HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1934-05-17, Page 4Cut Your Fuel Bill In ALF, • O Windows and Doors .1 M •fir Buy Storm ,�, LET US QUOTE YOU! 4. + '. !PLACE THOSE WINDOW PANES NOW. WE CARRY A •.a LARGE ASSORTED STOCK OF GLASS ON HAND AT ALL + s• T 1MES., AND WILL DO YOUR GLAZING WORK WHILE XOU 4. WAIT. „F. C. IKALrFLEISCH : 9 0 - ZUR CHI °• 1HONE 6 1181100111011111111111111111 r6 • 224-1:44-4+++++++++++44+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1•44414,44+++++++++++++4++++4++++++++++44++4+4.4+++++44 114ASSEY-HARRIS NEWS 4. Look over your Cultivator, drill and order repairs and I- • 4 save express charges. We have some F and W., Deer- Ir g. ing and M. H. Cultivator teeth at a bargain 4. 3 Used Tractor plow, riding plows, Cultivator and bean 1 ,� e 4 Scuffler at bargain prices. ALSO 3 -DRUM STEEL ROLLER, HOE DRILL• + WHAT HAVE YOU TO DEAL? Come in and see our display of New Machines this $ Week -End. Gas, Oil, Batteries and Tires at live and let live prices, 1 GENUINE M. H. REPAIRS ARE BEST Points for all makes of Cultivators . Shop 149 OE KLOPP & SONS Res. 67 Auctioneerirg? — U. BET! 4 t 4:4-4+++++++++++++++++++++++ 'B.4.4..+++▪ +++ c +++++•i+++++.fit -3401)411-10411061110$0000068,4000,e0.4 ,u•••4a®•®00etasssso•011C00•oa 411 410 -4111 1 McKinley's Chicks Bloodtested Breeding Stock Government Approved New Low Prices For May and June ,After May 15th 1 Oc After June 1st Sc Started Chicks 3 weeks oid at 7c extra Subjeot to Change Without \otic:'. Sc 7c .• • • • • • • • • • 1 • • • • • • • • J. ELGIN McKINLEY -- ZURICH, ONTARIO I Phone: 97 r 11, Hensall • • : i0Aii••••••4•••••e•••••s•••••••Q.•••••••••••• ..4 ,I 1 I L L S r R E E N Mrs. Ross Love and infant son trrrne;d from Clinton Hospital dur-. ' -tote week, and 'we are pleased to =mart that •both are doing fine. Ittir.. John Cochrane Sr., is spend- -44;1g a few weeks at Dr. Moir's Hos 'ii% :Huron Springs, in the interest u>•F..his health and is much improved rtixr• gate of writing, his many friends natnj e lor a. speedy recovery. "aliss Lettie Love returned to her •tixlxue after spending some time at ;the manse, in Kippen. ac+Irs. John Cochrane and daughter Milne and Mr. Wm. Jarrott called tel. ,Pluton Springs recently and visit- :hrd with Mr. Cochrane and Miss Annie ;Jarrett. We are pleased to report ;:frea`iin patients are doing fine. BLAKE :ALT. and Mrs.Jas, Allan called on friends in the village recently. ,.and Mrs. Gordon Manson and .aasniiy .sof Dundas spent the week- !. wVth Mrs. J. A. Manson and 'fs�ccri9y'. I4tr. and Mrs. G. S. Howard and oiktrughter Miss Evelyn of Exeter, -qtcrompanled by Mr's. C. Haugh, of Znrcefield and Mrs. A. MacDonald Dundas, called on friends in this. zar.6inly on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Fried Walker of De- ktot spent the week -end with her *mother, Mrs. Edighoffer of the vil- - ;ate4 fi la and Mrs. Lorne, Manson of •' at7ic rndat called on friends in the sage .and on the Goshen Lina on ,' 'ii'n.tday.. 'k'tr., and Mrs. "Sam Oesch and fain- nt Sunday with lir. and Mrs, ua44 Desch. .Tr. Will Gesell spent thy week-: end under the parental roof. Mr. and Mrs. Grell of London, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Sol Bechler. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Bender ` and family visited with Mr. and. Mrs. Jacob Swar'tzentruber• on Sunday. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Oesch on Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. John Oesch, Mrs. Susie Oesch, Earl and Roy of the Goshen Line; Mr. Milton Oesch of Zurich, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gingerich. DRYSDALE , Mr. Philip Denomme and son Ray- mond also Mr. and Mrs. Chas. La- porte motored to Detroit last week- end. Mrs. Denomme, who had been visiting in the city for some days, returned home with them. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Masse and family of Detroit spent Mother's Day with the latter's parents,. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Corriveau: Miss Douala Denomme of London, spent Sunday' under the parental 'roof, returning Mond -ay morn; ig, Mr. Frank Corriveau has loaned lots in his grove on the lake beach to Mr. Bart of Stratford who intends to build a summer home. The grove is a beautiful place and no doubt Mr. Corriveau will have .lot, of oppor- tunities to rent more lot.. A number of our young men have: engaged with .Mr. Ducharnre to work on the big bridge which is being er- ected a couple miles north of Grand Bend. A nice rant fell Sunday tfternoo" which is certainly worth mangy thou,' bids of dollar, to the fainters. 1i'Ii' I;rirR.. • r lin: hn i::•.• 1;iirsplf tt ti i v :a.:i. ZURICH . HERALD Seeding is practically all. finished. Farriers have now started to work their bean fields. The many. friends of Miss Roselle Corriveau will be sadto hear of her confinementto her roem nursing a sore foot the result of treading on a fusty nail. DASHWOOD (Crowded otit last week) The Ladies' Aid and W.1VI.S. of Dashlood Evangelical Church held their regular meeting in the church basement on Thursday with Mrs, Ezra Bender presiding for the pro- gram which included the scripture lesson by Mrs. V. Schatz; solo by Rev. A. W. Sauer; piano duet by Mrs. NI. Tiernan and Miss Anna Tie- rnan and readings by Mrs. W. Snell Mrs. G. Link and Mrs. V. Schatz. Mrs. D. Tieran presided for the bus- iness session at which 99, sick visits were reported. The following regu- lar committees were named; Visiting Corn., Mrs. E. R. Guenther, Miss Su- sie Kraft; Flower • Coin., Mrs. D. Weber, Mrs. • E. -Geiser. It was de- cided to hold a special service for the Jubilee ThankofFering on Sunday May 13th with the following coir; in charge; 1VIrs. R. H. Taylor, Mrs. A. E. Oestreicher, Mrs. M..Tiernan, Mrs. R. H. Taylor and Mrs. M. Tie - man were appointed delegates to the. annual W.M.S. Convention to be held in Kitchener oil, May 30th and 81st. Plans were made 'to hold a Strawberry Social the date to be set later. Following the business ses- sion Rev. and Mrs. Sauer who leave this week for their new home in Mild niay, were called to the platform while Mrs. G. 'Wildfong read an •ad- dress expressing the deep regret of the members in. their departure and appreciation of their kindly ministr- ations among us. Mrs. D. Tiernan then presented Mrs. Sauer with a pretty silver dish after which both Rev. and Mrs. Sauer replied fitting- ly. An interesting contest was then conducted of*er which tea was serv- ed by the ladies. Following is the address ' Dear Mr. and Mrs. Sauer— - It is with feeling of regret and sorrow that we learn of your early departure from our midst For the past five years ne have pro fited by your• example and teachings and during that time you have gre- atly endeared yourselves to us by youraimable characters, your earn-. est devotion to duty and the hearty interest you have manifested in our welfare as a people. ' In our homes you have been our - sincere sympathizing counsel and friends, a source of comfort'in. hours of pain and sorrow, and in the Lad- ies' Aid we shall greatly miss your interest and help so generously and cheerfully given; and the enjoyment and inspiration of Mr. Saurer's sing- ing. But our sorrow at your leav- ing is -tempered with joy when we realize that our loss must -'be anotli qtr's gain. With deep sense of all you have done and been to us the ladies have asked me in their name to present this small gift as a token of our admiration and esteem for you, and 'Of our gratitude for your labours in our behalf hoping that its presence may always recall the ple- asant and helpful hours spent to- gether in the Ladies' Aid of Dash- wood Evangelical church. We hope and pray that God will be with you in your earnest endeavour to further the work of His kingdom wherever you may be sent. With this sincere prayer we wish you God speed.Mrs. D. Tiernan, President. HENSALL Freda Patching, R.N., of Sarnia, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. John Bean. Mr. and Mrs. James Bont: ron and son, Harold, visited in Hanover: Sunday last. Archie Filshie is visiting at Mount Forest Margaret Habkirk has resigned her position as bookkeeper with Cook Eros, and her place has been taken by Mrs. Roy Palmer. Alma Ssruton, R.N. of London, was a visitor with her mother and sisters here: Mrs. Alice Joynt of Toronto, sp- ent a few days with friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. Dave MclCarn of London were visitors with her broth- er, Frank Peart. Mae McNaughton of Toronto, visited a few days with her parents,. Mr. and Mrs. Danie McNaughton. Ingersoll and Hensall will open the baseball season at Hensall on May 24. The Chamber of Commer- ce are making great preparation for a full day's enjoyment.. - Margaret McLaren of 'London is visiting at the home of. her Barents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McLaren. Mrs. Maud Redden has been quite ill • for a few- weeks. Her many fri- ends hope to soon see her around a- gain. Hensall Council are having the endow bell rung at 9 o'clack, coin- mencing on May 8, and hope parents, of the children will co-operate in having this law observed. A. W. E. Hemphill spent a few days in Toronto"' last week. Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton and fam- ily of Windsor have moved into the house owned by the late Geo. Case on South Richrno n(lstret. Mrs. Roy Palmer and little yrhter have returned from London, 'Thom. they were visiting; l•r ;r" , ri:, y9. C7. C,i r;'lcv r and ut.l};111. •r.1 i�`�'a"�r, a(.'COM 13,rllia,l by Mrs. Maulkinson were visitors at Listowel with Mr, and iVIrs. L. R. Cola; and family. Florence McDonald has returned from St, Thoma, where she spent at couple of weeks with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Buchanan Alex. Munn who has been visiting with, his daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) Wilson and f'ainily at Bay City was visited by his son, Dr. Janes .Munn of Sea - forth, who 'brought his father hoarse with hint to the old hoinestead farm ° ':1'rarsr'3'ay„ Shay ."�tia, 1.934 •'T ' Mich, levelling the rad, but so fur Jaz' congratulations. there is no indication +of any exten- At Goderieh Harbor siva operations by the Provincial 'Goderieh liaevrbor Is becoming riore road men, like Chicago even°y day, aeeor(ling to Redecorated lUarber .i11lnster; B. MacDonald. With' The offices of bath the caunt+,l clerk five freighters in' port all at the same and the county treasurer, Goderieh, t'm nearand a turxibex more expected in have been completely refitted and in the future, With scores of small accordance tvitlr the decision of the hits praIall dig about stirring littli County Council at its January ses- -agaves in all directions, there is more sion. Besides new paint ansr paper, t• han • :little to the comparison. new equipment -has been provided Rev. R.°' Miller's Death both offices .now look smart and'ev Robert A. Miller, who had occupied eof1y Hay srnshi rRobe is forrt, and 'businesslike. 'T'he. council did a good coup y din, the ecourse aof his es n inistiHary Y 5 1 lob here, it is said, resent the present making his home there, c41e'd - aeaeently at Tupperville, Dent Minister Accepts. Call 'county, where he was pastor of the. Rev. T. A. l✓ariinichael of Alvin -. United ehiux•�cli. He was boz,ii... ,near stork has accepted the unanirrrou Hensa]I about {(i(i years age and had call which the congregation of North been nearly Forty years in the nun side United Church, Seaforth, exten- .is' Y of the Methodist and United Churches. Engagement Lane leaves for Goderieh. The .engagement of Margaret B,. 'iMcMillan, only daughter of the' late• A Lucky One Thomas MVMeMillan, M.P.,' and the late A party from Goderieh, opened Mr's. McMillan, of Seaforth, is an - the Meatford, fishing season this year. ;uouneed to i Fr. Wilfred L. Whyte, by hooking a salmon trout weighing B.S.A..youngest son of 'Mrs. John but is still not in good health. T. O. Dayman has improved the appearance of the front of his store by repainting it and 'the store in future will be run as a Superior store owned and operated by Mr. l ded to him. He will begin his duties Day -man. Tuesday last was their op- on the first of July, when Rev. Mr, ening day and in the evening ai 10 o'clock two baskets of groceries were given away. COUNTY .NEWS 1 1V2 pounds. J. I-1'. Bendry of Mea- Whyte, and the -late Jolitr. Whyte of ---- 1ford was the guide,.iuid the big trout Stratford, the marriage to take place Mrs. Sarah Hewitt died at Exeter gave •plenty of tfight before it was early in June. in her 81st year. Three daughters' succestiftil.ly landed. This is the and two sons survive. earliest the fishing season has opened for some year: and the trout will be Two Exeter High School girls entered in the local Board of Trade Dorothy Sims and Jean Penhale, competition held annually for the sir'- have broken wrists, the result of von trophy. falls • while roller-skating. . An Old Lady Joseph Nigh, well-known n resident Mrs.' Catherine Young- of Wing- .attending services in the church last of Seaforth, died at the age of 08 ham,an Thursday last, May 3rd, cel- Sunday morningP. The cars belonging. to P. O'Sullivan of McIsillop and' years. He leaves a widow, two dau ebrated her98th birthday miniver- . Conrad Morris of Hibbert Tp, had been parked before the service in the church graunds. Only when a woman motorist drove .along the roan was the fire' discovered, both cars being ° ablaze. She entered the church and - d_:old cgmrunioants seated at the' rear of tTie church of the fires:. 44. ,.,.' • William B. Geiser, was born Julir :Autos Took Fre Two motor cars parked at. sepal.-- ate eparate sections of the spacious grounds of St. Colunrban Church were cor- pletely burned almost at the same - /time while the owners were within . ghters and three sons. Working on the Highway A few men are working on the Blue Water Highway south of God - nary, and during the day with her niece,. Mr. and Mrs. .Gowans, with whom she lives, she received about seventy relatives who came to offer ogarth says:. Opportunity Ahead for Poultrymen! CASH .in With Super -Size Chicks 1 Latest Ottawa reports show fewer eggs in 11, 1862, near Crediton, a son of. storage than usual at• May lst, and pra- the late pioneer .Adam Gaiser . Int duction lighter throughout the country- 18::3 he was married to Sarah S.drh'w-- That is good indication of high egg prices. artz. This union was blest with sons next Fall and Winter. Prepare to cash'irr hand daughters, . Pearl, at. To7iedop, on this opportunity. Buy Hogarth Super- t Ohio; Elsie Mrs. t(Dr.) G.. E. nice- . Size chicks,' frorrx extra large eggs: Theseinner of • Chesley; Earl of •Dashwood;: . chicks are building' up splendid reputations'Einmery' and +lddleen, ' who i:; the: for livability and fast growth. Make: bigger 1 Continua• tion school principal of e stronger pullets—heavier layers: Seven Credit°n; Nola; who is Mrs: Wilkie. breeds. Government Approved:. Prices tMcGewan, of Ailsa Craig; Royal' orm reasonable. Write or. phone: "the hoinestead ' and Borden with' lii1: ttmother in •Crediton. Mr. Geiser was - `:ars industrious farmer for many years Hogarth 'Baby ' 'Chick Hatchery, . .a.: liberal supporter of the Evangel'- . Box 114 ' ' EXETER,. ONT. Phone 1M'. ical church. He died -• in the early ---•—. hours of Saturday morning. last in. '.the '72nd year of his age. e want you to know about S, '4I114AC F4 ST -DRI ENAMEL --5TA1N Durable 4 -Hour Finishes that truly beautify! The transformations you can effect in your home with a few brush strokes of Sher -Will -Lacy Ding corners painted with pure sunlight . . new kitchen ororch furniture for old ... int soft tones that hold their brightness, and dry injusl four hours! Sher -Will -Lac Enamel gives a finish that wears and • wears '... a surface that washes magically. And SHER-WILL-LAC FAST -DRI STAI N merits your investment. It gives interior wood- work, floors and grained furniture new life. lustre and beauty. It stains and varnishes at the same time, and also dries in four brief hours.. 'This is Paint Headquarters ... drop in here for the-enaniels arid stains you need. They're oil our shelves. waiting! ' Our Hardware • Store Mack Ly SHERWIN-WILLIAMS) c:. IIIITZun111141iyiY, r..;-.ad nerSeneirse- feria' IS EVER AT YOUR . SERVICE FOR THE BEST OF SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE AL- WAYS THE NEWEST AND MOST ' MODERN STOCK ON HAND. Let Your next Wire Fencing be the well known "FROST FENCE" If in Need of Some Nice New Furniture Remember, WE HAVE. IT! GOODYEAR TIRES and TUBES that will give you Years of Good Service. SEEDS of all kinds, including the various Kinds of Clover Seeds, Always a good supply on hand. STADE & WEIDO ZURICH -- ONTARIO 1.r EARTH