HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1934-05-31, Page 2SYNOPSIS • 'flurried removal of fl Vo crates of opium from the lines Wallaroo carrying 2,000,000 pounds in gold to Australia—. discovery of a diary dropped by Yu'an flee See,, head of a gang, in the Lime- house warehouse of Jo Lung, one of London's biggest "fences"—discovery that Tun's agents on the Wallaroo are shadowing Eileen Kearney with whom Detective Inspector Dawson nag Is in love --all this occurs before Eileen is kidnapped at Port Said. Baig. trailing Eileen, is plunged Into the drugged Bath of Feathers by a trap- door, but escapes from the deadly- dun- geon and gets the drop on Joseph who topples into the Bath as he is shot, Haig takes all his papers, nails the body in- to the packing case intended as his, and leasing as Joseph, makes his way into Arabia. Escaping arrest, Oestler dis- appears from the Wallaroo and appears Alt Yu'an's headquarters in Arabia where EllPen is, Disguised as Joseph,aIg arrives and is assigned to outside guard duty at Yu'an's palace. Yu'an and As.. warni Pasha aboard a submarine lure Wallaroo from her course with a wirless appeal for aid, destroy the 11.1- e, -'s wireless and remove the gold, CHAPTER 26 (Cont'd) Yuan Hee See sat in the control room of the submarine. Seen through the Periscope, the towering hull of the Wallaroo seemed almost to over- heng the- vicious little warship. Yu'an Hee . See spoke softly. "First tube,", he said. And the first torpedo was launched against the helpless liner. Frightened faces of stewards and other members of the crew, some of them with war experience, peered out of portholes. Men were running— there was tumult—desperation. Yu'an Hee See began to laugh. That weird, piping laughter swept around the oily little compartment like a breeze from hell. The torpedo buried its wicked nose —Joe Lung was clever !—squarely in- to the engine room. There was a monstrous explosion which shook the submarine from stem to stern. Smoke and stem dropped a veil between the doomed liner and the watching eyes ef Yu'an Hee See. Yet he trusted the Wasp, his chief torpedo operator. "Second tube," he directed. If the first explosion had been an enormous one, the second was such as seemed to rend the very heavens. The second torpedo had registered in Number 2 hold, where twenty cases of potted Stilton for Colombo were stored. They had come aboard in Marseilles just before Dr. Oestler went ashore. They contained enough high explosive to destroy a small town. Yu'an Hee See rubbed his plump bands together and began to laugh again. Although they had drawn a- way from the Wallaroo, eritable tidal wave swept them, bateetTifin laughed on. At last, recovering him- self: "Order Ali to cast the boats off and head the dhow back," came his high-pitched instructions. He glanced up to find Len Chow at ids elbow. He took the message which .)is second in command had brought, adjusted his spectacles, and, still chuckling, read: "NEWS OF EXPLOSION RE- LAYED PORT SUDAN AN HMS PANTHER HEADED FOR YOU." Yu'an Hee See nodded, read the message a second time, and began ry softly to hiss. * * * Jack Rattray, chilf officer who had seen the torpedo, was racing for 'the bridge. He had just reached the lad- der when it crashed into the engine loom. One of the boilers went, and he was heaved off his feet, bit his hold of the rail, and pitched into the scuppers. Dazed, temporarily confused, he staggered up. Somewhere behind and below there was a shambles—shrieks which he was never to forget to his dying day. He tottered again for the ladder and was halfway up when the second torpedo found its billet in the secret cargo. The whole of the Wallaroo, forward ef the bridge, burst upward like a volcano. The deck planking bellied opward and shot him into the sea as if he had been propelled by a cola' ult. Always, in such catastrophes, seem- ing miracles occur. The case of Jack Rattray was one of them, Physiealln Jia was =hut. Mental confusion was cleared by his plunge into cool depths. ly beside a floating deck chair. Upon For EASIER The new Instant Rit is any other tint or dye you solves complete- ly in 40 seconds . soaks right makes a brilliaet, ev en - toned finish and lasts and lasts find iaSts. Dyeing .7. easier to use than ever used, It dis- t. REE --Send fht front o 2 RIT Packages lot FREE copy of 'Mt A 5 0 of Hon.c RU Milking" tc Joh Heston Co. Lt, do CalodonIv. rento, WITH N EW 1110 .angar a WO biasolves Instatitht. this he rested his hands, for the moment content to be alive. But he would have gambled .a year of the chance of life that remained to him to have been spared the spect- axle he was now compelled to wit- ness. The Wallaroo was sinking fast. Pushing the timely piece of wreck- age before him, he ducked his head and -kicked off wildly. Then, resting on the fragile raft, he watched. Heartrending cries reached him. Figures were leaping from her decks. He saw a man spring from the rail with a woman in his arms. The forward part of the ship broke free of the hull. The bowels of the Wallaroo dropped out of her through the gaping hole below her bridge -- and the big ship dived. Rattray, clutching his little raft threw one arm across the folded wooden struts. Shaken though he was he knew its presence alone spelled salvation. And pushing it before him he began to swim slowly yet further out to sea, towards where a hundred forty-five miles due southwest, Port Sudan nestled on the African coast and K. M. S. Panther, Captain Har- wood, raced towards him. * * The mass of wreckage was spread over a great surface of the sea. A pall of smoke and steam was rising, slowly rising. The two machine guns in the submarine's conning towers, crackled into activity, sweeping that area where survivors struggled in the flotsam of the wrecked liner. From the deck of the dhow, men armed with rifles picked out more distant swimmers. And now—darting activity about amongst that marine shambles—now came the fins of the sharks, • Yu'an Hee See, from the deck of the submarine, watched thoughtfully. "I had counted on the sharks," he said, "but nevertheless, we mutt take no chances." From the deck of the dhow black marksmen were making good practice. Kid Brown, his face very white, fired once or twice, but wildly, and never at a living target. In his capacity as Aswami Pasha's bodyguard, he knew that he served a soulless villain, but his own record was far from un- blemished, and somehow he had made terms with his elastic conscience. He knew that the Getman freighter had been sunk with all hands nearly two years before, but he had not been present at her actual sinking. He had been on the submarine when the 'American yacht was held -op. Ex- plosives had been smuggled into her hold in some way, and he had seen her go up like a Crystal Palace fire- work display. Althougbno rescues were attempt- ed, there had been none of this snip- ing. The sniping was too much for his stomach. .He threw his rifle on to the deck of the dhow.. "Gor! blirney!" he shouted, clenching his fists, "1 can't do it! It's bloody murder! That's what it is—bloody murder!" The Kid turned. Aswami Pasha stood pointing a vicious -looking auto- matic straight at the Kid's stomach. "I have watched you with interest for some time," the Egyptian went on; "la, Paris and in Egypt; as well as here. I regret it—but I can no longer trust you." .Aswarni Pasha ' pressed the trigger. But, swiftly as he acted, he nevertheless acted too 'sloWly to check that "Maxim silencer" left of the Kid." As the boxer dropped, coughigg, to hang over the side, pumping his life's blood into the Red Sea, Aswami Pasha temporarily passed into for- getfulness, his once classic nose a mere memory. On the submarine, Yu'an Hee See gave the order to cease firing. "It will disturb the sharks," he explain- ed. He rang on the engines to "Dead Slow Ahead." And old. Mulles, raising his eyes to the indicator as it tinkled, grasped the levers automatically—and then sank his debauched face into his hands, sobbing as only a drunken man can sob, when, sober, he looks down upon what he has become. (To Be Continued) College Men Prefer Plump Brunette with Mae West Curves CHICAGO—Dye Mae West's hair a dark shade and you have what Uni- versity of Chicago men prefer. Their ideal woman, some 150 men students replied in response to a questionnaire, is a plump brunette, "with Mae West curves," They replied they also liked cling- ing feminine clothes, bright colored dresses for day's today's length in skirts, small hats, perfume, if deli- cately used, and an attractive car- riage, As undesirable, they listed tailored mannish snits, trains on formal gowns, white stookings, galoshes, large hats, eye shadow, bright nail polish, excessive makeem, and gaudy jewelry... • Curbs on Press, Eased by Berlin. As Readers Drop Falling Off in Circulation Alarms Ministry — Still Far From Freedom Berlin,—More freedom is promised to the German press by Dr, Joseph Goebbels, Reich's 11/Mister of Propa- ganda, in new regulations announced last week. Reports of public meetings hence- forth will be left to newspapers themselves, unless important •consid- orations demand otherwise. Publica- tion of speeches in official text is not henceforth necessary, or, when neces- sary, then official texts must be as short as possible, Exclusion of edi- torials and free lance contributions, especially as concerns reporting pro- vincial and local gataherings, will be discontinued. In so far as state exigencies per- mit, the question of abolishing exist- ing prohibition of news reporting will be investigated. Prohibition of report- ing of special official events will henceforth be the exception rather than the rule. Editorial writers are in future to be as free as possible within the scope of the press lave so that in all matters they can give their .own standpoint. It is pointed out, however, that whatever freedora is now offered re- mains within the National Socialist Exquisite Quality GREEN TEA 712 Also in Black and Mixed 'Heads Caravan Church Mission .11/••••••MI,/nbeffi. Miss Eva Hasell, Founded Travelling Sunday School That Goes Through West- ern Canada. Montreal.—Although the primary object of the Caravan Sunday Schoo Mission is to spread the Gospel through the remote, scattered settle- ments of Manitoba, Saskatchewan Alberta and British Columbia, it has been largely engaged in relief work within the past few years. This state went was made by Miss Eva Hasell, who with her party of women work- ers arrived from England recently. conception of things. The press law "Conditions were simply appalling lays down its aim to "make the Ger- man journalist as free and as inde- pendent as possible, upon his own re- sponsibility, in his creative work for National Socialist constructive work." The offer of greater freedom to the German press, which in reality only serves to show how bound the Ger- man press actually is, undoubtedly results from a serious crisis of the German press during the past few months. Popular objection to a uni- form and uninforming press has shown itself in the tremendous drop in the number of newspaper readers. Even the 'Chancellor himself recent- ly declared "it is no fun to read 11 papers all of which have almost the same wording." Lest the concessions be taken 'too literally they were accompanied by a warning that criticism for criticism's sake would not be tolerated. Crite cism must be linked with positive performance, This conforms with, a recent remark of Herr Hitler that "I will not stand for a press which ex- clusively exists to destroy what we are trying to build up." The German press was recently-ex- hortecl by Dr. Goebbels to show more courage and enterprise, but evideaces of the new attitude have net very generally noticeable. Last we s confiscation of Die Gruene Post, an Ullstein weekly with over 1,000,000 circulation, for an article by one of its editors dealing with press criti- cism in Germany is unlikely to give them much practical encouragement. Hope, however, is entertained that, in the words of the Chancellor, "In,due course of time our editors will again be so trained that they can supply their own valuable contributions to national reconstruction." Literary Workshop Prints Student Tales NEW YORIF—Sponsored by an im- posing array of American educators, Velum 1, Number 1, of "The Liter- ary Workshop" made its initial ap- pearance recently as the first nation - with intercollegiate literary maga- zine. It hopes to establish a stable outlet for student literary expression in all parts of the United States. Self-criticism is the unique method by. which "The Literary Workshop" expects to become a constructive force. Every story printed will be reviewed "by leading authorities" it was announced. -.Oven rejected man- uscripts will carry critical and con- structive comment back to the auth- or; with a view to aiding both profes- sor and student in the teaching and assimilation of writing techniqte. The first issue contains short stories, poems, articles and reviews from writers representative of every section of the United States. Buy at Home ••••••••••••••••••••••• • Public opinion should be so mould- ed that it would make the Buy at Home movement .so big that all the citizens will realize that a dollar spent in the home town helps to build the town, and a dollar spent in some other city helps to build that city. Help build your own home town. armarairml MATURITY—MATERNITY MIDDLE AGE At these three critical periods a woman needs a medicine she can depend on. That's why so many take Lydia F. Pinkham's Vegetable Coni - pound. 98 out of 100 say, "It helps me!" Let it help you, too. LYDIA E. PINKRAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND last year," Miss Hasell said, "espe- cially those in the drought wears. Farmers and their families who had been accustomed to good, comfortable homes, were reduced to the most piti- ful poverty and everywhere one saw pathetic examples of whatthe drop in the price of wheat had done. Little children were clothed in flour sacks; tiny babies wrapped up. In whatever their poor mothers could find for them, and exposure to the cold and lack of proper food had im- paired the health of many. "I understand it was '75 degrees below zero in parts of .Alberta at dif- ferent times last winter and during this time hundreds of families cloth- ed in meagre garments were housed in the crudest kind of shed, scarcely heated. They did not dare venture out during the bitterly cold weather so you can imagine how their health must have suffered. When I left Al- berta on October 21, 1933, there was 12 inches of snow on the ground. "We have brought with us, how- ever, thirty-one enormous bags of clothing given us by people in the Old Country. In fact, we were asked to deliver, if possible, certain pack- ages to families in the West from their relatives on the other side." Founded In 1920. The first Anglican Sunday School Travelling Mission was founded in 1920 in Southern Saskatchewan. Aiiss Hasell having heard a missionary in England tell of the great distances that' had to be covered to bring the Gospel to far-flung regions of the Canadian West suddenly conceived tht idea that a fleet of trucks driven by missionaries would serve a good purpose. Archbishop Mathewson of Winnipeg, then Primate of Canada, gave her permission to go ahead with her scheme, and thus began the work which was so sadly needed and which has 'since grown so enormously. 32 Workers. There will be 32 workers in the party of the Caravan Mission. Sixteen trucks—two girls to a truck—will be used and there will be considerable traveling on foot, over the vast tracts of the' Peace 'River District, where Main roads are impassable excepting by pack horse or on "shank's mare." Naturally St Catharines. — Starlings, now the main topic of discussion for farm- ers, have attracted the attention of. mathematicians. It has been estimated that two birds multiplying at the known rate will, on a five year plan be parents, grandparents, great- grandparents etc., of 322,102 birds. On a larger scale, starting with 100 birds, the family increases to 16,105, 100. WWE,erSf TEETH DaRNET5 POWDER Would you like false teeth to fit so firmly yet comfortablythey feel natural —eat, shout, laugh—all day long you earl forget about them. Simply sprinkle on Dr. Wernet's Powder—prescribed by world's foremost dentists—the one powder that assures 100% secure comfort. SPECIAL FEATURE com* fort -cushion protects sensitive gums— always keeps mouth clean and sanitarae Inexpensive—any druggist. 9flkJYMO1� Arlan City r,) clite Preeminent Hotel Achievement Jamie No. 21-34 Bonus Offered For Better Babies Berlin Rewards Child Raising By the Healthier Parents It • is generally agreed by writers on race improvement that it is not enough to .prevent the socially unfit —the feeble-minded and others— from reproducing their own kind of microscope to form what is must also be invoked, which means that mea- sures must be enacted or policies a- dopted to favor the well-born at the expense of the ill -born. Few eugen- ists believe that democratic communi- ties will ever pass such legislation. In elaborating the argument that eu- genists and democracy will not mix, Bertrand Russell writes: Unless new incentives are discov- ered to induce them (the intelligent class) to breed, they will soon not be sufficiently numerous to supply the intelligence needed for maintaining a highly technical and elaborate sys- tem. And new incentives will have to be far more powerful than any that seem politically feasible in any measureable future. In America and Great Britain the fetish of demo- cracy stands in the way; in Russia the Marxian disbelief in biology. . . In France, the economic system that has grown up around the Code Napol- eon makes any eugenic reform im- possible. Probably the best chance is in Germany, but even there it is small. Meanwhile, we must expect, at any rate for the next hundred years, that each generation will be congenitally stupider than its prede- cessor. That Germany is in a fair Way of carrying out a program of positive eugenics, and thereby confirming Russell's 'half-hearted faith in her, is shown by the action of the city of Berlin. That community recently a- dopted an ordinance, effective on Hitler's birthday, April; 20, which created 2,000 "honorary godparent - ships" for "hereditarily healthy" children selected by 'the k Office, of Race Culture. Payments to Children These children must not be the first or the second oldest in the fam- ily. During the first year of life they will be paid 30 marks monthly and during the next thirteen years 20 marks monthly. In addition they will receive special consideration in seek- ing careers. If Berlin's example is generally followed Germany will have reason to expect more from it than from sterilization. At any rate, we have here an official effort to induce the well-born to marry early and have healthy children. Galton, founder of eugenics, went so far as to advocate "granting of diplomas to a select class of young men and women," a- warding of prizes for fine families and offering healthy couples conven- ient houses at low rentals. The diploma idea seems a little in- nocent. Cheap houses in a eugenic colony (the jardins tTngemach) are now offered outside of Strasbourg in accordance with the wishes of the late Alfred Dachert, a philanhtropist who believed in Galton's theories. In France bonuses are paid by employ- ers to skilled workers who have large families. In' fact, since 1932 all French employers are compelled by law to make family allowances for children. Similar systems are in vogue In the birth rate has been noted, partly other countries. As yet no effect on because the facts are not yet avail- able. The allowances are not enough to support a child. If they were, in- dustry would stagger under a heavy burden. The French system seems to be the best thus far devised. Weeds and Vines Used To Halt Wind Erosion DALHART, Texas—Many farmers around Dalhart and throughout the' North Plains country, have found an efficient preventative of wind ero- sion in the lowly tumbleweed (Rus- sian Thistle) and the,goat-head, some.. times called cow -head and sand -burr, a vine that closely covers the earth when unmolested. Vegetation of s• .ec kind, farm lead -I ers point out, is necessary to stop wind erosion. If crop stubble, wheati or the like cannot be left, late fall; weeds should be allowed to remain' until after the high winds of the; following spring, they say. On some farms in this section, it is said that weeds have prevented wind erosion to the extent of saving 60 per cent. of the soil fertility that would have otherwise been lost. Old- timers say the tumbleweed was in- troduced to this sectidn About 1906, the burr slightly later, the seed drop- ping along the Fort Worth and Den- ver tracks out of hay shipments from the north. Dickens Fund London.—A world-wide appeal for 1,000,000 shillings is to be launched to found a Charles Dickens Institute near his home, Higham, Kent. This Dickens memorial is to in- clude a group of collegiate buildings with a central tower, surrounded bic, grounds with provision games oi-al kinds. There will also be a literary centre, with residential quarters for writers and a technical centre. More Rain, Few Grasshoppers Good News :or.. thePiairies- Winnipeg — Cneering words for agriculturists of Western Caliada were issued recently by A. W. Meg. gett, past president of the Winnipeg Astronomical Society, who predicted more rain and •fewer grasshoppers are indicated for Manitoba, and the West between now and 1938. The reason for his assertion is that spots on the sun are approach- ing their maximum period. Every 11 years the sun goes through a sun spot cycle, and records show the ef- fects on the earth are definite. Since 1928, Mr. Meggett explained, the last time at which sun spots were at their maximum the sun has been fairly quiet. There has been a falling off in rain and insects, including grasshoppers, have been multilplying. "Records kept in Manitoba since 1895," lie said, "shoW that where there has been ts maximum sun spot period there has also been a mini- mum grasshopper period." "As the number and size of the sun spotts increase, the amount of ultra -violet rays also Increases, play- ing havoc with the insect world and bringing increased rain because the electrification of the upper atmos- phere helps to form cloud particles with more abundant water *vapor." Mr. Meggett stated a group of sun Spots he was observing through his telescope at present grew from 16,- 000 miles in diameter to 85,000 miles in five days. IDEAS Have you a Story, a Sketch or an Illustration that is saleable? Or perhaps you have some other saleable idea. Tell us about it. Send a stamped (3c) envelope for information about our service. IDEAS UnIhnited !THIRTY-NINE LEE AVENUE0 TORONTO