HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1934-04-26, Page 7What Does Your i-IandHrritix> g Show
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(Editor's Note: Not in a long Lima
has a series of articles aroused such
interest as this series on Character
from Handwriting. Hundreds of
readers have written, requesting a
personal analysis of their own writ-
ing, and the author invites YOU to
send in for a reading. See the an-
nouncement at the foot of the ar-
This week, a gentleman from out
West wrote to ask me for my advice.
He is a widower, with two young
children, and feels that he should
marry again, so that his children will
have the proper attention.
He has been corresponding with
several ladies, and sends me speci-
mens of his own handwriting, and
that of several correspondents, with
a view to finding which one is most
suitable for a life mate for him.
His own handwriting is that of a
quiet, unassuming man. There is lit-
tle aggressiveness shown in his writ-
ing, and he is of a rather shy nature,
somewhat aloof—not because he does
not feet things, but because his na-
ture is reserved. He has a deep ca-
pacity for feeling, but is backward in
expressing that emotion.
His nature has a good deal of gen-
erosity and he has a very cultured
mind. He likes good literature, and
art will have an especial fascination
for him.
The writing of the lady I shall call
No. 1, shows a very emotional nature.
She is at the beck and call of her
emotions. She has a quick temper,
likely to flare out at any time, and
will very likely do things, and say
things, In that moon, for which she
will be sorry for afterwards — after
the damage is done,
She is generous, and there is a
good deal of affection in her te
And she exudes' energy. She
always be on the go.
Hers is the type that expresses it-
self in bridge parties, organising teas
and social gatherings. She will be in
her element as a club organiser.
Taking up the writing of No. 2, I
find a totally different personality.
She has an even temperament, well-
balanced, and unlikely to be either
too reserved on the one hand, or of
the hysterical type on the other. She
has a calm and normal temperament.
She displays quite a lot of gener-
osity, has a good deal of enthusiasm,
but will never get excited. She has
a neat and orderly mind, and is a
good home -builder. She, too, is af-
fectionate, but she is also kindly, and
is considerate of others.
I do not have to devote very much
attention to No. 3. Her writing tells
me at once that she is unreliable. She
is very deceitful, and shows :narked
attention to her own interests. She
looks after herself first, last and all
the time.
Both Banishedby Kruschen
When one realises that the cause •of
overweight is closely associated with
the cause of rheuniatism, it is easy
to understand how it is that the two
troubles can so easily be overcome by
the same remedy,
The experiences told in the follow-
ing letter are typical of those of
many other sufferers:—"I first start-
ed taking Kruschen Salts for_rheu-
matim in my ankle joints. Being
rather stout, I thought perhaps they
would remedy both troubles, and. you
cannot realise how surprised I was
'with the effect. T don't feel anything
'of my ankles now. And not only that
—my weight has reduced 19 lbs. in
jut three weeks. i am still reducing,
and yet I eat what I like, and I feel a
different woman in every way."—
(Mrs.) B.
Gently, but surely, Kruschen rids
the system of all fat -forming food
refuse, of all poisons and harmful
acids, which give rise to rheumatism,
digestive disorders and many other
Frequent Headaches
Feeling of Weakness
Mouth Acidity
Sour Stomach
Auto -intoxication
Loss of Appetite
TAKE -2 teaspoonfuls of
Phillips' Milk of Mag-
nesia in a glass of water
every morning when you
get up. Take another
teaspoonful 30 minutes
after eating. And another
before you go to bed.
OR—Take the new
Phillips' Milk of Magnesia
Tablets — one table[ for
each teaspoonful as di-
rected above.
1 think my readers will have little
difficulty in judging which of my cor-
respondent's lady friends I recom-
mended. No. 2 lady has all the quali-
ties that will make my correspondent
happy. She will not jar his suscep-
tibilities; she will be kind and atten-
tive to his children, and she will make
him a good wife.
The author, Geoffrey St. Clair,
well-known Grapho-Analyst, will an-
alyes your character from your hand-
writing. He will tell you your weak
points and will point out the traits
that are worth cultivating. It will be
a guide to your future. Send a let-
ter in your normal handwriting, with
10c coin and a stamped (3c) address-
ed envelope to: --Geoffrey St. Clair,
Room 421, 73 Adelaide St. West,_ To-
ronto, Ont., for a confidential reply.
When sending two specimens to be
analysed, please enclose coin for
The man who delivers the goods
usually collects.
Uppish Youth (trying to be ikli-
pressive at dance)—There']i a delic-
ious sense of luxury when one is :lying
in one's bed and ringing one's bell for
one's valet.
Sweet Young Thing—Have you a
Uppish Youth—No, but I have a
The written word is much better'
than one passed from mouth
mouth; but a kiss—Well, that's dif-
"I've come," said the woman poli-
titian, "to ask you to support me.
"I'm sorry, Miss," replied the man,
"but you're too late, I've been mar-
ried for years."
It you have Acid Stomach, don't
worry about it, Follow the simple
directions given above. 'This small
dosage of Phillips' Milk of Magnesia
acts at once to neutralize the acids
that cause headache, stomach pains
and other 'distress. Try it. You'll
feel like a new person.
But—be careful you get genuine
Philips' Milk of Magnesia, or
Phillips' Milk of Magnesia Tablets
when you buy -25c and 50e sizes.
Baca tiny tablet is the
equivalent of- a teaspoohfut
of Genuine Phillips' Milk
at Magnesia.
Pli><IIipsr Mills of Magi,! esia
;3ritish `Tech' School
First of Kind in China
Shanghai --Work has been started
on the $500,000 main building of the
Lester School and Henry Lester In-
stitute of Technical Education, de-
signed to afford technical education
for students of all nations and the
first school of its sort to be erected
in China.
By the will of the late Henry Les-
ter, a Briton long resident here, this
institution will serve internationally
but offer special inducements to
Chinese. It will contain a laboratory
and testing machinery of the most
modern type. There will be five
large workshops including an en-
gineeing machine shop and a mg-
aerials testing laboratory with a 50 -
ton universal testing machine.
Commenting upon the laying of the
foundation stone recently, the Bri-
tish -owned North -China Daily News
of Shanghai said: "The establishment
in Shanghai this year of the first full -
'time technical school after the Bri-
tish pattern marks a notable achieve-
ment on the part of British enter-
prise. The British system of techni-
cal education has taken 100 years to
become thoroughly established."
Probably the most worthless thing
in the world is a worthless check.
Junior—Daddy, what is debt?
Daddy—The rent, the note at the
blank. and the instalment on the car.
Football Player's
Ambition to be Chef
Hands that Snapped the Pig-
skin Working Over the
Mixing Bowls
Daughter—Mother dear, that new
clerk thinks I'm the nicest girl in
town. Shall I let him call?
Mother—No, let him keep on think-
ing so.
If the meek ever inherit the earth,
they'll find their property pretty
heavily plastered with mortgages by
those who were not so meek.
Little Boy—What's etiquette?
Slightly Bigger Brother—It's say-
ing 'No, thank you,' when you want
to say `Yes.'
Swat! SWAT! Swat! SWAT! Swat!
The fly has a thousand eyes,
Cyclops but one,
Yet the life of a whole lot dies
When we swat just one.
Long Life Span Held
Due to Child Training
Tosento— It is possible that by
"proper living, throttling of prevent-
able, death -dealing maladies, and .he
improvement in medicine" man might
ordinarily live to the age of 100, a
gathering of .nedical men and stu-
dents were told recently by Dr. Wil-
liam D. Haggard president of the A-
merican College of Surgeons and pro-
fessor of clinical surgery at Vander-
bilt University medical school, Nash-
ville, Tenn.
He declared: "Without a doubt long-
evity is due to child training. Bad
child training, allowing tantrums,
and brain storms eventuate into neur-
osis and crime. The children of psy-
chopathic parents should be taught
inflexible self-control. Inordinate
mental and physical strain should be
guarded against in middle life."
What is the difference between a
thief and a person who will beat you
cut of an honest debt? asks a well
known writer. Well, if there is any
difference at all it certainly is in fav-
or of the thief.
Mrs. Betts (to her new neighbor)
—I met your husband for the sirst
time at the concert the other even-
ing. He struck me as being a man
of rare gifts. Ae cehtain-
Mrs. Potts (sniffing)
is! I've only had three presents
from him since we were married.
Salt Lake City—Between activities
on the football field and the boxing
ring, 200 -pound Harvey Brown is
learning to make salad dressing and
buy potatoes.
Hands that snapped the pigskin
back to quarterback during the grid
season, now are working over the
mixing bowls in the domestic science
department at the University cd: Utah.
He always liked to cook, so he went
in for it in a big way, his objective
being a job as chef in a hotel or hos-
He plans to take all the courses the
university offers in cooking and may
work for a degree if he does not have
to take too many subjects that would
be "embarrassing."
"Sewing, for instance," he explain-
Asking about his class narks,
Brown said they are "just about the
same as the girls."
Miniature Log 131rd
Houses, Bird Sh^r-
ters, attractive and
practical. Approv-
ed by Jack Miner.
Ask your local
storekeeper or ,end
us $1 and we shall
mail to any tddress
post free. Hard-
wood Speoia'.ties
Annapolis Royr-t, N.B.
Praises Minard's Liniment As
Remedy for Roup or
Bronchial Flu
Read in this letter from G. Minvielle,
Fort Garry, how he checked Roup (Bron-
chial Flu) when it broke out among his
young hens. "Atter trying other remedies
and obtaining no results whatever," writes
Mr. Minvielle, "I tried Minard's Liniment,
five to six drops on the tongue and some.
times more, depending on the birds. I am
positive that' it helped me out a lot."
aiinard's Liniment is a tried and proven
remedy for sprains, burns, bruises and akin
diseases, as well as for Bronchial and
Rheumatic trouble. For ,ale by all
druggists. 87
Happiness is the feeling a-eo=u:n-
has when her new dress is the admir-
ation of the men and the envy of wo-
Self Denial Appeal
"1/ eaeli• mall in his measure would o cher r the heart.;
a brother's part,
1'o cast a ray of sunshine into a bro• A Of men, to minister
ther's heart, to physical need, and
rim changed would be our country, to inspire new hope
How changed would be our poor!" has been the work of
The Salvation Army since its inception. Kindly help us
in your fullest measure.
Your donation dray be sent to:
20 Albert Street
Floorwalker—That customer said
you did not show her common civility.
Salesgirl—What? Why, I showed
her everything in this department.
Writing for a living is one of the
surest ways of starving to death.
Daughter—Mother dear, I want to
get married.
Mother—No, my dear, you are not
wise enough.
Daughter—When shall I be wise
Mother—When you get over the
idea that you want to get married.
Marriage, like genius, is one tenth
inspiration and nine tenths perspira-
A pretty blond flapper called at
the hospital the day after an accident.
Flapper—I want to see the young
man who was injured in the auto ac-
cident last night.
Nurse—Are you the girl who was
with him?
Flapper --Yes, and 1 thought it was
only right to come and give him the
kiss he was trying to get when the
accident happened,
Specks before the eyes is a sign
one needs specs before the eyes,
In Chicago, Tomaso Ricardo, Ital-
ian, was being examined as an appli-
cant for citizenship papers.
Potato Seed
May be Short
Canadian farmers intending to
plant potatoes this year, especially
Irish Cobblers, are advised by "The
pamphlet issued by the Dominion De-
partment of Agriculture on agricul-
tural conditions, to reserve their seed
requirements at once, as the spring
demand will probably exceed the sup-
ply. The production of certified seed
potatoes in Canada in 1933 was the
smallest in some years. Since harvest,
the crop has also been considerably
reduced by frost, especially in the
Maritimes. While the usual Cuban de-
mand is limited, there has been a
strong early season market in the un-
ited States. The 1933 crop in the lat-
ter country was very short and a con-
tinued demanrl for Canadian seed is
It keeps its head.
It keeps pounding away
It doesn't fly off the handle.
It finds the point then drives
It is the only knocker in the world
that does any good.
It makes mistakes, but when it does
it starts all over.
It looks at the other side, too; and
thus often clinches the matter.
If you are inclined to lose your
head and fly off the handle, consider
the hammer
Fewer Rich Men
The latest figures published by the
commissioners of inland revenue re-
veal a decline in the number of Eng-
land's rich :nen. When the statis-
tics for the present year become a-
vailable, however, it is likely that
the improvement in industrial condi-
tions may well have resulted in an
The commissioners' report shows
that the number of persons with an-
nual incomes of more than a30,
000 fell from 1,160 in 1930-31 to
897 in'1931-32. The number of
millionaires — men with incomes of
£50,000 a year and over — was
"Can you tel] me how many sista; 333 in 1931-32. For the previous
there are in the Union?" the axamtn-
ing Judge aeked.
"Mr. Judge," answered Ricardo, "I
talk to you. You know your business,
I know my business. You ask me
how many states in Union, I ask you
how many bananas in a bunch?"
r,q,IL�uun a!nl',
"I neves knew any Luing ,ike omega
Oil for putting the limbs and body
into shape after prolonged exercise.
It takes out soreiress, and steeps it
So said the late James J. Corbett,
conqueror of John L, Sullivan. rarnofls
athletes and their trainers have long
known that Omega Oil goes deeper,
and can be rubbed lu. without 'blister.
Ing Idvery'•household needs 1t It
takes out the. pain and stiffness from
sore strained muscles and ligaments
so quickly. 35 and 60 Cts. at all drug-
gists, Sole Agent: John A Huston
Company. Uitn ted, Toronto.
10 years the number averaged be-
tween 500 and G00,
From, 1919 to 1929 the number
of American millionaires rose from
65 to 513. Then came the Wall
street crash and the number fell in
one year to 150. In Britair tie
number has been much more steadily
maintained. --Overseas Daily Mail.
That's what Turret Fine Cut gives to men who
"roll their own": In every way you're ahead
when you smoke this famous cigarette tobacco
; ; you get more tobacco for the same money
milder, cooler, more enjoyable cigarettes ---
and Poker Hands that can be exchanged for
valuable free gifts!
You can only get these advantages --more
tobacco, greater satisfaction and extra value --
with Turret Fine Cut.
It pays to '"Roll Your Own" with
Save Poker Hands to
get Better Cigarette
Papers FREE...
Everybody agrees that
"Chantecler" and
"Vogue" are the best
papers—you can get 5
large books of either
brand—free for only
one complete set of
Poker Hands, from
your nearest Poker
Hand Premium Store
or by mail from P.O:
Box 1380, Montreal:
Imperial Tobacco Company of Canada, Limited
Handy Garden
Pyrethrum which poisons sucking
insects, is obtained in the form of a
palebrown to yellowish powder and it
consists of the pulverized flower heads
of certain chrysanthemums species
which grow chiefly in Balkan count-
ries, but are now being grown on this
continent. It is commonly used on veg-
etables and fruits which are soon to
be eaten since, although deadly to in-
sects, it is nonpoisonous to human be-
ings. That is its most extraordinary
feature. It deteriorates very quickly
when exposed to air, and for this rea-
son purchasers should be sure it is
fresh and has been stored in air tight
containers. It can be used as a dust,
either pure or mixed with four tinges
its weight of cheap flour. As a spray
for fruit and vegetables, it L connn s-
ly used at the rate of one ounce to a
gallon of water.—Vegetable Insects
bulletin, Dominion Department of Ag-
Wake up yous Live) liile
—Nc 'Calomel necessary
!\1a,ty oeopttnt ee, scut: siuggisn and
generally wretched make the mistake of taking
salts, oil. mineral water, laxative candy or
chewin[ gum,. or ougbage whicb only move
the bowels sad ignore the, liver,
What von "ted int to wake up von: liver
Wit. Start yrut fiver pouring the daily two
Doane of liquid bile into vola bowels. Get
your stomach and mtestinc, working at they
should, once more.
Carter's Litt' Live, .tills N,D soon fix you
ep. Purely vegetable Sale. Sure, Quick.
Ask for them by mune. Refuse substitutes.
'ic At- aU druse.Mets- Al
Issue Nc.
..for your
for a Limited Time
YOUR OPINION is wanted! In exchange for it we
offer Two Rubber Bowl Rings for your separator; any
size or make.. , free and postpaid. We will also tell you
about the "Cheapest Separator in the World to Buy and
Use," the only separator made ,n America with a guar-
anteed Self -Balancing Bowl ... a separator with twelve
valuable features not found on any other separator. in
the world. Just send postcard to address below telling
your address, age and make of your separator and
name of this paper. Full details will be sent promptly
Classified Advertising
List of wanted inventions and fell
Information sent free. The Ramsay Com.
World Patent
CnAttorneys, 273 Bank
At these three critical periods
swoman needs a e can depend on. medicine
why so many take Lydia E.
Pinkhatn's Vegetable Com-
pound. 98 out of 100 say, "It
helps me!" Let it help you, too.
few to go at special Jubilee price.
4�Greatly reduced, Cost far less. Pump,
water night and day. Exceptional value
\Vritc today for prices giving depth of
well. Mr. A. J. Holbrook, Beatty Bros,
Limited Fergus, Ont., Box 231W,
Will Help Guard
for the treatment of
and . kindred. diseases, Canker
Sores and la lesh'"W"ounds
Special Farm Size bottle $1.00
containing four times t h e
quantity of the 35c. size. Also
sold in %x gallon and 1 gallon
At Your Nearest Dealer
Manufactured by
Northrop & Lyman Co. Lt I.
Par Over Sixty Years