HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1934-05-31, Page 4DA.SFIW OOD
"Play entitled (An Old Fash-
ionnd Mother) will be presented by
0, young people of the Lutheran
m-rtiil eeh illi the church shed of. W ed-
'ua.=.'stlay, May Gth under the auspices
cif .the 'Walther League. -
:itr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith and dau-
ghter sof Windsor spent 24th with
a i4er aarents, Mr. and Mrs 'R. Baker.
Miss Grace Kellerman and. Betty
•Broughten of Toronto, spenc, the
week -end at her home on the 16th
• .Robt. Hoperoft left on Monday for
• iirgara Falls where he has secured
:;r. position.
Miss Alice Willett and friend of
`flort Wayne, spent the week -end
with her parents.
Ms, and Mrs. Harry Guenther of
Windsor spent a few days with. his
:parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Guen-
1VHss Myrta Hoffman and friend of
-Kitchener, spent the week -end with
/her parenits.
Mrs. Lovina KeRern er: who spent
la few months in Crediton, has re-
turned home.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Roth of Tavi -
:. ck were Sunday visitors with Mr.
and Mrs.. J. Schroeder.
The play given on Monday even -
entitled (Citi a1 Service) by the
Young people of Janie., St. United
ei ureh was well attended. The
arlous characters played their part
and was thoroughly enjoyed by
tall. The Dashwood Band played
'4;:etween acts and at th.:r close the
Mond and guests were entertained
to lunch by the class.
Quite a number from the Hills -
green church, and this vicinity, at -
t. nded the anniversary services in
the .Hensall United Church, on Sun-
' ay When Rev. H. V. Workman con -1
r:uct>d the services. Mr. Workman
-was very much known in this vicinity;
his younger days, and his many
-friends from here were pleased to
-:hear him preach, and also see hits
.A bin.
We are sorry to report that Mrs.
13. F. Anderson is in pool health at
elate of writing. We wish her a
reedy recovery.
.A'Ir. and Mrs. W. Huxtable of Cen-
tralia visited the latter's parents,
• 4r and Mrs. Jas. Lone an: family.
Rev. R. K. Love of Kintore visited
fs parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Love
tts.td family.
MVir. W. Jarrott spent a short visit
at Huron Springs. Miss Annie re-
':axrning with him, and spending a
,;:tort time at home.
Mr_ and Mrs. R. McAllister and
ea-ughters, Mr. and Mr;:l R. Consitt
.•zud son were visiting with Mr. and
Vis. Thos. COMM in .Hensall.
"'e quite a number from this vicinity
..::pent Victoria Day in Hensall, tak-
uag in the Grand Parade and sports
Mmd also the Minstrel show.
The Young Peoples' Anniversary
will be held on Sunday evening,
:,I% n? 10th at 7.30 p.m. Rev. Gale
.ar Bayfield the guest speaker, will
meonduct the service and the Kippen
hair hill be in attendance.
• Mr. and Mrs. Menno Ste.ekle Sr.,
visited With Ilia. and Mrs. Jake Sw-
artsentruber on Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs. Elmore Swarten-
Relatives •over the week -end on the
Bronson Line.
Mr, Wm, Finlay and family, ac-
companied by Mr. Gordon Johnston
land sister Mary, Mr. and Mrs. R.N.
Douglas and. daughter Margaret, ac-
companied by Mrs. E. Clarke at-
tended anniversary services at Clin-
ton Sunday evening.
Miss Gladys Douglas, R, N, of
Huron Springs, accompanied by her
mother, Mrs. R. N. Donglas attend
ed the funeral of ,the lata Mrs. Scar-
lett of Seaforth on Monday,
truber of Baden were week -end vis-
itors with friends -and relatives on
the Bronson Line.
Messrs. Harold and Jim Johnston
visited with EThi. and Alvin Steckley
Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. John Desch, Mrs.
Susie Oesch, Earl and Ray of the
Goshen Line, were Sunday visitors
with 141r. and 'irs. Chris. Gingerich.
Messrs. Dan, Oscar and Allen
Brennernian of Tavistock- and Clay-
ton Litwiller of Baden called on Mr.
and Mrs. Ed. Oesch Sunday after-
Mr, William Oesch spent the We-
ek -end under the parental roof.
Mrs. Mary L'c,chler and son Albert
Mrs. Henry Bechtel, and little Ruth
of Michigan, visited with friends and
Mrs. A. J. Sweitzer and children
of Beach -o -pines spent a few days
visiting with her parents, Mr. .and
Mrs. R. Higgins.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence shepherd
of Paisley were week -end visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. John Shepherd
and other relatives.
Alice Higgins of Woodstock spent
a few days visiting at her home here
George Elliott and Nelson Tre-
wartha of Clinton were intownone
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fleet of Tor-
onto visited at the home of her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. James Hoggart.
Mrs. A. E. Fines of Clinton and
her mother, Mrs. Albert Whitesides
of Kitchener, were in town last we-
ek visiting relatives and friends. -
Harry Clarke of London is visit-
ing relatives and friends to town.
The Hensall stores will be closed
for the usual Wednesday afternoon
half holidays during the months of
June, July and August, commencing
Wed., June Gth.
Miss Mary Agour_is holding an
auction sale of her household effects
on Saturday, - June. 2 and intends
leaving shortly for London:
Robert Passmore, son of Mr. and
Mrs. John Passmore of Hensall, was
one of the 234 contestants at the
Wossa Athletic Track and Field
Meet at London on Saturday last,
winning the 440 yard event in 53 2-3
seconds, and also breaking all prev--
rey=ions records in the half mile race.,
time 2 minutes and 7 seconds. This
entitled hien to run at the track and
field meet at Toronto on June 9th
with all expenses paid.
a� s
Zurich Dry'Store1
_=liar �
We have a full Line of
all the requirements:of
School Supplies;
se•IMMO vNMsSwMwwr••q
See Our . Supply'
of Toilet
Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Perfuinjzers,
Toilet Soaps,Tooth Pastes and Brushes.
Nwenee NieNMRNm oesm ss
We also have, Saphine Anti -Moth Discs.
Dr1A, J`i Macl�innan, Zurich
Ibureffsm, VITA,y
lLst, 1934.
Ontario Elections 193 I
THE VOTERS' LISTS for the Provincial Elections to be held on
June 19th have now been posted in your :electoral district.
Examine this List and make sure that your name is included.
If your name is not on the Voters' List, find out the date on which.
the Revising Officer will sit in your locality.
Public Notice will be given locally of the date and place of the
Revising Officer's sittings.
If name left off, or correction needed, attend sittings in person or
obtain notice of complaint form and file two days before sttings.
You enjoy the franchise. Exercise it. You should co-operate inorder
to see that your name is on the Voters' List.
The responsibility is yours. Do not delay. Don't put it off until
Election Day and then blame someone because your name is not on
the Voters' List.
Issued under the direction of
Chief Election Officer for Ontario
The above notice applies to all municipalities except cities and'.
separated towns having a population of 10,000 ormore, and town-
ships bordering on a city having a population of 100,000 or more..
Alexander Munn Dies
Alexander Munn, widely kiown
resident of this district, died on Sun.
day at the homestead near Hensall
at the age of 78. He had been ono
of the most successful farmers of the
Township, was a member of the Un-
ited church. He leaves three sons
and a daughter, Robert of the home-
stead, Clarence of Aylmer and Dr.
James Munn of Seaforth, and Mrs.
(Dr.) T. G. Wilson of Bay City,
Mich. Mrs. Munn died about a year
ago. The funetal was held on Tues-
day from the farm at 2.30 with in-
terment in Hensall union cemetery.
Dr. J. A. Munro, a former Wrox-
eter boy, is beginning medical pract-
ice at Winghain.
To a Goderich girl, Miss Peggy
Parsons, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
G. L. Parsons, has the honor and dis
tinction of being elected the 1'tay
queen of Alma College, St. Thomas
of..which institution she is student.
. At a meeting held at the town
'01 on Tuesday ,evening last, for the
?urpose of organizing a Dominion
day celebration, it was decided that
he national holiday should be ob-
.erved in Goderich with an all -day
grogram on Monday, July 2nd.
Bitten by Dog
Margaret, three-year-old daughter
f Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rundle, of
he Thames -road, Usborne, was sev-
rely bitten in. the face while playing
vith a pet dog one morning recently.
`nargaret was eating a biscuit at the
'me and it is supposed the dog made
grab for it. The dog's teeth enter -
i1 both the upper and lower lips, hi -
acting nasty wounds that required
en stitches to close.
Bear and Man 'Both Surprised'
Boron Lxla5>toi .
s re-
>Ated seen in Sin'oat's bush, Tuck-
-malt. one day recently and a few
' :7 .,n t:!! y. ;r n tit;it• '1Uticell
the Aim! s,lis>:. The bear, 11,y -
In Buying June
Chicks -Think
Ahead to Novembe r
Everything points to unusual good egg
prices next faifL Fewer eggs in: sto. age';;
Spring production lower; prices -already
strengthening; in most of the larger mark-
ets. Those who reap this "harvest" wil.
be those who buy fast-growing chicks -diet
will be well-developed and ready to, Tay
in 5 months. Write or phone for• particu-
lars about Hogarth "Super Size"' chicks -
and the reputation they are building up'far
faster -than -average growth. Tt will pay you
Seven breeds. Fully GoverrnirenV .Apprayv-
• ed. Prices now Tower.
Hogarth Baby Chick Hatchery
Kox 114 EXETER, ONT. Phone Tom'
like the deer, stood its ground and is
said to have ,reared up on its hind
legs. The farmer who surprised the
bear, was, however, not prepared to
state how long it stood there for he
didn't wait to see.
Child Fractures Skull
Kenneth,. two-year-old son , of Mrs
an, Mrs. Lloyd Hayter, while pray-
ing in' the barn on .their farm in
Tuckersmith, full through .a hole in
the floor and was taken to Scott Me-
morial Hospital on Saturday last.His
skull was fractured in the fall, but,
the hospital reports Ms condition as
being not serious. The child was re-
moved to his home again.
•A. lifelong resident of Goderich
A lifelong resident of Huron Co-
unty and a fine citizen, John Joseph
Leacey died late Friday in his 82nd
year. He was born at 1.3eninal1er. and
farmed successfully on the Eayfieid
road for most of his life. Ho is sur-
vived by two daughters, Mrs; Joyce
'of. Chathani and Mrs. L. Chisholm
ofG r" t
ode icl , at whose home he died
and from where the funeral was he>Edl
on Monday to St. :Vetoes church. Ctt-
terment being made in Colborne R.
C. Cemetery -
Val& Ott 'Nam Raisiinge
Alfred 'Ekoltzmaun of Crediton,
had a narrow escape trona dl3ath the
other day when lie: fell from: a gird-
er at .a barn. ar raising• ori the farm of
W. R. Elliott, of Centralia: Mr. HHol-
tzmarart •was standing n one of the
girders and was iii' the act- of putting
in a pin when a' chain attached to a
pike pole broke and' the, pole struck
Mr: loii°t✓ina;nn, knocking him off.
He fell 18 feet head -first to: the floor
below, striking a board' which broke
the fell, and landed' between, some
joists: He: was rendered unconsci-
ous for a .time. Dr.:Misener, of Cie-
d'Tton, was called and had the injur-
ed man removed to his home. For-
tunately no bones were broken and
Mr; Boltzmann is expected' to recov-
en sr.r. Elliott ie rebuilding his Targe
barn which was .destroyed' in the
windstorm last lune.
Fortner Goderich Mayor Passes
In the death of William T: Manl-
ey. on .May ;Ii), Godericli lost a; pro-
iiiinent and useful eitiken. Ile was a
fernier mayor and councillor and for
the lost 20 years tbairinnn: or the
public utilities, commission. live .had
bet im 'pOor health for two years
riutalways rettincel: Iter interest in
his business and the affairs of the
town. Was born on Otanabee Tp.
, near Peterboro, and came to Goeser- '
ich with his parents at the age of 4
years For 20 years he conuucted a
4:meat business on the Square. In.
;his later years he conducted an ex---
jtetnsave business as a droved.
1 South Huron Softball
' ..At a recent meeting held ,for tlie'
purpose sof promoting Softball a,n---
ong the churches of Exeter, Stephen, .
and Iisborne Townships, a men's lea-.-.
gue was organized comprising eight.
teams as follows: James St. 'United, -
!Exeter; Dashwood Evangelical, Cred-
iton United, .Crediton Evangelical;::,
Central United, Thames Road United c
Eliinville United. A schedule wast
.also drawn sip for a Girl's League
comprising Six teams as follows: El-
iinna`l' le United; James St. United Ex-
eter; Crediton, Main St. United Ex-
eter; Daslritvsaol Evangelical and 1a4-
Iaka United. The :touowing cancers
were :appointed: President, Rev. J...
H. Stainton, Exeter; vice-pres., W.
G. Medd, Exeter; Secy-treas., Miss.
Ruby Finkbeiner,, Crediton. In the
game played Friday evening at Cen–
tralia, Centralia defeated Dashwooa.
by a score of 17 to 8.
Mrs. Johns Passes
The death took place in Exeter on,
Thursday last of Mrs: Win. Johns,,.
who 'has Been a lifelong resident de
the ;community. The deceased has:
been ailing for several months and=
passed away; in her '74th year. She
;was Born in Osborne Twp., her maid --
en name 'being Honor Jane florn..
daughter of the late S. Horn. Itt.
:1893 she Was united in marriage.
'with her bereaved husband and they-
heyresided in Usborne until moving to.
Exeter about seven years ago. She
is :sUxvived by one daughter and one,
son, Mrs. Roy Webber of Exeter -
and 'Clarence " Johns of Usboine,.
One son, Norman was killed in the
battle at 1'ascsiend:al e in 1b1.7
another r salm Freeman, died in inf, -•