HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1934-05-03, Page 5•.„ •:„:„:,,,,,•.•••• • • • puszvss CADS MUM Ife:ITTA f rp,orf.J1 iI teese,liaa ei -, .• - -., , ...aa. I ..g.°;..,;1. 07.S...,, ":;',S '.,„.1' r ' - • ""' l '' ..;3 '''' e' s' ' tics Sqi..?„,/,5%-1, i401:4.A.P.Itlill, Ontario. . ----- --- - ' ' gneeiel ,Attentlan, t,,, co1SAUK. Court Week. ..rid.s^.. Fleites..e: -14Pay )1;1.9 ;,:t;f,,,r;$.ruli,;,,,f.i 13,4d.eri$.:5 i.;'? i';,A 02, 114:;1 ..•.'.•:+,;T,;*:. Xe N.r...=.....:..ii....i....,...,.....i.:.,,,;,..:;.'w.>...........m,,,....,;4:!;,;.......;.. Dr. IL H. COWEN D. D B. DENTAL SURGEON " At DEITZ BLO,CITK-ZURICH Thursday Friday, BaturdaY very , At HARTLEII311 BLOCK, DASHWOOD Every tionday,, Tuesday and ;Wednesday licensed Auctioneer For Huron wad Middlesex AM IN A POSITION TO CON duct any Auction Sale, regardless om to size or article to sell. I solicit ;lour business, and if not satisfied will mike no charges for Services Rem 441ared. ARTHUR WEBER --Dashwood :one 1S-57. Zurichs' Popular MEAT MARKET Let Us supply you with the 'very Choice of Fresh and Cur- led Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, :Etc., always.. on hand... Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins &tilt & Son as, a SEI IOE Why • We have. the, Better Class of Customers SIGH C1LASS GOODS, .111ATTSRISS, MOBILE OIL, MAR- ?" LURE OIL, GOODYEAkt flitiaa sAND TUBES, GENUINE IGNITIOr: ?arts, Bohning and 'Vied:make! Vara 'two to Micrometer Setting, -Ne •,eraess work. Watch the cars that •NTOP at WE1N'S, They are all HIGH CLASS CLIENTELE. aa DASHWOOD 0111 ONTARIO INSZIRga Western Farmers' Mutuat rYleatter Insurance Co OF WOODSTOCK, THE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- UAL COLIPANY DOING BUSINESS OF MIS KIND IN ONTARIO. Amount of Insurance at, Risk on Dec. 31st, 1932, $17,830,729. Total Cash in 'Bank and Bonds $221,978.99. Sates -$4.50 per $1,000 fo-c 3 years, F„ Ki 01, pp -Zurich Alleat, Also Dealer in Lidhinind Bois isita all kiwis of Fire Insurance 11•••••.....M.10•••••••••OssOneani...MglimannikmillininsiMMINIONNIflok L 1 VE POU LT RY WANTED SP110,17.1; OATS ?O! SAL 'price eelahle. Aeele, • ;;;) John BYtlia :sees cop. 2, eeseh iShoesa 86 r. 41 Hensel'. 'Waken every Day till 3 o'clock p.m. :TO not feed Fowl •same morning when brought in. Iligkest Cask Prices -CASH FOR- , CREAM AND EGGS W. O'Brien Phone 101, Res. 94, Zurich • rorok*..*...M....f FOUND About 75 pounds of •clover seed, on Zurich Road, between Zurich and Parr Line. Owner can have same by paying this adv, from Mr. James Green, Parr Line... FOR SALE A rebuilt 13 -tooth cultivator. L., A. Prang & Son, Zurich WANTED A limited number of cattle for pasture for the .sunanser. Apply to: Rerb. Desjardine, Zurich. Used For Sale Kitchen Cabinet, Couch, China Cabinet. Al] these articles are in A 1 condition. Apply to Earl. E. Weide, Zurich FOR QUICK SALE An almost new tapestry rug 6x7% feet, in very good conditioa, a rela bargain for quick sale. Apply at Elerald Office. Seed For Sale A quantity of Seed Banner Oats 65c per bushele Also O.A.C. Barley 70c bushel. Apply to George Ingram R. R. 3, Exeter, Ont. Phone 6 on 89 Hensel]. central. SALE Quantity of Oats for sale. Apply ta R., F. Stade, Zurich. FOUND Gri the kion lint an auto mar- ker D S-14. Owner can have same at Herald Office by calling and set- tling for this notice. For Sale A qua-ntity of O.A.C. No. 21 Soy T4aans seed. Also a pair of young Yorkshire Sows bred. • Line, and son of Mr. and Mrs. Pet - Henry Krueger, Zurich. er Deichert, had a painful experien- ce the other day, while working a' a gasoline engine in some way as electrical contact was made which caused the engine to backfire, -.ill the result that Albert got his num • . . , C.Ly. jlOtIliVtiritl,, •' , . . . . siss.sssossassaeotostessosissosedOtecOSeee ' '-' e enfeere "I eS , r. a Me. eil.1 • ' .1 ,,,L;,,.., ,, , i 9 S17 '.'" l't,;,:,,,,;%, ,k,,T,2,,.., :Te,.1; . 4110. ,,. ;, ' .., ' • ,, 4; , , / I:, , + i , •.: ., j ' ' , !:.1 1 . io . t , .. Ji .,;„,q;1..,Y21,`, -..:.-ir „,,.,,: , ,,.! .,.: ; 1..--9 4•4iiii.l...: 4i.1.4!.4 i4".,:,-- .. i.t.6, ,,,;.,.A,01.:; Irv:0. t.iE116..1 .4.1 'Ii.N,(.,4i:i.Ii..w.,.. ' ' ' ' (i) Gat ot.r iFiliics clkil x. ''''::.-•;'..N... '''. '4,. J,...,'"',1j 'y ..t.,:.4.,,,,... ,'.., '.:. , , .•, . . . 1 !f Pi ni. W in. Brown . rCftleW;.. NO!0;.-C1)41 0...41.,or .f,lt the: hbla .''s1::.t'l: .,,1 ln! H - ;,• , ')H4 , , . rand 4,it'lvvreil.: `4..;,..0 'V t ,.:;,•;:;;, of -Mrs. Oliver at Lon.dons e ' .. Miss Jeesio 'MacDonald 7,5P'ellt., r 1.:'iv.:•-..i.,1,(4114,.. 41, ,, etirdern Seeds i'n 13;•ii.1.11C. Eat °.1-aaif iiii.:. 1. -,;.,:if....,.!;.. cof t.. _k,2 weekend in' Goderieh ald Kinard ,,,,,,,?,:e.,, ,-. • . e e s k'', .i',.. -.•Air;,,, le e' iese Seeds. - Onion Zieet..1, . ; Dr.A. j. lllrcnit • Al.;:aU, aa - motored to Caladon East; on FAdey ea, :fee. loe-.0 sibly it was ju,d, a Moo close Lo till! • home talent play presented a few weeks before. last. BORN -At Blue Water IfighwF to Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Den OMIne a daughter, ori May lst. Mr. Rennie Weber of Toronto, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs, A. A. Weber of the Bronson recently .gr. Ed. Wurm and daughter Miss Kathleen of Markham, were visitors with friends in town. • Mr. James Ballantyne, the Liberal candidate for the corning provincial election for this riding, made a call in Zurich one day recently. Mr. Casper Walper and slaughter Miss Edith, of Detroit, are visiting. al the home of the former's daughter Mr. and. Mrs. Oscar Kloppn Mr. Hilton Truemner of the 14th concession delivered to Hamilton one day last week his , handsome team of grey horses where he recei- ved a fine sum for them. Mrs. J. Block and Mrs. A. Fuss, who were visitors at Markham and Toronto, have returnedto their homes in town. Mr. Milne Rader of the 14fh con- cession will have a busy summer as he is making preparations to • have a new and modern home built. As soon as weather looks promising the workmen will commence. Housecleaning is now the order of the day with our 'ladies, and it is a very common thing for the husband while he is taking hisnoon hour to be invited to beat a couple of rugs which seem about twice the size of the whole house. However, keep up the ourage, 'it's a long lane that has no encl..' Mr. Cecil Uttley had the misfort- une to get his thumb in contactwith arunning saw while working, at the Kalbfleisch mills the other day. But fortunately it is not so serious and Cecil will Soon be back to work a- gain, although is now carrying his arm in a sling. Mr. Albert Deichert, of the Blind 4 FOR SALE About 100 bushels of good seed 'Barley No. 21, 6 -rowed, good ,ami .caught in the gears, and before he clean at 65c a bushel. 'ApplY to. Orville Smith, Parr Lane, Hay. was released parts of the ,engine hae to be taken off. ,Fortunately there are no bones broken of crushed but the gash in the arm will take some time to heal up. • FOR SALE A Combined Player Piano and Piano delivered to your door for $200.00. Cost $750.90, complete with 30 rolls •and bench. The finest piano in this country. F. W. Hess, Hensall, Ont Free! •Free To each purchaser of six settings (15) of our Hatching Eggs Extras, another setting entirely free. Please come and see our stock. Also started chicks. Bruce J. Klapp, Zurich. THE HERALD'S JOB DEPARTMENT ever ready to serve the pub - with Cornmerdal and • fine °I'sbollski. Get our prices be, iifutra leaving your oilier else- AlkussaO.142h,effiltes, NOTICE I am authorized agent and dealer for the Renfrew Products of Cream Separators, Stoves and Washinn Machines. .Also have sonic used Separators always on hand. If in need of any of above artielee, kindly arrange to see me. Hugh Thiel, R.R. 2, Zurich, Phone 93 r 4. 't43 11110011141000111011141001111110011111110111110110 a • DANCE I a AT • e • The Pavilion 2 • i a Goderich is o a • EVERY : : SATURDAY NIGHT ; 1 TONY FARR'S ORCHESTRA ; • o eiseeerseeeseeseeeeeskeeswee• WANTED PRODUCE WANTED We are now in a position to take cream and eggs at my home at Zur- ich, for which we will pay highest , market prices. "We will grade your l'Gold Comfit Box . eggs as we receive them, and pay ac-1Dead Man's Hat ••H. Foster cording to grading. give us a trial. I The Green Atelier E. Wallade First house south of Dominion Hotel • taily T. a. 1V.e,yers 116 Zurich (Continued next week) With these dice and balmy days this week, the farmers are very busy with their seeding, and the land is beginning to work up nicely. Some farmers complain of the low spots in their fields being very wet as the drain, are at places still frozen up and will not drain the land. The fall wheat looks very bad in some fields while at other places the wheat has Wintered well. Most of tee summer birds have made their anpearance now, and the warm. wea- ther is come as a relief tel snarly far- mers- as theiupply of winter feed growth himself a lot of unneaaa:sary for the stock is dimished, yet. thaesrse picking of corn stubble if ae t•ee. hnnd- has been little of the ge • care and 1017, in his method of dealing with his corn field. If he ploughs the field carelessly and does not burry the stubble well he is sure to drag it up in woiazing the soil and so will hava a lot of Iland-p'ck- ing. Alio, if he ui.;a; a t...aW:aal volt- ivator instead of 4d::e la, will ti:ag up a lot of , laakaty eatere are eve. -see their: Aelds in :end; e aea lhee ramie lav to do :iee What one Man can do -.11 often do as well, or pearly as well.- Sa it is hoped that. everyone 'will try to ex- ercise the necessary car this spring, and so save himself a lot of trouble,. in complying with the Act. -Here are a few helpful suggestionsi Do not use. narrow ploughs. Use a skimmer or jointer on the plough. Never plough crosswise of the stubble, but always lengthwise. Run the last fur- row before the stubble row within 2 inches of the stubble. If the stubble was plowed last fall and has heaved drive it down again by a heavy rol- ler before • working the field. Use discs instead of toothed cultivators in working the field. If the stubble has not been plowed and is -long, disc it, twice before plowing. This makes it vastly :easier for the plow to do a good job. De not wait for the Impeder to' tell you to clean up • your field. Set a good .example to your neighbor. Next fall keep in mind that the shorter the corn is cut, the easier it will be to deal with the stubble. The more growers there are who voluntarily clean their field' well and destroy other porn remn- ants, the shorter the time the insp. .ectors • need. to *end on the work. Nearly all the larger towns .in the county have. again proclaimed the annual halfholiday, Wednesday aft- ernoon, but we have hearo gale of it said'around town, Mos tploceF are beginning with the first Wednes- day in May and run for five months. In Zurich we usually do not get go- ing till June. We also notice that in most of the easterly cities hy have .again adopted the daylight sav- ing time which turns the clock an holes ahead, but tithe usually flies fast enough arouud here without urging on the clock. Schools to ha -.7e Feljcjon Goderieh-The ise;.)lie school board at iis regular meeting sanction ed a plan to give religious instruct- ion in the public schools of Goderich. Accordine te the nlan the half hour between 9 wad 9.29 •each We le • morning will be sc.s aside for the pur pose. All Preis -tent ministers in town have agreed to g* time to the work. Before the put a letter was read stating that the ministers had held a meeting and were willing to undertake to do the teaching in accordance with the re- gulations of the department ef ed- ucation. NOTICE hereby wish to notify the people of Zurich and Hay Township, that after may 15th I will make my an- nual rounds in the capacity of Health Inspector, and ask every citizen of the community to have all their yards outhouses, stables, etc., cleaned and in a good condition to pass the sani- tary laws, and also that people are to have all ashes removed, and refrain from throwing broken glase, of any kind on the roads. By Oeder. Jul. Block, Inspector. "Baby's Own Tablets have been the only medicine my four childrefl. have ever had: In no single inst mice bas it. been necessary to consult our doctor:" So writes Mrs. Harry Pilmer, Cirmberland Bay, N.B. When the baby or young child loses appetite; is sleeples.s or rest- less, has coated tongue, colic, indigestion, cold or diarrhoea or is teething . . . give Baby's Own Tablets for safe, quick relief. Price 25e at all drug stores. 20G The Corn Borer The following statement is given out by Prof. L. Ceasar, Prov. nate- moolist of Ontario, who hascharge of the administration of the Corn. Borer Act: -"Any corn grower this spring can do a groat deal to StIN't. and the trees are also slow in coin - me out. Vaiky Libraly rotkis Tho following list oi7 n• -r; -bookr are now ready for the Imhiu!: Name of Book - Author Adult Fiction Anthony Adin. Ile. Allen Man of Music Mountain Seeermen A J. Cronin Louie Golding Zane Grey Thru Loves Magnolia Street To the Last Man The Thundering Herd Under the Tonto Rim Robbers Roost Arizona Ames The Lone Star Ranger IP The Last of the Plainsmen Drag Harland C. Siltzer Man to Man Jackson Gregor The Everlasting Whisper The Kingdom of the Blind, E. P. Oppenheim Murder at Monte Carlo 2P The Eternal Choice J. Hocking Further Adventures of Jimmy ' Dale Frank Packard Triumph. Charles Cole Murder at High Tide C. D. Booth Peacock Feathers Temple Bailey Powder and Patch G. Beyer. Many Cargoes W. W. Jacobs Prison. Wall Ethel M. Dell Altar of Honor 3 f Old Wine and New W. Deeping Great Se i Stories H. M. Tomlinson • V. -Williams FOIIMALDEIIYDE I') Bring in your bottles to be filled we have .sarne in bulk. I CALL US ABOUT SEED GRAIN limplemen.t Repairs McCormich-Deering. Also handle Cultivator points • and plow points to fit any make of machine, Chicken Feeds e Master Chick Starter and Pioneer Chick Starter 44. f41 valeamaeseosemotoecoalses 06,440030@ata *0 OGOGiotaQ.111 -No )511 _a! wwwWVA't 'WU& Zurich Drug Store We have a full Line of all the requitements of School Supplies PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. ALL AUTHORIZED TEXT BOOKS KEPT IN STOCK. evea•agssee•st•feswasaereetma See Our Supply of Toilet Preparations Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Perfumizers, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Pastes, and Brushes. eileawnikseseemeeers,t,sloseem, FINE STATIONERY AND FOUNTAIN PENS. We also have, Saphine Anti -Moth Discs. ' Al J. MacKinnon, Zurich[ TNAVAMIPPMF,PAr PAW/ WWMW PAMMRAMPJ„ e • • • • •••••••••••••••0••••0.11•111, 4tateeett41114.41114 eaae eeeelteeeoee teelecessenae eeee oee *seer:. eeoasee 1 ZURICH FIERALY t, 01ilb k 0 _• Et ZURICH HERALD and the following Pap,..: for one Year: Kitchener Daily Record $5.10 Toronto Daily Globe $6.00 Toronto Daily Mail and Empire $6.00 Toronto Daily Star $7.00 Toronto Weekly Star $6.0O London Free Press $6.00 London Advertiser •• • • $ 6 . 0 0 London, Farmer's Advocate $2.23 Farm and Dairy $2.75 Farmers' Sun $2,50 Family Herald and Weekly Star .... $2,25 Family Herald for 3 years .... $3 00 Canadian Countryr.J.L.o. - $2.25 'Weekly Witness . . .. .... 3. I 3 Farmers' Magazine . $2.50 Huron Expositor, Seaforth . . . . .. . .. $2.75 And a great many more that we cannot enumerate hero. We have the Agency for every. reputahle Magazine An Canada and the United States, and can save yen money en the most of them. Renew all your Papers and Magazines at our Office and save Trouble and Money HERALD OFFICE Zurich 25 ������Q� 4> • 00.110100.44......4.00+444.4 44^4e0a04-**afactee4444++.44 4". 1 1 1 .011 4 1 4 4 1 1 4 1