HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1934-04-12, Page 8Pkar rIGTI I^ • 41....:7''',41,7^"./rZ.,===.7.4, ;14 7 \I sToac 17.0.7 • 71 • -4" •14, • • . , • ,..i, riee••,e 11 61a lohoc, ay. S1-10NYING OF NEWEST IN CURTAIN NETTS, RUFFLED CURTAINS BY YARD . AND ALSO MADE UP READY FOR HANGING., AT - VERY REAS01`-•!.L‘,BLE PRICES N.wSeteetts, Clainteees, e:::retons, for Quilts and. Draperies. Dominican China Batts, extra fine for Quilts 72x90 at 50 Cents Each PRINTS! GINGHAMS! 50 pieces of Prints and Ginghams to choose trom 16c to 35c per Yard. SEE OUR NEW LINE OF CURTAIN MATERIAL New Printed STK Dee's End.s... New 'Wallpapers prices from, 8c. to 50c a roll. GROCERIES! GROCERIES! Canned Pumpkin, large tin Macaroni, 5 lbs for Soda Biscuits, 2 lbs. for Pink Salmon, tin Rose Baking Powder, lb. tin Old Nippy Cheese lb Bakirea Bryn, 2 lbs. for &t, •4t1./ Oc 25c 23c • Oc 1 9c 25c 5c PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 1 gm4r....,..r.:14...114448.12,12415.42-4=1.144715MEmIX=44.,..CISM5 47440clersiwrirmortmarratspairrir4S14-.4.144444IIMIMINIKIZIO= 4444•44,4,,,...,./.1=144.44.44141.40emit34L4444461444.-.45244. 11.-1 C4 INSURANCE AGT-TOY Foe e .•,Ters per year you can protect yourself agalnet loss. Why take a Chance. Rates cheerfully quoted on Fire, Automobile, Plate Glass, Accident, Sickness, Burglary, Surety, Bonds, Etc Every motorist should have Public Liability and Prop- erty Damage Insurance. An accident may cost you 1.-.ousands of dollars. Protect yourself by a Policy in a Canadian Company. Fc: Rates Apply to: Invigi eh ClItrAL ?IF A L, a ---i.7•.",r"ICF. AND SAFETY R W LL2 • - • i..• ..1. -eeeiteieereeeteremeoa, l'IA.PeDWARE SEEDS and FURNITURE Your SprineT Neeis Best Assortment of Government Tested Seeds We heete ever shown, in Red Clover, Timothy, Aleike, Alfalfa, and all other Field Grass Seeds; at Low.Feeving Pricee, Aceoeding to Quality. Get your Sanply NOW, or leave your orders... We aee always in 'ere... market for good eeeils, and don't for. get, we also Ceeez.vm Seed Cleaning at lowest prices. o ereeere PAINTS! . ge; •') v. e e....4.,....fii ei. iiJi. IL; •,...,f live Well Knovin arid Tried itand Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints. Oils, Varnishes, LI A..ee Clee*e.!•1 Dig Enarnels and VeenieheS; Floor wax ., rikoec e lea Lock Wire ..eleicing zoe ...ea. and Fencing .i. ,., ve ,„ ree . •-• • -4'4..4- .4- 4.4 4R",mf4.',14''PL'..!4•"P.eee4Re.eewe..//..e! t LAM •4'.••••• .SPECIALS Fla THIS WEEK -END rEAs, No. 4 Sieve, 2 tins ....... . . .. . ... ..19c }ULLCREST SHORTENING, 1 lb. .... . .. . . ... 10c SUPERIOR BAKING POWDER; 16 -oz, QUICK QUAKER .OATS Plain per'pkg MANY FLOWERS SOAP, 5 cakes . . 25c . 28c . 25c Raspberry or Strawberry JAM 40 -oz. jar Ingersoll Malted „Cheese 2 pkgs. Large Sweet Prunes, 2 lbs.' . _ eanut Butter, 28 -oz. jar ......... ..oda Biscuits, 1-1b. bag, 2 for •..mmonia. Powder, 4 pkgs. Sweet White Corn, 2 tins . Royal York Coffee (tra tin) 1-1b. ry's Cocoa, Half -lb. tin 87c 25c .29c 25e 25c • 23c Lipton's Tea, Half lb. pkg. Cereal Blend (the Health Food) per pkg. .19c, 390 19c 28c 21e •rifled Curtains at pair .. . . ...... , 49e, 75c, and $1.25". •Jee our Real Silk Hose Full-fashioned at per pair 69c „16 Highest Prices for Eggs. Phone 140 "NNEVOntf.19CS.C.0101,21MIIE Hensall Spring Show Best on Record The annual spring stock fair of the South Huron Agricultural Soc- iety held at Hensel]. on. Saturday- was the largest .and most successful yet held. This year the society had the advantage of a vigorous - boosting campaign conducted by the recently formed Chamber of Commerce and this undoubtedly had an excellent effect. The show was held on Well- ington street adjoining the railway yards. The •entries of light, horses was unusually heavy and those of the heavy type well up to standard,. while the showing of cattle was the heaviest in years. The. attendance also was probably the largest in the. history of the show. The judges for the horses was W. J. Fowler of Guelph -and for the cattle, Wm. Char ters of Seaforth. A feature of the day's program was the naming of "Miss Hensall". In the afternoon Mrs. Hugh McGregor was Miss Hen- sall and was identified by Miss Helen Walker, and in the evening Mrs. Broderick was Miss Hensall, idetni- • fied by Miss Mamgaret McQueen. Prizes were awarded in the events and will appear next week. r LOCAL MARKETS • (Corireeted every Wednesday) Eggs, dozen. 16-14-12 Butter, lb. creamery ..........34 Butter, lb. dairy 30 Wheat, bush 80 Barley, bush 50 Buckwheat, bussh. 50 Shorts, ton • 26.00 Bran, ton 26.00 Flour, cwt. . 2.00-2.90 Live Hogs cwt 8.25 . • • .• aded for the cooperation of all con- cerned,in getting a better class of herd'Efea located under the bonus- ing pollee of the Federal and Pro- vincial governments. He held out no encouragethent to the breeder who was contented to continue with a breeding program' which gave no Promise of improvement, but turning to the farmer who had far-reaching idea g and made use of construction methods, the view a of the speaker were that the future looked as hopee ful today as it had in any period of the past. BUSY FARMER NEWS Early Marketing Means • Better Prices. No is -the time to ,i.tart the long sea.non crops of vegetables required for the early market. At the Central 'Experimental Farm the following varieties ate recominended: Cabbage: Golden Ace, Copenhagen Market, Earley Jersey Wakefield. Cauliflower: Early Dwarf Erfurt d Snowball. Celery: Paris Golden Yellow, Gol den Plume and Phenomenal Onion: Sweet Spanish, Priietaker (Donia), Southport White, Yellow for guowing trans'- pinrts. Pepper: Harris Earliest, California Wonder. Potato: rich Cobbler which should • be sprouted for four to six. weeks prior to ile!d ldeem Alaeeity, Canadian tal, Bonny Best of John Baer. The to 0 latter are used for the main 0.4 Suppeee end Poets. Goodyear Balloon and Cord Tires and Tubee in all sizes .: , • • - ' WHITE ROSE GASOLENE, ENARCO OILS, i Furniture, Springs and Beds. Felt and Marshall Mattresses Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith- ing-our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock, 7 •“'.O1 LI•i.V"" • r 0 N T. el ;11,i s4t,, t- , • Dar !-rd Improvement 1?' B. Peith of Brantford,' direct - of eteusion for the Holstein Fri -inn 'Assoeir.tion of Canada, speaking et n 'recent meeting. 'of Lanibton County live stock breeders and farmers, i.tention to the r10.-.. • Oirg nUi3-.7V:t.zi for dairy cat- Cm:leo at restock t t to avturns from the industry vol- hose with fuel and lumber for rah -1- '1'1W, int to eerenewato the far- (ar building and repairs in order thel 1.0711y .tOl;luVerolaliklagUetar' (1‘illa,s1 obt(iltia";vtIrril ti&tti Current Crop Reports • Twenty meetings were held in connection with the Warble and Heel Fly campaign in Peel County during March and it is estimated that over 70,c%0 of the cattle in Peel. will be treated' this Spring for these pests. Other counties also report the War- ble Fly campaign under way. Duff - (win County furnishes the encourag- ing word that livestock, particularly cows, are in very satisfactory con- dition. Lambton reports that the shortage of seed is not nearly as acute as early advices indicated. In- jury to fruit trees is becoming More apparent as spring advances, accord- ing to a report from Lincoln. al Noxfolk, severe weather during the winter resulted in considerable dam- age to...cherries, plums,. raspberries and apple trees. The condition of fall wheat is not good in a nuniber of districts, From Hastings comes word that indications are for a short season for maple syrup. This is al- so the case in Prince Edward County and. there also, fruit growers are alarmed. by the amount ef damage le tree and bush irtdits. R.e-Stoar the Woorllot • 12e. 1934 • - 4+4'+'t+ 44t 14` "Otr° 'i•"'o* 4.4'. g FI t, N • W.& e t SEASON CALLS FOR GOOD NEW FENCES ON THE FARM: LET US SUPPLY YOU WIT.H THE BEST OF WOVEN WIRE, ALSO HAVE i'LARB WIRE. SEE US ABOUT NEW ROOFING, PLUMBING, AND EVE - TROUGHING j WFu7rnitualsr: have 4* 4 2 t. 4 +41.4 4:44, 4i. 4 4+ +4 + 44 44,44+++,*.C•44 irt• + +it++ +4 + 44444 some very Attractiv-e Prices m Our New Beds, Springs and - Mattresses. USED 'FURNITURE Two Gomel Used. Chesterfield Suites on., Hand; Good Used Dressers from $4.50 up; Dining Tables; Kitchen Chairs, Etc. All Big Bargains for quick Sale. BE SURE AND SEE -THEM! Always a Good Supply of Smoke s. Cure on Hand. - Aso Old Hickory Smoke Salt •Job.u.ton &: ibfiOiSCii' Hardware Sc Furniture. Phone (33 ummtmoniunimeaufinnumeamennimmoomumoineenalleeeeemenmeamaineammummominlliamwee THESE PRICES subject to change without Notice Rerimming Wagon Wheels,, per set ▪ Wagon Axle, each ▪ Wagon Tongue -each Tongue, Harrows, each Bolster with Stakes at . .. .. . .... ... $3.00 11 Wagon Reach, long 1.50, Short $1.25 .50 B. .75 $18.00 $5.00 $3.00 ff $1.5a Spokes, each at Double .Tree,.. each Whipple, Tree 0 • I .50 -HESS, the 'Repair 'Man unummincommunamonillommumummormzi.ilusminimmumingoograrommig ci•^4454414115+++++,115++++01.44,444444k-++44,44+++400+4,+++++++,(440+ ••26% • The season for planting trees is near, and plans should be made early as trees planted in early sluing stand a much better chance of survival than -those planted in latosprmg,The Forestry Branch is continuing the policy of supplying free trees for planting and owing to the fact that there is a. svirplus of trees the form- er limit of 3,500 trees for reforest- • ation purposes to one person will not be adhered to, The trees may be. 13'1' a'1110'i - ovii,141- „used for plantlig mare land, erably since the beginning of the ing woodiot or the 'establishment of year, and he expressed the opinion I ee evergreen Windbreak*, '500 trees that any constiructive efforis liale I are allowed fo each applicant for made in building the herds of the planting a windbreak. County to higher standards in type, Every farm should have a Weodlot • 4tialitY, and produetion 'Multi lead 'large enough to supply the farm- . i • ; • ' •'; ier ie. • r r" soil s sn, ell as. snnd, pit)" ti°1 -• 11r1;:•;.tir. !7•11:i.;;;;J ' ' • !•-.44 '5 rer,'4; 444444. !..1,!14,.:,•444.4:4;1441,i;A (.44.4444! 5144 • eti •,, '44 $ $11 7-5 uttPg.zo 0'r 1 04 vrti: Po 7.11 THE WINTER SEASON Is Now Here. Have you looked after your Automo. bile in preparation for the Cold Weather? Changed to lighter Oil, and had your Radiator filled with a good Anti-Freoze?.. "iun 3raur car and lea us do. this very 447„ hnportant thing Right Now! • Gasoline and Kerosine always kept en hand in large and email quantities. Let us fill your barrels or Containers. Expert Workmanship on Repeir Work, and Overhaul Jobs en z•,5i1.1 Makes of Cars with Charges Very Reasonalbee ousseau Go4144444443444 4,,e4,4444.14444,CetViget•i+044,14044+44+44 +4+44414 rierreMissear.4444., C• 4444 4 eiiii-e'e+otteti,tet.4..e•t.eesetwaKeteeolefiee • Dok, You Know? That I am the' Master Salesman! I am the herald of Success for all men; 'Merchants. • Manufacturers, Fte. 1 .go forth to tell.the World the message of servic• e . „ and Sound Merchandisingi rri• Jai And the World listens when I speak! • Fer those who have used me as their Servant 1 have gathered untold rniilrna into their coffers. • 1 conunauicl the legeons of fashion,. 'mould the styles and lead the World whithersoever 1 golf .; .1 sow fields for you to reap a Golden Harvest! Masater Salesman et Yam- Seivicet, ziL:18! • Name ia: 12.5 II T f; V4',X WV' Wi'CO !4•44'.*ilii 4ki•4 47.4'4444r: • *4/4'4 4t• ive le& ri 44/ 1 • ;Mr