HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1934-04-19, Page 8PAatr lrrsi 9 1 ,,3 t t': r�...;:,.'7 Nu Lae, not ride up. 'v have Coitmsettes piiced, as lour as 89c, up to high grades at $5.75. L: std-; Girdles at $:1.00 HOSIERY! HOSIERY! S k a f ai�:•gtit):llti d now 75c 'r . 7 _n'1'.!2. SLC...? i. . .... ...........(_ and $1.00 With adjustable tops Pel .e crepe ho:,e at $1.00 and$i.25 These can all be obtained in the new leading shades, Taupesan, Monette, Nudawn, Crashtone, Beige, Taupe, Biscayne, Etc. CURTAIN GOODS See our Showing of all the newest in Curtain Nets, Ruffed Curtains, Drapery Fabrics.. Art Sateens, Chintz- es. all at low prices GROCERIES! GROCERIES! Sugar Crisp Cookies, 2lbs 25c Sweet mixed pickles, 36 -oz. jars 35c Peppermint Patties, per lb. 25c Sely's Soap, large bar 5c Honey drip jelly powder, 6 for 25c Canned tomatoes can T Oc Rice, 4 lbs. for 25c XXX Soap flakes, 3 lbs. • 25c Everything in new Garden Seeds. ' Also Mangel and turnip seeds. Get your supply of Dutch Setts naw as stock is limited. • PRODUCE WANTED SON PHONE 59 11 rs^oswwen, HESS ;i?rURANCE AGENCY For 7.a c :Fr kt . liars per year you can protect yourself against loss. Why take a Chance. Rates cheerfully quoted on Fire, Automobile, PIate Glass, Accident, Sickness, Burglary, Surety, Bonds, Etc Every motorist should have Public Liability and Prop - erty Damage Insurance. An accident may cost you thousands of dollars. Protect yourself by a Policy in a Canadian Company. For Rates Apply to: Andrew F. Hess, ' Zurich MY MOTTO -SERVICE AND SAFETY Pave You MADE YOUR WILL? �;m.a,+c��marn.npwacenwr�rnama�.+c+®. f om,,,wpo ?W1rmaa stoiRa 3 6QACJt•4Se,'iit*E2im£t€'8i cii3Q' @,, : HARDWARE -- SEEDS and FURNITURE Your Spring Needs Best Assortment of Government Tested Seeds We have ever shown, in Red Clover, 'Timothy, Aisle, Alfalfa, and all other Field Grass Seeds, at Lowest Prevailing Prices, According to Quality. Get your Supply NOW, or leave your orders... We are always in the market for good seeds, and don't for- get, we also do Custom Seed Cleaning at lowest prices. PAINTS! PAINTc1! We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, 'Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax Frost Tight Lock Wire Fencing and Gates and Fencing Supplies and Posts. Goodyear Balloon , and Cord Tires and Tubes in all sizes WHITE ROSE GASOLENE, ENARCO OILS, Furnitt re, ' Springs and Beds. Felt and Marshall Mattresses Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith ing our Specialty Full line of heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock. ZURiCH .ONT. ST E- WEIDOI QUALITY »� PRICE SERVICE !•SSA. I SPECIALS FOR'THI,S WEEK -END P. & C. WHITE NAPTHA.,SOAP, .10 bars .29c SALADA TEA half 'lb. pkg. 28e KRAFT SALAD DRESSING 12=oz. Jar 23c Maple Leaf Sock Eye Salmon %s 19c., i -Ib. tin :... w 34c GOLEO Toilet Soap, lien cake 5c Golden Syrup, 5-1b. -pail 38c Choice Blue Rose Rice, 8' lbs. " 25c Choice Quality Tomatoes .2 ziz -Ib: tin per tin 10c Marmalade pure sal elle large. jar 35e . Clark's and Aylmer Pork and Beans Iarge tin, 2 for 25c Aylmer whole Kernel corn 10% -oz. tin Raspberry and Strawberry Jam 40 -oz. jar .. ....... _ 390 .Sweet mixed pickles large jar 35c Brooms, heavy 5 -string, reg. 75c at 59c •Corothers Biscuits 1 -lb. bags; 2. for 21c 15e GET YOUR NEW FLOOR COVERINGS NOW LLNOT,T;IJM - RUGS, CONCOLEUM RUGS 4 -yd. WWIDE; LINOLEUM ALL AT LOWEST PRICES j• r• Pii Highest Prices for Eggs. Phone 140 Miss Ethel Hess who has spent a few weeks with relatives in. Elmira has returned to her home. Miss Grace Pepper, Selma Rader and Mr. Morris Klumpp of Dashwood, were Monday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Merner of the 14th concession. • Hensall Spring Fair The list of prize winners: Horses -Clydesdale, Agen stallion Wm. Cole; standard bred, "Wm. Ber- ry. Heavy draft Mare in foal, R. Scott, F. Hagan,; draft or agric. foal M. Tinney, C. Frayne, Dr. Moir; drft team, J. Scott, R. Scott. Agricult- ural mare in foal, F. Roney (3 prizes filly- or gelding, C. Rowe; agric. team F. Roney; gen.pnrpose team, W. De- cker, B. Case, 0. RowclifFe. Farm- er's driver, J. C. Smillie, John Sin- clair, H. Truemner. Open class road- a WANTED ster team, A. B. Weber, Currie & A limited number of cattle for McGuire; single horse, A. B. Weber, pasture for the surnmer. Apply to: Q.urrie & Tervit, G. Deters; filly or Herb. Desjardine, Zurich. gelding, E. C. Dick; sweepstakes, A. B. Weber. Championship, draft or agric., J. Scott, R. Scott, F. Rooney, R.' Scott. Tp. prize, J. Scott, WM. Decker. Judge, W. Fowler, Guelph. Cattle -Angus bull, 13. Klopp, cow B. Klopp. Shorthorns, aged bull, Oestreicher Bros; bull year old, ditto W. H. Armstrong; cow, Oestreicher Bros., W. H. Armstrong; heifer, Oes treicher Bros, R. N. Peck. Herfords aged .bull, H. Wright, J. Hertzel;bull year old, O'Neil Bros, H. Wright; cow, O'Neil Bros, H. Wright; heifer under 2 yrs. O'Neil Bros., H. Wright Market cattle,' Butcher steer or hei- fer J. McGregor; baby beef, W. II. Armstrong, Oestreiher Bros. Dr. Cillyer's special, Oetreieher Bros. Judge, Wm. Charters, Seaforth. BUSY FARMER NEWS LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) Eggs 11.4-12-10, Butter, lb. creamery 34 Butter, lb. dairy • 30 Wheat, bush 80 Barley, bush 50 Buckwheat, bussh. 50 Shorts, ton 26.00 Bran, ton 26.00 Flour, cwt. Live Hogs cwt 2.00-2.90 8.25 FOR SALE . A rebuilt 13 tooth cultivator. L: A. Prang & Son, Zurich FOR, SALE Litter`'gf small pigs; 4 weeks old - Apply to Elmer Willard, Grand Bend For . Sale Used Kitchen Cabinet, Couch, Porch Swing, China Cabinet. All these articles axe in A 1 condition. Apply to Earl E. Weido, Zurich FOR QUICK SALE An almost new tapestry rug 6x7% feet, in very good condition, a rela bargain for • quick sale. Apply at Herald Office. This spring, Ontario is enjoying a good demand for registered seed. Brisk biddings was witnessed in the auction .act the Ottawa Valley Seed Fair, and in several cases prices ran. to high levels. Four bushels of Gar- net wheat exhibited by farmers of 1 the Earlton District of Temiskaming. brought $1.90 a bushel. The aver- age for all the samples sold was $1.50 a bushel. Care of the New Pigs The nursing sow and litter require care and., good feeding in order that the pigs will be strong and healthy, and the sow will be in fit condition to ,produce a second litter to pro - like a second litter this year. Sup- ply a milk -producing ration. It sho- uld consist of oats, middlings and ;lam mill:. tin courage the pigs to ota:rt eating at an early age by plac- ing Some feed in a low trough. As soon as weather permit 1.'t them run outdoors. in a fresh paddock. • • Seed Grain Crops Early The importance of early seeding cannot be stressed too strongly. An ;xperiment carried on for 10 years at the Central Experimental Farm, -'hows that wheat, oats, barley and peas seeded as soon as tho land is ,wady to work give higher yields han when sown at later dates. The. average increase of grain sown 'eer- y over that sown two weeks later was .1,4 bushels for barley., 1.8 bush- els for wheat.and 4 bushels .for oats; Moe Seed For Sale A quantity of Seed Banner Oats 65c per 'bushel. Also O.A.C. Barley 70c bushel. AppI.y to George Ingram R. R. 3, Exeter, Ont. Phone 6 on 89 Hensall. central. NOTICE. The Directors and Officials of the Zurich Agricultural. Society will hold a meeting in the Town .Hall on Fri-, day evening. rl'he Zurich Turf Club will also be present, when plans will be laid for the coming fair. All these officials should be present. Ferdinand. Haberer, President. E. F. Klopp, Secretary. BORN Northcott -At Hay Township,on April ;3rd, to, Mr. and Mrs. !Wm. Northcott, a son. Ingram At Hay Township, on Ap- .'ril 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs. John F. Ingram a son. SCHOOL REPORT Of S. S. No. 8, Hay. For Easter tests. Those marked ,,, Were absent for one or more tests. Sr. IV=Rota Masse 73%. 1r. IV -Kenneth. Weber 74; Eun- ice Oestreicher 73. Sr. III -Orlin Swartzentruber 66, Carl Oestreicher 65; Elmore Rader •64.. Jr. III -Jack Weber 72 Martha Miller 67; *Esther Price 713 ; Ilildr Rader 59; Hilda Becker 55; Ernest Masse 51. Sr. II -*Eileen Miller 72, Louis' +'inkbeiner 71, Louise Masse 55. Jr. IILorna Miller 79, Rosaieer. Miller. 76. X -:*Dorothy Price 75, Ly,.a Swart zgitrubee 64, '='''Helen. Miller 62 Primer --John Masse' 75; Hower ' I b'irtkbeiner 70; Merla Miller 65. • Agnes Y. Rober.,tsA n, 'l'eacher. • Thurst ,, i19tti; 1934 • _ .. . 6uoj,,.;nnpF,; �; ,�> ,•�, 4a M a 'a°+du +i an •r: I+ +8 ia'r"aa + •n ,; tr .��M+ i ,?rwi, ;..a;nkn THIS SEASON CALLS FOR GOOD NEW FENCES ON THE FARM. LETUS SUPPLY ��.. 4' YOU WITH THE BEST OF WOVEN WIRE, ALSO HAVE i='.ARB WIRE- SEE US ABOUT NEW ROOFING, PLUMBING,, AND EVE- ''," TROUGHING FOR SALE --200 u heIs im rowed. Ban er Seed Oats at 60c bush.. USED FURNITURE s Two Good Used Chesterfield Suites on Hand, Good Used Dressers from $4.50 up; Dining Tables; 10 Kitchen Chairs, Etc. All Big Bargains for quick Sale. BE SURE AND SEE THEM! • Always a Good Supply of Smoke Cure on Hand. Also Old Hickory Srno%e Salt Johnston : ; . alb moil Hardware & Furniture. Phone 83, 6+ 66++6+4.4.6660.066+ +6+60-0+ + +++.1.4.64+61 11IIINI11111NNlNII!INIV1111NNNJNIN!Ni11111111INNI11111111111!111111IIIIIIIIIIII1111M1I1III11111111111NI111111111III!11111 NIINIIIIIINN11N11lN11NI1I1111111,!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!IIIIIIIII11IINIIIIIN111111 1NINr - THESE PRICES subject to change without Notice 1 ET Reraing Wagon Wheels, per set $18.00 -11 Wagon Axle; each $5.00 E. Wagon Tongue each $3.00 Tongue, Harrows, each $1.50 &; Bolster with Stakes at $3.O0 - Wagon Reach, long 1.50, .Short $1.25 52 E. Spokes, each at Double Tree,.. each Whipple Tree .50 .75 .50 r JIBepairlY�a� S S, the I �UN1q��;INNIE�II�.kISI!(NgIII!III!!!!N!IllilllNlNl!!!!ill!+11111!N�JNIi!1YN11N1f!lNI1N{fl!!N!!Ik+(!!��INN�fNgl;!INN!k4!C�IINUI�INU!�@illliRllllulla!NIIINNHt f46.0•04...++++++.1.64.4.++++++++.00+++++++6+++.0+6+++++ 6+06 O 1011 THE WINTER SEASON Is Now Here. Have you looked after your Automo- bile in preparation forthe gold Weather? Changed to lighter Oil, and had your Radiator filled with a gooci Anti -Freeze?.. Run in your car and let us do this very Important thing Right Now! • Gasoline and Kerosine always kept on hand in large and small quantities. Let us fill your barrels or Containers. Expert Workmanship on Repair Work, <' nd Overhaul Jobs oar all ! akea of Cars with Charges Very Reasonalbe. Monssean Zurich 6.8 61011.6.6.0414.0+++.1.064,- ,;1'4 • `dam 4. • 6 a G f • • t 4. t t+ mo Mato _ ........�,- .....3M. AIJD D6' You Know That I ani the Master Salesman! I am, the herald of Success for all men, Merchants, Manufacturers, Etc. I go forth to tell the World the message of service and Sound Merchandising! And theWorld listens when I speak! For those who have used me as their Servant 1 have gathered untolcl anillians into their coffers. 1 c®inand the legeons of fashion, mould the styles, and lead the World whithersoever $ got 1 sow fields for you to reap a Golden Harvest! I aro. Masater Salesman at Your Service, . and my Name is: IPI dfrie Bv ADVE-RT11SE'! I-,