HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1934-04-05, Page 5°'i`la:raxsdalcar,, Apia l l"ani,: 1:994', BUSINESS CARDS DtrovEY iiIARRISTER, SOLICITOR, . NOT.. ARY PUBLIC, ETC. efiar '10E--I3anaslton Street, Dunt of 49Us Square, GOD ICH, Ontario. 1peciasl Attesaktion to Cousacel mid Court Work. ;Mr. Holmes may be consulted at G.derich by Phone, and Phone chargee reversed; ate.-..::......::- ._.....w..:.:.:.-=='-=.�...., Dr. H. H. COWI N L. D. B. D. 33 S. DENTAL SURGEON At D TZ BLOCK-- UB1CH Eya'1 Thursday, Friday; Sataudayr At lARTLEIB'ti BLOCK; DASHW OOD 'Every Monday, Tueada r and �4 ednesdey Licensed Auctioneer for Huron and Middlesex 1Q AM IN A POSITION a �aCdOlN- Sect, any Auction Sale, AI to size or article to sell. I solicit :Mur business, and ot tsatisfied Seryic Ren- ewed,. no charges for fid. ARTHUR @VE13tR--Dashwood Swag 18-57. ;uricbs' Popular MEAT MARKET Let Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Etc., always.. on hand... Kept fresh in. Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash prices for Wool, Hides and Skins .. Yunghlut & Sou SERVICE Why We have the Better Class of Customers MOH CLASS GOODS, U. S. L. *ATTERIE3. MOBILE OIL, MAR- *ALLUgEOIL,' GOODYEAtt TIRES, :;1I4D TiiBES, GENUINE. IGNITION, 'Parts, . HohninE and Mechanical Work alas to Micrometer Behan i, No Work. Watch the cars that'' • They are all HIGH STOP, at•WEINCLIENTELL. to E4.5. OAS/MOOD em ONTARIO illostern Farriers' Mutual -#ler Insurance Co:_ OF WOODSTOCK THE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- UAL CO,IIPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO. Amount of Insurance t8 , 9 n Dec. $lit, 1932, $ Total, Cash in Bank and• Bondi $221,978.99, OOO fpk s' years met; i DuIsr I Lijhbi iolt:00' traria ;-off FFA;I !Ntrce L.,IVE 1,.0U LI- R. WANTED '"Taken:.. every Day till ? o'clock P.m. lot.. feed Fowl same: oinorp►nff, • Wei. 2'4, r,nl'1' 'w ben , p,bl t M' halt Cask,. Prices ,. .::CASH iF`.OR M • AN'D EGGS W. O'Brien "Phone 101, Res. 94, Zurich THg HERALD'S ,Ol , IMPARTMENT s1• ever ready to •erre the pub Ike wkkh.Corrunarcial and fine f,t+,r, Get out prices be - 0 issyles your *Aft the. 0111111111.#46m Err It vs iWants, For Saler, Lost, Fou rad; Notice, Etc. Ads Ali tan twzros FOR SALE We carry, a good .supply of distil - ate. pial for Tamps and stoves. Bring In your empty cans ? L. Prang. HAY FOR SALE Baled pressed Bay, timothy, and mixed hay. Ps -ice$ on application. i I+ armers, get in your supply for the !spring:: seeding before the roads brake Owen 'Geiger & Son, Phone 59. Hensall, Ont.. For Sale G'aod seceamd! hand Deering Culti- vator teeth for sale, while they last. L. Prang & Son. Zurich FOR SALE • A brand new Melotte 500-1b. cap- acity Cream Separator, at a real bargain.. Apply to Jos. Druar. For Sale Two Buckeye Incubators, both 175 egg capacity, in good condition. Very reasonably priced. Apply to Mrs,. Ben Elder, Hensall Free! Free! To each purchaser of six settings (15) of our Hatching Eggs Extras, another setting entirely free. Please come and see our stock. Also started chicks. Bruce J. Klapp, Zurich. NOTICE I am authored agent and dealer r for the Renfrew Products of Cream Separators, Stoves and Washing Machines. Also have some used Separators always on hand. If in need of any of above articles, kindly arrange to see me_ Hugh Thiel, R.R. 2, Zurich.. Pkooe93r4. t43 HOUSE FOR SALE T asrt+ offering my very desirable property in: Zurich for sale. Consist- ing of a fine- brick dwelling house, a good barn and also three acres 'of land. Either the property or the. land can be bought separately. For further particulars apply' to the pro prietor: • : • . Mr. John Gellman, Sr, :Zurich. • . WANTED PRODUCE WANTED -We are now in a position to. take cream and eggs at my hem. at Zur- ich, for which we will pay highest. market prices: ,. We will grad. your eggs as we receive them, and pay ac- cording to grading. • give us a trial. First house; gouda •f• Desnini n Rotel T. H. May.rs, Phone 114, Zurich. zOitett 44E -RAID Establiiiei». rnttSSUE1 EVERY' WEDNESDAY' 7 NOON FROM THE ' :•Heiald Printing 'Offic+ SUBSCRIPTION- year, :atrial* hi Waiiaaeo; $1.60 !n .rrears .a $2.011 May 1tio fid. U is 41.54 in advance. N. ppr dhcon• ;,Hoed until all :man aro Mid un testi at optima _.t pubUub L The data 4 which every $stiseeipUU.a le paid s dsnated em the Lobel. ADVERTISING RATES a ,D110 ''•adv.rti g sande knows an •i•pl+liirsAtlo�. r . n M#edellftttosrue` i•atifrloi'iit"met ••meri han `'foul« "date., For 1 Silo, T. Rant 'Vanted, Leos• Fs+sn&'.1e:, huger :ori TSe, It int 4le:; S 1 iw 041. ' ^ - r Fru it or Resit Adele fere as!e $2.0f .or Hist 's ' 11.I ter - each M- owing- • ffiontli. Professional' Cad net" *Heeding 1/4 incites, per year 15,0 Ira Memoriam, ens verso hies, slit or each additional wares; Card e! 'hanks, 505. Auction Sake --Wilt per t ,s,rtioa if gest ever lour rushee it ikattlit Mitres* on' eesmmraleatiens to: THE HERALD ONT Mr. Jerry .hero motored to God erich on Mondoy. Mr. Frank Jeffrey of St. Joseph, spent Easter holidays in London Mr. Milton Love of Hensall made a business call in the village- one gay lat week, Mr, and Mrs. Gid Koehler and Miss Olive O'Brein motored to Lon- don on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Scotchnere of Bayfield, were' Sunday visitors in town Mr. Rennie Weber of Hamilton, visited at his hoxrie on. the Bronson line. Mr. Clayton Hoffman of the Galt teaching staff" is holidaying at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Thodore Wagner of Guelph, are spending the holidays with the former's parents here. Lost -Two keys in Zurich; finder kindly return to C. Salmon or to the Evangelical 'church Trustees. Mr. K. J. Lampman, Seperintend- ent of the Exeter Rural Hydro. SY- stem was in town Tuesday. Born—At Zurich, on April 2nd, to Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Blonde, a son. , Mr. and Mrs- J. E. Hamilton and Miss Doris Quaig of London, were week -end visitors -with Mr. and Mrs. John Gagster. Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Haberer and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Decker. and son were recent visitors with Mr and Mrs. Fred Geiser, Crediton: Master Jackie and Little Jean O'Brein of Clinton, are holiday guests with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. O'Brein. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hoffman of Galt and Miss Muriel Preeter of Kitchener spent the holiday with fri- ends here. Mrs. Hoffman remaining over for the week. Messrs. Leonard and Norman Sar- aras and Tony and Richard Masse of the Blue Water Highway motored to London on Friday and took in the London—Detroit . hockey .game,. Mr. and Mrs. Orville •Steinbacl' and Miss Idella Howald of London; and Mr. Lorance Howald of Thames - ford visited with their parents ' on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walker Haines,' Mr: Manuel Haines of Detroit, were Easter visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Milt. Deitz and Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Ortwein. Mr. and Mrs. Will Freymuth and family of Toronto visited with Mr... and Mrs. Wm. Detitrick for a few days. Their daughter, Lottie,' who has spent the winter here, returned home with them. After all kinds of weather the past week, things are getting settled down nicely, and to -day Wednesday, is nice and clear with moderate tem- perature, after the electric storm and rain on Tuesday. People who arc. travelling the roads are - completel} astonished at how the roads are bear- ing up, -as the road to Hensall they say is settling nicely, while the Gos- hen • line: south: of town- is practically, as goodd'as .summer. One can hardly understand with so much frost in the ground that roads do not break through. This is probably due to gradual warming up and the recent rains we have had. However, here's hoping they will not get bad, and people should avoid as much as pos- sible from hauling heavy loads un- til the roads are all set again. Officers -of Huron Regiment "Meet The officers of the 'Huron 'Regiment gathered in the Armories, Goderich on the eve. of March 27th, for their -annual. meeting under, 'command of Lt: 'Col. A. F. S,tur4 . Ail officers were pgnesent with -the. exception of Major :L. ;Archibald of London and Major,Atkinson of Exeter,,both 'of whom found it impossiblee to get 'through the roads. .Plans .,were laid for • the: regimental dance, to take place in Goderich at .a future date. The annual dinner -to be held in W in- gham, date to be set. Plans for sum mer training were discussed inform- ally and the balance of the evening was spent socially. Lower Hydro Rates Mr. and Nirs. Herb Kraft of De- troit wow visitors in town. Mr, and Mrs, Ind. Brand of Lon- dori were visitors with Miss Anna 1Vir, and Mrs. T. L. Williams mot- orred to Sarnia and Port Huron an Sunday. Hay Council met on Tuesday for the April meeting, a report of the doings will appear next week. Mr. Gerald Bedard of the Toronto teaching staff is holidaying at his home here. - School closed on Thursday even- ing of last week, and will re -open on Monday, April 9th. Miss Jessie E. MacDonald teacher of Room III, Z.P.S., is holidaying at her home near Kincardine. Mr. and Mrs, Ivan Yurigblut and Mr. Jack heichert spent a few days, in Detroit last week. Mr. and Mr;, Leonard Birk, of Guelph, are holidaying with relati- ves here and at Dashwood. I4Ir. W. J. Johnston and Jul 'Tie' motored to Kincardine one c:ay re- cently. Miss Bertha Mere of Windsor, is spending a few weeks with her another, Mrs. D. Moro. +i 000 ►eeee..*so0owg0r6o, . 0.0.0••••••••••••••••• STOCK FOODS Keep your Stock and Poultry Healthy this Winter by using Our Various Brands of Stock and Poultry Foods, ; and Laying Mashes. None Better on the • Maarkets To -Day! PUT IN YOUR SUPPLY NOW WHEN THEY ARE AT THE ROCK BOTTOM PRICES Implement Repairs BUY JOBBERS REPAIRS WHEN YOU BUY THE - GENUINE AT 'THE SAME PRICES "We do Custom Seed Cleaning" Agency for McCormick -Deering Machinery Repairs. COAL COAL 4 • Y eWHY " CAN Miss Paulin Schneider of Goder- ich spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Deitrick. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Rowe of Tor- onto, are holidlayine- with her mother Mrs. L. Geiger, and Newell. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Siebert and family of Montreel r.re spending c rte, few days with ick .iv ' •• • "T'r • Siebert was this winter engaged in i the Boston Bruin hockey team. SCHOOL REPORT Report of S. S. No. 4, Stanley the winter term: Fifth Class—Stuart Watson 69%; Jean Dunn 63. Ss. III—Billay Armstrong 79; Melvin Greer 68; Ethel Watson 67; Gordon Westlake (absent). Jr. III—Madge Houston 62; Ilene Greer 60; Wilfred Rau 51. II—Andrew Rau 63. I—Dewar Talbot, Anthony Rau. Teacher :Frances Mossop. for PLAY! PLAY! A three -act Comedy entitled, "Where's Grandma" will be given ilVthe Town Hall, Zurich on Wednes- day, April 4th, -at 8 p.m. The play -will be presented by the Luther Le- ague and W.M.S. of the St. Peter's Lutheran Church. Orchestra music will be furnished between intervals. Come, bring your friends and enjoy an evening's wholesome entertain- ment. Plan of Hall at Gascho's ore. WANTED To purchase a limited number of .ass cows. Remember, we ship hogs ery Saturday by rail. Milton Love, Hensall, Ont. Seed For Sale For Sale—Red Clover Seed, grad- ing:No. 1. This is extra clean seed at $9.40 a bushel. Apply to: Sol. Gingerich, Zurich. HAY FOR SALE. For Sale -12 tons good pressed hay, price $11 at the barn, also 30 tons good mixed hay loose. Apply, Alex. Buchanan, Hensall. Phone 41, Hensall- 4 new third rate to, encourage! heavier use •of, power . in ' therural areas is announced for the„ Exeter rural hydro district. K. J.'f.ampman Supt. of the Exeter district estimat- as that the new rate , will affect about 15 per cent. of the more than 300 consumers in his rural, district. tt is the intention of the Ontario Elydro Commission„ to encourage the ase of electricity for all purposes. Cinder the new third rate once a consumer has used 105 k.whs per month for light services and 210 k.hs per month for heavier or farm serv- ices the charge becomes three-quar- ters of a cent gross per k.w.hr for all additional consumption. This is a reduction of one and one-quarter cents per k.w.hr. The new rate will not apply to Dashwood and Zurich Police Villages. . FOR SALE A limited• quantity of choice spring wheat seed for sale.; • Hilton Truemned. FOR SALE Iletiveen 'forty_ and fifty ,dons of mixed . hay on farm near Zurich. Write, Hugh Samuels, 2 Lynwood Ave., Toronto, Ont. NOTICE have received p mi R. Goulding, ATOM, n.. • 98;: Zurich, or callat .. .. I ssion from W. of Exeter, to instruct beginners and junior pup- music. Anyone interested in taking piano lessons, pl ease teleph- one the house. Lenora Haberer. t41 Residence For Sale olossrommetrea That beautiful home owned by C. L. Walper, Dashwood is being. offer- ed for sale, possession could be given by April 16th. House has complete bath room fixtures, hydro and tele- phone installed, good sized barn on property, shubbery galore, nuf-sed. This is an ideal home for retired farmter. For particulars call: Oscar Klopp, Zurich,. tel. res 67; shop 149.. L. Schilbe & Seen •••••e••••••••••MNN• ei1•••••••w•••••••••••®•r 1 VAMP( iatiV,,Vit Zurich Drug Store MOM We have a full Line of all the requirements of School Supplies se106•secr•.wdo••es.•.••es•$ PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. ALL AUTHORIZED TEXT BOOKS KEPT IN, STOCK. • ••••a••••••••••••e•••••• See Our Supply of Toilet Preparations Perfumes, Toilet Waters, • Perfumizers, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Pastes, and Brushes. r esnene••••••NM•••••••••• FINE STATIONERY AND FOUNTAIN PENS. 1 We also have, Saphine Anti -Moth Discs. Dr. A. J. MacKinnon, Zurich 4,449AmmmwmmimplymuymyymuwAmmt 1 •••••t••►•••s• -3.4. ens•Re:r•�1.Ob11�••e�o`�•�1lAeMt►+l • • • t e i a: ZURICH HERALD'S Clubbing List ZURICH HERALD and the following Pape:. for one Year: Kitchener Daily Record $5.10 • Toronto Daily Globe $6.00„' Toronto Daily -Mail and: Empire S6.OQ Toronto Daily Star $7.00 Toronto Weekly Star $6.00 London Free Press $6.00 London Advertiser •00 London, Farmer's Advocate $2-25 Farm and Dairy $2.75 Farmers' Sun $2.50 Family Herald and Weakly Star • $2.25 Fondly' Herald for 3 .years: "* $3.00 Canadian Countryman ................... $2.25 Weekly Witness ....... #'4.15 Farmers' Magazine $2.50 Huron. Expositor, Seaford). $2.15 Aal a areal mater store that we cannot onnetorate les,.. We have As Apsasy for wary, reputable Mapasino .la C.*aia and the United Stats., and *an `cava yeti sumer tete t.r most of them. Ruse all your Papers and Magazines at our Office and save Trouble and Money HERALD OFFICE . Zurich A9 •+►E••...........r ....... es lee♦eeeae.•roeasoos000no