HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1934-04-05, Page 1Val. XXXIV No39) ZURICH, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 5, 1934. -,; L2& a ye., Cliereetejt.151=,15i: *1.50 INA.RREARS, 02 liar fl* ort.kroigink Patronize the local Merchant and Read the Home Paper OUR CORNER A movement is cat foot in Califor- nia to refuse a license to chive an automobile to any, man: who Ts known •to drink intoxicants.. This is the tint wire the wheat An Elgin county parents, who ob- would be .the result of such a vote. -and clover fields are Being tested. jected to the discipling of his son by twenty years later, 1934. There used to be a aaying that -it the teacher for an infraction of the was not poisibk to Plate a good rules of the school, appeared at the flow of sap and a goad mop of wheat school house shortly after and in In Police Court in the same' year-, mut- there may be a deal of truth int it. boisterous ianguage, berated the teacher. For his misbehaviour be was fined $10 and costs in 'an Ayl- We notice where some Chap has mer court and was given a lecture; been left a. farm ScOtrand and on his indiscretion by the magistrate 410,000 in cash as well. That is a who maintained that remonstrating good combinatima as naw Be can af- with a teacher before the pupils ford to run the farm while the cash tends to cause a laxity of discipline and cannot be permitted. A teacher's 4-4 authority in the school room cannot According ta the new, beer and be overriden by trustees or parents wine bill the Liquor: Control Board and it would be well if more people • is given wide pewe It will have the understood this. • say so as to whether a pernzit is ne- 4-4. cessary, as to whether advertising will be allowed and C22Xissue math- .A Sad, Sad Story orities for handling. • Once upon a time a nickle nurses •40—Ea - •sent his kid to borrow the neighbor's The proposed •bff/ for the freer weekly paper, and the kid upset •a sale of beer anct wine received its hive of bees and was soon covered second reading in the /egislature on with lumps. His father ran to help Tuesday last, and wan accepted on him and caught his chin in a 'clothes •a vote of 89 to 9 -ill of the con-' line, sprained his back and fell and servatives andi the majority of the basike a $25.00 watch. The clothes Liberals voted for the measure. it pole fell over the car and smashed will require its thirdl, reading befere the windshield, and mother, rushing acoming law. • out to see what occasioned all the excitement, upset a five gallon churn of oream • into a basket of kittens, drowning. thein all. The electric flat- iron burned through the ironingoasd, board, setting fire to the,houSe, and firemen broke all the windows and chopped a •hole itithe roof. Moral— . aa SuBscribe to fii)ur home peper. Don't borrow it! That men are just boys •grown up! appears indicated by the way •some' .of our prominent • legislators call each other names. DON'T INTERFERE WITH SCHOOL TEACHERS ting up ofliquar stores but until such a vote istaken •these municipal- ities will remain dry. In order to re- peal the Canada Tern.perance Act in Huron County a vote will have to be taken on it by a straight majorit3' vote, and while •this was voted in with an overwhelming majority in 1914, yet it is just hard to say what •••••••••••••••••••••••101.1111111•0M. Prol)erly Fitted Glasses C. E. ZURBRIGG, R. O. Will hie at Hess' &watery Store), ' Every Wednesday Afternoon, 'begin-, ning a) 2 o'clock ta fit you With; glasses.: • PRICES MODERATE suntoNsralzegidPzwannenzarnwarammatretrzawmanxinere- ST. PETER'S • Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH — ' "A Changeless Christ First- a. ing Worldk" Friday, 8h—Luther League.. • Saturday --Choir Practice. SUNDAY SERVICES: 10 a. in.—German Service. 11.15 aana---Zunday Scharff. 7.30 p.m.—English service. : Everybody 'Welcome- to, ail Services. E. TUERKHEINT„ PAgtor., Huron Co. To Remain Dry If the new beer and wine bill be- comes- law Huron County will still remain dry. Huron county is the only 'Western Ontario county to be little rough, of course, but cars can under athe Canada Temperance Act. go in any direction at fair speed and This Federal legislation bans corn- without any danger of getting stuck. , as cold weather es in -counties and separate municip- alities have no say. In municipalities under local option before the enect- meat of the Canada Temperance Act a three -fifth vote will be needed to Geo. Stewart, farmer, of Colborne Township was fined $100 and costs for hearing liquor other than that acquired on a permit. A selling charge was dropped. _The fine was' paid. The hearing of a charge • of com- mon assault 'lodged by Mrs. Martha Bailey against Murdoch Ross,- both of Bayfield, which was originally set for Wednesday of last week, has •been postponed to Tbursday,. April 5th, as travel.. by road was rendea4d difficult by the recent heavy snow- fall. The charge was laid as a result of a scuffle between the complainant and accused over the minute -books'. at a meeting of the Bayfield board •of Police Trustees. John Hoy, truck driver for the Goderich Manufacturing Compel -17a Own. was found guilty of • operating a. motor vehicle with improper brakes 1 .Mr• and IVIrs. Fred Thiel spent the and was fined $10 and costs of $8.90 by Mag. Reid. The charge was laid as the result of an accident at Brut. cefield, when a horse driven by Thos • Miss Martha Heideman spent the week -end with friends in Stratford. Miss Anna Overholt is spending• holidays with friends in Stratford. • Miss Catharine Meaner is holiday- ing at Elmira. . Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Hess motored to London on Monday. Mrs. Will Reith and daughter'Gol- die were week -end visitors at Tor- onto. Mrs. IVIartin Wurm is on the sick list. We hope she will soon be re - :Covered, Reith is having the bath 'room and conveniences installed in his block this week, Dr. and Mrs. A. J. MacKinnon -rand sons Hugh and • Archie were • • Week -end visitors in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Aulerich of Detroit, spent the week -end at the lime of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Prang. Miss Ruth Turkheim of Waterloo, spent the week -end at her home in eek -end at Kitchener. Mrs. Thiel and family remaining there to visit. Mr. and aiTs. Herb Mousseau made • • business trip to London on Mon - Chapman collided with the truck chi- • cay. ven by Hoy. According o the evi- dence, Chapman did not stop' at the. Pr. and Mrs.. 11 IL Cowen and stop sign. Subsequent .investigatioa, araly and Mrs. C. Fritz, apent. the 'by Traffic Offiand eer Lever anPrpain- -Week-end with friends at Fergus dial Constable McCoy revealed that and .Guelph. the brakes on the truck did not fun- • ction properly. • Mr. and Mrs. Walter Huise, Miss ••. Nora Rau and Mr. Lawrence Rau all +--oa of Detroit, spent the week -end with relatives here. Watch The County Roads Mrs. Morley Witmer and children (Huron Expositor, Mar. 30, '34) of Detroit, who spent a few weeks 'At the present time the county visiting with her • mother, Mrs. J. roads are in pretty fair condition. A Decker of town, have returned to their home in. that city. Messrs Charles Bartlett andWil- piucelyiaesaje of alcoholic 'belie -rag- Andas long the lasts mer Metzger, .of the Bank of Mon- theyt will remain that way. When the real staff spent the Easter holidays s frost starts to come out, however, itat their homes m St. Mary ' . ' and Han - a will be another story, and a sad one. over espectively. The frost has .gone down into the Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Heist, of permitbeer and wineMany Western ground further this winthr than in Detroit, were week -end visitors at . . .• Ontario municipalities now -under the .1.decade, and .unless anusual care is the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Chang provisions of the Local Option Act. 'ken, when it starts to come out, Klopp. Miss Edith and Mr. Howard • will have if they cheese the r - road building and repairs will cost Klopp accompanied them to De- cappe • trait tudity to vote on permitting of sale' of beer and wino by the glass, if' and when. 'the beer and wine becom- •es law. Attorney General. Price an- nounced that these municipalities • may vote on the question of allowing of the. sale by the .glass without at the same time authorizing of tile set - vote is taken these 9"' the townships and the county a pret- ty penny before summer arrives. The naovincial highways are well protect- ed by regulations and proper inspect- ion sees to it that these regulations are very generally lived up to. With concession roads, however, it is diff- erent. Every car owner and truck driver thinks he is a law unto him- self. If he can plough through, well and good. If he gets stuck he pays a dollar or two to get pulled out, or mere often than not, gets the work performed for nothing. The damage the car or the truck does to the road the owner neither knows or cares.He does not have to pay for it. That is all that interests him, When one Tp ar county road gets cut ao pieces, the track driver taps a new one, and • if be is the first man over it, he gen rally makes thO, grade. Those that follow him complete the work of de- struction. When thesurface of a roar is eut through and the found- ationi churned up ,to the surface, it practically means a new road must be constructed, and road construct- ion costs a lot of money, a fact which the taxpayers are well aware of. it is.uo long aince we have had -a real winter, that the memory of spring reads has ' become somewhat dulled, but this spring we are likely to have thak memory refreshed in no uncer7 tain manner. In fact, unless 'Unus- ual precautions are taken, the town- ships will find themselves up against a toad resurfacing programme that run into real money, It Would cost something to appoint men to act Astraffic officers for a: week or two, hat that expense would be very fitlk in comparison to what it would laat, to rebuild even a :law ,,miles 'of road, ,will have to be one thing or the other, • If Car and truck driv- ers are left to work their own sweet will on the country rOaday the • de.. I Still eti01) 'Win be :fairly cOnlpiete, 41111111 1111 11,411.110114411 . • -,..-....... , 4,....44.1.,..7.1 — . "..'...4.4. 1•=-- = ,.....,- ;--r-.- ;,:..-,-. a-. 1ff. ,..,_ .;;B.. ';-,i-• ,;-... 1-,,,•-,•; .,...-- .1,------ fAt , .,....--: .--1.:. "-.- ,...-a' t , f e; . . ,.-..-.. H 11111111101011111111111101110111111001111t 1 111111111111111111MH11111110 111110110111111 11111111111111111112118 111111111101111111101111111111 NEW rockery Stor Rideau Hall Coffee, Flalf lb. • Choice Flame -made soap, 4 lbs., ......--25c P and G. Soap„ 5 for .. .. . Lux soap flakes„ 1 Pkg. .Oc Rose Halting; Powder 19c Libby's, Pork and Beans (large) 2 for -.-25c Peanut Butter (loos) •15c Strawberny jam (40 -oz., jar) ..... Caustic Soda :in Bilk rand. Cam Fresh. Fruits and Groceries Always on Thud. Alm Threads, Pins, :Laces, 1Et±. " • enno Oesch ZkrSO Fe, r•e Phsne 165 EGGS WARTED, •iiiunimi9ifoupiti.mrmomthaiA 11r4,1111411110 Womens' Institute The Zurich Branch of the Wom- en's Institute met on Monday even- ing April 2nd in the Council Cham- ber. The president, Mrs. H. G. Hess presided over the first part of the meeting after which Mrs. Ivan Kalbfieisch took the chair and pre- sided over the program which open- ed with community singing, followed by a piano solo by Mrs. O'Dwyer. Miss Mae Smith then gave a humor- ous reading (A most obliging little sister); a paper on Easter was giv- en by Mrs. Wm, Hey; a duet- by Alpha Meyers and Ruth Johnston; alai a paper on health by Mrs. H. G, Hess; after which h contest was con- ducted by Mrs. W. Hey and lunch was i;erved by the committee in charger Mrs. Ivan Kalbileisch, Mrs. T. Meyeas, Mrs. Hayes, lairs. W. Joh- nston, Mrs. W. Hey and Mrs. M. Wiggins. HYMENIAL Cingerich—Schwartzentrober A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnized at the Bronson Line A. M. church an Tuesday, April 8rd, 1934 of Ida, youngest daughter of Mr. am] Mrs, Jacob Schwartzentruh- er and Roy, second son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Giagerich all of the Bron- son Line. Bro. Dan Lebold of Wel- lesley officiated, After the ceremony a sumptuous dinner was served at the home of the bride's parents to about forty-five guests. The bride and groom were attended by Ea. miwartwrara,, iErNin Gin- gerich, IN a and Gertie llechlor. AI- is ter dinner the bridal eouple left on a Short honeymoon t eastern pointa On their return they will reside on the Bronson Line, -- • '4 Your Broken Specticle Lense ACCURATELY DUPLICATED ANY •SHAPE, ANY COLOUR. MATCHED FROM THE SMALLEST PIECE d. E. ZURBRIGG, R.O., At lien, Th. Jeweller Phone 74 Zurich BLUE COAL ALL GRADES Geimine Semet - Solvay Cake - Miller's Creek WE CARRY ONLY THE HIGREgilr •QUALITY FUEL, Agricultural Tile and Brick% * CASH paid for Eggs Grgalft tags. W. R. DAVIDSON Phone No. la HZNSALL.ir ••)41.1•40 644 •••••••••• •••••• ,4)46412,4404., 4.4.0 o apo 4›.-filko 41.$*0,43.4.0 • • • • • • NEW - • !SPRING 8 A MPLE Just In • • • • • 40;• • • OVER •A 1,000 PATTERNS TO CHOOSE FRG • ALL PATTERNS AND sTy3 .FS • • • • ALSO A FINE RANGE OF REA.DYMADI.:• • • • SUITS .• • • • • • • • • 0644.41.,444,4,441.444.ovo••••t.o.41,..•,1,4.4P000441,4,...)•••4444e.4,1,,,,;,4, &,‘ EMBALMERS offanan AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS. ;ffOZEMESNIEDEZZIMEEMIMMEINERSZEirii:EXEMW Jet 011 r New Curtains and Curtain Goods; _New Prints d Broadcloths; New House Dresses. Men's and Boys' Fancy Shirts; also Work Shirts: and Overalls... Men's and Boys' Rubber Boots and Work Shoes; Women's, Misses and Childrens' Shoes, Sandals, and Oxfords. Many lines in Hardware such as Paints and Varnishes Granite -ware, Tinware, Etc., Etce. HARNESS REPAIRS A SPECIALTY This Season's Vegetable and FloWer Seeds 5c and 161c.. a Package.. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND, R . N LD UGLAS E1JE1ML MIER ON A IV T loivar n 97" 10101.01140520141.1aMaaaramaaaarmai ! BLAKE