HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1934-07-05, Page 11
XXXV N,i ZURICH, THURSDAY 11/104NINQ, JULY 5, 19 3 -1-• deater lirsdatitiatilata.
Pali a Yearp 4146 AS A*PalW
KA LIIMANti. 09 MAI BIN 8111•11101111.
Let the Herald -Publih your 8Joi er vsits and Visitors
The Huron County Editor§ are
holding their annual get-to-gethet in
Capital Theatre I Jo-wett's Grove;BayAeld on Friday
i ef this week, ben a picnic will be
in order. '
Goderich — Who 47
'Now Playing—RIPTIDE weal Mazza
Sherer and Robt Mentgameraa
Monday, Tuesday, and Wed-awday
Only Yesterday*,
by Frederick Lewis Aller, greater
than "Back Street" featuring.
Margaret Sullivan amid Jahn Butes
Edna May Oliver Billie Burke,. Ben-
ita Hume,Begirt:4d Denny, Marie
Prevost, Onsiow Stevens and ninety
three feature players fie this
JOHN M.. STAHL Production
Thursday, Friday and SaturdaY
Will electify you with her dynamic
personality, assited by Dangles Fele-
banks, Jr., and Adolph afenjou,'in a
great tribute to her rare talents
Morning Glory
orning—One Man aa Ioureay with.
Lionel Barna:note:.
Matineta--Wed., tend Sat at S es, xn.
Still Campaigning
For most candidates, afterjame
19th, meant a period of rest and re-
laxation from strenuous labors of the
preceding weeks, But -not so for W.
• W. Cooper,
Independent candidate in
the recent Provincial election, who is
a real aghter. He does not know the
word "defeat". He was in town at
• the end of the week, still carrying on
his election campaign. Mr. Cooper
intends to be in the next contest. W.
W. Cooper, famous for his travels in
Huron constituency,this week has
gene to more distant places. He shook
hands with Mitch Hepburn ,ax his
home near St. Thomas, also visited
Ingersoll friends, personally inspect-
ed the Hydro plant at Queenston and
is now at Toronto.--Seaforth News.
'One Man Riot Costs
Black Eye and Fine
"One Punch" Allan • MacDonald
Puts on Real Show in Zurich
(Goderich Star)
"One -Punch" MacDonald paid $20
into court at Hensel' on Monday
the aftermath of an exciting one-man
•• 'riot which he staged in Zurich on el-
? eatiop night, June 19th- It appears
that Macpoaald, whose first name
exploits are quite
•A limited quantity of seed buck -
what for sale. For particulars ap-
ply to Mrs. Mabel Snider, Zurich, or
phone •Zurich 55.
June Promotion Examinations SS* k
No, 11, Hay. Names appear in orefeestaaaa.........„,....
der of merit, after the class they will
- ee-ae•-.
be in when schoal re -opens Sept. 4,
Sr. IV--Veronique Ducharme (p),
Stanley Smith (p).
Jr. IV—Norma Jennison (p)., Ger-
tie Jeffrey. •
Sr. III—Cecilia Masse (p).
Jr. III—Alphonse Jeffrey (p), Hub-
ert Ducharme (p), Antionette• Jeff-
rey (p), Herbert Beierling (p).
Sr. II—Leo Pierre Ducharme 442
han; Eileen Patterson 421 hon; Lee
Jenison 410 hon; Rheria Gaiser 40,7
hon; Pearl Jennison 396 p; Lorne
Beierling 373 p; Ruby Gaiser 869p;
Louis Masse 281 p.
Jr. 1st—Gerald Jeffrey • 184.. holt;
Ivan Masse 166 hon; Antionette
Mr. Leo Mittleholtz of Kitchener
visited with his brother Ted, over
the holiday.
• Mr. Herb Mousseau has purchased
a small eottoge hi Turnbull's Grove,
and is building an addition thereto.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Gaseho and Mr.
Milton Oesch are spending a few
holidays in the Desboro district.
" Mr. and Mrs. Urban Denomme of
Detroit, spent the week -end with Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Denomme, Drysdale.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Durand of
Detroit, visited friends on the Blue
Water Highway.
• Mrs. Wm. O'Brein is spending the
Masse 164, hon; Juliette Masse 120 week with Mr. O'Brein at the Lon -
•p; Archie Jeffrey 104. I don Hospital.
Primer—Blaise Ducharme• 207; Messrs. Chas. Bartlett and Wilmer
Ortha Gaiser 204, Archie Mame 178, Metzke of the Bank of Montreal
Bobby Jennison 140. etaff spent the holidays at their
•• -H. W. Brokenshire teacher
Penhale, Snowden, Weitialre -
homes in St. Marys and Hanover
The candidates for High School
rintrance are writing their exams this
week, and 26 are writing in the Zur-
See the Elco Line of Watches
Moderately Priced
Gents with Bracelets „ $10.00
Ladies, with Bracelets $12.75
Initials Engraved FREE
Ness, Jeweller
Phone 74 Zurich
Genuine Sernet - Solvay C,
Miller's Creek
Agricultueal Tile and Briek
CASH paid for Eno on Gradeta
ich school.
Mewl@ 14. ICEINSALS., Chttr,
• Reurnon. '- if Master Jackie O'Brein of Clintoni
The Peialetia Snocederi
wesaaka holidayins at the home of his t
eori eranararents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm:
lb34, itthe home of Mr. and IVIrs;•Tr3rein•
reunion Virag held Saturday -June
• '
o .1
well known in the southern Part of
•Edward, Talbef,. who p.ow resides on.
zeieecoos5„, ea- aeoexio...*m4aa taeolareatlake Itorraesteaaa.Stanley Ta2.40:11L 4nd 11.41. -1‘13-a-aealsicleaa/1,,d, fam-
"roierly Fitted Glasses
-,14es. He alall
so is egen Warave btW10oe ras e—d-z9±',3:1' aira'4eate-hoele, of alea,e
`lateara Slight krudge against some re-, d'red era fifiY" Venous the -lie% DataA,
sidents of the town of Zurich.- drive shell which was nicely decoaa-, • • e -
moat othi%r *inks thaLni are ated- for the \occasion' with ever -gra: „Ma. .and Mrs. •. Real Jeffrey and
C. E. ZURBRIGGe faa (a. Conservataves."•". So Zinitch .appeared ens and bunting. -Rev. R. M. Gale family of Detroitaare visiting with.
Will be st Rees' Zewetery Store,
To fit Yea Gla.sses
to Allan to be a good -place and el-
eation night a good time to visit the
place.. ;Arriving when the populace
was largely on the streets he selected
.kaewa ConservatiVe, and walking
up to him he brought his trusty eight
•into play and the man passed into ob
-alsorasaseaae ..amemehvion One or two more followed un-
til the Chief of Police Julius Block,
• noticed some little disturbance, vvalk-
ST. wars
ed over to caution the offender. Biff
EWaatteliaal Lutheran amnia another punch and the Chief was
•laid away, •the whole 230 pounds of
MUM emr., him. Then the citizens took a hand.
-"A Chan 'One -punch was harried and driven,
ins IN:arida mob and escorted to the police cells,
rriday, 8h—Lther Leaue not before one of two more had felt
the weight -of the .dangerous right.
Saturday—Choir Practice.
SUNDAY SERVICES: The -odd thing about the case was .dance. The eldest lady present was
that 'those who had been struck cou•- Mrs. Mai- Madge, RI years. The
10 a. na—Gerrinut &twee_ , 'Marra bear witness against the, often:: eldest gentleman was Ma Samuel
11.15 aan.--Sunday Bekaa, • der. 'The ease .of Chief latzek was Cleave 84 years. The youngest lady
7.30 p.m.—Euglish serviee,. tYlakal• a He said he didn't know Was Betty Jean Talbot 11 months,
nything about it. All he knew was 'the Youngest boy was Kenneth Ray
Everybody Welcome ter ail Suevie.uadlelat 'he was 'told when he came to.. Seotchmere 3 months; largest family
s"0,erealazirich's" weight is judged to
alboxit 1160. Mr.. arid Mrs. Walter Westlake. The
following races were ran off as fol -
E. TUERKREIK •raster.
lows: Boys up to 5 yrs, Garfield
Westlake •, Girls up to 5 yrs, Erma
Hobson; Boys 6 to 10, Lloyd West-
lake; Girls ' 6-10, - Donald Hudie;
Boys 11-14, Bill Westlake; Girls 11-
14, Lorna. Westlake; Youig mens race
Ed'ward Twentyman; Young ladies,
Ilene Talbot; Slow race for men J
,Eldort Penhale- Slow for women,
Mas.'Asar Penhale; Pie plate Miss G.
P,enhale and J. E. Penaale; Clothes
geleas Christ for a, Chang- ?beaten nee -a bit by a really angry
I& the singing otthe,,graae.-
lanch the crowd gathered under the':
waint trees which were planted bY
Mxs. Talbots -grandparents to visit
until the business pat of the picnic
was taken .up. _During the afternoon
several musical selections were given
by Mr. Bugler Sr Mr. Gale and
Miss Gale, violin and guitar music
the former's • I -nether. ,Mrs... C.. Ayotte
• The members of St. Peter's Luth-
eran church have tleeicled to hold a
fowl- supper some time this fall, the
da.te to be set' later.
Mr.; and Mrs. A. G. Edighoffer
was rendered by Milton Pollock, Ed. m.Eatahoffer is doing a barber
ease; naoved to Grand Bend, where
Sowerby, Robert Turner, Bill West- business for the summer.
lake and Mrs. Lloyd Meakins, Mist
Erma Hobson, also contributed a Ma. and Mrs.. Dan Miller, and Mr.
solo accompanied by her mother Mrs a and ,Mrs. O'Grey of London, spent
E. Hobson. Miss Dorothy Penhalea Sunday with the former's father in
of Toronto, delighted the gathering town.
by giving several exhibitions of tap _-
owing to the terrible dry season
dancing, also Mrs. W. Westlake and
some • farmers are experiencing a
John Sowerby gave a lively step
water shortage; and it -is to be hoped
that .Providence- will soon send. us a
good, shower.
W4k-end. visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Fent Haberep at their summer
home; ,Grand Bend were.Mr. and Mrs
Ed:. -Ilaberer and Lenora, -Mrs: Wm.
Decker and Carl, Mr. and Mrs, Milf..
Schilbe and family; John. Tuerkheim
and Earl. ,
Mei' Henry •Clausiue of the. Blind
Line • brrnaght . • in • a .fine sample. .of
oats in full head taken from a field
he has. This sample meeetieee ap-
proximately four feet; and is well
headed, and what wouid it be like if
we should happen to get a good so-
aker of vain.
f1; 111114111DitOtlifilelialitriAtit!''
Grocery Store
Libby s Pork and Beans, la.rge lite
Pimento„ 2 tins. 0.0 41,2
Club House Sans pr jar—a.-- 5c
Peas No.. 3 2 thta .
Ginger snas. 2
Fairy Soap per cake . . .
Grape 'Fruit. 3
Black Tea per IL,
Graham Wafers, per &--
Caustic Soda in ikulk and Cans
Freda Fn.* and Graosties Always sat itsad.
Ah e riumls, Pins, laces, Etc.
;fit dlif t?V}, 0.,!•1,01;
, With this issue of the Herald „ we
Pin race, Bob Sowerby, • During, aaye again reached another milestone
1-anch Mr. Asa Penhale Pres. surpri-
a d it is now 84 years since thi
same one had a lucky plate, the hie-
eed the crowd by announcing that 41'11W; paper was founded, and we
e ,,
ky one being Mrs. W. Hunkins, a ralea LawPa in °.117 . 35th year. Many
visitor. A hearty vote of thanks 1.v.""hairi-,i;ttve° our inimerous custeariers
atronited us striaiiennY to
aretp going along,.
4 :'..'.1"ti Solve Problem '
Aftera : eoriderente the other ,day;
J, !Ig',,,Sirilth,. Public School,Inspector
:far Stratford and South Perth, A. E.
ejlsOri, inspector for North l'erth,
'!.a.T'aiVen to Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Talbot for their hospitality and the
•is' '?tif their aaree. hearty - vote
thanks vas also given to Mis• s
-Susie,.Westlake for heresPIendia aere
aicel as secretary • for owlt. yearm•
potk;resporided'very.suitably. Mem-
bers were'present front Waracegan,
TOronto, Londoni, St.. 'Thomas, lir. S, Silcox, principal of the
Goderich, Bayfield, Exeter,. Windsor. StratfOrd Norma[ School, have sort
Cake ;and lemonade .was served at it telegrani to Premier,elect Mitchell
5,30. .All leaving for their respect- P. Hepburn pointing- ont that there
ie homes about 7.30, The officers are a number of teachers who have
for the following year are: Hon. either quit. their jobs 'or have been
Presidents, R. A. Penhale, St. Thorn- allowed leave of absence to Mkt
as; Pres., Gordon Penhale, St. Thom- their second year at Normal school.
as• Norman Miller, St. In *lame of Mr. Hepburn's statement
ThOmas; Second Vice, Thos. West- that the second year will be ahand-I
lake, Bayfield: Sec, Trees, Elizabeth oned, the local educationists are ask -
Snowden Zurich; Assist, See. Treas, ing whether there will be a special
Susie iestiake, Bayfield; Sports optional course for those teachers
committee, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Pen. who, are, in most cases, out of their
hale, Normtut Miller, Kenneth Manns jobs for the next year. In really eas-
tiii,oet to hold the 1935 reunion in es bither teachers have already hoot
the . $t, Thorriak engaged to M1 the'vatancies.
• .
07-4.,.., --a,•%.-,-- ..,....., , '2
, ..
,,--- ,' :'. .•: ' a 'a- aa
• • 8 li I ,,
• • ,
is Now is the time to buy and wear your new S
HAT. •We have now a splendid range, Come andlit et.
to, us show you, and get your's before it's too late!!
• '
1„, , IMV•L.'.ew,........,.,••.e.••••••••Fr.••..omay.T....,„,,,..,.,,,,,,y,................... ,
: . FROM $ 1 1.00 TO $ 1 5.00
e. .
Ws lite lloff n & Son
• mucualia. AND PIUKSIIAL iKR%CTO/k0
0 ,.• a •*.
•Let Us Show Y
u Our
• New Curtains and Curtain Goods; ..New Prints• 4nd
Broadcloths; New House Dresses.
Men's and Boys' Fancy Shirts; ;deco Work Shirts and
,Overalls... Men's and Boys' Rubber Boots and Work
• Shoes; Women's, Misses ea Childrine Shots,
Sandals end °Afar&
Many lines in Hardware such as Paints and Varnishes
Graniteware, Tinware, Etc., Etce.
This Season's Vegetable and Flower Seeds 5c and
. • a Package.
Pit/IONIC U 1?
' a