HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1934-04-19, Page 2vtr ti� S� LUCflS by Sox Rohmer SYNOPSIS Removal of five crates of opium from the liner Wallaroo carrying 2,000,000 lbs of gold to Australia—discovery of a dia- ry dropped by Yu'an Flee See, head of an interJo Lung, one ofnal nLondon's biggest warehouse in the tene- es"--the murder of Detecetive Norwich, of Scotland Yard—all these prooede the appearance .af Inspector Dawsor. Haig, stlarohen the 'ship ops at he boardt Ma seWar le oo Eileen Kearney, with whom Haig is in love is a passers.. ger. Tu'an has five agents aboard, one of whom. Dr. Oesteler, 1s informed by wire- less of Haig's presence. Another, a huge Chinaman, tries to throw Haig over- board but is himself hurled into the sea. When Eileen goes ashore at Port Said a fortunae teller induces her to accomp- any Oestler to a native shop. Haig trails them and is plunged into the Bath of Feathers by a trapdoor as he follows the proprietor. Haig escapes from the dead- ly dungeon, and drops Joseph into the Bath. Haig takes all his papers, nails his body up in the packing ease intended as 'his coffin, and reports Eileen's kidnap - pine to the British consul. He asks that Oestler and Valerie Ednam, an accom- plice, be arrested on the Wallaroo. i11 leen regains consciousness in Tu'an's head -quarters. O'st1ar and. Miss 'Ednam disappear from the liner. INSTALMENT 21 Yuan Hee See was studying a num- He had not availed himself of the accommodation provided by the sec- and class ticket in the Armenian's possession. He was sole occupant of a first class sleeper. The "letter of travel" seemed to in• dieate that the roan called Hassan es- Suk did not known Joseph by sight. But, as the train was nearing Keneh now, one important decision remained to be made: How was "Joseph" to ac- count for his total ignorance of Ara- bic? Upon the correct solution his life might hang. "Your staff work, my friend has been good but not excellent. Myself, 1 should have diverted the p'ooker di- rect irest to our base, since Dr. Oestler may be in possession of details touch- ing our personal security. Well, it is perhaps unnecessary that I should de- tain Ctain you any longer. Have you added to your collection recently? Does some new gem of loveliness Ball you to clinging arms?" "No Excellency . - and yourself?" Yu'an Hee See raised closed eyes to Aswami. "Yes," he ,answered upon a tremulous flute note: "a fragrant Western rose. But Y fear the thorns, my friend. I could not resist. But . I fear I have been rash. For her sweet eee sake I have imperilled our enterprise —our lives. This you know. But the Chinese are gamblers, and those who join them in play must gamble also." r * * Dawson Haig adjusted the dead man's tarbrush. Sea breezes and a touch of African sun had already lightly tanned his naturally pale face And, as he saw in the mirror above the wash bowl, the effect was not so The Cairo police had proved to be! surprisingly efficient, Keneh had been advised, and a man whose job was to cover all his, (Haig's,) movements, was in the second class section. But, fearful above all things for Eileen, he had vetoed any raids or arrests not bad. He did not in the least resemble authorized by himself. He knew some -1 thing of the resources of Yu'an Hee the Joseph who had died, but he might See. One false move—and she might have passed for one of the lighter skinned natives—for a Turk or for be lost forever. a Greek, As he pushed his way through the A tall Arab jostled him. "Telephone GREEN Exquisite Quality 100 Years Ago Dog '712 Also in Black and Mixed ber of messages, or, rather, staring atI jabbering throng, making for the ex- on your right!" said an English voice them through the lenses of his glasses it at Keneh, his hand rested upon the It was the man from Cairo. automatic in his pocket. Haig calledmup the Mudir, as ar- ranged. "Inspector Dawson with unseeing eyes. At last: "Since the man Haig is dead, howHaig is can this be?" he asked Aswami Pasha. speaking," he said. "You have been "The message from the consul states advised by Cairo?" clearly 'upon authority of Scotland Yard.' What can this mean? It is cer- "Quite right, inspector," the voice tain that he is dead?" replied; to his great relief that of an "Mohammed reported it," said the Englishman. "I have arranged to Egyptian. "The doctor confirmed the' have the place watched. It's the Cafe news, telling us that Haig was not on Magrabi Any one of the dri'iers out - I board when the Wallaroo left Port I side the station will tee you. there. Said. Then came his last radio from One of our fellows is inside There's the ship advising us that the police a- nothing t he's onspicuous n eking a al;out l him except 1 c meer- my waited his arrival at Suez. Finally, as my lord knows, we received a message! tschaum pipe! Bump into him on your notifying us that he was back at Is-` way out so that he drops his pipe. malia and claiming emergency air I Stoop to pick it up and give him your transport. My own Fokker was under' next address." orders to leave Heliopolis for Koseir.l A tired -looking horse in the shafts I got a message through to my pilot , of an arabiyeh waited outside the sta- ed it in time, he will have alighted be- or I did my best to do so. If he receiv tion; and to the driver Dawson Haig said briefly, "Cafe Magrabi." hind Ismalia to pick up the doctor." The Cafe Magrabi fronted upon a "In the interval." street in which there were tawdry Aswami Pashanshrugged. He, laces of entertainment. Painted wo- may have been traced.—arrested. I I men's facespeered out from the upper phave done. Julian Hess has been ad-, p vised. { windows. Soon Haig stood staring into Yu'an Hee See hissed softly for l a sort of cave in a high wall—presum- some moments. "Iis the man Joseph ably the Cafe Magrabi. here?" he asked. ! There was a wooden seat along one "His instructions were to report to' side, and a few low stools. There were Hassan es-Suk, and Hassan's orders no tables, and there was nothing in were to facilitate his journey to Kis- the nature of a bar or counter. Four eir, where Hess will see him and ar-i or five Arabs crushed in the shad - range for his crossing." owl of the place. Outside on the foot- Yu'an Hae See relied a plump, tap- ath, two chairs were � peered A Judge's Oath Minneapolis Journal; The new year of 1834 was well under way. It 'was just 100 years ago. It was a year. destined to fill a fairly important place in English history. heelittle girl who was to become Queen Vic- toria in 1887 and Empress of India in 1877 was then 15 years of age. On the new railroads trains were be- ginning tntear e cpeaceful farmer oss the country- side, filling Then with astonishment and dismay. occurred the deaths of Charles Lamb and Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Malthus, whose name still looms large in the annals o political economy because of his ' issay On Popul- ation"; Edward Irvling, great in- spirational preacher; William Black- wood, founder of Blackwood's Mag- azine, and Alexander Chalmers hadof the "Biographical Dictionary", this date year inscribed on their tombstones. But to make up for these losses to letters, George Du Maurier, author of the immortal "Peter' Ibbet- son" and of "Trilby", was born this year, as were Baring -Gould, who wrote the words of the famous hymn, "Onward, Christian Soldiers", that has gone around tke world; Sir John Lubbock of "hundred best s Hare, books"fame, and Aug the biographer. Among the famous books that appeared. in 1834, and are still living were Bulwer's "Last Days of Pompeii," Captain MarryatSs "Midshipman Easy" and "Jacob Faithful," and John Galt's "Literary It actually Washes the Dirt Away 1 e THY make hard work out of household tasks...with Gillett's Pure Flake Lye you *tan wash the dirt away! just use n solution of 1 teaspoonful dis- solved in a quart of cold* water. It makes your home spotless without rubbing and scrubbing! Have Gillett's Pure Flake Lye handy whenever there's any heavy cleaning to be done. Use it go get rid of toilet -bowl stains, too—and for clearing stopped -up drain pipes. Dills germs and de- stroys odors as it cleans. Get -a tin of Gillett's Pure Flake Lye today. At your grocer's. *Never dissolve lye in hot water. The action of the lye Itself heats the water - i FREE BOOKLET --EC sure to get a copy of the recur, revised edition of the Gillett's Lye Booklet. Tells you dozens of ways to keep your home spotless .. . bow to make heavy housework easy. Also contains full directions for seep snaking, thorough cleansing and other uses on the farm. Address Standard Brands Limited, Fraser Avenue & Lib- erty Street, Toronto, Ontario. —Albaneemen representative of the Toronto Mail & Empire newspaper happened to be present in the Court of Appeal chambers at Osgoode Hall when Mr. Justice John A. McEvoy was sworn in as a member of the High Court of Ontario.... That oath reads. "I, do sincerely promise and swear, that I will be faithful and- bear true allegiance to His Majesty King George the Fifth, as lawful Sovereign of Great Britain, Ireland and the Dominions beyond the Seas, and that I will defend Him to the utmost of my power against all traitorous conspiracies or at- tempts whatever which may be made against His Person, Crown and Dig- nity, and that I will do my utmost endeavour to disclose and make known to His Majesty, His Heirs or Successors, all treasons or traitorous conspiracies and attempts which. I may know to •be against Him or any of them; and all this I do swear without any equivocation, mental eva- sion or secret reservation; So help me God." e set. Haig. ea ops ering finger upon the messages, and. ping down upon one of these, 'Good intentions may lead to discs- i into the semi -darkness of the place an- ter," he said softly. "We have now no xiously. agent on board—and it is late to alter The tall "Arab" who had come from plans so delicate." GILLETT'S LYE EA" Cairo was approaching in long leis - "I quite agree," the Pasha replied., urely strides. A slovenly -looking negj "But except in respect of exact infer -i ro emerged from the blackness at the nation regarding the ship's position, I end of the cave and approached. I don't think the situation is serious. "You don't think so?" Yu'an Hee See whispered even more softly. A ra- dio message will tell the truth to the i world, and we shall be helpless to si- lence it." "I have provided for that," the Eg- yptian answered. "Emil Gratz was one of the four best gunners in the I German navy. Before any notice is gi- ven he must shoot down the main- mast. This will disable the radio. If he should miss, which is unlikely, there is the second quick -firer in charge of Jo Lung, your Own gunner.' Yu'an Hee See began hissing again; then: "We cannot know how much has leaked out; cannot know. This new danger is one we owe to the man Haig Ile died too easily. I should have liked to supervise his death. It may mean disaster, but we can only hope. Fur- thermore, it will have to be a torpedo after all. Do you realize this?" Aswami Pasha inclined his head. "I had already arranged for it" Life". Seek to Abolish Plain Gold Ring London, Eng. — Lady Mount Tem- ple, wife of a former minister of transport, wants the plain „old wed- ding band abolished. She told the National Jewellers' Association at their annual dinner that it was a "monstrosity," and she appealed for its depdsition in favor of the much more beuatiful gem -set eternity ring or the plain platinum circlet. "My main objection to the gold But Haig had not yet discovered his man. Then he observed a customer, who, unlike the rest did not smoke ci- garettes—an Arab, apparently, muf- fled up in many -coloured rags, and crouched in a dim corner. A glass rested upon a small stool beside him. TO BE CONTINUED It's a Queer World Hero Receives Bronze Medal. New York -- Mrs. J. Dyneley Prince, president of the New York Woman's League for Animals, be-!' stowed a bronze medal on Chingy, a dog whose barks aroused .tenants e a Seventh street tenement in time for;' , them to escape a fire a few weeks; ago. The dog's owner, Samuel spell-' Man, perished in the fire with his wife and children. The dog escaped with a broken leg and has been' at the Ellin Prince Hospital for An./ imals, where it will receive the medal) • There are more than 400,000 Christian hymns in existence today; about 100,000 of them originated in Germany% set Two unemployed men have just up a new amateur cycling record by completing 52,108 miles in twelve months on a tandem machine in search of a job. A baby born with a curly tail, which has grown to a length of two inches, is attracting attention at a London hospital. According to Sir Arthur Keith, such a phenomenon, further proof of man's animal ancestry, is not uncommon, The emerald, when large, clear and dark, is the 'most costly precious stone in the world, despite the fact that a flawles one has never been found• Constant intoxication, day after band from a woman's point of view, I day and even generation after gen- she said, "is that it is not beautiful, eration, has no harmful effect on the Aesthetically speaking, it kills any health, length of life or fertility of ot hring worn on the same handl Why cannot we have a really beauti- I such creatures as mice, rats andfowls. ful ring as the symbol of the most important event in a woman's life?" ` Bathing canaries is the full - Lady Mount Temple said that with time occupation of Mr. Toni Smith, of the exception of a string of pearls, l each of his patients After their in cub, bebwrapss which had its own intrinsic value,' jewellery should be subservient to and puts it in front of a candle to the personality of the wearer and the frock with which it was City of Toronto Fa11s,:' Heir to Casa Lorna El TEL Going to Montreal? Listen to this good news! Our room rates have been lowered. The schedule shown below gives all the thrifty rifand his famous arBroadles cast ng orchestra has made the Mount Ro- yal Dinner and Supper Dances one of the brightest spots in the social life of Montreal. On your next trip to Montreal, let Vernon G. Cardy, our Managing' Director, byour the him Mount Royal show youwhy so famous. The Home away from Home" Mount Royal Rotel New Low Rates Doublrooms bonus with bath, $6.00 uP Suites . , .... .. $10.00 up 3, Alderic Raymond, • Provisional owner of Casa Loma for the past year, the city of Toron- to administration has now fallen heir to final and complete ownership of the great castle on Walmer Road hill, together with stables and out- buildings, the surrounding park and the high iron fence. Built in 1911 by Sir Henry Pellatt as a residence, the huge $2,000,000 structure has been used in recent years as an apartment house, a ho- tel and a club. A year ago, the city of Toronto bought it in at the tax sale for the $27,306 in outstand- ing arrears listed against the proper- ty. The year in which the former owners could have redeemed it - by paying the arrears and penalties ex- , pired several weekc ago. worn. Refuses to Play Opposite May West Now Property Commissioner Chis- holm, whose responsibility it is to look after the property, is wonder- ing how he is going to find the money to provide caretakers for the ,place when this is not covered in the 1934 budget, In the meantime all en- trances are boarded up. Hollywood — Ceorge Raft, screen actor, has notified his producers be will not play opposite Mae West in a forthcoming screen production. Studio officials said another actor would be chosen. Sequences in the picture call for a number of close- ups of Miss West with the back of the leading man Jo the camera. It was this fact to which Raft was re` ported to have objected. •0 -1> -m -0 -o -..0-®m 0 0 0 a ARTISTS AND AUTHORS AMATEUR OR PROFESSIONAL Send stamped addressed envelope for information to sell illustrations and short stories. We will criticize your work and act as agents in selling it for a small fee. THE ART LITERARY SERVICE 59 tee Avenue, TORONTO on how Because it LASTS and LASTS and LASTS The new Instant Bit FRIES Possesses ono patented oiomont that no other tint or dye possesses. Send the front at 8 That's wily Rit. color IAT Package, for Thr lasts—lasts as no ordl. rump copy et nary "surface" dye Dan. A n C of Homo Itug Bit SOAKS Into the Making" to John A. heart smof oothly . . v thl `86�ton CoCaledonia Ed., out a spot or streak. Toronto, 33 Worn, lEre HEMI No longer a soap Dissolves Instantly. WORE jltlan dry. Singing for a wife is the custom of the natives of Eastern Nepal. The young Limbu tribesman, having led his prospective bride before the chief, bursts into song, and ishonly esucce success- ful in his wooing, if pleases the chief. Otherwise a rival steps in and makes a match of it. `the preeminent Hotel Achievement Issue No. i5--'34 Pres. VERNON G CARDY, Man, Dir. CAN'T SUP OR SLIDE FU3E TEET Don't calse teeth in pla keepnd of remedy to e—use a reliable, recognized one which dentists prescribe lsuch argestasseller +in he world—gripes teeth so secure yet comfortable they feel natua ral. Positively no slipping or clicking— blissful comfort assured all day long:, Forms a tee and Boo ecial comfort cushion to p Booth gums. No colored, d gum my paste -keeps mouth sanitary -breath pleasant Inexpensive—all druggists' 1 JACK, IM TO SEE CLARK ABOUT THAT BIG ORDER IN 40 MINUTES AND I HAVE TERRIFIC NEURITIS.., �WHAAr CAN I DO ? f"-"-"--" 'DON'T WORRY! GET SOME ASPIRIN , TWO TABLETS WILL STOP THAT PAIN IN A PEW MINUTES. / 2 LATER WELL, JACK, I GOT THE ORDER! YES, FELT FIT As A FIDOLE .. YOU BET, I'LL ALWAYS GET ASPIRIN WHEN I WANT QUICK RELIEF FROM PAIN. Real ASPIRIN Starts Taking Hold in Few Minutes , Now comes amazingly quick relief from headaches, rheumatism, neuri- tis, neuralgia ... the fastest safe relief, it is said, let discovered. Those results are due- to a scien- tific discovery by which an Aspirin Tablet begins to dissolve, or dis- integrate, 1n the amazing space of two seconds after touching moisture. And hence to start "taking hold" of pain 'a few minutes after taking. The illustration of the glass, here, tells the story. An Aspirin Tablet starts to disintegrate almost instant- ly you swallow it. And thus is ready to go to work almost instant'''. When you buy, though, be on guard against substitutes. To be sure you get ASPIRIN'S quick relief, be sure the name Bayer in the form of a cross is on every tablet of Aspirin. WHY ASPIRIN WORKS 50 FAST Drop ari Aspirin Tablet in a glass of water. Note that BE- FORE it touches bot- tom, it has started to disintegrate. What it does in this glass it does in your. stomach. Hence its fast action. 'MACK 14 CANADA Does Not Harm the Heart