HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1934-05-31, Page 1011 XXX V N „ ZURICH, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 31, 1934. Aronize t • , Capital T eatre Goderich Phone 47 Now Playing—Janet Gay -nor with Lionel Barryntore im "Caretrissa" Monday, Tusesday, and. Wecinesd.sy DOLORES DEE ion In. "Flying Down: To Rio" A beautiful musical? eactravaganza staged amid the cieuda. The songs, the dancing- and the comedy combine with smart gettinga ire a. snperbstreat Ginger Rogers, Gene fray:Trona anal] Fred Astaiaas Thursday, Friday and Saturday John Boles, and Gloria Stuart • Present the musfeall ramance of the century. Hear .Bid'es' aingIng "In the Gloaming"and other num- , a . heasi "BELOVED"' .qoming—"Goiraa Holrywaocr with latarioni lllatinees--Wed. and, Sat at 11 rns e local Ierchap.t and Read the Ennio Mr, Mitchell Hepburn, the' Libera leader, is addressing a meeting: i Goderich on Wednesday evening June 13th. Be will ..apealc in •th afternoon of the same' •day at some point in the southern portion of 'the riding. In County Court Justice Kelly • dismissed the action of Thos. Sturdy against the Town of Goderich, Oswald Ginn and A. J. .06 -apex, with costi, when handing down his decisions at the end of the non -jury sitting of the Supreme Ce- urt in Goderich. Sturdy, former proprietor of the Goderieh Inn, was suing for alleged illegal distress as a result of the seizing of his prop- erty by the town for taxes and the subsequent disposal of the chattels at auction. This was held On January 14, 1934, and the chattels were bid in for less than $100 by A. J. Co- oper, the mortgagor of the property In the Weber -Walsh divorce act- ion, His Lordship ruled that the mar- riage is to be dissolved. This will be eff,ective after the usual six months stay of action when, if nothing de- velops to prevent same, the decree of divorce HwiII become absolute. A. divorce was denied Roy Jasper in his action to secure same .from his wife, Ann Bradley Jasper 'of St- ratford. The attempt was made by Major G. N. Weeks of London, re- presenting Jasper, to show that the fact that Mrs. Bradley was found in 1 n stassaaa assn. ,aaseassaaasa aanaasmasissza"guegg.gatiWailaNaMnir— Vote for allantyne Indepenclent Liberal -Progressive James Ballantyne, Reeve:biMPABorlid":''ToWnsirip •and ExWarcren)cf Ffuron„ is a Farmer -with long experience of municipal business. In 1933 when Warden he dis- covered enorrnouslealtages in County finances. and forc- ed a clean-up that saved Thousands to the people of Huron and with the new system installed will mean Thousands more to the ratepayers. He did it in Huron • -Try him at Toronto • The Henry -Government is using up'ail the Revenue received from its excesilte taxes- and in'adclifibn is in ceasing the debt oF Ontario Iry $29,090,000 per year., T1ieyw4ll Swamp the Province • Help stoplhis-7Vote for Ballantyne vote f rwyT. a vote tor:Fligher Taxes and Increa.sedi DAL Mr. Vaxpayer-,can you Stand it? ' -•tr,tr • f ' A r 'r•V 4.4,, 'et; 133712MESSangams=romanigamansiialirra. NI111111MMIll ,11111111111111 ili111illfillai1111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111101111 111I4111111111111111101111111111111111 NEW Grocery Store Peasi. No, .31*Ittedt 2 cans Quaker COI= perin « __ .10c Westolesi SOdars. 2 As... Chef Pork and Brans No. I tins 8c Maple Leaf' maims, per Ilia. Chocolate mated ill'Againiits per lb, .--........19c Breakfast Jew, oaffee per lb. .. 29c Wornen"mocottizi lase (firsts). per Walkerside Ice Cream &vars. Try if! Camedic SE& mod Cans Fresh Rut* and Groceries' Always on Hand. Also Timeadt,:r n s , Laces, Etc. Mennio • 0 Zuric EGGS Ilit.ANTED, serSISMISaimm none SASS 3'14p:4111 •Ks " sr•tas•i leaf., Laird Bros.' Specials Genuine Eugene Permanent . .$5.50 1,..••••••s1.1.1..1...••••PaabisaloOl.' !Realistic Croquignole . Charmaine 'Oil Wave $3.501 Nu Beauty Oil .. ... . • • $2•50' • With Curl or Ringlet ends • Prices include Shampoo, Finger Wave and Trim. • Specialists in Hair Tinting • '•• Mr, T. L. Wurm of Toronto, wag in town Monday evening. _________ Miss Clara Weber of London, sp- ent the week -end with her parents, 425' RICHMOND,. 4646 • LONDON • Mr. and Mrs, Louis Weber. Mr. and Mrs. Siinon Thiel of Kit- s chener, spent the week -end with fri- • 'ends around Zurich. •' Miss Betty Witmer of Detroit, is, spending a few weeks with Mrs. De- cker and family. •ArrS. J. J. Swartz and daughter, • Eunice, of Detroit, are visiting with Properly Fitted Glasses former's mother, Mrs. J. Fuss. C. E. ZURBRIGG, R: O. . Will be at Hess' Jewelery •Store, EVERY TUESDAY EVENING To fit You with Glasses. PRICES MODERATE an automobile on a side road wifh •another Man was in itself suffieim* evidence to warrant divorce. His Lordship denied this flatly, stating. that it was a common occurrence in the most innocent cincurnstances. Mr.- and Mrs.,Wm. R. Dougall and itors with Mr, and Mrs. T. L. 'Williams, Mr. and Mrs. John Wagner, •of :Guelph, spent the 24th with the for- :mer's brother, Mr. and Mrs. 'Win. C. Wagner of town. • Mr. and. Mrs, Leonard Ilaist of Detroit, were week -end visitors with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Oliver and daughters of Jenson, were Sunday daughters of Kitchener, 8pent the we - at the home of Mr. and Mrs C. Fritz. Spe SA ial On:.• WALTHAM. POCKET WATCHES $ 10.00 buys a 15 jewel En- graved Chrome Cases. $15.00 buys a 15 Jewel En- graved Gold Cases, • Come in and See These! Mess, The Jeweller Phone 74 Zurich Chester L wl* PtsblfseallSa P.26 a year, u.s. PM! fAifsaaraM• !ass irataRaa.R$42 RAT OB 00"111110` aper BLUE COAL ALL GRA 1 ES Genuine Bernet - Solvay CcAre... Miller's Creek WE CARRY ONLY THE BJC:F77-.Z.T QUALITY FUEL . Agricultural Tile and Brick CASH paid for Eggs on Grade Basis, W. R. DAVIDSON' Phone No. 10 HENSALL, A Letter to the Electors! Messrs. Charles Bartlett and Wit- mer % ?Sl'`2'4`4-1'..<3,04•040.0•4404.0.a saassaaaaaanaaa.4.-n•st,naza."4.,44,4,,zt,01, t.s Metzger of the Bank of Mon- a real staff spent Sunday in Woods- • at Kippen, May 19th, 1934 tock. sls e To the People of my Home Constitu- ,- Permit me to issue a further • .:11).1-iss Vera Decker spent a zew days • . - ' . Mr. and Mrs. Louis Prang and a. N E 17V , • small, second instalment of Declar, visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Aulerich • • ..d other friends. anon of Policy of things • political aknia • ill= . forsake the policies of tli4, two °id an ,,,„ ple among my constituents to- utterly her—trio-tli'ier, laisi..e'ir abp,pet to the young aeo- 'Whicso the years jut Ves-- Mr.and Mrs. -Harold Kuntz of spent the week -end with Mrs. Emma *Rose of tbe * 1 SPRING': ' 18 IP if • parties, most of their legislation is -°".7. . 0 0 i obselete and worn out anyway. Some • Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Wagner * • of those policies has gone a long of Guelph,'spent the -week-end with •• way to brine, about the hard times. his 'parents herd'. we are in at the. present time. The ' • • - * ' Afil 8 t .111 ties since in those past post-war days Legislation of both the old line par - is G. Hess. Mrs. Roy VVeber, who has recently • : ALSO A FINE RANGE OF ,_ READ YMADE depressing and stupid, non-agressiye altogether and solely responsible for at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry • been nil the sick list is convalescent 4, • that -we have just gone• through, 1 ALL PATTERNS AND STYLES the Canadian Depression. We should The new residence of Mr. Milne a not have had any had sve had com- petent legislations. The caily thing ..ing good 13"greM Rader of the 14th concession, is mak- • as the brick walls • • SUITS Young Canada can do now is to see are now completed, and will soon be 4, to it properly. that they don't legis- ready for the carpenters, - * • .late for them any longer, rut in .Mr. Moses Geiger, who spent the • the honse and I'll guarantee the ris- one dozen Independent inembers into past winter and spring with his on * OVER. A 1,000 PATTERNS 'TO CHOOSE FRO, 1. ing generation will be well provided Rev. and Mrs. R. M. Geiger, oil • Welland, has returned to Zurich and for in the matter' of good progressive is „staying • • Democratic legislation. with his daughter, Mr. 4 better. «Things back home Two dozen and Mrs. E. Blake Horner, of the. would, be b • • in the counties will be looked after 14th 'concession. • .... •, , . • • • and, your .best interests assured. The service sin the Evangelical • Further, allow me to state to middle .Churchs her wili be. in the interests of • • class voters in my riding, that you men especcally. Over forty men . will find in me. a steadtast and con- will occupy the church gallery and. sistant advocate in 'the. Legislative render choruses. Anyone is welcome : • * EMBALMERS AND FUNERALDIRECTORS ,C+ halls of this country of the best in- to »tend. , This will be a fine serv- • aa terests of things as they ought to be ice on Sunday evening next. at this end of business. I can fix un- . . dipb4kfterdil-o*,404,fra.Grt.0044,1.60‘15,044)42q)00 ^ft',;f4to.o4,,N .•.,:a4.-04,4,,, •• g 6, employment and cut off using pub- At a meeting of the Zurich Police lic monies for relief with one stasike Trustee' Board the other evening it of my pen. This system is the only was decided to have the main streets' tine democratic way of legislation. around town oiled, and arrangements In these days small industries in to this effect are being made. Thr small country centres is at a stand, main street running east and west still. This ought not to be. Money through town known as the •County is Bent out of the counties too road, • has received some crushed much. It must return again. l'il lone and is getting into shape for put you people on the map. Let me another coat of terve in the near at it! Try me once. Let us gol My future, this tarva will likely be rolled opponent, the Government d- in with more stone, which will act ate, the auctioneen, •the insurance ,isomething like a mecacia pavement. "CLOTHES OF QUALITY" Ur; • 0 4ti man, he writes insurance to send monies out of the county. I farm to help retain money back home where it belongs. My friend mut oppositi- on to my .left, is a worthy fellow but I don't hear much from him He is too quiet. He don't sell insurance however, He farms, This is a con- 'Vhe first game of baseball to be stituency of farmers and ought to played on the local diamond this elect a farmer if the agricultural season was on Monday evening, when class is ever going to get their rights that old veteran Bill Barlow from the in the legislative ,Mills of this coun- County Town came down with his try. My constitute would be well line-up of youngsters, and played advised to leave both the old line- the locals a nice seven -inning game bred candidates entirely out of the of ball. The pitchers on both sides picture this time, and trust the man wore very stingy with hits as God - who puts his trust in you. (lily peel- erich made only two hits and the plc is my policies.) Watch your step Zurich boys got four hits, and the watch for dates, in this political con- score was 3-1 in favor of the vis - test. No compromise with the Lib-litors. Ivan Yungblut made a big erals this time. The Liberals are home run in the field to the right only past masters peoples' polit- which was the best hit of the evening les. Their present policies are get- but unfortunately for the Zurich ting us nowhere. I compromised atom no one was on base. Zurich last time with the Liberals and con- 'threatened several times, but in the ceded them a big consideration. Turn pinches failed to hit safely and to about is Pair Play. Play Ball Fellows Fair, ,please! Watch the Press for a third installment of policy later on in this eontest. Av.* your own Country Candid - rile main streets around town are teriibly dusty at present, and some dompness from the clounds would be welcomed. SPORT NEWS bring in their men. • But however, such is the •breaks of the game, Dick Welsh of Henna, who did the mound work for Zurich pitched a; masterful ane having 13 strikeouts U., 1 thank. you all, to his eridit, while the Godorich Yours Sincerely, pitchers had five strikeouts to their W. W. COOPER, credit. Harold Stade had a good Vann, South Huron, day at hat with three httts, Let Us Sho You Our 1 New Curtains and Curtain Goads; ..New Prints and Broadcloths; New House Dresses. Men's and Boys' Fancy Shirts; also Work Shirts. an Overalls... Men's and Boys' Rubber Boots and. Work Shoes; Women's, Misses and Childrens' Shoe; Sandals and Oxfords. Many lines in Hardware such as Paints and VarniAes, Graniteware, Tire Etc., Etre., HARNESS REPAIRS A SPECLAM This Season's Vegetable and Flower Seeds 5c and a Package., FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND R. N. DOUGLAS fitENIERAL MERCHANT PHONE ft sr BLAKE