HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1934-04-12, Page 1• Voh AX I V ti cp,, 40 . 1 ZURtCR V.4 • '• . •4. r,h,44. t tar, ' Yen' TH•li RS DAN' NI 0 1-14 N (.1, APRIL 12, I 34, Patronize t Capital Theatie Godcrich — Phone 47 e local ere a OUR CORNER t , I 11 ..:!heener.'L th9 Z:t d yeanu.a 31.= fee i,ateezelfer, $1.0D J.lARRL1M,2 Kea' Eis mammal* ad thri, tz) :_Lie Paoer IN" MEMORIAM • In loving memory of our , dear A Man is said to have written his Daddy and • Husband, Herbert Hap-, will on a. biscait- Was he after the p0, who ,passed ,,away one year ago. dough? Nopen can write, no tongue can. tell Our sad and bitter los. But. God alone has helped us well 7' To sbearour heavy c.17bee. There ie a‘ home not made by hands Beyondit golden door. , Awaits the one who is now away Not lost, Just gone befme. And in that home not made by hands The Master will prepare ,A place for us and when he calls We'll meet our loved one there. A fellow up Ushavea way was • Now Playing---Jinun3r Durante in fined $100 the other day because "Hen Hel".`" eider, which he bought to mix with mincemeat, was tooepotent. It seems there's. a law against drinking your pie. In County Court , Program for welic Apeir 16 to. 21.1 Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday The Sensational: New Star: KATHARINE 141E.PBURN in the year's outstanding. picture Little V(men With Joan Bennett. and Star Cast Thursday, Frid'ay and Saturday • REX The Wonder Horse In an unusual adventure story King of the Wild Hors with William Janney and Dowothy Appleby $140. A handwriting expert said it was Purcell's writing and -the judge accepted the evidence. Lane also Coming-7"Sunnyside Up.," got credit for the $60 w ic 1 he Matinees---WecL and Sat. at 3 p. m. claimed was paid to Purcell on the street. Three other cases weep lis- ted for the present sitting but 'def- fered till next court. • Slander Action at Stratford Judgment of $50 and cos on County Count, scale was awardectby a jury at the Supreme Court sitting at Stratford in a $5,000 slander ac- tion in which Wm. Michel of Afil- vert,on was the plaineiff. and, Lyle Gordon, general gore merchant of Crenbrook, the defendant.' Gordon was alleged to have celled Michel an uncomplementary name in the pres- ence of John Gropp, of Brunner. Judge Costello ruled in county court on Wednesday, April dth, that a man might quite easily pay a debt to a creditor on the Street and fail to. ash for a receipt for seine. This decision resulted in *awarding V. J. Lane, 1,IcKillop Township farmer, judgment for $231 with costs and interest against Thos. Purchell of Seaforth. There was little ceremouy at the opening of the 'Spring session of county •court. The Lane-rurceli case was proceeded wi,the Immediat- ely. Purcell had a mortgage on Lane's farm., Interest and principle due amounted to $281 more. than Lade thought it should be. Purcell denied his signature on a receipt for • . • Gases! Properly Fitted lss C. E. ZURBRIG.G; . Ot. Will be at Hese Iewelery Store, •township Roads—Trees Couaty Messrs Henry Eichler and Sol The regular monthly -meeting of the Connell of the Towriehip of Hay was held the 77ervn Hall,-,nrich, on Tueeday, Apnil 3nd, 19e4, with ell the members present. The minutes HAY COUNCIL • Sadly missed lee wife and two chile dren Helen and Carl. of the Village of Zue'cli to have the comity roed between Tiensall and St Joseph designated as a connecting link in the King's •Highway system and that the Good Roads Commiss- ion of the County of Huron he ask- ed -to make application to the De- partment of Highways of"Ontario to have the said county road designated as a Provincial HighWay. • - That By-law No. 7-1034, provid- ing for the guerantee to resident fax mers in the Township of Hay for the purchase of seed grain and the term of repayment of the loan for the same, be„ read three times and fin- ally passed and the Reeve, Clerk and Tr asuree be authorized to sign the e same and the Clerk affix the -seal of Mrs. C. Wagner and son the Corporation thereto. , Leonard motored to Guelph oh San - That by-law No. 8-1034, provide den; on their rethirn they were ac- ing for the 'borrowing, of moneyafor • companied by Mr. and. Mrs. C. F. current expenditures until the 1934 ,Simpson, of Guelph, who will visit taxes are paid be read three times at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wag- ered finallv passed and the Reeve and I hey foe.:a week or so. 'Clerk-heegiethorized be 'sign tlie and the Clerk affix the 'Corporation seal thereto. • That accounts covering payments • „ -e-tea.‘44a6. :;. . • 4.11: ,1,1.114116.99a864.....119114•0114.111.1044.49.01.(011.1140•21.100.40010.1i1....1.0••• • Mr. Ed. Wurm of tliaekhaiii w.as- atvisitor in town the. beginning of .ithe week .. • Mr. and Mrs. C. C, Spline were i.fecexit visitors with friendsin De- troit. Mr, and Mrs, E. Stoskopf of Kit - Oehler, epent tee weetreeed at the 1.thae of Mrs: Thonrae, johneon. Mrs. W. P. •• Finkbeiner and Mies.. Ha: .1 of Stratford, NI*4.•M Sunday vis - . . itors with the former's sister, Mrs. W. H. Hoffinan. . Mr. Hy. Steinbach the other day had two teams on the grader and shaped up the streets around town, and it made a big improvement Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Merner and family were Sunday visitors at El- mira. Their daughter, Miss Cathern who spent the holidays there, return- ing with them. • Mrs. Jul. Block and Mrs. A. Fuss are spending a few week:, with their brother, Mr. Ed. Wurm at Markham and will also visit Mr. and Mrs: T. L. Wurm Toronto. The annual Conference of the Ev- angelical church of Canada, will be held at Calvary church, Ititchener, • ne k Your Broken Spedicie tense 'ACCURATELY DUPILTCATED ANY SHAPE, ANY COLOUR. MATCHED FROIVELTHE SMALLEST PIECE ' C. E. ZURERIGG, R,.0., At BLUE COAL ALL GRADES Genuine Servet Solvay Galin • Miller's Creek wE APRI” ONLY THE Iii(THILST QUALITY FUEL Agricultural Tile and Think CASH paid for Eggs On Grade/a Basis. *en, The lewelier W. R. DAVIDSON Phone 74 . Phone No. HI Zurich HENSALI, •e 404 4 4,9 ,t'Pt. ke4 4 4.,^4 0 Monday April 16th .°; IS A DAY TO REMEMBER • • • wee . beginning on Tuesday 17 on' Township Roads, Telephone and Mr. A. Melick is appointed as lay • General accounte be Eassed as per vouchers delegate for the Zurich congregation Every Wednesday Afternoon, begin- ning at 2 o'clock to qt ' you with glasses. • PRICES MODERATI-11 =ez.ranraw.-astrmt_nraswirawiatiraT of the previone meeting wore rdoPh #=1=11TEZAM.M.SIE=1. ed as read. ' • A ftei- diepe inc.. o2 •I'!.114.:.1 00;4 C01,1 - ST. PETTIER'S THAT'S THE DAY YOU GET :4xtra Trouser AT NO EXTRA COST • WITH EVERY "CLOTHES OF QUALITY" SUIT ORDERED! ' of Huron, cement tile Road 18 $4.50 Gropp of Pigeon, Mich., were visit- „, 1.Iseartee eccovat road 8, 6.60; J. ors with friends here. Mrs. Eichler • Perko, ,totel• 1, 7,e8 ; ),%1 rd who. spent four weeke with her par - '18, 1.66; S. alcArtlitir, rd 5.35; ente, Mr. Inid Mee. illetino Beehive 4, W. J Hary baimien 1933 acconnt of town, returning with them to 2,d 0'3; T, • Belt her home in Pigeon. , Telephone Co, to1.1e, Jan. to Feb. 3: ,' • While welkieg in the yard ether , 6p !inunicatione the ''(11.evdi -11 • i• ' • Zee' •"1 C -den] swit- Evangplical Lutheran Church ons were Phwhi:: week, 6-,aal.; \‘'eeknion'e. ' - That z11 .aieport 'or ehnrity ciee s , nerepeaselion cie ieement, ZURICET — ONT. hin the '.,.ownship pr di..co, heti.; eee , , ; etehe 'A Changeless Christ for a: Gang- tinned on and after April 1.6th, 1934 ing w -e' That the time for the return of Friday, 8h—Luther League. Ithe 1033 Collectov'e Roll by the Col - 1 le e tor beInd1,..rele.1 tea . pei I 1(ith, I 193 4, and that all persons in arrears he visited by the Collector and a demand- be inade for' the 'unpaid Saturday—Choir .Prtietiee. , . SUNDAY. SERVIC,ES: 10 a. nr.—German Seevice. 11.15 aortae -Sunday &AWOL r n i ( ,,.) 0 pete___Engiesh, sere-tee:ttaxes before that.date. . Everybody Welcome.. te a,11 Serelicee„ f That the ,Council of thee ToWnship • of Hay endorse the resolution pas, • E. TUERKIISIM Paster., •- . Sea by the Board of Police Trustees 410.*••••••••••••••.,, • ''111 1111111111111 IllIl!liliiI- JIlllffIfl 1111 . 1 1 1 IEMBEINg k-• • 4, oar 11111111111111111111111111111 UP" Heinz Ketchup (large) ..... .._.25c Libby's Queen Olives 25c Puffed Wheat; 2 for 6AlYnt or..x .25 c Palm Tree. Soap, 2 ler . . 5c Maple Leaf Cleamser -8c Chocolate cookies a Interlake Toilet Tissue,. 3 'for SC VAR 4144.40 •1.-4 044• 245 C Caustic Soda in Bulk and 'Cans Fresh Fruits and Groceries Always on mina Also Threads, Pins„ Lace y 112 v.,JA14 c pin Tv v.xtErt Co. matt 13.59 Northern Elec- tric Co., material 105.47; Ontario Municipel- Board, law stains 2.00; P. e etiee . 7ire reonthe 501...50; • Can. NaLional Revitise, tee on tolb, 20.64; H. G. Hess, labor, etc' 11 '.30:G moral Accoun za—David Thicharme, wood fax hall 23.35; Trs. Huron County, re Edeel Petcharme 20.10 Postage, re Weeble Fly •notiee es 4.00; F. E. Ducharme, foes scho- ol Attendance Officer 1.25; S. Martin aount i -c indigent 1.40; J. Hart- lcib, ditto 3,40; E..Tieman & Son ditto 4.00; Treas. Huron County, re W. Volk 9160; J. Bloc.k, meals, trans- ients .2.40;' jas. 'Rennie, eccount re The Countil adjourned to mee• ateain on Monday evenieg, April 16, 19311 at 7.36 e'c' eel: p.m, ' A. F. Hees, Clerk. '4;e -et tratenee"..--e-.mteeeen-eat== • .. ufoiarr,7tr i!JONDAY, APRIL 16111, 1084 At 2 &clock, pan, in the , TOWN HALL, HENSALL . • The Eaeeutive :of the South Huron oeeeenive AeSociation &Ade& that Whereas, the preseint, Provincial ,Pol- ltieel ettelthin deniands concerted action and co-operative endeavor on the part of all Patties and groups oppoeel to the Irenry. ,Adminietrat- ion. On behalf. of the Association declares its willingness to• co-opme ate by calling a nominatirg Conven- tion .to which all those who are op' le• -a4, 0 1 P i:.' ..q,1 tip OW .1-14:!?14.11:‘. ,Adn't I 111. tr.:111011 ,,..ri tel : i:' '.d 110(1 .,•,_ 0 Pkm .T i'4 . . . ' :e P•'''''''.: '114 t•'.1", 11 rt•e''.•';'.1i1',7•4. ... . , . v140.:44;gU'L ue`"4^....`" .'1.1i.,1,.. )Pi(' 01. LAVII rev •Iith! ly, Mre. eene Ft. .4 1 .1 11 I • fortune to slip on eoine lee and in -the fell 17 14qt .1.11'.1-1 ' 1. After the frac:tare u ae eel, ,she was taken to the home 'of her onughter, Mrs. Albert G. Hess. • Rena E. 017' iC11, ,sted intelligence of the pa -:n g o.;' hie brothapethe Rev. Cotlieb Burn, of Chesley, on Tuesday evening, April 10th, in his 66th year: The dem"- 1 ed Mr. Burn hae been afflicted with heart trouble for some tune and has been obliged to give up his pastoral I work a few months ago of the Ev- angelical church at Chesley. Painful Accident It is with regret that wo report of Ole pnin Ail ee i e n: Ihn c!: Harrington Fink beinur of the Goel- en Line, souill of Zurich on- del,' hen; week, Whoa a huge boe coetaiiiing a live pig, fen of: a lheet ahea. and fractured the large uis leg a few inches below the 10, r hem) flee:twee., n eene e ith Air, Fink beim: e . e • , gave the immediate alarm and Dr. ie J. O'Dwyee of'.,•.•,,eh'?• releel and rendered immediate nee:et:ewe ; a adjusting the et e.t.a.,: e. ed a !any enrol t "elle ir• Alr. Inkbantir, W120 tI 0. yii Man hake needed at his woze on the aeui lie the epiaag seeding i. ahout to begin, and to think of laymp,' teh in Led with a In oken leg is no i -wall job. This felon.. lane had rent seems to us ?ace's= then share of' rate tile Feet' pa v. L summer -Mee. Finkbeinev was taken to London Hospltal and operated on for appendicitis, and -then about three months ago, a brother, the Atte Finkbeiner • was killed. in a mot- ot accident near Dnudas. 4nd now eeeidee Lee iheetared het 'Mr, !nee : hen •'-1 • e-• eee., eer 4,,,e neis Told fl, &neve Nve eyrnhatiriee with the fendly atel. It's.the Day Mr. Park Special representative of "Clothes f Quality" • WILL IIE AT THIS STORE• During his visit wt. teler you eete 'thee, ee. extra cot ed. every "Clotine4 of Quedee" e1n we. red. "Clothes of Quality" it. oar .41aai measuro. henee world's fallIOUr; W0011414. in :lay ea,le yeti I. re Will ple-att h_77 ie • e Iehr NT) SA Tle. ,!'7 1.e7`F.F.D e3prhae ;:ert. ... . , theelay e 0 11") —7, • 7.e -T • rts "CLOTHES OF QUALITY' ...4 ''"'&41-71 lqiii7Irla ,,,,1 "11 , ,:114 I' P.11. t„ iij li iti "4: ,,,.....,Li..,.; ,4....." .......:11.,1,.., ..:,......-4..... ,-,4.:. - .. .. i., .4, .,„.,., .4.V ei...ii.1' 1. 0 .,, EILIB .4JLIWE RS A.ND PUNERAL EI&ECTOrtS ti t: ..t..,to.t.t......t,e..et.spt 4.140).-41:", 4.,, 4,.. 1., 5 4-1'4 4 1,6,, , o!..o 1, :,A ,-:,,' , 1 , , ,e1,,,5. t, -,tt,.: • ... 4 E. :t; Tot 11j1Lorakt.i..tiii4a4L. • geoaikloths; New House Di(esses. Men's and Boys* Funcy Shir4; it Overalls... Men's au& Boys' RuiaLei Botts az,3 Shoes; Woman's, Miszcs. Para.`J Sandals and Oxfozels., Many lima in Hardware sucha, .7bInis Graniteware, Tinware, Etc- Etre. HARNESS REPAIRS A F-''.''.:•CULTY This Season's Vegetable and Flower Seeds 5c and a Package. FRESH GROCERIES ALVV.AIS. ON HAND 44 ea. if Itik IV: ne,,; 1,-41' .if 4