984 V1m. (McLean, bf Hamilton is vis- iting at . the, -Mee of Mr, and. Mrs. J. Passmore, Mrs. McLean and children have been visiting here for two Welke. John Stacey, accompanied by his mother and sister, of Detroit, are visiting: with relatives here: Annie Consitt was hostess to a very pleasant gathering of young. ladies in honor of Miss Elva Shad - dick, bride -elect of the week. David Foss held an auction sale of his household effects Saturday last. There was a fair crowd present and bidding was brisk. Oscar Klapp was auctioneer: Mr.'and Mrs. ' Foss will make their home in Toronto, with their daughter, oMr . StewarHensalt. Mrs. Wm. Henry, most esteemed residents, on Friday last celebrated her 90th birthday. -There were some �50 relatives and friends who called during the after - "seen and evening. A large number attended the de- monstration of the gas range pro- ducts held at Bonthron & Drysdale 'George Hess was the winner of .a free camp stove. Mrs. T. G. Robinson and sister, Miss Amy Reynolds, accompanied by their young nephew, Harry, left on Saturday for an extended trip to Regina, Sask., where they will visit with their sister, Mrs. Demorest. Miss Myrta Tayor ,and brother; Lorne of London; are visiting with their brother Dr. and Mrs. Taylor. The open air service at the Evan- gelical church was well attended, next • Sunday evening the service will commence at 7.30 when another pro- gram will be given. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Reid and Phy- llis and Mr. and Mrs.. Gordon Elliott motored to Port Elgin on. Sunday. Mrs. Pedersen and two children are visiting in Walkerton. Mr. Sam Witzel of Toronto is vis- iting his mother Mrs. Witzel. Miss 1Vlargaret Cunningham of Kitchener spent a few days with her sister Mrs. L. Morenz. Mr. and Mrs. Brubecher of Kitch- ener are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. E. Tiernan at Commercial. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Miller have re • yl;rned home, from their honeymoon. HENSALL V. R. Pettit, of Sarnia was a vis- itor with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Sol. Wiliam of Sea - forth were calling on friends here. Mrs. Lorne Thompson of Toronto is here with her parents, i'Xr. and .VIrs. John Fisher. Wm. Lauder, sign painter, was in town doing some fancy sign paint- ing. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Drummond we- re in Kincardine visiting the form ar's father who is in the'hospital. T. W. Parlmer is very busy manu- facturing several lines of grocery specials. He is constantly adding new lines and `there is a good demand .ior his baking powder and peanut nutter. Ray Laramie who has secured a ;,osition in London, spent the week - Ind at his. home here. •- Mrs. Harry Abray of London, vis- ted for a few days with her parents Ir, and Mrs. C. S. Hudson. A Sparks visited over the week- •nd in Brucefiled with his sister, Mrs . ough, who continues quite pporly. Mrs. Wm. Laramie and daughter creta visited last week in Brantford rid while there attended Vie nun - on at the Brantford Blind School. Mrs. (Dr.) Campbell and little son ;illy have returned home after vis- `ing for Core weeks with her moth- ntvs. 1). McDonald, of Grandyer N. 5. (7,. 3�iJoie. .,,,r1e) 1ha, pent. the. two months evitl5 relatives at, ..count Freest has returned borne COUNTY NEWS of pure water can be obtain 17 Mr. and Mrs. John Vodden, of Clinton, on June 18th celebrated the 55th anniversary of their marriage. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Vodden of Crossfield, Alberta, are visiting at the home of the latter's parents, Mr and Mrs. W. H. Talbot, Bayfield. Elzar Mousseau, of Kippen spent a day in Toronto recently on busin- ess. Mr. Mousseau now has his lov- ely apartment complete, ready for occupancy. The death of John Schroeder, a well-known resident of Stephen Tp. occurred on June 18th at the home of his son, Wm. near Crediton. De- ceased was 72 years of age. House Burned Quite an excitement was caused in Bayfield Tuesday last, when the house of Mrs. Maud Brown nas be- en living in was burned to the gro- und. It is thought that the fire was caused by overheated pipes. Some of the furniture was saved. Arm Fractured While riding his bicycle the other dry, George Parsons, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. G. L Parsons, Goder- ich, skidded on loose gravel and fell fracturing his left arm. He was tak en to the hospital for setting of the arm after which he was taken home. Golden Wedding A large number of the relatives, friends and neighbors of Mr. and airs. Joseph reeman, gathered at their, home, 3rd con., Hulled Town- ship, own-s ip, on Monday evening to congrat- ulate them and offer good wishes, it being their golden wedding anniver sary Inquest at Exeter An insuest was held at Exeter on Thursday last into the death of Adam Birk and his niece, Miss Lin- denfield of London, who were killed, at" the railway crossing on the Lake' Kerr—Workman Nuptials 'On Saturday June 23, at the road near Exeter. After hearing evidence, the jury brought in :a ver- dict of accidental death, with no blame attached to any person. Manse, Kippen, Miss Mildred Work- man was united in morriage to El- :ner Alex. Kerr, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kerr of Winthrop. The bride's minister, Rev: Mr, Chandler, officiat- ed, The young couple were unat- 'tended, and after signing the regist- er, they returned to the home of the bride's parents where a dainty buff- et lunch was served to the immedi- ate relatives of the couple. Wheels 91 Miles to Vote Harry Jennings, a student assist- ant of the Anglican Church at Port Elgin for the summer Months, wheel- ed. to Exeter Tuesday last to cast his first vote. The distance is 91 miles. He:left Port Elgin at six o'clock on Monday morning and early in the af- ternoon he arrived at Goderich whe- re he visited his two sisters. .After spending the night at Goderich he came on to Exeter Tuesday "morn- ing where he exercised his franchise for the .first time. • is about eighty feet below the surf- ace. Decoration Services A vast concourse 'of People was attracted by the decoration services held by the Canadian Legion in con- junction with the I.O.O.F., Exeter on Sunday. A special service was held before the cenotaph end the Rev. H Taylor, B.D. of Thames Rd. by a thread., Home front China Rev. John A. Walker, wife and 3 children, who xecently returned from illness. China owing•to the serious • of Mrs. Walker and son Donald.. They were . -visitors with friends . in Exeter and were on their way to Dungannon, Mx. Walker's former charge. Both Mrs. Walker and sou United Church delivered a brilliant Donald have been in the hospital for address. "Then headed by the Dash- wood band, the legion and Odfellows marched to the cemetery where Rev. Taylor opened the exercises af- ter the decoration of graves, a mus- for an unusually good season. Mrs.. ical service was held under the dir- Duckworth of Detroit, is 'again in.. ection of W. R. Golding Atom. A quartette composed of Cutbush, Va- hey, Golding and Hoffman sang. The Rev. A. E, Elliott spoke on behalf of the legion and the Rev. J. H. Stainton B.D. on behalf of the Odd - some time. Menesetung Opens Menesetung Park Hotel, Goderiche epened last -week and prospects are charfge of the kitchen and stab. A- mong the visitors last week. were Gordon Sinclair,' wife and family of Toronto. Mr. Sinclair is the well- known "foot -loose reporter" of the Toronto Star and has just returned fellows. Over three. .hundred motor i from a six thousand mile trip to the cars lined 'the sides of the roadway. Death of Williatn Pollock William Pollock, an old and high- ly esteemed resident of Stanley Tp. passed to rest at his home on the Goshen Line on May 27th in the evening. He had been ill for about two years but was only confined to his bed for about a month before his death. He was born March lst,1856 on the same farm where he died and was a son of James and Sarah Pol- lock. When about ten years of age he moved with his parents to a farm just south of Drysdale on what is now called the Blue Water High- way where he lived for 20 years, and then he moved back to the place of his birth and farmed there until his death. He was married in 1888 to Edith Armstrong, a daught- er of Jas. Armstrong of the Bronson Line, Stanley, by the Rev. Mr. Simp- son, Presbyterian minister of Bruce - field. He was an elder in Knox Presbyterian Church, Bayfield, and was also a member of the Can. Ord- er of Foresters and was an Orange- man. Finger Severed by Axe Beaverley, second son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parsons, Exeter, while interior of Africa. His return this year is the result of the pleasant vis- it he had last year at the time of the Birds -Eye -Centre celebration. Going- Abroad . . Clinton News -Record: A number of Clinton citizens intend crossing the • Big Pond this summer. Miss Ruby Irwin sails from Montreal the end of next week; Mrs N. W. Trewartha and Miss Myrtle. Trewartha also go, at that time; Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Cooper leave in July, and Misses Levine, and Olvetta Brigham also go • ' in July. Miss Irwin will visit relati- ves in addition to seeing the usual sights taken in by motorists; Mr. and Mrs. Cooper will visit their son and,'; brother in Eengland, and the Misses Brigham will also visit relatives in England. Late Robert, Bell The death occurred on June 26th at his home in Seaforth, of Robert . Bell, founder of the Robert Bell. Engine & Thresher Company, Limit- ed, Deceased had been in failing health for a number of years, but he passed away unexpectedly.. He was born near Hensell seventy years ago • son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John .Belland conducted a manufacture playing with his brother Donald, had ing business in Hensall, until' 35 yrs; the misfortune to have the little fin- ago he established the. company ins ger of his left hand cut off betwe- Seaforth and his threshing machines ; en the first and second joynt, the engines, and other machinery became result of being struck with the axe well and favourably known frond in the hands of his brother. Donald toast to coast. During the Great War was chopping a tree with an axe and the plant was converted to make, while in the act of swinging it Bev- shells, rafter which ti its former bus-, erley threw his arms around the tree iness. Upon his retirement a few ye-•. and the axe struck his hand, grazing ars ago, his son Eearl tows charge... three of the fingers and cutting the- He was a Presbyterian, Surviving , Masonic Church Parade For the first time in the historyof the village of Crediton was the scene of a masonic church parade when the members of Lebanon Forest Lodge of Exeter attended in a body, Divine worship at the United Church on Sunday evening. A number of the lodge' reside. in Crediton. The serm- on. was delivered by Bro., the Rev. W. J. Johnston, pastor of the church The' choir rendered appropriate mus- ic including two anthems, the singing was under the direction of Mrs. J. Woodall and Miss A. Hill presiding at the organ. Sinking Test Well The ' first steps towards securing a pure water supply for Exeter water- works system is now under way and Wen. Hopper, of Seaforth, has beet' awarded a contract by the Public Ut- ilities Commission to sink a test well Mr. Hopper commenced work on Monday last and is sinking a well Jost south of the pumplee, etcfinns'n the bank of the river. Thiie test well, is to ascertain if a sufficient supply INSTALL AN CO BATHROOM NOW • yOUmay have done without ne bathroom ' solely because you thought the cost was more than you could afford. If so, that reason no longer holds. Prices of Emco Bathroom fixtures are extremely low, owing to reduced manufacturing tests, and because every part is entirely made in Canada. a, Let us show you different designs in Erne() Bath- room equipment. ^ The three pieces shown in ie illustration, with all fittings, ready for installation, $90.00 only cost - - TIU FRESH PLOW Can be need where 'fresh ',reciter direct from the well' is required. Capacity, 00 gal per hoist &tali .! gral. Galvani:set' Tank. 15/6 11.k. 110 Voltotos 8o eyele or a. Y' t�V 1iFaflre0, for 30 gal:. Galvan-- ise& I!tmlo ., Y' 2:00' DuroPressiireWatei^ Systeitnsr. all Canadian -made, will supply datig water throughout your-. home. Easy time payments available:' cm all Emco equipment. FOR .SA4 , kw . a STADE and WEI30 Johnston and Kalbfleitcia, ZURICH - ONT. Aplin MSS MFG. CO., LIMITED,' Loudon ".ii'striont. Winnipeg Vaneouvex ans :1 't. y