HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1934-04-05, Page 8PA CII NIGH r' THE STORE WITH THE STOCK a ONE OF TORONTO'S LARGEST MANUFACT- URERS WILL AGAIN HAVE A SHOWING OF ALL THE NEWEST IN LADIFS' DRES- SES AND COATS AT OUR STORE, ON Res' r sses Coats Tuesday, April 10th Remember for One Day Only. STORE OPEN IN EVENING! This is the third Showing of Dresses and Coats this Firm has Conducted here. We assure you that they have Newest Styles on Display and Uuarantee Satisfaction. SEE OUR NEW LINE OF CURTAIN MATERIAL New Printed Silk Dress Ends... New Wallpapers prices from 8c. to 50c a roll. J. GASCHO & SON PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 HESS INSURANCE AGENCY For few &Mars per year you can protect yourself against loss. Why take a Chance. Rates cheerfully quoted on Fire, Automobile, Plate 1 Glass', Accident, Sickness, Burglary, Surety, Bonds, Etc Every motorist should have Public Liability and Frop- fiDamage Insurance. An accident may cost you thousands of dollars. Protect yourself by a Policy in a Canadian Company. For Rates Apply to: ndrew F. Hess, - Zuri MY MOTTO—SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? =_.....octanarueoceuese. •,....smsnusoesnAr.S.X.0041,==.7,01a==017,00,615trAUSII=A1:139RVE4 Aite.m.....,a....cuavasor-Ta.Sternom,srma.posMtaillineantgesMiliMatimaaranfall0 g'3,,,z.::..:.A4c;@scrsisksoocemumksaesevat,noc,.4cciracneommitatteseltg HARDWARE -- SEEDS and FURNITURE Your Winter's Fuel WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH THE VERY BEST OF FUELS FOR THE COLD WINTER WEATHER; ANTHRACITE COAL IN THE VARIOUS SIZES.. ALSO HAVE A GOOD GRADE OF COKE. LET US FILL YOUR BIN/ AND DON'T FORGET WE HAVE A LARGE RANGE OF HEAT. ID INC. STOVES, JUST THE RIGHT SIZE FOR YOUR HOUSE. OR BETTER STILL, LET US PUT IN A NEW HECLA FURNACE WHICH MAKES A HOME EVEN MORE COMFORTABLE. Frost Tight Lock Wire Fencing and Gates and Fencing Supplies and Posts. Goodyear Balloon and Cord Tires and Tubes in all sizes 11-. WHITE ROSE GASOLENE, ENARCO OILS, Furniture, Springs and Beds. Felt and Marshall Mattresses Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith- ing our Specialty. Full line af heavy and shelf Hard-, ware always in stock. SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK -END Salmon pink, 1 -lb. tin, 2 tins 19c 18e Clark's Pork and Beans, 2 tins 15c Blue Boy Coffee (special) 1-1b. pkg. 25c Kellogg's Pep, per pkg 1 I c 20c Princess Soap Flakes per pkg 15c Tomatoes, choice Quality, 2 tins 23c Royal Yorke Coffee, 1-1b. tin 39c Royal York Orange Peko Tea, half -lb. pkg 30c Heinz's Pork and Beans small, 2 tins 15c Heinz's Soup, small tin, 3 for 25c Heinz's Soup, famiiy size, 2. tins 25c Corn Syrup, 5 lb. pail .38c Corn Starch, 2 pkgs 19c Oxydol large pkg. 0. K. Wrapped Soap, 7 bars Men's work shrts 59c, 69c, 75c, 95c Each. Men's Overalls. This Week only 93(2 -oz. Denim $1.59 SEE THESE BARGAINS! J. W. ME Highest Prices for Eggs. '4 5- NER Phone140 Someone has said that doing bus- iness without advertising is like wink -7. rng at a girl in the dark. You know you. are doing it5 but no person .else does. FIGURE THIS OUT Can you figure this one out? There were two barbers in a town; each charging 60 cents for a haircut and a shave. One charged 35c for a hair cut and 25c for a shave; the other 40c and 20c. A customer went into the first shop and had a 35c haircut, then went into the secondoneand got a shave for 20c. He saved 5e on the haircut and 5c on the shave, but both cost him 55 cents, only a net saving of Sc instead of 10c. IS THIS THE NEW SYSTEM? A group of independent electors in West Larabton have decided upon a new way of choosing a candidate for the Legislature. A nomination meeting will be held, and those pro- posed will subsequently be given an 'opportunity to express their views at a serious meeting. Then a canvass i7111 be made to give the electors an opportunity of saying which of the 'proposed nominees should be chosen as the candidate. The plan has its 'Merits, and it will be interesting to observe how it work out. Big Timbers Wanted A timber buyer who was in God- erich recently announced that his firm was prepared to buy four sticks elm trees which would produce four sticks of square timber 16 inches by 16 inches by 45 feet or more, and would pay forthem at 60 cents per loot standing in the hush. Albert Beland, who is on the lookout for this timber, is the representative of an export lumber firm at Toledo. It is understood the big sticks are foe the British Government and that they must be on their way ty the middle of April. BUSY FAR1VIER NEWS Starting Chicks Supply water with chill taken off in suitable vessels, charcoal, shell and grit or river sand. Feed the young- sters immediately on their entry of brooding quarters. A good starting mash consists of: middlings, ground yellow corn, ground oat groats, each Seed Grain To assist farmers in the purchase of seed grain, the Ontario Govern- ment is prepared to accept two-thirds of the responsibility for loans - for that purpose, Hon. T. L. Kennedy, one part; short, alfalfa leaf meal and animal feed nii.tures, each half 'bone meal 2 per (nit; cod liver. oil 1 to 2 per cent; and salt half per ' cent. .Conch Grass Eradication After harvest cultivation is one of the most effective methods of con- trolling couch grass. This method zonsists of plowing the infested area immediately after the first cut of ray has been harvested, thoroughly ,.:: ,I,E ,lk,.,„,. , ,i,,,,„,,, ,:„., . E1DO working the land daring the remain- „,,, T ! .„, ler of the season and replowing in the late fall. In the following spr- ing this treatment must be followed by an intertillml crop or a smother crop such as buckwheat ZURICH - ONT. QUALITY PRICE SERVICE soessAstseeessooseetesiskeseessousuessteasseees********* LOCAL MARKETS •(Corrected every Wednesday) Eggs, dozen 16-14-12 Butter, lb. creamery 34 Butter, lb. dairy 30. Wheat, bush 80 Barky, .bush 50 Blickwheat, bossh. 50 Shorts, t ton 26.00' Bran, ton , 26.00 Flour, cwt. 2.00-2.90 Live Hogs cwt 8.25 Minister of Agriculture, told the Leg isluttire. He read the following sta- tement to the House: Will:Assist Farmers to Purchase "The representatives of the De- partMent ;of Ag,ricuIture in' practie- ally every county in the province have".:bten approached in reference to the purchase of seed grain. In I quite a number of counties there is a scarcity of seed grain and in prac- tically 4siery county there are farm- er*Mho& seed grain and without sufficient credit 'to enable them to secure it. "Due to these extraord, inary' conditions it is proposed .to ask the county councils to appeal to the bank! and td secure loans under Section 88 of the Banking Act. for the purchase of seed grain in order to assist those farmers within their municipality who apply to them for help. "In the event of counties los- ing any money in connection with the repayment of these loans the Government is prepared to accept two-thirds of the responsibility, pro- viding. the municipalities accept one- third.” Getting Ready For the Lambing Season Lambing is the shepherd's harvest and it is also his most exciting time. Everything. must, therefore, be in readiness for the coming of the new crop. Ewes heavy in lamb require more pen and feeding space, if ov- ercrowded and losses are to be av- oided. Two -feet of feeding space is the minimuin required. Large flocks should be divided by putting the ewes expected to lamb first in the warm- est and most comfortable pen. Have the floor level, dry, clean and well bedded. If possible provide equip- ment for making individual lambing pens. Folding hurdles are very handy for that purpose. The ewe is much quieter if kept alone. Find Many Trees Injured While it is of course too early to tell whether fruit tics have suffered root injury as a result of the excep- tionally low temperatures of the past winter, there 45 no doubt that con- siclerable injury has been done to Main braiches, and trunks of the more tender varieties of apples. Ac- cording to a special committee whiIi has been investigatiig the extent of damitge throughout the iirovince, the varieties which have suffered most are Baldwin, Wagner, Russett and to a lesser degree Greening. Trees of other varieties that bore a very heavy crop of fruit last season, o • which were weakened for any. other reason, have also suffered. Outsidc of southern districts, pears, cherriw and grapes have suffered extensive fruit bud killing. Considerable dam age has been done to the trunks ant' brancheS of ears, japanese plums1 mid sweet cherzies. ;e7•44,4,4",t,r4+1041104‘..orpitogo ARA 5th, 1934 404-4,44i46444,iii.li-tiEopihte44++4.1,+++++4,04,4t14* YOUR I Hardware and Furniture STORE THIS 'SEASON CALLS FOR GOOD NEW 0, FENCES ("IN THE FARM. LET LYS 'SUPPLY. YOU WITH THE BEST O1 WOVEN WIRE,. ALSO HAVE BARB WIRE. SEE US ABOUT NEW ROOFING, PLUMBING, AND EVE- : + _ TROUGHING IWe also have some very Attractive Prices in + Furniture. See Our New Beds; Springs and Mattresses. USED FURNITURE Two Godd Used Chesterfield Suites on Hand; Good Used Dressers from $4.50 up; Dining Tables; Kitchen Chairs, Etc. All Big Bargains for quick Sale., BE SURE AND SEE THEM! Always a Good Supply of Smoke Cure on Hand. Also Old Hickory Smoke Salt / .. Johnston dc Kalbfleisch Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 ++++++++++++++++++444114+44++++++++++++++++++444404 111111110.11114111111196111111111111111{111I11111111111111111111101111111111111111IIIII1111111116111111111111111111111111111i1111111111111111111111M1111111a111111N11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111Millillifllt THESE PRICES sUbject to. change without Notice Rerimming Wagon Wheels, per set. .$18.00 Wagon Axle, each Wagon Tongue each 15.00 Tongue, Harrows, eaCh $1.50 Bolster with Stakes at $3.00 Wagon Reach, long 1.50, Short $1.25 Spokes, -each at .... .50 Double Tree,.. each Whipple .Tree .75 HESS the Ilepair Man rhoto+.•4•44+++++++++4.4,4ot++++++444.144++++++444 zrRI9E, 1 GAR• AGE THE' WINTER SEASON Is Now Here. Have you looked after your Automo- • bile in preparation for the Cold Weather? Changed to lighter Oil, and had your Radiator filled with a good Anti -Freeze?.. Run in your car and let us do this very Important thing Right Now! Gasoline and Kerosine always kept on hand in large and small quantities. Let us fill your barrels or Containers. Expert Workmanship on Repair VVork, and Overhaul Jobs on all Makes of Cars with Charges Very Reasonalbe, 11. Mousseau Zurich 6444441414414....+++++41,444++4140++444****44+4444.+44404.444 • +++++++00.04tvemoleto+.1004.441.0eSeree 4 fors + • o at"to+.44+- 4.044 HERALDOFFICE Do You Know?fia- That 1 am the. Master Salesman! I am the herald of Success fox all men, 'Merchant., • . - , Manufacturers, Etc., 1 go forth to tell the World the message of service and Sound Merchandising! And the World listens when 1 speak ! For those who have used me as Their Servant I have gathered untold millions into their coffers. 1 command the legeons of fashion, mould the' styles and lead the World wtithersoever I go! 1 sow fields for you to reap a Golden Harvest! 1 a -in Masater Salesman at Your Service, and my 1, Name is: ADVERTIS,E1 irosielessess****s aseeese+aspaii..****.seirsielt