HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1934-05-10, Page 5IVfay• �( INUNINESS CD3 D 'i.DL "i " E. re' DIMES dIM„elltRISTER, SOLICIT:Ot , NOT. AIRY PUBLIC, 2-T(C. et%Y FILE-.--)lannilton .Street, hest off dies Square, GODERICH; Ontario. Apeclal Attention to Coasncel send Court Work Holmes *nay be consulted sit »dericb by Phone, and Phone • charges reversed. Dr. II. H. C O W J N L. D. S. .D. D S. DENTAL SURGEON DEITZ BLOOK 'Z'l1WIOH ,;ort' Thursday, Friday, Saturday At HABTLEIB'$ BLOcL DASHWOOD *wary Monday. Tu slay and ;Wednesday licensed AnctsOlIee 'For Huron and Middlesex 1 AM IN A POSITION TO CON duct any Auction Sale, regardless as to size or article to sell. I 8o14t ?your business, and if not satisfied avail make no charges for Services Rem d erect. ARTHUR WEBER --Dashwood Phone 13-57. aurichs' Pop -Oar MEAT MARKET Let Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur -a cal Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Etc., always.. on hand... Kept -fresl'i in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins : . yur.lghlut & Son Wants, Fel' Sale, Lt's, (Fatomy Pieties, Eta. Ada' ;its Winn FOR SALE A quantity of Banner .seect oats; Velvet Barley, and soxne'sweet ewer seed for sale. Win. Alexander, HensalI, p.o. FOR SALE OR RENT -Seven room (Welt cot- tege with hard and soft seater, ur- flwee and hydro, in ” teiasalL .Apply to Herald.Office. FOR SALE SEED OATS FOR .SALE, price reasonable. Apply to John Hyde, Lot 8, Con. 2', Stanley. Phone :86 r 41 ?Hensel'. FOUND About 75 pounds of clover seed, on Zurich Road, between Zurich and Parr Line.Owner can have same by paying this adv. from Mn wanes Green, Parr Line. FOR - SALE A rebuilt lawn newer, also a re- built •cultivator, for quick sale. L. A. Prang & Son, Zurich WANTED A limited number of :cattle for pasture for the summer. Am*: to: Herb. Desjardine, Zurich. For Salle Used Kitchen Cabinet, Couch, Chinas Cabinet. All these articles are lir. A 3. condition. Apply to Earl E. 'W'etdo, Zuzich FOR QUICK SALE An almost new .tapestry rug 6x73 feet, in very good condition:, a rela. bargain for quick sale. Apply at Herald Office. Seed. For 'Sale A quantity of Seed Banner Oats (i5c per bushel. Also. O.A.C. Barley 70c bushel. Apply to George Ingram R. R. 3, Exeter, Ont. Phone 6 on 89 Hensel' central. SERV ICE Why We have the -Better ' Class of Customers 'WWI CLASS GOODS, LI. S. L. r••le elALE Quantity of Oats for •sale: Apply to R. F. Stade, Zuriic'h. 3t ' FOUND► i»RiEI�. MOBILE OIL, MA �1 mE OIL, GOODYEAo„ alma On the Bronson line an auto anate leer D S-14. Owner can have same at Herald Office by calling and set- tling for this notice. NOW TUBES, GENUINE IGNITION Warts, Hehning and MechanicalIN'ork >,e to Micrometer Settings, No: Moon work. Watch th• .cars that; ATOP at WEIN'S, They are ,s,U HIGH CLASS CLIENTELE. ireASIIWOOD ONTARIO Western farmers'. Mutual „r Insurance -Co • *V WOODSTOCK . AMIE LARGEST RESERVE BA -L- ANCE CE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- ISM. COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS BLIND IN ONTARIO. ,count of Insurance at Risk on' Dec. 31st, 1932; $17,860,729. Total Cash • in Bank and Bondy - $221,978.99. :.itte aea—$4.50 per $1,000 for 3 yeses E. F. Klopp—Zurich 44eai, Also Dealer in Beads ;lid all kindly el Fire lnaurarice LIVE Y ? O V LT WANTED. 'Talton every Day till 3 o'clock pm Ma not feed Fowl same morning when brought in. . 'hest Cask hices --CASH FOR-- MEAN • AND EC W. O'Brien 4'hone 101, Res. S,4fA Zanitli ME HERALDS JOB IMPARTMENT s e ever ready to serve the pulmo :Mk With Commercial and fine Pi ntin . Get our pri api be - Iowa having your 'EderI4 - '� .tri" For Sale A quantity of O.A.C. No. 21 Soy Beans seed. Also a pair of ,young Torkshire. Sows bred. Henry, Krueger, ;Zenith, FOR SALE About 100 bushels of good seed 1arley. No. 21, 6 -+rowed, good and clean at 65e a bushel. Apply to Orville Smith, ,Parr Lme, Hay. FOR - SALE • A Combined' Prayer Piano and Piano delivered tam your .door for $200.00. Cost- $750.00 complete with 30 rolls and bench. The finest piano in this• country- , ount, F. W., Hess, 11Iensall, Ont. NOTICE I am autlioai'zedi agent and dealer for the Renfrew Products of Cream Separators, Staves and • Washing Machines. Also, have aonxe used Separators always on hand. If' in need of any of above articles, kindly arrange to see me. Hugh Thiel, R.R. 2, ;Zurich. • Phone 93• r 4. t43 aa00S/BsIN•Mcfaams* •• i 1 a r DANCE :AT The Pavilion Godericil EMERY SATURDAY NII -1T • •1M • • a TONY F'ARR'S ORCHESTRA/ • 400410•140•01/001500041011~04100400 WANTED PRODUCE: WANTED We are new to a pwsltit n to take cream and eggs at nay home at Zur- 'eh, ler which we vefli pay highest .market prices. We -wilt grade your eggs • es We, receive- theme and pay ac- eording to, grading, give in It trial, ;Pint irst houge south, oit' »o t niou hotel 7C.. IEC.. I Celeron, PhOroe lite, Zurich. Mr..and 1VIrs, George Fee of texa sail were Thursday visitors in, town. Mr. and Mrs, Sarna aottsch,alk of Seaforth, were Week -end visitors at the houaa ' of Mr. and Mrs. ,T. W: Horner; Next Sunday there will be a ano- ther's Day service in the forenop i, and a.,Father's . service in the even- ing, iter the Evangelical church. Vis- itors are welcome. Mr. and Mrs. John Oesch and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Oesch of Milverton were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Amos 'Gaseho, Bronson line, where' they visited Mr. Peter Brenneman who is ill. ,Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Swartzentru- ber of the Bronson line, and Mr. and Mrs. Seth. Amens of town are leaving Friday morning for a visit with friends in the States" of Mich- � igan and Indiana, and are snaking the trip -by auto. Word has -been received herr: of the passing at his home in New Ham burg of Mr. Christoph Rau,` -in his 86th year, passing away. on Sunday May 6th, evitth the funeral on Wed- nesday. Until recent years Mr. Rau made frequent visits to Zuhich vis- iting with his sister, the late Mrs. Rupp. He was a man of great phis- cique in his younger years. ' • The new organ recently purchased by 'the St. Peter's congregation of :the Lutheran church was , shippen on Monday, and workmen are eng- aged in the installation. This is an outstanding instrument we are told, and the dedication of the same will take place on. Sunday morning when Rec. C. C. Masse of Detroit, will assist the local pastor, Rev. E. Turk- heim. The evening service will be in charge of Mr. Turkheine and af- ter the service an organ recital will be enjoyed. The public are cardia- `iiy invited to attend. The local fire brigade -was called on Monday morning to the farm of Mr. Pybus, on the south-west tor- nor of the Parr Line anis Zurich Road, with the result that fire was making fast headway towards the barn, having reached withing several feet of the same, but it was com- pletely extinguished when the local boys arrived on the scene.. ' -We` have been advised that the probable cause of the fire was the carelessness of depositing cigarette butts on the giound which ignited the fence, and with everything so dry, soon spread •bwt fortunately it' was extinguished before damage was doxie. ANOTHER FIRE Dr. IL H. Cowen has treated him- ( . • •,.... mwora lo00.01010001110000004110.000,4111,00111 self to a new Chevrolet special. sedan �Joseph '• Gas Mr. c,ho who has • been n Atr. g :a sari: hand i'or, a few. we - .etPRed a, .Isike, Timothy. I. • efts is improved nicely; Mr, and. Mrs, A. G� rices on e.. Clr�er, Alfalf aadighod'cr and son Grant were recent visitors with friends at HEEDS! SEEDS! 'Waterloo and ,.1�` Weet Clovers. Mr. and Mrs. Frank • •Mousseaza 1 3 and family of 'near Ilensall spent! Sunday with friends in Clinton.• Mr. and Mrs. Morley Witmer and family of palm, were wcolt-end visitors at the home of her mother; ' Mrs. Decker of town. few Mr. Carl Burnwho has spent a (0- Bring.in your bottles to be filled we have same weeks with friends in Stratford in bulli. Garden Seeds in Bulk at half the price of Package •Seeds. Onion Seed, leave your order with us. rt' RL. ,'Y FOIL SALE ALSO SEED OATS, AND SEED FORMALDEHYDE and Milverton, has returned to his • home here. . Hay Council niet on Monday for the monthly meeting, offing to the McCormich-Deering. Also handle Cultivator points absence of Mr. Melick, the chairman ffr• E. Walper, the senior councillor and plow points to fit any make of machine. presided at the head of the table. A number of local baseball fans motored to Clinton. on Monday ev- ening when the scedule of the .Her -tarter eh -Perth League was drawn up, of which will appear in next week's • issue. CALL US ABOUT SEED GRAIN Impleroknt Repairs . Chicken Feeds hick Starter and Pioneer Chick S Lm Sch• •l e a/►+,t!aflrel• e••••z •/iOst•t•N••ee•••••••QCevel eeeti ,es ze•• kVV ic: W'WM 1 Wag' WIA6 iWt The villagers are busy thesedays planting the family ger edeas, as the land works up nicely this spring. The grass on the lawns is coming along nicely and soon we will have our we -1 ekly job of -znnning the lawn mower The unns::lly warm weather ".a. the beginning of LIay ended- on Sat- urday when alt . -rid to cooler, r d more seasonable .fo, • ' two year. The extreme heat was “ ..r•,,• >a _hard on the farm horses putting in the seeding, and many farmers had to give up horses owing to fatigue and death during the hot spell, but it has most wonderfully stimulated growth. ' The banquet held in the Town Hall last Thursday evening by the Royal Knight's Men's alible. Class of the Ev- angelical church was attended by about sixty yaung men of the com- munity, who readily partook of the . w cry sumptuous meal provided by ; the Ladies' Aid -of the church. The meal' was interspersed with conimun- , ity singingled by the president, Mr, ! Leroy O'Brein. Suitable toasts we -1 re given after the meal, and a very i spicy program followed with numb- ers by the class orchestra, some sing- ing, and a comical play representing' . a beauty parlor. At the close of the program all returned home feel- ing none the worse of the evening's doings. NOTICE I hereby wish to notify the people { of Zurich and Hay Township, that -Fire of unknown origin broke out after may 15th I will make my an - about eleven o'clock on Fruit' morn- t nual rounds in the capacity of Health ing at the home of Mr. .Chris. Zink ? Inspector, and ask every citizen of on the Bronson Line, two miles southiionuthouses, the community to have all their yards of the Zurich road. It started in a stables, etc., cleaned and frame woodshed which was a mass o a good condition to pass the sani- of flames when ;tart' laws, and also that people are to Bade arrived shortly after it was the Zurich Fire bri- i have ashes removed, an refrain all h d d f ' discovered, and, with the chemicals and a good supply .of water handy it was soon ;put out, along with the help' of neighbors and others who gave what assistance they. could. The fire was rapidly on its way to- wards the main house, which had all An contents removed, but the rapid work of the Zurich Fire brigade soon had the flames checked. The Dash- wood brigade were also soon on the scene and gave what assistance they could. It was' indeed a dangerous situation, as the wind was shifting in the direction towards the barn, and with the stiff breeze blowing it Would have been difficult to save the barn had it not been checked so soon The origin of the fire is thought to have started where beans were be- ing cooked for stock. The loss is es- timated at- about $200, and wold have. been a great deal more had it not been for the quick action and heroic work of those who were so engaged. Mr. 'and Mrs. Zirk have the sympathy of their friends in this excitement, the loss was covered: by insurance. New Library Books The following list of new books are now ready for the public: Name of Book Author Four Just Men. E. Wallace Forlorn Island E. Marshall Deputy of Snow Mountain !IDr. Thorndyke's Cases, R Freeman Dr. Thorndyke's Discovery Four Man Square W. M. Raine The Middle Watch I. Hay Return of Bull Dog Drummond Sapper The lack Gang '' „ Dinner Club Beltane, the Sniith 3. l'arnol Martin Cornisky's Vengeance " Greyford of Weare ,r The Fourth Watch , H. A:Cody Picadilly Jing P. Woodhouse Faraway I. B. Priestly Modiste G. B. Stern Behind that Curtain E. 1). Biggers The Black Camel Pt Keeper of the Keys " Finch's Fortune M. DeRoche No Second Spring Janet 1 ei.th Peking Picnic Anna Brydc (Continued next week) 1 0 Zurich Drug Store t We have a full Line all the requirements School Supplies of PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. ALL AUTHORIZED TEXT BOOKS • KEPT IN STOCK. HiiM3$0,40ri#p04*C4OSl411034l1 6®m6 See OurSupply of Toiled Preparatioiis Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Perfucnizers, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Pastes, and Brushes. 0•••••••6410•4104100•0411•001DINVe FINE STATIONERY AND FOUNTAIN PENS. We also have, Saphine Anti -Moth Discs. from throwing broken glass of any kind on the roads. 13s Order. Dr, A, J. MacKinnon, Zurioh[Jul. Block, Inspector. s`'��j�,}'`l�j��■ /Hi'tI���PiTV YtY �'0WAN n �!rn MI VW P MMMl�smi t ssurance o� SAFETY The first requirement of the investor, particularly the small investor, is assured safety; income yield is of lesser importance. That is why so maty hundreds of thou- sands of Canadians regard their savings deposits in this bank as the hest type of Investment. The income may not be so attractive as the promised yield of certain. securities, but it is sure and steady, while the principal itself is safe and always remains at full face value. HEAD OIWICL �; MON•fluAL B-! 'K OF MONTREAL Established 1017 ,TOTAL ASSETS IN EXCESS OF *710,'O00i000 Zurich Branch: C. H. JOY, Manager MODE 1.N, EFFXC.NT BANKING SERVICE w''.. th►e O#ttoote of tx6 Ye,trs' Srrceessfut Operatiotr