HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1934-04-12, Page 5'1inasday, April` 12, 1934, r . UINESS CS :OLE E. 11.1R104 1-117.11 ,r) 0:14 SWatits,, For Safie, Lost, Found . ice. sJAI1USTER, SOLICITOR, a l)? MY PUBLIC, ETC. COltilirMai, '1.10391OE—:Hamilton Street, Just •e lifba &ivare, GOD1 RICA, Ontario. 'i'll;eidal Attention to Councel and Court Work. MT. Holmes may be consu?~te4l. .ui, 'abirarlorith by Phone, and Phir.at charges reversed. } Dr. 11. 11. C W Li L. D. . D.D A, DENTAL SURGEON DEITZ BLOOR-2UB1OH ' tery Thursday, Friday, Sirtaz 'da ECARTLEIB'S BLOO; , DASHWOOD Burry )Monday, Tuesday and a Wednesday t.,cEnsed Auctioneer For Huron and Middlesex 3l :AM IN A POSITION TO CON: Duct any Auction Sale, regardless a to size or article to sell. 1 solida grew: k(usineas, and if not satisfied win rice no charges for• Servieee lm ed. ,ARTHUR WEBER—Dashcsood Whose 13-67. A brand new Melotte 500-3'b: cep- acity Cream Separator, at a real bargain. Apply to Jos. Druar. Free! Free! BAILIFF SALE DO1liliNION HOTEL, ZURICH On. SATURDAY, APRIL 2I;st, 1934 At 2.o'clock, p. m. the followings 1 lllassey Harris 10-20 tractor, prae- %crally new (Wallace); 1 'Internati- onal 2 -furrow tractor' plow new; 1 International spring tooth Cultivat- or nein; 1 International chopper 914 Inch plates, ' used about 2 years. Terms—CASH Fred Thiel, Bailiff: FOR SALE A. Combined Player' Piano end Piano delivered .to your door for $200.00. ` Cost $750.40, , complete with 30 rolls and bench_ The -finest piano in 'this country. • F. W. Hess,: Hensel!, Ont. -FOR' SALE A bruited number of regular $8.00' wheelbarrows fpr $5.95 while they, last. L. A. Prang & Son,_ i'urieh ''FOR SALE Popu: MEAT MARKET LetUs supply you with the ,fiery Choice of Fresh and Cu!x-To each purchaser of six- settings ;, o. ,,, (15) of our Hatching Eggs Extras, d Meats, Bolognas, sages, anorhex getting entirely free. Please Etc., always.. on hand... Kept, come and see our stock. Also started fresh in Electric Refrigeration chicks.. Bruce J. Klapp, Zurich. Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins H. Y .lilghl t & Son S E RATIO Why We have the Better` Class of Customers 'IGH CLASS 'GOODS, v., ' S. L. .,IIIIATTER1ES, MOBILE : OIL, MAR - LUBE. OIL, GOODYE,A in TIRES AND TUBES, GENUINE IGN1TI'O !'arts, Hoiining and Mechanical Work -tfsene to Micrometer Settin s ;,,ureas work. Watch the core WANTED TOP at WE1N'S, They aie all HIGH We are now in a position to take cream and eggs at my home at CLASS CLIENTELE,. Zur- r,� ich, for which we will pay highest exes market pr•ite . We will grade your eggs as we sec,>ive thein, and pay ac` cording to graaiug. give us a trial. First house south of Dominion Hotel T. H. Meyers, Phone 116, Zurich. NOTICE I am authorized agent and dealer for the Renfrew -Products of Cream Separators, Stoves and Washing Machines. Also have some used Separators always on hand. If in need of any of above articles, kindly arrange to see me. Hugh Thiel, R.R. 2, Zurich. Phone 93 r 4.• t43 WANTED D.2 SI-IW003) ONTARIO Western Farmers' Mutual Weather insurance Co OF WOODSTI?CK -NILE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE 4NCE OF .ANY CANADIAN MtJT- WiA:. C011^IPANY DOING -BUSINESS OF THIS KIND -1N ONTA.1RUO- Amount of Insurance at Risk on Dec. 31st, 1932, $17,880,729. ;Zeta Cash in Bank and Bonds $221,978.99. Altates-44.50 per $1,0#0 for 3 years E. F. Klopp--ZUriich ,ment, Also Dealer iu Liiktoind Rod, lad , all kinds of The Instresue L1,VI ':L O U L T V WANTED "Zalten: every Day at g ZI)o clot feed Fowl same morning when brought in. '.ttighest Cash Prices ,—CAH FOR CREAM AND EGGS a. W.O'Brien .Phone 101„ Res.. 9, 41, Zurich THE HERALD'S 1108 PEPARTMENT ha ever ready to serve the ptib 11 with Commaereiiell ana fine 6111111.6011149011•00,00011100 8.01164/400• :. DANCE _• aAT AD The Pavilion • • Goderich it EVERY • SATURDAY NIGHT j TONY FARR'S ORCHESTRA. • • rs6eaas411seeewes+e1111O1iiiM1eA1e0 In Police Court Adolph Urbanoski, truck driver, Inas arrested in Sarnia by Goderich officers and lodged in the county jail Goderich, charged with fraud. He is alleged to have -had his truck re- paired at Exeter, .offering to pay far the work with the money from the sale of a load of chickens he had at the time. The garagelnan agreed to the offer, but Urbanoski, who left, supposedly to sell his chickens, did not return. He appeared before .Magistrate Reid on Tuesday last and was remanded one week. Two years less one 'day was on Saturday hand- ed out to "Hugh Lpdd, aged 25 of Clinton, convicted of breaking and entering. Some weeks ago Nedig- ers garage in - Clinton was robbed and Ladd was caught when a son of the proprietor, hid himself in the office after closing, hours. The thiev ing `had' been "going on for some months, it is alleged Ladd will be required to report monthly. Frank Dietrich paid $25 and costs for con- suming in a public place. It was an expensive drink of cider, which bev- erage appears to be getting potent at this time of .the year, judging :from ;recent cases in police court Dietcich it was said, just got through $itki:ng his lips outside a Hensall dance hall when Constable Itzsian- :mons and Lever happen on the scene • A quart of cider has been sent away ralatiall G.t Mr price* blew Tor' Analysis.. A recent test of a $ y oldie a alit - liar Product brought back :x report 4001.471400• -or9,3Ia,l alcaFli.4lte content". Mr. and Mrs. Mich iMleidinger and Miss Beatrice motored to 'London en Saturday Rev. B. Tuerklroixn is attending a church convention at New, Hamburg this l t s wee c. Mr. Irvin D. Smith of Hamilton, • spent last Thursday night .with Ills 'brother C. L, Smith of town Mr, and Mars, Roland Geiger ,and Miss Pearl Pfile were Wednesday visitors at Hensall.. Farmers in the 'xnplae syrup 'bu iness•experiencod a good flow of sap over the week -end. Mr. Claude lilcidinger of London, spent' a few holidays with his par- ents here last week. Some real nice spring weather was experienced over the neck -end, but today,: Wednesday these . is again spine snow in the air. We.. have just- _received ,a fresh supply of Formaldehyde, nd can supply any quantity,—Zurich Drug Store. The annual meeting of the Zurich Horseshoe Club will •be held in. the Council Chamber on Thursday <ev- ening, April 12th. To whieh all in- terested in this . popular sport,are re- quested to be present, '(;h.os..1Vleyeis is president. The interesting play "Where°,s Grandint , - was pus put On if the town hall by the Young People of St. Peter's Lutheran church. and was a big success in every Way, as the program was good and the -hall was well filled, and as a consequence, the proceeds were also good... . A goodly number of the villageat- tended the Conservative convention at Ilensall, • this Wednesday after- noon. How rapidly time...does-fly. It' seems a very short four year ago when we had the last Provincial' EI'- ection, and this year it will likely be in June. Mr. Casper Walpernearly met With a painful accident when in Lon- don on Friday, in some way Casper collided with an auto and he was knocked down unconscious, but ac, Jeffrey. the injuries were small he :noon cal No.on Roll -25. lied and only for a see en the foree, head he is not any the worse of the Teacher, H. W. Brokenshire. nti ,per.:e ice. Rtv...tn(i Mrs. L. Kal!;Ainaeh and fairiil,, ;, i ° 1nxii' d were, visitors wit?, Zurich friP1141s last week. Irl, it.(•l,; Aection are dry- ing up nicely and if a little more grading was done it would relieve, ,r lot ,of the roughness. JUNIOR GULLS' INSTITUTE The March meeting of the Zurich Junior Girls Institute was held at o the Town Hall, Zurich on Tuesday ,• evening, April 3rd: The meeting g. was opened by the premiont whi''?i a9 was followed by the roll call and the reading of the minutes. Miss Grace l 9 Gelina'i gave a very r'?ndid address On table :,ettiu; �.;"(.,: ,v t. i:rn;oyed j by everyone. pl. .i' then called on to r"- •i ie4r ru ge — t10114 (.i the coin ng. ,nei'tin s Af-. ter the busine s part of the meeting over the Zurich Junior barn ere and! the ,girls met together and held u' very much enjoyed joint meeting which consisted of an address by Rev.. Mr, Young of Hensall on :' "Horne Benuti ie_ation. and , The. meeting ti.:'n clo..cd by singing The National Anthem, The next :neeting will be 'd pfd in the Town Hall; Zurich on :lin,, , next. A 1) 3 Hearty invitation is extended to ev- ery. girl Who attended the Zurich Short Cou1,re. E eey oil ',Welcome. SCHOOL REPORT S. +. No. 11, Hay. Sr. IV )"'a Desjardine 527; Dor- is Jeffie J- 'i Masse 358. 'sof ,,.ie Diu:hai r, Stanley Smith 301. Sr. III—Norm Jennison ,T 2 Jr. IIs—Ca.._o ,oy r^r:-. . ilia Masse 308; ' Sr. II—Alphonse * Jeffrey" 517, Hu- pert iineliseme 488: Antionette Jef- frey 447;^Herbert BeierIing (absent) _ Jr. II—Leo_Pierre Ducharme 494; Pearl Jennison 454 Leo .ennison 423; Eileen Patterson 371; Rena Geiser 330; Louis Masse, 300; Ruby Gaiser 256; Lorne Deierling 252 (absent).. ca , Pr.—Ivan Masse 222; Antion- ette Masse 195, Juliette Mase l39. Jr. Pr.—Gerald Jeffrey, Archie ea • tiltau/ litaiieiiihipt0e•00110106110 SLEI)SI • I1461 E000 0410#01 J sPoSR lf;!!)dO P1„ c 3EEL)S PO Get aur Prices on Red Clover, Alfalfa, .AWk 'k .;: a t ' Y and Sweet Clovers Garden Seeds in Bulk at half the price of Package Seeds, . Onion Seed, leave your order with us, El0II cAl A, 1rIYD a' faring in your bottles to be filled we have same in CALL US ABOUT SEED GRAIN ,e 3air'S McCormich-Deering. Also handle Cultivator and plow points to fit any make of machine. Chicken 1( eds hulk. points Master Chick Starter and Pioneer Chick Starter Sebil wooi'!•!ligio'Ss•c'mZeuoattXetr fi(mei1g5..$ 011 .T y T The old cadre nt ,+.n9n Ow I:Aitli- eran church, • and which bas done good seri^e. for r•'anv �,,:- was re- ceri•tly overhauled by Lir. F. W. Heys sale• and son Georp•n of Hensall. The 1' "ons•`' ermlien seriotr 1: thinkine. of purchasing. a new and more mod- ern :organ, and subscriptions 'have been taken' up to this effect. which lits met with good success The other (il ly a l• yrs , 1111113"? (i c ' en:r nt c5c a bushel. Apply to inert �athei. ff at .tlte farm of . ".Or •;ll•_ Smith, Parr L:ne, ,-lay. H. Ediehof@er, 14th, cnncaesion when the fire alarm , e, i .n aq tl r smoke house, in some , wee' WANTED had taken frc. ' * ., r, 7 Hii gill fci• t''i.r ,unine,.r, will i ed the barn. How ee i`:: o:"-' hire by th:: month starting about the 1 g. r tl r. a69r`xtair!'t ef 1' In t'd• 1 t'n l,P. 'er.,ll�rf'1r'..tl Or t,.4'entli? i � {� this month cl' f n -' ed and the ,;,: . der : -.1v Abel saved, but the conn n;:.. ..' sum 3.:: Mrs. Duncan Snider, tit erne —r R. R. No. 3, Dashwood, whih loss wz covered by , the Hay Insurance Company. FOR. .SALE quantity of good seed oats for Also gond! L:•', 70,' Ft.tl.e. John Brown, Zurich. FOR SALE About 100 bushels of good seed Barley No. 21., 6 -rowed, good and TAKE OVER 5;:'?TCH OF BLUE WATER HIGHWAY The Ontario Department of High- ways has now officially assumed the 30 mile stretch of Blue Water High- way between Grand Bend and Goder. ich, it was announced on Monday. The road is taken over from the co- unty of Huron. It is expected that the road between. Grand Bend and Thedford, ;will also be taken. over by the province, although this is not yet official. What improvements• will be made on this well known high way have not yet been announced. There will ,be considerable grading, and erection of some new culverts.. It is not expected however that any paving will be undertaken this year. No Further Warning Owing to the large number of ac- cidents in Huron County rasa year from cars with•only one light, Traffic Officer Lever announces that no fur- ther warning will be issuect to per- sons driving such cars. Drivers sho- uld carry spare bulbs rather than risk an appearance before the mag- istrate.. The recent fatal accident to Traffic Officer Lemon at Kitchen- er was due to a "one -eyed" car, and the authorities are taking special measure to banish from the highways all cars with defective lights. The Young Peoples' Society of Stanley held an enjoyable social ev- ening art the horse of Mr. and Mrs. Poulter on April 6th. There were about forty present. The social was in charge of the losing side in the attendance contest led by Emma McBride. Community singing 'was enjoyed by all after which a contest was held in charge of Margaret Rob— inson. This was followed by 'a baby picture contest. A "gar e was then That beautiful home owned by C. played. A humorous play was then L. Walper, Dashwood is being offer- given. Another game was then en- ed for sale, possession could be given om joyed. Correll was then served. by April 16th, House has complete Margaret Lamont then inoved a vote bath room fixtures, hydro and tele- of thanks to Mr., and Mrs. Poulter phone installed, good sized barn on and George for opening their, home property, shubbery galore, nuf-sed. for the ,evening and also to. the los- This is an ideal home for .retired ing side for the evening's entertain- farmer. Pot particulars call: molt, This was seconded by Grace Oscar 'Mom), Zurich, tel. res 67; Robinson. ,Aop 1:44., WANTED To purchase a limited number of grass cows. Remember, we ship hogs every Saturday, by rail. Milton Love, Hensall, Ont. Seed For Sale For Sale—Rea Clover Seed, grad- ing No. 1. This is extra clean seed at $9.00 a bushel. Apply to: Sol. Gingerich, Zurich. HAY FOR SALE For Sale -12 tons good pressed hay, price $11 at the barn, also 30 tons good mixed hay loose. Apply, Alex. Buchanan, Hensall. Phone 41, Hensall. FOR SALE A limited quantity of choice spring wheat seed for sale. Hilton Truemned. NOTICE I have received permission from W. R. Goulding, ATOM, of Meter, to instruct beginners and junior pup- ils in music. Anyone interested in taking piano lessons, please teleph- one 98, Zurich, or call at the house. Lenora Haberer, t41 Waiii\MW,VV,z WatiMMir MAA. Wohfc:.:Wi" 3urichurich Dru -We have a f l: Line of all -.tae requi k e encs O School upp1ies ese €raiegtvcuoz=s l(e44 PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. ALL AUTHORIZED TEXT BOOKS KEPT IN STOCK, .669.344)04 4.1$ '(5 ,z atiGSd.`ta,D60i4;40041 See Our Supply of' Toilet Preparations Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Perfumizers, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Pastes, and Brushes. FINE STATIONERY AND FOUNTAIN PENS. We also have, Saphine Anti -Moth Discs, Dra A. J 4/gRikAMPARRi:MMW PAW WM Ms'AV PAWTMW kj, ,,...........oo.ee-e,.»u♦s®ard•moO?oQrdY4iaaocroodr6o* . •. • • 1 is s' • • • ZLRTCH HERALD'S Clubbing List ZURICH HERALD and the following Pape_ for one Year: Kitchener Daily Record $5.10 Toronto Daily Globe $6.00 Toronto Daily Mail and Empire $6.00 Toronto Daily Star $7.00 Toronto Weekly Star - $6.00 London Free Press $6.00 London Advertiser $6.00 London, Farmer's Advocate $2.25 Farm and Dairy $2.75 Farmers' Sun $2 50 Family Herald and Weekly Star $2.25 Family Herald for 3 years $ 00 Canadian Couni:rynlo;.r 6 4 6 t $2.25 Weekly Witness n'...... i, 15 • s Farmers' Magazine $2.50 Huron Expositor, Seaforth ..... $2.75 e . . • Aissl s great many more that we cannot enumerate Isere. We have the Agency for every. reputable Magazine .Ira Canada a nd theUnited States, end can save y aa X on: y ea the Moat of 'them. Rtes .w all your Papers and Magazines at our Office and' ave Trouble and Money HERALD OFFICE Zwick Ali►••••besoi•••••Ae•i+••••• 94.4.4+64*••++e*• 1 4 e a