HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1934-05-31, Page 541141atastiwjQ ,wad° 0.1 , SINES CARDS' o f E./10141141ES 11,19101015TER, ,11Ci<'JdAIIt) NOY. ARY PUBLIC, Street, lost off Atka Square, t?®@7Ew;3',IN'Ontario. o SPoclal Attention to Conned and Court Werk, alb. Holmes may be emanated at Moderieb by Phone, and name charges rieveneed, Dr. H. H. COWEN 1)6 S. »DDS. DENIAL SURGEON .At DEITZ BLOCK ' I.T.R:ICH yaty Tihuxisday, Friday, Saturday firL. 14A,t HARTXLE]B'S BLOCH, DASEIWOOD :Eysayt Monday, Tzaoaz'iay and ;Wednesday Licensed Auctioneer For 'Hu>roaa and Middlesex AM IN A POSITION TO CON *act any Auction Sale, regartlies:• •a to size or article to sell. i solicit lour business, and if not satiened -4vz1; awake no charges for Services Hen .red. ARTHUR WEBER-Das'hwoed tene 13-67. Zurichs' Popular SEAT MARKET Let Us supplyyou with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Etc., always.. on haanc... ,Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices ,for Wool, Hides and Skins R. Ynngbint & SOIL SERVIC, Why We have the Betty Class of Customers -3111IGH CLASS GOODS, ` U: B. 'L BATTERIES. MOBILE 011., MAR- 1YI<LU1sE OIL, GOODYEAR TIRES AND TUBES, GENUINE IGNITION Dots, Maiming and M.cL.inicai Work Rear te. Micrometer S.tti,gs, Pio. Suess work.. Watch the taus that STOP at WEiil1l.'S, They are ell HIGH CLASS. CLIENTELE. . S. Wein DAIHWOOD -- ONTARIO Western Western Farmers' Mutual Weather insurance Co OF WOODSTOCK 3'E LARGEST RESERVE BAL- dlNCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF TRIS KIND IN ONTARIO. Amount of Insurance at Risk on Dec. 31st, 1932„ 417„ 880,,729. Total dash. in Bank and. Bonds $221,978.99.. Ota eea--$4.50 per $1,360 for 3 years . F. Klopp Zurich ►ifant,Aka Deafer in Ligkimini Muds sad all hinds of Fire immune LIVE i:PoULTR.V WANTED Ill'aten every Dass t 1 S es'etock ~Iran. 830. not feed! Fowl same 'Inorniirg when brought ire.; Highest Cask Prices -CASH. FUl CREAM AND EGGS W. O'Brien Phone 101, Res. 94, ?Amick HERALD'S X,* PPPARTMENT is wow toady to serve due pu j11 with Commercial and fine -'Mating, Got oaf` p1^i+r es lie Wools, For &W'Woy ii.00tt Found $etioelr Rte. Ado is MB FOR SALE 4 reb,uilitt Jaw n mower, also a re- built euRivatara for quick sate. L, A. Prang. & Son, Zurich COURT OF REVISION 1934 Assessment Roll Township of Hay. ZURICH HERALD Mr. Harold Klopp of Detroit wa recent visitor with his parent I�Miss Mary Auger of Hensel], is spending, the week * the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Williams. Mr• Lawrence Corriveau spent Tuesday evening with friends in town. . Miss Vera Decker :spent the res week -end in Detroit, with her sister, Mr• and :Mrs. Morley Witmer, and other relatives. Miss Lennita Minke . of Chesley, is spending- her holidays with her fri- end, Mrs. Edwin Gesell;. Sorry to report that Mr, 'Joni Gallman, Sr., is not enjoying his suaf health and is confined to bit NOTICE is hereby given that the + q • bed. Mr. and Mrs. Milne Rader and soli of the 14th concession spent 'Sunday at the horns of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Wein, Crediton. first sitting of the Court of Revision to consider appeals against the Assessment Rale of the Township of Hay for the year 1934 will be held in the Town full, Zurich, on Mon- day, June 4th„ 1134 at two o'clock, p. an. A. 1T. HESS, Cleric, Township of Hay. Dated at Zurich,. May 14th, 1934 PROGRAM Dashwood Walther League ' A surprise party was held at the, home of Mr. and Mrs. Urbne P+31e ' of the 14th eoncession on Monday aeening•. The occasion being Mrs. PfiIe's biztthday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Burse, Mr. 1 and Mrs. Gordon .:Rau and Mr. Law- ek- r: rence Rau, all of Detroit, were we end visitors with their parents, M and Mrs. J. P. Rau. Presents1 an. Outstanding Play lin The Junior Farmers d J " Three Acts 1er :an Junior Institute wilI hold their next nieet- inin the Ton ` Zurich An Old Fashioned Mother"' I Wednesday even lgl Jane 6th.'; ,on IN T.1=Il Lutheran Church Shed ON Wednesday, June Gth. Commencing at 8.00 o'clock Proceeds to go towards Church 1 Activities Admission -Adults 20e. Children 10cl St. Boniface R. C. .Church of town is this week celebrating' the annual Forty -Hours Devotional per- iod. Misses Martha Heideman and Lylyan Rader arrived back from De- troit on Thursday evening. While there they visited with Mr. and Mrs-. Jeff Dickerson, also Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kuntz. They report a very pleasant time. . Huron County Meeting Council- The meeting• of the Huron County Council will be held in the Counci]. Chambers, Court House, Goderich, IB at 2 o'clock on the afternoon of Tu-! u esday June 5th, 1934. Al] accounts, notices of deputat-, ions or applications and other imp- ortant business requiring attention at this meeting of the Conn cil should Ideal and fine weather is what we are experiencing, only in one way the weather is a little too nice, as a good shower of rain would greatly help things along. We have not ad anything Iike a shower since Vlay 214, that is ten days ago," and t was only a light shower then ut regardless of the lack of Moist, re, there is considerable growth an things planted on cultivated soil. n We are somewhat conjested fol• space these weeks, owing to the zn eased advertising caused by hi;' wi ection and other national advertisl-` g. However, only two more issue ,'ro fter this and the election will be' on 1 over again for 'five years, and "pickings"l that els Conswelcome t usualy hese extra; e ate. ,•e inthe hands of the Clerk not inter el than the Monday previous to thein 1 meeting of the Council. a Dated at Goderich this .15th day al of June 1934. J. M. Roberts, County :Clerk. Mr. Wm. Ri,ith has improved his Ma:s. C. Bilber spent a raw days Mr. and Mrs. ` Leonard witness block with a new roof. in 1 a sal.l over tlzc ,,,.c1 Schoch of "ucf -f aMadroy, .Jacnes A, Patterson, Clerk of Ions}till -gave us g friendly call • on Be on time with an -early Bird Alarm • Clock. ' 81.19 Radium Dia] 1,98 at (less the Jeweller. 1VIrs. Minnie Frit and daughter•, Mrs, Pink of Lambeth, were Friday visitors with friends in town. *r,..,. 0; Kerswell and .father-in-law of Illinois, were visitor at 'the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Schilbe. • • Mr. and IVirs, Charles Scotchmer, Of Layfield were Sunday visitors at •�-ie home of Mr, and Mrs. John Al- brecht. r ewn end :V1r. and Mn*.. Moses Erb for those who loved of the Br ve esday free, „"r' , " n to various Sadly missed by Wife and Daught- ere parts in New York State. er and Grandchildren 1VIz azul MIi 'rs, Peter.ropf of thcchonere wereof Sunday visitors at Waterloo were week -.end visitors Mrs: Cyrus Schoch azezrts, Mr. and with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Sam, Gottschalk of r �" Seaforth are _ with friends here and at Dashwood 11 IVIEMORX,AWI arc spending a few days Judge Costello of Goderich was in k _ town on Saturday, in �interes;. of the C dear y. iii loving memory of local Division Court, II our dear husband and fattier who Mr. and Mrs, Milford Schilbe and passed away Tune 3rd, 1932. Mrs. herb Krueger motored to Lon- i Your loving voice we neer forget don on `Tuesday. H t Though years may pass away Mrs, H. H. Cowen, Miss Inez Yung ' The loss of you we sadly feel 1'lut, Airs. Ivan. Yungblut and Mie~ As keen as that first day Tuesday, ":rtz motored to London out If we could have raised your dying Or heard your last farewell 14'[3•. and Mrs. Joseph Gascho of 1h Mr. and Mrs. J. Hay who ha been living in the living quart owned by Mr. Wellington Johnsto have moved out on the. farm owns by 144 e grief would not have been so bad orison line returnee otn Tu- you well Free! Rader, south of town. Mr. Alvin Rockier, his mother, Mrs. Mary ]3eckler and Mrs. Henry Becicler aft of Pigeon, Mich., were oek-ond visitor::, at thl home of P it 1 endsIr•. J, E. Gaza() and other f'ri-• , d The large Provincial oiler i- 1V1ay 24th passed off rather quiet 'n town, as there was little doing vit.h the exception of a few fire racket's blown off. A. goodly num- ber of citizens were at ;,`ie ball game 'rt Hensall i : the afternoon. Mr. A. Luchinger of Thorndale, the new cheesemaker, has leased the building formerly occupied as implement r °iney from the proriae- tor, Mr. W.1. Johnston for r 0; of three years and has started work on the installation of machinery a -"d equipmen for the c' -' factory he will open in the near n -• will greatly welcome this new enter- prise. Cattle Dive into Lake Huron A number of cattle belonging to Reuben Goetz of Dashwood broke out from his pasture farm nn the pith concession of Hay township one day recently and wandered toward the lake near Grand Bend. In the attempt to get back they became frightened and ran over a 25 -foot embankment and into Lake Huron. Samuel -Hendrick and Garnet Patter- son, neighbors, who were assisting Mr. Goetz, drove into the lake with a horse and buggy. The harness `role 'Ind Mr. Hendrick •succeeded in reaching shore on horseback. leav- ing Garnet Patterson marooned in. e buggy. He was later picked up' a rowboat which was used to and up the cattle, but not before e animal had drowned. • M:•. H • drick with a team of horses and t• b car removed the buggy from the lake, r 1 l K1�,t� JIiiiLii: // lie••• -aeror �� • Ate. moom mom il/11��.�.�t•I■1■1■ ��--= II•M y IM MMIMI0� IIIA immino ni ■••r•r•r•■■tt••�t r i1i111111111111RIONSIRINURI wimvir+u I�1/111MMIt�i�I Erteurmai I i i�I�,'�� •• mikik IINM a• t 1,44 u I avawo�V MOINI!••Itrrfs •�;\ I ii!1II1IIL'iij iii ,okt�a --•.�: riall i�i� afl !<a i h r9or AsiwiEIMPail 0001111ollrai 1111111.11911.1AliiVV. $1111141016''116114116-111111116•'111111166'. 411.1111101110' • Are you satisfied to clo without Bathroom conveniences? And withasat up-to-date kitchen facilities or other modern requirements that running water in your lronie will instantly make av'ailabl,e, to you? Prices. 1rav,e -sever been -lower for Canadian -made Emco quality bittliroont equipment and Dtiro Automatic Pumping Systems,. Thre- l as ---='talk, Shower, Lavatory and Ire iilutir *.d, with all fittings - $144.00 Other co:Wets I.fhrr nr equipment at $ 90.00 llrw as .. The Dune-Satclal Pumping System, all 'Canadian -.made, having a capacity of ZOt gaffe. p,r Mont, complete with 30 gal. Galvanized Taiitk, 2$ or 60- cy els„ LLQ: volt motor, rr rsts only $85.00. Write for free illustrated booklets on Bathroom Equipment or Plumbing Supplies. Easy time payments both on Pumps aaaa4 Bathroom Fixtures cs urayr be arranged, r►. I)tTitin Srtct,i4in, FOR SALE BY STADE and WEIDO Johnston and Kalhfleisch ZLIRIC1-1 - ONr. rFJ4PII E SRA%S Mf 4'�. i..V.• MATED ED ll.+trdbmr Zoonxt► Winnipeg Vancouver s'2 the J3lue Water IIi •ht• a on 1'wn,• of ,nQ• from a° PROCLAMATION! d In .answer to a petition presented by the 'business men of Zur'ch, a half holiday will be observed every d Wed d• Brewster north, and this will be big convenience if the oeF't'oe not raise on this fast travelled roa this summer A very happy event was cc:ebrate at the home of Mr. an'l }'VIrs. Joh Hey, Sr.. of town on Tne-day eves ening, when members of the family and friends gathered in honor of Mr Hey, who celebra`ed his 88rd bia`h- day. Mr. and Mrs. Dick and daughter Jc^.n of Troy. N.Y., were visitors at • the Lorne of Mr. and Mrs. Petez' Koehler 'he past week, Mr;i(rreh-. aer accc••,paniecl the Troy people on -"otos. 'rip to Port Huron. 1VIr.. and Mrs. Ed. Geseho motored o Listowel on Sunday. Last Wednesday evening a very n July. Augustaand11Septemb x Wheeroon during n a holiday occurs during any week Cher than Wednesday, Inc half boli= day will not be observed, By Order, ZURICH POLICE TRUSTEES 'nteresting service was held in the Boniface R. C. GnurcIi, when Bishop J. T. Kidd, D. D. of London, was firmat ionsnt rites nsl conon a class of ucced e con - some twenty young people. The church was well filled on this oecasion. TAKES OVER HIGHWAY Official announcement that the gov ernment has taken over that section of the Blue Water Highway south of Grand Bend to Ring's Highway No. 7 as from the other day was re calved by the county clerk from Ur department at Toronto. The route embraces the famous Pinery Roo/ which is popular with both Amerism and Canadian tourists. The govern ment's intention is to start improv- ment work on the road at once. For - nal taking over of the River Road etween Sarnia and Wallaceburg, as been delayed as the engineer's eports are not yet complete. ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH -- ONT. "A Changeless Christ for a Chang- ing World" Friday, 8h -Luther League. Saturday -Choir Practice. SUNDAY SERVICES: 10 a. m. -German Service. 11.15 a.m.-Sunday School. 7.30 p.m. -English service. Everybody Welcome to all Services. E. TUERKHEIM, Pastor. WANTED PRODUCE WANTED We are now in a position to take cream and eggs at nny home at Zur- ich, for which we will pay highest market prices. We will grade your eggs as we receive them, and pay ac• cording to grading. give us a trial. First house south of Dominion Hotel T, H. Meyers, Phone 116, Zurich. :ye'oa•A09114e* 0001(1406606OO.i!f•O.ON•••••••••••OB••oes•••••r••••Oe•..$e••e,eo••/ • • • • -..Y ..� .-5 • • 2 • • • • • • • • • arra �>r#•9a.�.. Voters' ....� Lists A tnnn Chap. .4 • • ••• • 1 Ontario Election Act, 1927, R.S.O, Chap. 8 • T A 1K -F, NOTICE that the sittings of the Revising Officers for the purpose of lea • p I? ring compcaints or • els with regard to the Voters' Lists to be used at the pending election of a member of the Legis- • leave. Assembly for each of -the Electoral Districts of Huron -Bruce, and Huron, will be held for the • resp etive municipalities in said Districts, at the following times and places, mentioned in the schedule below, with the names of the Clerk of the Revising Officer for each Municipality, and the • last date for making complaints or appeals to the said Clerk. ei • HURON -BRUCE St ' BY HIS HONOUR JUDGE COSTELLO Time of Clerk of Last Da- for • Municipality Date of Sitting Places of Sitting Sitting Revising Officer Complaints Gre Tawai1i p May 28th Tp. Hall, Ethel10.00 a.m . J. H. Fear,Ethel M'?.4th Howe I. '1 otv0.1 'lt May 211th `Tp. Hall, Gerrie] 0.00 a.m. Isaac Gamble,Fordwich ay 25th • Wingam Town lune 4th Town Hall,Winghaml0.00 a.m. W.A. Galbrait, Wingham " 31st • Brussels Village: 1Vlay 314 Town Hall, Brussels 2.00 p.m. A,U. Macdonald,Brussels " '28th • Mildinay Village May 30th J.A.Johnston's Office,1.0.00 .a.tn J.A. Johnston, ildmayy " 26th Mildmay • • • . • • Carrick Township June 2nd J.A.Johnston1'ildms offiacye 1.0.00 a.m. J.A. Johnston, Mildmay " 30tH 14 •... Huron Township June lst Tp. Hall, Ripley 2.00 p.m. Don, McKay, R.R. 3, Ripley " 29th • Ripley Village� June 6th Council Chamb. Ripley 2.00 p.m. E. F. Martin, Ripley June 2nd i Cuirass Townnship June 7th Town Hall, Teeswater 2.00 p.m. J. S. McDonald. Teeswater " 4th Tcest'r t r Village June 5th Town H'1, Teeswater 2.00 p.nl. W. H. Logan, Teeswater " let • 11) • Ashfield Township June 2nd B Tp. Hall, A0 Ashfield 2.00 p.m.mC.E. McDonagh, Lucknow No.3 My 30 Colborne Township May 29 Tp. Hall, Carlow 2.00 p.m. Wm. Sailows, Goderich No. 6 May 25 • Morris Township May 30th Tp. Hall, Morris 2.00 p.m, Alex, MacEwan, Bluevale May 26 Turnberry Township June 6th Tp. Hall, Bluevale 2.00 pan. W. R. Cruikshank, Wingham June 2 e' East Wawanosh Twp. June 1st Fort's H'1 Belgrave 2.00'p.ni. Alex. Porterfield, Belgrave Nol My 29 a West Wawanosh Tp. May 31 . p.I:I'I,W.Wawanosh 2.00 p.m. Durnin Phillips, Lucknow May 28 Blyth Village June 7th Com'ty Hall, Blyth 2.00 p.m. J.H. R. Elliott, Blyth June 4 ► Lucknow Village June 4th Town H'I Lucknow 2.00 ,p.m. J. E. Agnew, Lucknow May 31 ► Kinloss Twp. June 5th Twp. Hall, Holyrood 2.00 p.m. J.R. Lane, RR2, Holyrood June 14 1 HURON. By His Horour Judge Costello i Hay 'Township May 31st Twp, Hall, Zurich10:00 a.m. A. F. Hess, Zurich May 28 -j Hullett Township May 30th Com Hall, Londesb'o- 2.00 p.m. J. W. McCool, Londesboro May 26 • McKillop Township June 2 Cern. Lib.HI,Seaforth 2.00 p.m. J. McNay, Seaforth No. 2 May 30 •Stanley Township May 28th Tp. Hall, Varna 2.00 p.m. C.C.' Pilgrim, Varna May 24 Stephen Township June 4 Tp. Hall, Crediton 2.00 p.m. H. K. Eil.ber, Crediton May 31 Tuckerslnith Twp. May 29th Wkr's Hl, Brucefield 2,00 p.m. D. F. McGregor, Seaforth No.4 My 25 I"Jsborne Township June 1st Twp. Hall, Eliniville10.00 a.m. Henry Strang, Hensall No.1 May 29 Seaforth Town June 5th Town Hall, Seaforthi 0.00 a.m. 3. A, Wilson, Seaforth June 1 Exeter Village June 6th Village Hall, Eseter10.00 a.m. Jos. Senior, Exeter June 2 Hensall Village June 7th Town Hall, Hensal110.00 a.m. Jas. A. Patterson, Hensall June 4 Clinton Town May 31st Town Hall„ Clintonl0:30 a.rn 8 Manning, Clinton May 28 B D. E. Hol.nea Esq. •Goderich Twp.May28th Hall, Holmesville 2.00 pan. R. 0 Thompson, Clinton May 24 Goderich Town June lst Cit. H's, Godericht0.30 a.m. L.L. Knox, Goderich May 29 Goderich Town June 2nd Crt. Hous, Goderich 8.00 p.m. L. L. Knox, Goderich Goderich Town June 4th Crt. Hous, Goderich10.30 pan. L. L. Knox, Goderich May 30May 31 Goderich Town Julie 5th Crt. Hous, Goderich '8.00 p.m. 1',. L. Knox, Goderich entered therein. June 1 All persons are called upon to examine the Voters' Lists to ascertain that their nameses are correctly ANI) FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that any voter in any -of the said municipalities who desires to • complain that his name or the name of any person entitled to be entered on the said list :or that municipality has been omitted from the same, or that the names of any persons who arc lith: untitled to be voters have been entered thereon, may as above set out apply, complain or appeal to have his name or the name of any other person entered on or relnovod from the list. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that such appeals must be by notice in writing in the prescribed form (in duplicate) signed by the complainant, and given to the Clerk of the Revising Officer, or left for him at his address as stated above. The lists of voters may be seen at the office of the Clerks o f the Revising Officer iii each municipality as above. For further information write to Mrs, J. B.teynolds, Box 444, Goderich, Clerk for the Elec- tion Board, of the County of Huron, THE ONTARIO ELECTION, JUNE 19th, 1934 • • T. M. COSTELLO, Clsairrgan for e Ellectiott Board of the County of Herm," Dated at Goderich the 17th ria~ of May, A. Ii., 1934.th a ONTARIO 'ELECTION --Women of Foreign Birth who have become British subjects by marriage or • by the Naturalization of their parent while they were 'Minors, require a certificate of this .ledge to • enable then to vote, and they shall not be entitled to be entered on the. Voters' List or to vote with- • out such .certificate:, Apply for such certificate at ane Court of Revision where Judge is Revising Officer. -T. M., Costello, pCliait-matt of ]Election Board. • cya• llka *41140•ar+1l 0004 ,00.3 0000 ••00000 t0000••r04041ar0009•••k•s•10009 ►t1rr►00000s00004 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • se • • 2 1 • w