HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1934-04-05, Page 7RED LADE GOLD ON REQUEST S LTD, NIcCUAIGGOLD MIPME PARTICULARS C. A. GENT' RS & CO. Members, Toronto Stook Exchange AD 1327 347 BAY ST., TORONTO THREE ILLS ROUTED Health Tip from Woman of 67 "For headache — constipation — rheumatism — I use I{ruschen. And since I have used it, 1 am in very ever wake withthosebad health. In fact, headaches and that general feeling of lassitude. Kruschen has helped me beyond words. I am 67 and feel young." — thus writes Mrs. M.G. It is reasonable to ask why it le that headaches, constipation, and rheumatism all yield so completely to Kruschen?What is the secret of Krug. hen's effectiveness against these ,different complaints? The secret is an open ane. It is revealed in the analysis on the bottle --for physicians and everyone else to see. Six vital, mineral salts. That 13 the secret'. Each of these six salts has an action of its own. Where one ca not pene- trate another can Stom- ach, liver, kidneys and digestive tract are all a top-notch conditiond of toned eSic ioen Y. Hydro Credit Continues High Long -Sighted Policy Explains Recent Purchases Criti- cized by Many as Excessive FREE TRIAL OFFER The Commission, like any other pub- lic utility, must look ahead and an- ticipate future needs. These must include a reserve, to cover temporary failure of water supply, or failure of equipment. From the nature of elec- trical development, future needs must be estimated over a considerable per- iod. It is often several years, after a contract is made, before power is delivered, for a big power project takes a long time to construct and put into operation. Moreover, such projects cannot be undertaken at all if sales of power are not foreseen. There are three main sources of water -power available for electrical development: the Niagara, Ottawa and St. Lawrence Rivers. The Niag- ara is international, tLe United States Senate failed to ratify the treaty for using more of its water for power. The Ottawa is interprovincial, and its development involves long nego- tiations. The St. Lawrence is partly international (this section is not yet available) and partly in the Province of Quebec. In view of these interna- tional and interprovincial complica- tions, it was possible for the Com- missionto provide for future needs only by purchase of power developed in the Province of Quebec. Agree- ments were therefore entered into with the Gatihau, Beauharnois and Maclaren interests. At Chats Falls the Commission bought the Quebec share of the power rights before the development was made. The power contracted for was the very minimum which could be expec- ted to be needed, on the basis of the Commiseion's experience. Pur- chases were on the basis of under 8 per cent. yearly increase,- as against actual 11 per cent. up to the time the contracts were made. The Com- mission's estimates of the demand proved to be conservative. The peak was in 1930, since then Hydro has suffered, like all other undertakings, from the world-wide depression. It should be noted, however, that the domestic load continues to increase and that other loads, such as street lighting, remain as they were: Hydro has not suffered from the depression as might have been expected, and its credit continues to increase and that other loads, such as street light- ing, remain as they 'were: Hydro has not suffered from_the depression as might have been expected, and its credit continues high. If you have never tried Kruschen—try it now at aur expense. We have distributed great many special ' 3iANT" packages proves Which make it easy for you gist fornthefonewo"GIANT"sk75coupackage. This consists of our regular 75c bottle together with a separate trial bottle— Sufficient for about one week. Open the trial ifttneo first t ctonvlinced that then,nd we claim it to gruscheu does everything lit . regulae r backs isstill druggist t good as Dow. uthorized to return your 760 immediate - 2y and without question. You have tried could ruschen free, at our expense. WE. hat Griffiths Hughes, Ltd., Manchester E g. (Estab. 1766). Importers: McGillivray Bros.. Ltd..' Toronto. Glinty Evening Frocks And Accessories 1icAVEL I351 - Atild BY CAPT. F, H. REM IN THE ALPINE COUNTRY Switzerland—Another small coun- try—has an area of only 15,737 square miles and, for this area, it is probab- ly the most mountainous country in the world. But the Swiss people know how to capitalize on this glori Ons scenery, consequently the tourist industry is the greatest ,business .of the country. We have wonderful mountain scenery too hut, on the oth- er hand, Canada is so vast that these features have been almost entirely exploited by the railways—not so in Switzerland, there everyone is inter- ested and rightly so. House and church architecture blend into the landscape; wood -carvers use natural objects as models for their wonderful productions; Swiss hotels and hotel managers are known and are to be found the world over. In this connec- tion, one of the finest schools for ho- tel keeping is at Laucanne and its graduates are much sought after. A LITTLE GEOGRAPHY AND HISTORY Switzerland is a federal republic and is made up of 24 Cantons, the last three of which joined the federa- tion in 1815. It is about the oldest of the Present day republics and has been Pointed out as a striking example of democratic government. These Cantons are independent, except in matters affecting the whole country, in which they are subject to the Fe- deral Constitution. The languages of the country are four in number; the greater part of the population speak German, 'after which comes French, Italian and a dialect, allied to Latin, called Romansch. Roughly speaking, French is the language of the south- west; Italian that of the southern slope of the Alps; Romansch • of ce'r• tain districts in the Grisons and Ger- man the remainder of the country. English is spoken as an auxiliary fan gnage, Particularly in the larger plat es. Climatically Switzerland has no standard; altitude has much to do with climate ctnditions and there is a great 'diversity of vegetation. Because of its central position and neutral at- titude, throughout many generations, Switzerland has been chosen as the meeting place for many important ga- therings of an international nature— this adds greatly to its importance in world affairs. TWO WEDDINGS Always of interest to the ladies— sometimes to the men also—is a bri- dal Procession. We saw an interest- ing one at Lucerne and another a few miles away, as we were travelling a- long the road. The first one was go- ing into the Cathedral at Lucerne; that interesting building, with its four-sided twin spires pointing heaven ward. At night, flood -lights illuminate this typical Swiss structure and the glory of the sight, as one comes upon it suddenly, causes a gasp of aston- ishment. The wedding. procession dif- fered from ours. First of all, be- cause it was on foot; secondly, the bride and groom headed the Proces- sion, followed by the diminutive flow- er girl and the friends in Pairs be- hind. The bride was demure and sweet—all brides are—and as the par- ty came up the wide steps, leading from the street, passers-by stopped to New York, Sept. 18. — Sliding -to - the -right toques and round brimmed Melt hats, velvet and satin evening gloves, pieced together crepe evening ;plippers, Alice -in -Wonderland combs, and coral -colored fingernails are *mong the materialized ideas in the field of "accessories." if not of be- jewelled Bags for evening, jewelled velvets are either of glassy Iinetal or a trick satin with a sparkle in it. The dresses they go with are like- wise glinty, but this does not mean an ensemble is in order. On the con- trary, contrast is much 'in the vogue. ;White gloves and sparkling white bags may go with any evening dress of gold 'metal, deep rich -colored velvet, or pale bladed crepe with narrow silver stripes. ( Evening shoe., mostly crepe, like- wise have a (lash of brilliancy, some - tares combining the egCal the of both 'dress and bag. d - together appearance. Hats for Jhe theatre are necessarily small. For cocktar parties they are as large as desired, and may sit on the back of the head. I — National Telephone and Telegraph Corporation Write for our Booklet describing this sound investment security. W. C. PIT rIGEsD.wEs LTD. 80 How Acid Stomach Makes Itself Known to You HERE ARE THE SiGNS: Neuralgia Feeling of Weaknessuent Neuralgia Indigestion Sleeplessness Lose of Appetite Mouth Acidity Nausea Sour Stomach i Auto -intoxication WHAT TO DO FOR IT: TAKE -2 teaspoonfuls of Phillips' Milk of Mag- nesia in a glass of water every morning when you get up. Take another teaspoonful 30 minutes after eating. And another before you go to bed. OR --Take the new Phillips' Milk of Magnesia Tablets — one tablet for each teaspoonful as di- rected above. If you have Acid Stomach, don't worry about it. Follow the simple directions given above. This small dosage of Phillips' Milk of Magnesia acts of once to neutralize the acids that cause headache, stomach pains and other distress. Try it. You'll feel like a new person. But—be careful you get REAL milk of magnesia when you buy— genuine - PI-18ILLIPS' Milk of Mag- nesia. See that the name "PHIL- LIPS' is on the label. ALSO IM TABLET FORM Each tiny tablet is the equivalent of a teaspoonful of Genuine Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. "Travel Impressions" have been coming to us each week. These articles are a feature of this paper and are taken from the experiences of one who has seen what he writes about. We have been asked to bring to your attention a unique trip which Captain Reid is organizing and which he will personally direct this coming Summer. If you have no definite plans and desire to take advantage of a real opportunity to see the Old Land under ideal aus- pices, this selected motor Party should appeal to you. Here are but a few of the fea- tures: Lakeland — Lake Winder- mere, Loch Lomond and the Lakes of Killarney; the Welsh Mountains and the Highlands of Scotland; Cathedral Cities—Salisbury, York, Chester, Durham, Wells, Ely, Here- ford, Lincoln, Peterborough, Win- chester, etc.; Castles — Warwick, Blarney, Carnarvon, Edinburgh, eta,; Shakespeare, Scott, Words- worth, Moore and Handy Country; The Fens; The Dukeries; Glorious Devon; Cornish Riviera; The Tros- sachs and the Garden of Ireland; Giants' Causeway. Lovely roads, beautiful scenery. London, Edin- burgh, Belfast, Dublin, Douglas — all in one glorious holiday. For further information regard- ing this or any other holiday you. contemplate, address Capt. F. H. Reid, C.P.R. Building, Toronto. Prince of Wales Cloth Favorite for Spring You might as well make up your mind to get your angora.You can that have it in alm'fst any form pleases you—dress, coat, hat or, ac- cessories, but angora is as important for summer as it has been, mixed with wool and tweed, for winter. Of course, it has lightened in weight as well a, color, and made into some of the early Spring blouses. it looks like that old fashioned suPn- sugar candy. In pale pastels with a dusty cast, the blues, inks, mauves, greens and yellows are lovely. Next to angora comes the Prince of Wales Guard cloth, which is a smooth, lightweight wool in a very nice .gray -blue color. This is an English fabric in high favor in Paris. A two-piece town or country suit 'of this fabric should be design- ed on very tailored lines with small revers, a hip -length jacket, straight skirt and cuff.; of plain or striped pique. Double or single-breasted and with buttons of gold or silver -knots o•r nuggets serve as fastenings. Hats run to sailors—the ancient kinds with wide brines—but the brims are turned up slightly at the base of the crowns. --- As the sensation of hunger pre- supposes food to satisfy it, so the sense of dependence on God resep- poses His existence and character.- 0. haracter.—O. B. Frothingham. and happiness. Sonie of the guests were dressed in national costumes, while the principals wore the conven- tional garb. The second wedding party was less pretentious. It was seen on a road leading'into Austria. Only one open carriage, drawn by a team of bay horses with nodding white plumes on their heads. In the carriage, facing the front, sat the bride in her finery, accompanied by her bridesmaid. -On the other seat, facing, them, was the groom and his best man. Around the hood of the carriage roses were en- twined, the whole making a very beautiful sight, the only incongrous note was the driver in his shirt sleev- es. At my illation, the carriage drew up for me 'tq. "take a picture. It was just ac gr&uji of working folk, but for "the four pai•ticipani s, it was a big day. A BOY AND A PIG Another homely incident. Just outside of Lucerne one morning, as our car turned the corner of the road, we came across a boy taking a, large hog to market. The porker was squealing and creating a terrific din but the lad was Patiently trying to guide him in the way he was to go by means of a cord tied to the pig's hindleg. Of course I wanted a picture of this and the boy was most obliging. With some effort, he braced his feet firniIy on the roadway and managed to hold a position long enough for me to accom- plish my purpose. Speaking about pigs, suppose we take you to Killarney in Ireland for the monthly market day. Watch for It LASTS and LASTS Your tobacco lasts and lasts when you buy this big plug and cut it to your personal taste. This is pipe -smoking the way you like it—and the most economical smoke, too. IXIE PLUG SMOKING TOBACCO St. Lawrence Seaway Pact Provisions Washington.—The St. Lawrence Treaty provides: • -A 27 -foot channel through the Great Lakes- dawn the St. Lawrence river to the Atlantic Ocean. Generation of 2,200,000 horsepower, to be divided equally between 'New York State and the Province of On- tario. Additional cost to the United States of $257,400,000 of which the New 'York pager authority pay $89,726,000. Additional cost to Canada, which receives an allowance for the Welland Canal, of $142,000,000. A waterway, according to govern- ment engineers capable of carrying 13,000,000 tons of foreign commerce annually at a saving of $97,000,000. smile and, T hone, to wish them joy this next week. Girl Millionaire Has Allowance Cut Chicago—Vivacious Nancy Leiter, poor little rich girl whose monthly allowance has been cut to $5,000, is struggling with a new budget and wondering whether she will have to given up any of her ponies. Nancy's only , extravagance is her ridin,;,horses. Judge John F. O'Connell in probate court decided that Nancy would have to get along the next few months on $5,000 a month instead of the $7,500 she has been accustomed to, Her mother agreed when she learned that only $50,000 is available until next November 14 when Nancy has her eighteex:.th birthday and becomes a very rich young woman. On her birthday she will receive $500,000 in cash from the estate of her famous grandfather, Levi Z. Leiter,. the capitalist, and $800,00C held for her by her mother. She also will receive a handsome legacy from the estate of her father, Joseph Leiter, millionaire sportsman and capitalist, and later there will be another million or more from the Levi Leiter estate. "If Nancy has to get along on $5,000 a month se'll be able to salt away only about $4,500," commented a young debutante at the Casino when she heard of the little rich girl's "plight." „ For all the akin COLDS THAT HANG ON" Coughsthatrackthe whole system there's a lob for SCOTT'S EMULSION OF COD LIVER OIL 13-33 Food Industry Gets New Scale of Wages Wok' r CANADA Phillips' MAL of Mal;itesia SCOTT'S EMUL-SION RICH IN VITAMINS Landing Fields The Sudan now has 122 official landing fields. scribed, gives an air exchange of 6,760 cc per minute. Another advantage of the prone pressure method is that it can be done a long time without fatiguing the operator—a great advantage in case only one person is present with the patient. The Wild Duck Twilight, Red in the West. Dimness. A glow on the wood. The teams plot home to rest. The wild ducks come to glean. O souls not understood, What a wild cry in the pool; What things have the farm ducks seen That they ery so—huddle and cry? Only the soul that goes. Eager, Eager, Flying. Over the globe of the moon, Over the wood that glows. Wings linked. Necks a -strain, A rush and a wild crying. A cry of the long pain. In the reeds of a steel lagoon, In a land that no man knows. —John Masefield. Montreal—A new wage scale for the food industry in Montreal and district was set recently by the Quebec Women's Minimum Wage Board, sitting under the chairman- ship of Gustave Franco. Rates were set to range from a minimum of $'7 for the lower class operators to $10 for higher grades for biscuits, jams, meat packers and "sundries” div - Wens. 1 CufCiti trouble, of child tlleilra hood. Wieemothers Ointment should always keels It on hand. Price 250, and 50c. —.— Classified Advertising PATENT13. AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR. List of wanted inventions and full information Worlds Patent Atttoe. hrneeYa 273 Bank Street., Ottawa, Canada. Walsh Nobuckle Harness. Parts and repairs obtained only at 296 Col- lege Street, Toronto. Specrai new team harness complete $25. NURSESS STOCK. SHARE TREES, SHRUBS, ROSE Bushes, Evergreens, Fruit Trees and Fruit Plants. All kinds of nursery stock. Write for Petrone, prloe list Ont .1 H.. Windover Nurse Canadian Chances In the Argentine Discussing market possibilities for fish products in the Argentine Repub- lic a recent report from the office of the Canadian Government Trade Com missioner at Buenos Aires suggests that Dominion exporters should "be able to obtain a share of the codfish and herring trade." The report in- dicates, too, that there is also a lim- ited outlet in Argentina for canned fish and canned lobsters as well as fcr frozen salmon. Canadian exporters who may be interested in further in- formation in this regard can obtain the report from the Commercial In- telligence Service of the Department of Trade and Commerce at Ottawa. Refuses to Play Opposite Mae West HOLLYWOOD, -- George Raft, screen actor, has notified his producers he will not play opposite Mao West in a forthcoming screen production. Studio officials said another actor would be chosen. Sequences in the picture call for a number of close- ups of Miss: West with the back of the leading man '', the camera. It was this fact to which Raft *as rep'rted to have objected, Cream Wanted tip 6 0,41,910 "Bing or Featherweights" As a ss ever excelled,er no George E i Dixon,laall-t me king of the featherweights. Athletes of all classes and degrees -- boxers, wrestlers, hockey players, runners have found that Omega Oil can be rubbed in without blistering, and that it is quicker in reaching the spot. Omega Oil is equally useful in the ramify omhelpquick cramped, stiff, relief frr t om the pain of sore or swollen muscles from strain, over -work, exposure or from whatever cause. 35 and 60 cts. at alli drugsr gists. Sole Agent: John A. Company, Limited, Toronto. - Pensacola, Fla.—Physicians issued a call recently for volunteers to give blood in an effort to prolong the life of Miss Ella Mae Cobb, 22 years old, whose nose has been bleeding for 56 days. Doctors say that there Is no hope for a permanent cure. No natter Where you live, we will be glad to have you patronize one of our creameries.' Creameries at Toronto, Guelph, Galt, Winghatn, Cobden, Renfrew, Arnprlor, North Bay, Bruce Mines. Highest Prices; cans loaned free; express 'or truck charges paid. United Farmers' Co -Operative , Co., Ltd. Issue No. 13—'34 POTATOES Ask us for prices on P.E.Q. Certified Seed Cobblers, Extra No. 1 Cobblers, Certified Aooleys, 1Fxtra No. 1 aool- k2aids of table st.mit uBuying Aoros sell- ing car lots or truck loads. S. HISEY & SON 42 CHURCH ST. TORONTO =The Potato People" Don't Read This Unless you are interested in a medicine which has helped over 700,000 women and girls. Take it before and after childbirth, at the Change or whenever you are nervous and rundown. 98 out of 100 say, "It helps mei" LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND carless BEAD= sue is sada taOPrata ►a�/ paAi� 01Zr • maninumk. oe#J',1Pity IuMing ,Also excellent for Temporary Deafness and Head Noises due to eonseation caused by colds, Fla and swimming. A. O. LEONARD, *Inc. 70 Fifth Ave., New York City IT'S LIVER THAT MAKES YOU FEEL SO WRETCHED Wake up your Liver Bile —No Calomel necessary For you to feel healthy and happy. Your liver must pour two pounds of liquid bile into your bowels, every day.without that bile,. trouble starts. Poor digestion. Slow elimination. Poisons in the body. General wretchedness. How can you axpeotto clear up a situation like this completely with mere bowel -moving - salts, oil, mineral water, laxative candy or chewing bum, or roughage? They don't wake up your liver. You need Carter's Little Liver fills. Purely vegetable. Safe. Quick and sure results. Mk for them "by name, Refuse substitutes, 260. at all druggists. SKIN BLEMISHES Vanishrescrip oPhnslcletee —whyPour face let them gThose sots or o on tormenles on ti ng you? Like millions of others have done, you can get rid of yourk of agreatskin trouble through the sician— Dr, D.D. Dennis. Dr. Donis prescrip- tion -known in many countries as D.D.D. and now manufactured by Campa la's Italian Balm chemists`. will bring you relief at once, and quick- ly restore yoiir skin to health: All druggists sell D.1),D. 'Trial shall 35oi Guaranteed to give insteet relief or money refunded.