HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1934-05-10, Page 4I• 4+.1;..#+w*0+444.4elel int.+ ++n'0.1eielect q.*I..l•.g,,1..3,.1.,1,.1„I, .,l.*nielee ut .: Fuel Bill 11 Iu HALF! uy Storm Windows and O rs LET US QUOTE YOU! ` stiEPL+ACE THOSE WINDOW , PANES .NOW. WE CARRY A, •1 uutia ASSORTED STOCK OF GLASS ON HANE! AT ate,+L MMES.., AND WILL DO YOUR GLAZING WORK WHILE YOU • • WMT. AL FLI.SC 1 PHONE 6 ZURICH *44+++++++4.44++++++++,+++++4++++++++++++++++++++++++4 *44-644++++++++++++++4,44444.14,+4.444.4.4.4.+++++++++++++4++ ,a. 4 4 L•cbk over your Cultivator, drill and order zepans and 1 save express charges. We have some F and W:,,Deer- 4.; ing and M. H. Cultivator teeth at a bargain 43. +i +E 4• k i4IASSEY-HARRIS NEWS Used Tractor plow, riding plows, Cultivator and bean Scuffler at bargain prices. ALSO 3 -DRUM STEEL ROLLER, HOE DRJJLL WHAT HAVE YOU TO DEAL? Come in and see our display of New Machines this Week -End. Gas, Oil, Batteries and Tires at live and let live prices, GENUINE M. H. REPAIRS ARE .BEST Points for all makes of Cultivators TA. Shop 149 0, KLOPP & SONS Res. 67 Auctioneering? ---- ' U. BETA e+4-11-44++++++++++++++++++++ eel+ ++i+i+i++ ++F+i++F+ ++++!•h+.44.++ " •a •*Satre cireasea•e••t antoceseinrestrosioaeocrtoees. r McKinley's, Chicks Bloodtested Breeding Stock :Government Approved NEW LOW PRICES FOR MAY AND JUNE - Barred and W. Rock W.. Leghorn 11 9c • •• • • • r • • • s A. ter April 25thla2c • After __ • • • After June lst 8c 7c • Subject to Change Without Notice. •• • J. ELGIN McKINLEY -- ZURICH, ONTARIO • • Phone: 97. r- 11, Hensen j i BILLSGREEN '`..rhe Yung People are holding =ems Sunday Evening Anniversary 1'.> ce in The Hillsgreen church on : nvt. 1.0 11. Further announcements Z" :as to the guest speaker, loss Love is wearing a hap- r>rrh1e now, he has a young son AT.—r. • Conrad Siemon of Zurich sp- (zetxa ::i.day in the vicinity. BLAKE '?Ties Edna Gingerich spent Sun- •* ' 'under the parental roof. *.Q•- Oliver Surerus and son Leeland Ott Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. egWanzi :Hey. A"f~z: «ate Clarke and Grant Tur- ✓rf Goderich spent the week -end 'nark 'Mrs. E. E. Clarke. Mrs. R. N. Douglas and Margaret egehteeil ion friends in .Hensall, on M'. and. Mrs. Ed, Erb and fainly .need Mrs. John Erb were Sun - w 'visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Men- "o..and Mrs. Aaron Gingerich and xrriiiy; Aft. ,and Mrs. Chris. Erb and tinily were Sunday visitors with Iter .and Mrs. Amos Gingerich. +# . Lorne Deno/nine spent Sun- - evening with his friend, Lloyd 11;:. r. axarl Mrs, L+ Bixk of Guelph,• t:4X .at his home here on Satur- :is ') r nn iters: 3 .1D'avi, of Tilxeter, .:LLe+dzs;it9rs in town. Dr. Lorne Tier�n•an of Ilublin, sp- ent Sunday iwith his parents, Mr. e andMrs. D+ Tiernan. Miss Zeta Nadiger, nurse in train- aing in Victoria Hospital, London,returned on Sunday after spending eher holidays with her parents- Mr. and Mrs+ Ogden of Exeter,were Sunday visitors wit''h Mr. and T Mrs. Wm. Nadiger. Mr. and Mrs. O. Pedersen and ffamily motored •to Walkertox) ,on Sun B day spending the day with Mr, and R Mrs. Schenk. Mr. and Mrs. Hy+ Hoffman andfamily were Sunday visitor; in Lon- O don. Mrs. R. Fritzley o'f Port Albert ais visiting her parents MVlr. and Mrs.er Fred Genttner.A large crowd attended services •in .the Evangelical church on Sunday in evening to hear Rev. Sauer's fare- Sa well sermon. Rev, and Mrs. Sauer yo leave on Wednesday for their 'new an home in Mildmay. Rev, Hendrich, oof Roseville will mov., here on Thu.rsoday, we welcome them to our coin son munity. Th MAMA jou will make n+rr friends aad still lot forget youe• old friends on th l4'th con. Anti now we ask• ,you Mend Mt's. Vi;neeent to accept this tate# as a z emextaiwrance and may you b neared Maley years to enjoy its (:om •lVFzsy your children also talc rvith tthearn srereet memories of thei ehildho i and school days. Oar be wishes +go with you to your new hom Sigtied on behalf of thenei hbor and friends. Young People Meet The Young People's League rot th Evangelical church me't on ',t"uesel'evening last with Earl Witmer i charge. Scripture lesson by MervyPlenum iano by b s, p duet y a Iib. M Tiernan and Anna Tiernan •which 'vafollowecl by an address by Rev. A W. Sauer on The Consecrated TalenDuring the evening; Rev. Sauer wapresented with a gift after wlicilunch was served which completethe program after which the meetinclosed with a hymn •and prayer. Dear Mr. Sauer—It is le :most sincere regret that' we have teamn.ed that you must sever your relations with us. We can still retain however the happy recollections of your lab•• ours in the past five year's in our midst. You have ever partrayed p deep interest in the Mastea'N souse and wherever possible have :assisted the league to surmount their mounds of difficulties, Your help has been appreciated by us and we hope you will be spared 1 o continue for many years in the service of your 'Lord and King. Will you therefore acoept.this resent as a t kp o en of the esteem .and regard in which you• are hold by us May God's richest blessings continueto rest upon your efforts for divine Master. We hope and pray .that you may have a very happy pas urateyour future charge. 'What is our loss is another's gain. Signed on be- half of the Dashwood League. Pres. Ella Martinson; Sec., Anna Tiernan. x,5st' ea• n s t s )tg' HENSALL 1Vlinnie Reid• has returned fromthe Coast where she spent the win- tre months and is looking much ben- efitted by her fine trip. Returning home she came part •way by airship Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sheffer return- ed from spending a week or so with their daughter•, Mrs. Reid, of Port Rowan -Mr. and Mrs. Ferris Cantelon, of Stromberg, spent a week -end yisit- ing with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Cantelon. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Whitesides, of Kitchener, and formerly of Hensalt, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Palmer+ -•Margaret. Hobkirk, who pias been book-keeper for Cook Bros', for a nunibr: of yearn has resigned her position. All the onion setts stored In the different warehouses in the villagehave been shipped out, after about five weeks steady work by a largestaff of men: Contracts are' now being let for the growing of this year's crop. Dorothy Far'quha, r has taken a pos ition in Hemphill's drug .and book store, Enema Johnston recently returned from London where she pleasantly spent a few weeks. Miss Agur, following the death of hex mother, is at present in London with friends.James Bengough returned to work after being off work several weeks aused by an acident in Moore Bros. machine shop where he was employ - d. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Smith, of Kal- mazoo, Mich., and Dr. David Smith f Omar, Mich. attended the fun- ral of their father, the late Alex. mibh. •Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Stewart, of oronto, were recent visitors with riends in town. Joseph Hudson moved into Mrs. roadfoot's house on the London oad.Ladd McEwen is making a numb - of improvements to his home on xford street, Mr. and Mrs Wm, Stone, London, ttended the wedding of the form" 's.sister on Saturday last. Fulton -Stone Wedding A very interesting event took piae St. Paul's Anglican church. last trday afternoon, when Dora J. ungest daughter of Wm. Stone, d one of Hensall's most popular ung ladies was united in marriage Frederic A. E. Fulton, youngest of Mrs. Kirkland, of London. e ceremony •was performed by the v Mr. Parker Invite Pastor to Remain• A• joint meeting of the officials of Hensall and .Chiselmur+st United urches was held hi the vestry of Hensall church last Thursday rung with a very large attend - e. The date of "the anniversary the Hensall church was set for y 2r and the Rev. H:I. V W ork- nof Petrolia was selected as the iversary speaker. The work of two churches was, discussed and hoard expn cs ed their satisfact-with conditions in the churches. ✓ $100,00 more• has been sent to �'o)s in 101 'nem 1n 1982 Presentation . ReRecently a nunnber of friends and neighbors assembled at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Vincent and gave the them a pleasant surprise and fare- chwell party before ,their departure .for the their new home at Grand Bend. A eve very enjoyable evening vas spent ane during which,Mr. and Mrs+ Vincent of re 'presented with a ,rocking chair 11;Tahe following address was react by n)a.IVlass Greb:: an ear Mr. and M.rs, the�. V#YacT:nt and theroily---We yourneigh oz 7 anti fri.the =)ds have gathered to y4, - nd a soc !on 1 evening prior to you departure+ )ve t your now home It +� with de•Ola •, . z t that we . #.-+� o :our eei.h- _t.a��1`al from 'ott,, i37# �; 1• 1017).',titt1,; we , DASHWOOD ra-t:' and n;1nnimoua re volui:i- of appreciation Waset t t(l;:red ,-() f. ilev, Mr,, Si•19elair, the minister, for .tis leadersh�%p. He was also given a meet umeedsnous invitation to remain as the ra)inister of the charge. Mr•. Sinclair In thanking the board ex- pre'sscel his appreciation foe the epi-endid loyal co-operation of the con- greegation during Inis pastorate, Death of Alex, M, Smith ;tlnother of Hensall's aged and ,respected residents passed away sud-denly in the person of Alex, M. Smith, tri his 84th year. IIe was in i'tie .,,,,usual health up to time of his death when he took ra severe heart attack and passed away in about an 'hour. Considering his age he was in fair health and he and his daug- ghter were preparing for a tz+ip to Michigan.. He was born in Lanark County and lived in Blyth for a number' of years and moved to Hen- sall about 30 years ago where he carried on business as a drover, lat- er going into th.e produce dueness which he "conducted up to a few ye- ars ago when he retired, He was a member of the village couuneil for several years and was reeve for two years. During his term as reeve the concrete 'road was put down, As a member of the County Council he took an active part in county affairs and was a liberal in politics and a member of Carmel Presbyterian ch- urch. He leaves to mourn his loss -3 daughters and five sons Thefuneral took place to the Blyth Cemetery. • COUNTY NEWS y iVir. and Mrs+ L. W. Burch, who .spent the winter at St.. Petersburg; Florida, returned to their summer home in Bayfield Highlands recently ABig Cow The Seaforth Expositor' reports that W. H.H Armstrong, of Hullett shipped to the Toronto market on April 14th . a Shorthorn cow -about eight years old which weighed 18'90 pounds. Righf On Time Exeter Times -Advocate: The pur- ple martins arrived back in town on 'Thursday„ April 19th. They met with rather a cool reception. Two years ago they arrived' in Exeter on the same date, Paving Contract Let Contractor McArthur of Guelph, has been awarded trio contract of laying a stretch of eight -miles of • concrete pavement, ten feet widb on No. 4 Highway north of Clinton. Charles herr, title manufacturer, died Saturday last t his home ,nee Goderich aged :i8 He was confin ed to his hone for several months. He was born in Crediton vicinity, "son of'Mb :late John. Kerr and Car - aline Wilson Kerr. 20 Years ago he moved to Colborne township where he established a ru:ceessfiul manufac- turing business. }ie is survived' by his widow•one son and one daughter Nurses' Graduation Plain, are afoot for the, graduati- on exercises for the. current crass of nurses ) u as s ewf Alexandra Haspital, God• erich. It is expected that this will take peace on June let, but have not yet been worked out. Ow- ing to the lack of sulficient space in MacKay Hall, alis a result of which numbers of people leave been turned away in the past, it is hoped that this year it will be possible to use one of the churches for the e>xer- cises- '!rrxcscl"4 'l Lay Iftth., 1.934 H#rtealtoxr, +small, scat of Thn ,^. .xnas #t,Harnilters ►f Huron Road, was struck u I# s art automobile driven by Mrs. • J« r ,i. Hogarth ,and had both legs broke - en as well as soave minor injuries« The .youngster was hanging on. a wagon near his ,home and let go to run into his .hoose when he stepped in front of the automobile, No Wx r.sli Received' No weld has ,yet been. received of an crppointtmeut to the vacant post - mastership, of Clinton There are a number of applicants for the position Died ire Stephen The death occurred .suddenly on Monday last in 'Stephen Township of Albert Brawn, in. his 75th year. Mr. Brown is survived. by his wife, two sons, Otto of Centralia and Clin- ton trf Crediton, and one daughter, Mrs. G. Hill of Crediton. Legs Broken .A most tudfoxtunate accident oc- curred on April 27t1i; when Gerald arank1ng •Car In Gear Cranking his car while it was in gear proved disastrous for Frank Sills, Se'•afor1lt, one day recently. The car :rain forward, crushing Mr. Sills between the front bumper and a: work bench at the end of the gar - eget e, -,' . TVIu- Mills was badly bruised and the bone of one leg was crushed near the tinea, with the . result that. he will 'have .his leg in a plaster east. for some time. Eayfyela Has Big Night The annual Masquerade Dance un -- der the auspices of the Bayfield Ag- ricultural Society held in the Town .1301 April deter, was a great success, the lbei:rxg over 300 present. About. tw®o dozen were in costume and priz- es were a'sr,auded as follows: Lady's fnney 1ni, Butterfly, tterfly, Margaret. Grov- es; 2rsd„ ilntliann; Mrs. L. Makin; Ladles" Connie, ls't Clown, Mrs. W. Westlake:; 2nd, Farmerette, Etta, McKay. Gents' Fancy, Ring Henry - VIII, ..1 ;Gallop (Seaforth); 2nd, In- dian Chief, W. Robinson (Seaforth).. Gents' connis, ist Old Man, CarlDieht, 2nd ;Connie Gent, Jas. Sturgeon; Girls, `Topsy, Peggy Boyd. Boys,Bar- ney Google, Chas g , Brandon. 'The judges were Izzetta Merner, Jessie Metcalf, Jaanes Cameron. Floor man- ager., .W Workman. Music by Old Tyrne ,Orchestra. Lunch was served ® SUPER -SIZE CHICKS g'g s•e'c, the difference as soon as you open their fe€.d' Iii In i h d shonlct lay a lot of l' f h reeds. 'Prices, right Also „ Just Rite" chicks proved Write gar, says: ,SUPER -SIZE PULLETS,LAY (a.I: Pay) Earlier Box or phone. chicks Government For downright dollars and -cents value, in'vesti� gate Hogarth Super -Size chicks. Hatched from: . extra big eggs, these chicles are bigger, stronger, more vigorous than ordinary chicks. You can • the box.. They live better, grow faster, make better use of,' ay -f a c e Super -Size pullets • Oct -- ober. Seven b •eggs be ore the end of known HogartTi " the weal-. $8.75+per hundred: .tilas low as: Ap- Hogarth Baby Chid Hatchery 114 EXETER, ONT. Phone 184 made by SHERWIN-WILLIAMS the super -quality floor enamd It beautifies a variety of floorings , .. wood, cement floors. linoleum. You can buy it in nine fetching colon= d . .embracing such popular tones as Dutch Blue and Light Orange, The .range of colours includes a wide. variety of interior decorative schemes, as a glance at our MAR NOT colour chart will show you. And MAR -NOT has qualities of wear never I3ecore realized. Scrubbing, tramping; .the severest usage . ,. +, it happily survives them all, and continues to oil a smooth, beautiful finish. It's sound commons sense to go over your floors with MAR -NOT door Enamel. Cometo Paint Headquarters and be wise.I Our Hardware Store 1S EVER AT YOUR SERVICE FOR THE BEST OF SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE, AL- WAYS THE NEWEST -AND MOST MODERN STOCK ON HAND Let Your next Wire Fencing be the well known "FROST FENCE" If in Need of Some Nice New Furniture Remember, WE HAVE - IT! GOODYEAR TIRES and TUBES that will give you Yearn of Good Service. SEEDS of all kinds, including the various Kinds Clever Seeds, Always a good supply on hand. STARE & WEIDO ZURICH ONTARIO