HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1934-04-26, Page 4•y *4: �?r eee aee • ¢-4.i+i.+++'3°•t"1S^,hL,;-t—t+i-4,.,..gg,C}1t,al•'gc,{,,,tl„4',I.,g.,.l.,l,.l•,il,ho"p§i,•1.,1p;11,•1++ st moi• . �i �^••aM.,,.r•, ^ << . , .••r "% ,!vm�a.l.�,,�s'n..,.h t,,,'r � '�'I•�3��!• i; d•�"1* ."•k•� :i•'� Cut You uBillel BIn HAL. Y Buy StormWindows �� �c�yrs LET US QUOTE YOU! REPLACE THOSE WINDOW PANES NOW. WE tAi RY A LARGE ASSORTED STOCK OF GLASS ON HAND AT ALL. Toms,. AND WILL, DO YOUR GLAZING WORK WHILE YOU WAIT. �i. PHONE 6Q awavosrealimulusisaill + 4 +1• •,ori ' a cosh of X515,000 4 4 MAIM 'MAW Veer On Si aar where e utetn x Waploiltnntliits were nade, Rev, A. i W. •Siour;" will go to 1V1ildrnay and Rev, W. S. Ilcnrich •of Roseville will i cone xire' here. Me, and 'Kra, Wm. 'Sini'th of Win- I dace. were week -end visitors with her 3 Baker, • arid Mrs. "l . i, d I parents, M r. , 1 Miss Ella Martinson spent the week -end with her parents in Ehmra,i Mr. and Mrs. Pedersen ' and fam- ily spent Saturday in Leiden, • Mr, Harry Hoifanan was successful In winning the Gold medal for bar - atone solo . at Stratford Musical Fes- tival on Friday evening. • 141rs. • A. E. 'Oestreicher 'Visited with her mother' hi 'Dotal - taster last rsi('uy, ,filial 2fi h 1 9391, t# herr wec'kl • halt -boli- eting, The r•i.vt nae that ,is being re gift, which they very much a,ppvee change tie g ed 'u c , , , ednesda ciaa.ved 'at Present from the water steel, Wher,1„ leaving the children. 1 from Thursday to W Y cap ro_ i , and to;continue it all the year ro- works system spread over a period wished. them i my happy returns of d except in December, of thirty years will pay for the colt the day, uuMrs, Robt. Armstrong; of Varna, of installing a new ,system and " in audited severe injuries to her foot addition should provide a surplus of : AUCTION* SALE while cutting kindling. A gash was $500 e. year. This does . not take in- ce fn the foot and an artery cut, . to consideration any additional re of REAL I�STAP+, gird hIOUSE- and, in addition a bone was broken, venue that would be derived from a The 13u11 Tele phone central at pure water system. HOLD EFFECTS ,at DASHWOOD 14",aeter is to be rebuilt this year .a ZURICH l r� ,s. 041444+ • " ,aa,•t•'�• 4-4•'�'w 4.4-4•,•� 4444.44 ^ •+ '* **++•s•�•aaa^•�••�•��•'1�•o-+44 �r ASBEYIIABR.TB NEWS .; 'sok over your Cultivator, drill and order repairs and .r• save express charges. We .have some F and W., Deer- ing and M. H. Cultivator teeth at .a bargain Used Tractor plow, riding plows, Cultivator and bean Scuffler at bargain prices. ALSO 3 -DRUM STEEL ROLLER, HOE DRILL WHAT HAVE. YOU TO DEAL?. Come in and see our display of New Machines this fi Week -End. Cas, Oil, Batteries and Tires at.live and let live prices. GENUINE M. H. REPAIRS ARE BEST Points for all rna-ke.s of Cultivators .1. Shop 149 O. KLOPP . SONS Res. 67 t. Auctioneeiing? — • U. BET! ;y•a • '+ ++++++++++++++^s +'i it k 311++++++++++4.44.44^1. * . 4 week. vats with some difficulty that it was Miss Aland Hess of "Gitrieh• aucl located this spring. On Hallowe'en New Camp Secured On SATURDAY, APRIL 28, 1934 Changes to be Officials of the United church Have made include the removal of poles secured property at the lake near At 11.50 o"clock and overhead wires from the bushesDunlop to be used as a summer Real Estate toe fists of three acres t=ss streets. camp. Iluiiclingswill shortlybe er- of land, a roomy red brick residence Now Recovered eeted and tents ,secured for the 1934 with bat h xoom, hydro and telephone The large steel roller belonging to Summer School, which. will be held. hrs'ta11ed. Stabling room for horses, the tennis club at Exeter disappear- July 16-22, Former' students and cows, pigs and poultry. Possession cl from the grounds last fall and it given May 1.1t_ This property will be offered in three parcels or all to- gether to suit purchaser. Sold sub- Craik, Goderich, secretary of public- Sect to reserve bid. ity. All classes and public meetings Furniture—dining room table and will be held at the new camp. group- chairs, buffeftt, '2 axminister rugs ds and it is • expeeted that many stu- 3x4 and .10x12, other rugs and home dents will avail themselves of the made carpets, ha'l'l rack, hall mirror, opportunity of spending a week near mals, couch, 4 rockers, clock, coal the lake in such a splendid environ- oil Beater;, .carpet sweeper, easle, laic- menat. tures, 4 . bedroom. suites coinplete, • Surprised at Grand. Bend kitchen cabinet, pantry shelf, small Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ravelle Sr,, tables, mirror, arm chair, 9 kitchen of Grand Bend, were very pleasantly chairs, 'hist plate, washing machine, surpriscrd on Sunday evening, April 1st, machine, topper boiler., quan- Ist, when their children and familia tity mod and coal, grind stone, can- es gathered at their Borne on the .ped fruit, empty sealers, barrels, lam crocks, lawn mower, ladders, those who expect to. be in .attend- ance for the first time may receive full particulars fronn Rev. F: W. Mrs. Ed, Veneta and daughter I:IerVa of Flint, Mach., visited with Mr. azid Mrs. Hy. Hoffman last 'Thursday. On Friday. evening 'after the re- gular choir 'practice the members of the Lutheran Choir held a' social in thonour of Mr. Edgar Restemeyer cent, of the tea roses in Goder who will leave for London where hi' p'cis has secured a position. Progressive let gardens were while not winso badlyledffRam.- nt- crockinole was played the prizes go ed, Mr. Edwards states, frozen ing to Miss Selma Rader and Kathwere, , leen Merner. Elle presentation ad- back, but not entirely destroyed. Ferguson—Anderson dress was read by Mr. C. F. Pale to quiet wedding. was solemnized which Mr. Restemeyer very ably re ori April 14th at the home of the plied. At the close of the evening refreshments were served. bride's parent,;, Egmondville, when Th regular meeting of the Ladies' Margaret garet Virginia Anderson was un - Aid of Zion Lutheran Church, Dash- ited in Marriage to Jack Ferguson wood was held in the schoolroom of of Detroit. Mr. and Mts. Ferguson the church recently with a good at- will make their home in Detroit. The Rev. W. P. Lane officiated. A Huge Goose Egg A young goose belonging to Mrs. W. H. Tremblay, Port Albert, start- ed laying and made a real job of it. In the Goderich Star window is a ample of her handiwork in shape some of the boys hid it in an empty barn. Roses Winter -Killed • H, T. Edwards, secretary of the Goderich • Horticultural Society, is authority for the statement that 50 wast� seaseml 004so®aAas,se cemesenee eeseeeeecceseceeserme/Deese x19� 1- 1 After Ap.ril 25th After May 5th • iniey's C Bloodtested Breeding Stock Government Approved NEW LOW PRICES FOR MAY AND JUNE 1 After June lst Barred and W. Rook 12e 10c W, Leghorn 1Oc • 9c Sc 7c Subject to Change Without Notice. J. ELGIN McKINLEY -- ZURICH, ONTARIO Phone: 97 r 11, Hensall 140001111111001141111111400011106004110111411•ere•eserm4sa•o•ara4esseeze0r• 0 • • • 0 • • • 0 • • tendance. Rev. Luft conducted the devotional exercises and little miss Magdalene Restemeyer sang a solo accompanied by her sister Margaret, Rev. Daft gave a talk on the book of Ruth. Mrs. H. S. Wein conducted the business session at which the fol- s which weighs 15 ,i ounces lowing .committees were appointed: of an egg g Visiting- Corn. Mrs. Wm. Kleinstiver, i It is one of those things which to be 'Mrs. R. Hayter, Flower eon., Mrs. seen to be believed. It looks more- L. oreL. Schumacher, Mrs. H. Neuschwan- like the \work of an ostrich. after - Died at Clinton d f minor business lobt. Hotham passed away at the ger. The meeting actlournea the iscusion o r t O member was re- home of his niece, Mrs. Jas. Reid,of matters One new ce' d t the ciety. Clinton, He was born in. Port Huron rve In o re do • . The Y,.ciung People's League • of and came to Stanley with hi, rents the Evangelical church met on Tues- when 0 child. Has lived day evening with a good attendance with Mrs: Mervyn Tiernan presiding married. Was a good neighbor:. The address on "The Enchanted Pure Water Supply Mountain. of Life" by Rev. Burn 'of Exeter can have a pure water Zurich was much enjoyed. A pleas- supply without costing the taxpay- ing saxaphone solo by Howard ; ers of Exeter one cent - or without Klumpp andanumbe r by the male increasing the cost to the present chorus completed the program, af- water users one cent, according• to- a • ter which the meeting closed with a statement made by Engineer D. H. ' Hogarth Chick 1:: archery ,4 hymn and prayer. Fleming, of Toronto, at a recent me - field for nearly 50 years, was un - Blue Water Highway and presented them. with an Aladdin lamp in Hon- or of their mother's '72nd .birthday. The evening was spent in recalling olden times on the homestead after which a dainty lunch was served pro- vided by the daughters -in law, inanefor gash, balance arranged_ ding a beautiful birthday cake with 'Oscar TClopp, auctioneer. 72 candles. Mr. and Mrs. Ravelfe. Caspar L. waver, Proprietor. thanked them very kindly for their boxes, pifliwe, cushions, Buffalo rnbe.,kettles,diashes, pots, pans, gard- en tooIs, and x91 other- articles in closing ;out housekeeping: 'TERMS—Glair- On Real Estpte, CHICK PRICTS DOWN The demand for May -hatched chicks is heavier, this year, ,than we have- ever experienced before. But we are NOT taking advantage of this situation by boosting prices. Our prices are based 'en - the price of eggs. When eggs• carne •down; oar prices ,came down —and they're• down: to STAY:. Is that "Fair Play"? Is it worthy of your support.'' Leghorns now as low as a8.75 per hundred. Other breeds priced accordingly. At such prices, chicks of B ogarth quality are genuine I:erg-Ma-is. Fully Govern- ment Approved. Write for complete -information, or phone 184. HENSALL Mr. and Mrs. 1. Lind 1)1leld and daughter Eleanore and Miss Marg- aret Johnston of London, were"'Sun-I day visitors with Mr, and Mts. G. Parker. The Hensall Chamber of Commer- ce are making great preparations for their 24th of May celebration in Hen sell, and ars' looking forward to • a big day of.fun and sports. Helen Wolfe who .has been spend- ing holidays with Mr. and Mrs.'' M. Cooper has returned home. Helen Snaith has left for Michigan • where she will visit with friends for • a short time. o Mrs. Andrew Lammre of Detroit, • has returned home after spending 6 the week visiting Mr. ana Mrs. A i.,., re Case and other friends, Alice Higgins who has been• Woodstock for several months, was taken seriously ill and taken to the Woodstock General. Hospital where she underwent an operation for ap pendicitis. Friday April 13th. was an uniiuck day for Jas Bengough, who while working in Moore's machine shop had his hand caught in between the. frame and a running 'emery wheel, tearing off the thumb nail and bad- ly crushing his hand. He was im- mediately, „given medical attention,, but will have a sore hand for a time: Mr. and Mrs. J. Da Stewart and daughter Miss Winnie of Tucker - smith are moving shortly to 'their_ new farm near Mooresville. Mrs: N. McCully has teen spend'- ing a week visiting with friends at Brucefield. 'Mrs, Frank Farquhar was ae vis itor with her 'parents,, Mr. Land Mrs, John Cochrane Sr,, Hlllsgreen Death of Mrs. Geo.' Scott The' death, of, on' Wednes- day iniirning lar t'at her born of 1VIr Geo. Scott, one of Hensall's most esteemed citizens, after an illness of over a year, but only confined to her room for a week. She was 86 years of, age, Her husband;' the late Geo, Scott, died a number of years ago. -.She leaves to mourn her less one • on, Lorne Scott of Toronto, and three daughters, 1VIs. Ballan- tyne and Miss Katie Scott 'o'f Hen-. sell, and Mit.. Graham of London. The funeral was held to the Union Cemetery, ,her pastor, Rev. A. Sin- clair having charge of the service. BLAKE Mrs. Edighoffer has returned lament after spending the winter mon- Vas 'with her son George of Mitchell . Barbara Bechler speht Sun - Aka w with friends in Zurich. and 3Virs- E. E. Weiclo and rrCliy of Zurich, spent ,Sunday ev- •maiug ei% Mr. "and Mrs. Ross John- -.mft fir- and Mrs. Ed. Oesch and fern- ier ,pent Sunday' afternoon on , the eraisiehen Line. A miscellaneous shower was held the home of Mr. and Mrs: Sam 4 a•regesidi in honour of Mr. and Mrs . ,1 ley 'Gingerich. They received many iseAtel gifts. The evening was sp r rx t sn contests and singing, after .sabie°lx a •dainty lunch was then serve : "Hiss Edna Gingerieh spent the ,eveekeend under the parental reef. +lr Clarence Parke is wearing a ; oxide ---It's a Girl' Mr. and Mts. Geissler of London, : at Sunday at *the home ,of,Iv1r, earel 71118. Sol Bechler. • .Mr. and Mrs. Peter Brenneman etre staying with their daughter, Mrs Alums. t aseho• for a few days. 'Mr. Jim Johnston, accompanied by a fi ;s Gladys Douglas of Hensall and Mae, R.. N. Douglas, spent a «ay in .aeiGeudan last week, Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Oeach called es 'their daughter, Mies Susie at teeeetsalt on Sunday afternoon, DRYSDALE "lr. and Mrs. Troftley Laporte i.n!family of Detroit, oit, •, ^ re we k.- xrsci erleitors with Mr. and Me.:„ Cha. Miss Annabel! Denonune of St. Pete;;'s Seminary, London, is at leese ent visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs Ernest Denorirme Miss Geraldine Laporte Ieft last week for Detroit, where .she will spend afew weeks with her sister, Mrs Leonard Geormette. ' 1VIr, 'Emery Denomme who has sp- ent the winter "months in 'Detroit; has returned home for the summer months. Mr. Edward .frisson who has been on the sick list for some time, we are pleased to say is iinproying. •'Miss Geraldine Meidinger was a :Sunday guest with. Miss Rosela. Cor- ri.veau. - Rev. Father Marchand motored to Windsor last •week. His entreats; Mr. and • Mrs. Marchand .of Tilbury, and Miss LaPlante of 'Windsor, 're- turned' with' him fo"r •a' few days. • Mrs. Philip Denomme had a very successful quilting bee last • week. House cleaning is now the order of the day, regardless of disagreeble •weather. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice _ Durand spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jos: S. Bedard. Why? What?, what is the cause of the bright smile on Norman Over- holt's face,; Oh!, its a boy! Mr. and 1VIt's. Regis Denoneme of the :14th Concession apent Sunday with 1VIr. ,and Mrs. Edward Brisson. DASHWOOD. Mr. and Mrs, Win. S 'aro>cter anc11 family of Detriot epent tae week end w'itli the tatter's ' tr.ot:r. t•, Meer flanla:che.'r, (-uite a nuiria ." r'Cin- yd the .s+inual l.rtch COUNTY NEWS The Wingharn utilities commission has rase ived .rt i "thirteenth power Lill," a credit of', 29tl.il5, Mrs. Edward Pollard, of Brussels <,-1 her light arm brokon just above 1-wriat Lieu result of a tall. Kincardine bu:iires,a rnealrave vot- BOX -114 EXETER, ONT, c Our Hardware Store IS EVER AT YOUR SERVICE FOR THE BEST OE SHELF AND r. , HEAVY HARDWARE, AL- WAYS THE NEWEST -• AND.. • ,_MOST MODERN - STOCK ON S ER ! N -W LL1AMS PA ii111T it saves your house and spares your pocket ! Because S -W House Paint—the standard for decades—is made only with ingredients that assure a durable,. long -,wear body, the .surfaces you apply it to, are guarded from wear And w tie . . And because each gallon . covers a•calor surface, your cost for the job is less. That • the test of economy that so many SWP users. Rave made—utd'beim'. glad_of. Repeat orders, for this grand ;old paint • iitsk our statement that yourtrial o.£'S--W •House Point will-conf!rzu you• fru Las;. use: • ;;. DEFIES HARSH'WEATHER Paint'with •SWP—rain,' hail and frost will belong in. making an -zapressaion. , The colours stay -the surface holds. This is. -Paint i-feadquerters. Drop in and get an -estimate of cost on your job. • We -are pleased ` to advise, .Z" 'l!t . /M .. •Iterserso.mist vats:Nisa . , is * Let Your next Wire Fencing be the well known "FROST FENCE`:` • If in Need of Some Nice New Furniture remember, WE HAVE IT! GOODYEAR TIRES and. TUBES that will give Years of Good Service. SEEDS of all kinds, including the various, Kinds of Clover Seeds, Always a good supply on hand. STARE & WEIfO`' ZURICH ONTARIO you 1