HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1934-04-19, Page 1, . . 4Ftf,faVaaaa, a VOI , XXX IV No. 41 ae,faViRf° • •••••••,.., ZU4.111 CH THURSDAY MOHN1.Ncl„ APRIL 19, 1934, - Cheater Le Siniet, Pealscala S1.25 a year, ILO. a/.5 Adrzawei:- sl.boIlq.A.RREARS NEA,r SJA ORAVISKI tronize the IN Capital Theatre Goclerich - Phone 47 Now Plng-"King the Wild Horses." IVIonday, Tuesday, and Wednesday ZASU PITTS,: and SLIM SUMMERVILLE • Ce -starred again fn another up- roarious romance. Funny and fast moving is LOVE HONOR Auct, OHBMW Paramount. News and other features Thursday, Friday and Saturday JANET GPILYNOR LLtU7Ld-an EL BRENDRIa a Head a .superb east ing. a. bright and melodious musical success. It has " everything in the way of entertain- r SUNNY SIDE SIDE UP'e Teshnical Assault In Bayfield Case •TVi ereil On ri ) 'Rush For Car MarkersLaird Br S iale Saturday, Much 31st, was th. Ia$t day of grace accorded motorist who had not procured. their. licens markers, with the result that th issuing staff in McVicar's shoe store. Goderiah, were kept basy gram eerie morning until late at night on that slay, in which trite more than two hundredw -licenses ere iseued. Mon day was another big day aria. an GC- eadonal straggler has been appeared daily since then. and Read M•1•01141,Y1•4•104141....P.4.1.1•4.1041......... os. pec s s Genuine Eugene -Ferrnaneuts . . $5.50 e I Realietic Crocatignole a4,50 a Charm:tine Oil Wave „ C1.50 al Nu Beauty Oil ....... .. . .. With Carl or Ringlet ends. Prices include Shampoo, Finger Wave and Trim, Specialists in Hair Tinting 4253a RICHMOND - Met. 4646 - LONDON • In County Court - A -further adjournment, until My 4, of the. aase of David Tas Churchill, of Clinton, plaintiff -in an action against Geo. T: Mickle /b Son, bean dealers, of Hensel, for 'money allegedly owing on beans sold and delivered to the defendants during the yeare. 1928-29-30, was granted by. Judge Costello afteran all -day hearing in County Court on Tuesday ast. The first adjournment was made at the sitting of the Court on April 3rd. A effort will be made to secure dditional witnesses. The defendants lairn that the beans were merely elivered for storage and sale at aux.- ent prices. `••••••^,••• ......."••••••-*•••••••••-.•••••••-,-,1-.1••••••"••••••• ••••••-•••••* es last week. In tendering Mr. Ball- antyne the nomination the joint gat -1i ering turned down W. G. Medd, IVI.L. of Exeter, the present mernbeie and for the past eight years, and 1 H. Scott, farmer, of Seaforth. Medd was eliminated on the first bal-. lot. The convention had been called as a Progressive gathering but over IL family of Desboro and airs. Irvin Made .for a joint meeting In. jts I i it is. Edward Datars, Sr. of town. BOOST THE LIBRARY!. Do you like a .good hearty laugh? If so, come and see "Philip for Short a comedy of the most laughable mirth provoking sort.you have ever seen at the Zurich Town Hall. This play. is under the auspices of the :Sr Mr. ancl Mis. John All echt were eiators with friends at Bayfield for a few days the past week. Will the party who has in his pas- sion ow: wire stretcher, return the came at once. -Johnston & Kalb - Pleased to report that Mrs. Wm. Koelaer of the Goshen line south is recovering from her recent serious .illness. Rev. and Mrs. Albert Deters and the week -end arrangements .had been Dedels of Kitchener, were Tuesday • . v s ors with their parents, Mr. and arly stages it was most harmonious but towards the end when the liquor question was thrust into 'de- liberations with the result that it appeared for a time that the meeting might break up . in disorder. Mr: Scott and Mr, Medd moved that the choice be made unanimous just be- fore the close of the meeting, to which Mr, Medd took the action with Coming -"It iiappened One Nnglat"Murdoch -Ross, 81 -year-old see- s\:some personal reservations. Sp the by members of the •Bayfield Dramat- Zunch Public Library and is acted (elected chairman of the.- Board of South Huron constituency will be .Matinees -Wed,. and Sat at 3 ise. en. ic Club. On Wednesday evening Trustees of the Police Village. of Bea contested by Huron's Warden and 25th. Reserved seats are only field was found guilty of- technical Ea -warden, with the latter ha.vinas, 35c general admission 25c for adults assault on the person of Mrs. T. C. from a technical view the advantage 'aand 15c for children. Be sure and see i trate Chas. Reid in Hayfield the other ' !Bailey, a fellow trustee, by Magas- ''bY having two parties, the Liberale • ( this humorous play, enjoy a most de - of the three hundred inhabitants of Mr. Elliott will have to fall back to, and Progressives behind him,. while; the Conservative party only. . . lightful evening and at the same morning. More than one hundred ithe village were on hand to hear the magistrate address Mr. Ross and Mrs j Bailey following the hearing, "Mr. STEPHEN COUNCIL -Pro per. ly Fitted biasses ° air Id man aifirid ialwa6nt to ahiflicti. Council ofi thTe" TownshiP a severe namn pei y on. you. eata- Rbbers isited Zurich orr Saturday time give the library a helping hand The' plan of the hall is on sale at Gaschcas store. Don't forget the date, Wed: April 25. Ross, ' said IVIa.g. Reid, °you are an ROBBERY AT ZURICH Stephen me in the own Hall, Ore- night or early Sunday morning. and • What would. please -axle far more cliton on Monday, the 2nd of April C. E. ZURBR1CG R. O. Will be at Hese .TeweIexy Store, Eyery Wednesday Afternoon, begin - 'ming at 2 o'clock- to et you. with glasses. PRICES MOAT Would be an assurance from both f OOA , at 3. p.m. All members were you. that these petty bickerings in 'present. 'The minutes of the previa Ross must rememb -that ' your village will cease. You, Mr. ous regular meeting held on the 5th• Bailey, even though a woman has of March and the special meeting bout a half dozen suits, some sweat - entered . the gent's furnishing store of W. H. Hoffman & Son, and got away 'with a few hundred dollars . . worth of ready wear including a- • the s•arne-rights and prialleges on the !held on the 12th of March were read es, a " few leather coats, ties, hats , Board as you have. She had a right I mid adopted. shirts, etc. Evidently they must have to see the docuinents which you Motion, That By-law No. 480 'to become frightened away or a much tried, forcibly, to witholcl from her. I promibit the running at large or bigger haul would have been the re- ' I , am going to defer sentence untiltrespassing of ani ma1 s (otherthan salt Apparently they . must have eameeeemeeee • II see if you can work in barmon d'ogs) on the Public Highways ofm gained entrance in frothe back ST. PETER'S together." " Y the Township of Stephen; By-law No Way opened with a skeleton key as , 481 for• prohibiting. and impotinding on Sunday when it was diseovered both the front and aeck doors wera left unlocked. The Goderich ants- °I:Wes were at once notified on Monday, and they are now working on the case, but t,he robbera left no clues behind them. Smaller robber- ies have resulted recently. In the Evangelital church sheds the auto of Mr. Cyrus Schoch was sinAaped of headlight, battery, and all the tools. Another car recently was put in the shed over night and hove the locks were broken and entrance gained in the car. It looks very much as if it is going to cost us a lot of money in the future to have policewatch ov- Evangelical Lutheran Church That Liberal -Progressive ZURICH. - otim. Convention animals ruaning at hasse, trespass- ing and doing damage on lands in the Township and By-law No. 482 an pie, farmer, of Us- for determining the compensation • A Changeless CE-eise gar a. Charm.- borne Township, last year warden of for Pound -keepers, each having be- ing Viroria" Huron Countyand ,g i take a drink or leave it alone", was he hoice of an open convention of LiberaIa and Progreseivea at Hen- s a man w so can Friday, 8h -Luther League. Saturday -Choir Practice - SUNDAY SERVICES: 10 a. m.-Germate Seas:eie. 11.15 a.m.-Sunday School. 7.30 p.m.-Englisle service. Everybody Welcome to alt Services:1 c 1 i E. TUERKHEIM. Pastor., 9111111111101111ininiii : all on Monday ;afternoon to contest Ire riding in the coming provincial erieral election. He is the seeond andidate in the field, George H. El- iott. presort •wayden of Enema hay - ng been named by the Conservativ- 4 'EMIIMINIREiliailifiallga ^4 EW 1111111111111111111 i(111111 11 11111111 11111111 ro C ry St )Fe Heinz Ketchup (large) . . Libby 's Queen Olives .. . . . ... 25c Puffed Wheat, 2 for . . Tornataideat rOc Palm Tree Soap„ 2 for --..... 5c , Chocolate., cookies at .. • .. . Interlake Toilet Tissue,, 3 for ...- . . . 25c Caustic Soda in Bulk and Cans Fresh rguit s and Groceries Always. on *bud, Mi Threads, Pins, Laces, Ete.' enno 4ecb Zurich EGGS WANtitil. • rase en read three times, be passed and signed by the Reeve and Clerk and the Seal of the Corporation attach- ed thereto, The following 'communications were read and ordered filed:: 1. Tatter from the chief Eng- ineer of Municipal Roads acknowled- ging the receipt of a copy of By- law No. 479 to provide for this ye- ar's Highway expenditures. 2: Letter from the Acting Deputy Minister of Hospitals as to patients admitted to the Ontario Hospital, London, who appears to be charge- able to this Municipality. S. Letter from the Secy-Treas of The Ontario Good Roads Associat- ion .regarding the .payment of meinbership fees. 4. Letter from the Secretary of the R iic2 Land Settlement Com- intttea and circulars as to the estab- lishment of, suitable families on Crown Lands in New Ontario under the provisions of the Act. 5• Letters . from the Deputy Min- ister of .Agriculture 'and the District Agricultural Representative as to give municipal aid to farmers to buy seed grain. 6. Accounts of 'Dr. W. E. Weeks and W. C. Ft Oestreieher. . Motion, that :the following oadets he linseed: Dore. of Canada General Ins. Co. peel -Mum on Treas. Bond, 10,05; County of Huron, indigent paints $25.35; Well. Johnston, refund tax 2,00;. Pay Sheets-Clotalon Wil- son 1-811 $2,10; Ca Wilson rd 1 1„20 Regier rd 11, 1.78; J. McKeever rd'ell .4.83; C. Sims id 5 1..00; R. Holt rd 20 3.29; W. Mellin rd 17 $1,20 • The Council, adjoetrneci to meet a- gain in the Town Hall, Crediton, on weenie properties while we aro asleep OBITUARY Rev, J, G. Burn is Called Mention was made in last week's . • aper of the passing of Rev. 3. G. Burn in Chesley, where he had been pastor of the Evangelical church for he past number of years, he was a former resident of the town el Hes. j pier, being a so; of Mi', and Mr.e Ahraleam Burn , of that place and was wellkeown in that district as well as in the Canada Conference of his churcn, He has been afficted with heart failure the pnst year, he had decided to retire "from the min- stry for a time and purchased a re- sidence. in Kitchener, but it was not to be so and Godcalled him into the great eternity last Tuesday in his 66th year. Mr. burn entered the ministery in'1896 and has been at some responsible charges during the thirty-eight years of his work. The funeral service was held in his chur- ch at Chesley on Sunday, and the re- naifis were taken to the family plot Hes13Ier from where the 'funeral was held with Rev, 3. P. Hauch offi- ciating'. Rev. Dean of Hanover, the District Superintendent of the de- pal‘ted heldt: the Clusley Memorial service. 1 -le is survived by his widow 1 vdtwo daughter, four sons and two I rothero, who are Rev. 3. S. Burn t neat New Hamburg 'aria Rey. B. PUril of Zurich. Monday, the 7th day of May, 1934 a at 1 aat. .10001H1Rollif0tota-ft1P,V,i4N110411t1411!ov Wil*WITIPAPtifi. AgS4101,11igillf Milf4111N., I 231ber''. Township the_ aper Your Broken ,Spectiele Leine ACCURATELY DUPLICATED ANY SHAPE, ANY COLOUR. MATCHED FROM THE SMALLEST PIECE 0. E. ZURBRIGG, R.O., At Ness, The Jeweller Phone 74 Zurich BLUE COAL ALL GRADES' Genuine Servet - Solvay Cam Miler's Creek WE CARRY ONLY THE HIGleilarr QUALITY FUEL Agricultural Tile and Brick: CASH paid for Eggs on CrMet:Nik W. R. DAVIDSON' Phony No. 1f MENSM138L " " " " • • • • • " • - • :1='''.?.= PA•046444•444••••4•••444. .• 10.0A04›4›,A.PAAAAAA0404A+0.0490041t • • • • • • • • • • • • 4. • • • • • 4.• • • • • • 0 • 4.4• • • 4. 4. 4.*4+ 9. a. 4415,6 4'4,2' .1` 47 4*0 4, ,5+ (t)•0 'te", .0 o .x.6:-ia.to NEW SPRING SAMPLES Just La. ALSO A FINE RANGE OF .. READYMA.D - ALL PATTERNS AND STYLES SUITS OVER A 1,000 PATTERNS TO :17V711' CHOOSE FROM "CLOTHES OF QUALITY" EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS/ "a1=EMIZZEN=umgraRTZWEEZNNEMIAMEZZENOWT..7 /0.1.2Vit, . Let IL rho You .347.Ratf. New Curtains and Custain Gocclz; . New PrkLi Broadcloths; New House Dresses. Men's and Boys' Fancy Shirts; also Work Shirts rand Overalls... Men's and Boys' Rubber .Boots and Work Shoes; Women's, Misses and Childrens' Shoes, Sandals and Oxfords. Many lines in Hardware such as Paints and Varnishes. Graniteware, Tinware, Etc., Etce. HARNESS REPAIRS A SPECIALTY This Season's Vegetable and Flower Seeds 5c and a Package.. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND N,tJOUGLAS GENERAL MERCHANT PHONE 11 - 9 7 Et LAK Elemorimaisimiapmemomossoragammitioavamisageatomminumegog,